• 제목/요약/키워드: Mountain national park

검색결과 493건 처리시간 0.028초

한국 산맥론(III): 새로운 산맥도의 제안 (Discussions on the Distribution and Genesis of Mountain Ranges in the Korean Peninsular (III): Proposing a New Mountain Range Map)

  • 박수진;손일
    • 대한지리학회지
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    • 제43권3호
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    • pp.276-295
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    • 2008
  • 현재 우리 사회에서 나타나고 있는 산맥에 관한 논란은 부분적으로는 산맥 표현에 대한 연구자 혹은 교과서 사이의 불일치, 그리고 산맥의 설정 목적과 성인에 대한 지리학계의 불명확한 설명에서 그 원인을 찾을 수 있다. 이를 극복하기 위해서는 성인별로 분류된 산맥을 설정 목적, 지도 축척, 그리고 교육 목적에 따라 계층적으로 제시하는 작업이 요구된다. 이 연구에서는 한반도의 복잡한 산지분포를 설명하는 개념을 산맥(mountain ranges)과 산줄기(mountain ridges)로 구분하여 사용할 것을 주장하였다. 새롭게 제안하는 산맥도에서는 산지의 분포를 결정하는 지반운동과 삭박작용의 공간적인 특성을 적절하게 반영하고자 하였다. 그 결과 7개의 1차 산맥과 8개의 2차 산맥 등 모두 15개의 산맥을 제안하였다. 새 산맥도에서는 기존의 산맥 중에서 적유령산맥, 모향산맥, 멸악산맥, 마식령산맥 등이 제외되었다. 제외된 산맥들은 모두 지표삭박작용이 강하게 작용하여 형성된 산지들로 공간적인 분포가 불분명하거나 설정근거가 불명확한 것들이다. 이에 반해 새롭게 추가된 1차 산맥으로는 길주-명천산맥, 양산산맥, 지리산맥이 있으며, 2차 산맥으로는 월출산맥과 북수백산맥이 있다. 기존의 산맥들의 공간적인 범위와 연속성 역시 새롭게 제안된 산맥도에서 많이 변하였다. 특히, 낭림산맥, 함경산맥, 태백산맥, 소백산맥의 경우에는 그 공간적인 범위에서 대폭적인 수정이 이루어져야 할 것이다. 그리고 기존의 산맥과 공간적인 범위는 유사하지만 새로운 명칭이 부여된 산맥으로는 백두산맥(마천령산맥), 화악산맥(광주산맥), 치악산맥(차령산맥), 내장산맥(노령산맥)등이 있다.

오대산 국립공원의 자연해설 활성화에 대한 연구 (The Study of Activation on Nature Interpretation for Odae Mountain National Park)

  • 조태동;주수현;조현주
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.451-455
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    • 2005
  • Surveys for visitor's awareness and on-the-spot investigations at Odae Mountain National Park were conducted for activation of nature interpretation. As a result, many problems on observation trails as the object of the nature interpretation were identified. The nature interpretation is not functioning fully for the side of environmental education. The situation and problems of nature interpretation were analyzed in depth based on the survey of the visitors. In order to improve roles of the nature observation trails and solve the present problems immediately, suggestions are as the followings. I) Road resurfacing and space development needed to solve the problems of existing nature observation trail. 2) Public relations for nature observation trail and production of signboards promoting visitor's interest. 3) Development of nature observation trail used only for nature interpretation 4) Development of adequate Korean interpretation program based on systematic nature interpretation models from other developed countries

의사 탑승 헬기를 이용한 산악 응급 환자 이송: 시범 연구 (Physician-staffed Helicopter Transport for Mountain-rescued Emergency Patients: a Pilot Trial)

  • 박정호;신상도;이의중;박창배;이유진;김경수;박명희;김한범;김도균;권운용;곽영호;서길준
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.230-240
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: We aimed to compare the transport time, the proportion of direct hospital visit and the emergency procedures between the current mountain rescue helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS) and physician-staffed mountain-rescue HEMS. Methods: During weekends from October 2, to November 21, 2010, 9 emergency physicians participated as HEMS staff in the mountain-rescue HEMS program of the Seoul fire department. Patient demographic data, transport time, proportion of direct hospital visits, and emergency procedures were recorded. We also collected data on HEMS mountain-rescued patients from June 1, to September 1, 2010, and we compared them to those for the study patients. After an eight-week trial of the HEMS, we performed a delphi survey to determine the attitude of the physician staff, as well as the feasibility of using a physician staff. Results: Twenty-four(24) patients were rescued from mountains by physician-staffed HEMS during the study period, and 35 patients were rescued during the pre-study period. Patient demographic findings were not statistically different between the two groups, but the transport time and the emergency procedures were. During the study period, the time from call to take-off was $6.1{\pm}4.1min$ (vs. $12.1{\pm}8.9min$ during the pre-study period, p-value=0.001), and the time from call to arrival at the scene was $15.0{\pm}4.8min$ (vs. $22.3{\pm}8.1min$ during the pre-study period, p-value=0.0001). The proportions of direct hospital visit were not different between the two groups, but more aggressive emergency procedures were implemented in the study group. The delphi survey showed positive agreement on indications for HEMS, rapidity of transport and overall satisfaction. Conclusion: A pilot trial of physician-staffed HEMS for mountain rescue showed rapid response and more aggressive performance of emergency procedures with high satisfaction among the attending physicians.

The study of mountain conservation and utilization

  • Lee, Sung-Gie
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.157-162
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    • 2003
  • Boeun-gun is hard to develop, because of large numbers of mountains and vast distribution of limited development districts. However it is easy to access from the entire country, and there are large conservation area such as national park and dams. Short-term plans such as attraction of tourists can be established using these advantages. Long-term plans can be planed with stable establishment of continuous considerations and supports. These supports will be rewarded while it demands some time and costs. Private owned mountains can be converted from negligence upkeep of property to utilization of mountains with basic consideration of mountain conservation. This may contribute the essential function of mountain.

소백산맥 중부 지역의 하안단구와 하각률 (Fluvial Terrace and Incision Rate in the Middle Sobaek Mountain Range)

  • 이광률;박충선
    • 한국지형학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.15-30
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    • 2021
  • This study tried to reveal distribution of incision rate and the factors from fluvial terrace deposits on the western and eastern slopes in the Middle Sobaek Mountain Range, using OSL age dating and topographical analysis. An average incision rate of 0.220 m/ka was estimated in the western slope streams, while the streams on the eastern slope showed a lower average incision rate of 0.121 m/ka. These results seem to indicate that the study area experienced an asymmetric uplift. Patterns of incision rate in the study area were different from those in the Northern Sobaek Mountain Range, probably suggesting that the Sobaek Mountain Range experienced spatially different uplift patterns. Among the factors, which were considered to influence on distribution of incision rate in the study area (e.g., altitude of sampling point, distance from divide, distance from axis, channel width, and bedrock type), distance from axis showed the strongest relationship with incision rate. Therefore, uplift is thought to be the most significant factor in distribution of incision rate in the Middle Sobaek Mountain Range.

치악산 국립공원 이용행태 및 경관인식 특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Visitors Activities and Cognition of Scene in Chiak Mountain National Park)

  • 이명우;김용식;이규완
    • 한국환경생태학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.66-85
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    • 1988
  • 치악산 국립공원의 이용자특성은 남자가 64.7%, 20대 (20~29세) 72.5%. 고졸이상의 학력소지자가 95%이었다. 탐방의 특성을 보면 치악산이 갖고 있는 좋은점을 계곡의 물, 자연경관, 나무 및 숲 등으로 나타내고 있는 자연공원적인 성격과 체류기간에 있이 일일 방문객이 75.5%로 근린공원적인 성격을 갖고 있으며, 또한 탐방목적에 있어서는 피크닉행태와 유원지적 위락행태가 동시에 나타나고 있다. 활동장소의 특성은 계곡의 물가를 찾거나 등산을 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 이용객이 가장 많은 구룡사 계곡의 경우 오전 10시에 입장객이, 오후 5시에 하산객이 최고에 달하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서, 치악산 국립공원은 자연공원적 성격의 등산행태와 근린공원성격의 행락행태, 도시근교의 유원지적 행태를 고려하여, 주변 자연경관과의 기능적인 상충성을 충분히 고려한 관리방안이 필요하다.

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수치고도모델을 이용한 오대산 국립공원지역의 지형분석 (Terrain Analysis of Odaesan National Park using Digital Elevation Model)

  • 김철민;이준우;권태호
    • 한국환경생태학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.70-76
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    • 1995
  • 오대산 국립공원지역의 지형을 파악하기 위하여 1:50.000 지형도를 입력하여 100$\times$100m 격자의 수치고도모델을 구축하였다. 오대산 국립공원 전체의 55%가 900m 이상인 고지로 되어 있고. 비로봉 자연보전지역은 90%가, l,100m 이상인 고산지역이다. 경사 20$^{\circ}$이상인 지역이 70% 정도로 험준한 산악지역이며, 경사향은 주로 동향과 서향으로 나타나고 있다.

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Fish Distribution and Water Quality of Mountain Streams in the Jirisan National Park, Korea

  • Jang, Min-Ho;Cho, Ga-Ik;Song, Ho-Bok;Byeon, Hwa-Kun;Kim, Hyun-Woo;Joo, Gea-Jae
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • 제26권6호
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    • pp.297-305
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    • 2003
  • Fish fauna of mountain streams in the Jirisan National Park area of S. Korea (total area: 440.45 $\textrm{km}^2$, height: 1,915 m) was investigated at 33 sites from May 1997 to September 1999. A total of 4,670 individuals of fishes were collected and classified into 30 species and 12 families. Zacco temmincki (relative abundance (RA), 63.9%) was found to be the most abundant inhabitant. Subdominant species were Pungtungia hem (RA 6.2%), Zacco platypus (RA 6.1 %) and Coreoleusiscus splendidus (RA 4.8%). Among the total species, 13 species were identified as the Korean endemic species (7 families, 17.2% of 802 individuals). Dominant Korean endemic species was C. splendidus (relative abundance endemics (RAE), 27.8%). Superiors were Coreoperca heizi (RAE 21.8%) and Liobagrus mediadiposalis (RAE 19.8%). One exotic species (Oncorhynchus mykiss, a site and 5 ind.) and translated species (Hypmesus niponensis, two sites and 174 ind.) were collected in this survey. The proportion of Korean endemic species in the park (43.3%) was higher than the average of Korean Peninsular (25.9%). From this study, we conclude that the Jirisan National Park area in Korea would be very important for fish diversity and conservation, especially for the Korean endemic and endangered species.

양주 대모산성 출토 철기유물의 금속학적 연구 (Metallurgical Study of Iron Artifacts Yangju-Mountain Fortress)

  • 임선기;강대일;문환석;박동규;강성군
    • 보존과학연구
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    • 통권14호
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    • pp.1-34
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    • 1993
  • 1. Metallurgical Properties of Iron artifacts excavated from Yangju-Mountain fortress were studied for the scientific conservation and metallurgical history of ancient Iron artifacts.2. Iron artifacts form Yangju-Mountain fortress were found to be the products of having well-established Carburizing and remelting technique in that period.3. These artifacts seem to be manufactured from very pure ores, because very pure ferrite structure and low impurity.4. Especially evidence of very suitable carburizing technic well-established and usealloying method of Fe-C system on purpose were found.5. Cast iron artifacts were found to be eutectic composition (4.31%) having lowestmelting point in Fe-C system.

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서울시 도시 숲의 경관생태와 관리방안 (Landscape Ecology and Management Measure of Urban Mountain Forest in Seoul)

  • 공우석;김건옥;이슬기;박희나
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.208-219
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    • 2014
  • This work aims to establish the landscape ecological countermeasures to improve the sustainability of urban mountain forest and to enrich the biodiversity in twenty mountains of the Seoul Metropolitan City. Landscape ecological analysis was conducted based upon various criteria, such as area and elevation of mountains, flora, naturalized plants, vegetation, forest types, mountain trails, and public facilities. Various measures were suggested for the better maintenances of floristic diversity, introduced plants, vegetation and forest types of urban mountain forests. Sustainable recommendations for land use adminstration were developed for the preparations of a climate change-adapted urban mountain forests, as well as rational managements of ecosystem, walking trails, and public facilities within mountain forest. Rich and diverse natural vegetation as well as high floristic diversity were reported at mountains with higher elevations, larger area size, and rich landscape diversity. Mountains with low elevation, small size with easy public access, however, might require an urgent action to decrease the burdens by anthropogenic disturbances and urban development.