• Title/Summary/Keyword: Morning

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A Study on Awareness of Dental Treatment and Oral Health Management during the Period of Pregnancy-(Focusing on Women of Childbearing Ages and Women of Childbirth Experience) (임신 중 구강진료 및 구강건강관리의 인지도에 관한 연구 (가임여성과 출산경험이 있는 여성을 대상으로))

  • Park, Myung-Suk;Kim, Jung-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.231-239
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    • 2009
  • The study distributed the total 210 questionnaires to women of childbearing age in Seoul, Gyeonggi and North Chungcheng from March 26, 2008 to April 16, 2008 and made them draw up them directly. The study applied 208 copies excepting two copies not suitable to data process to data analysis. The purpose of the study was to investigate/analyze awareness of dental treatment, oral health conditions and oral health management during the period of pregnancy and to serve the analyzed data as basic data of oral health education program development to improve expectant mothers' behaviors of oral health management: 1. According to the survey by age with regard to a question 'Should expectant mothers take dental treatment during the period of pregnancy?', women of 18~29 years old (41.9%) and more than 50 years old (52.0%) answered 'They should not take dental treatment'. Women of 30~39 years old (53.6%) and 40~49 years old (54.7%) answered 'They should take dental treatment'. According to pregnant experience, expectant mothers (63.9%) and women with their parity (46.3%) answered 'They should take dental treatment'. 34.8% women without their parity answered 'They should take dental treatment' and 34.8% women with Out their parity answered 'They should not take dental treatment'(p < 0.05). 2. According to the survey by age with regard to a question 'Do you brush your teeth lifter having morning sickness during the period of pregnancy?', women of 18~29 years old (67.3%), 30~39 years old (47.3%) answered 'Brush my teeth' and women of 40~49 years old (51.0%) and more than 50 years old (52.0%) answered 'Don't brush my teeth'(p < 0.001). According to pregnant experience, expectant mothers (72.2%) and women with their parity (43.0%) answered 'Brush my teeth'(p < 0.05). 3. With regard to a question 'Are oral aid hygiene supplies required?', women of 18~29 years old (47.3%) and 30~39 years old (46.4%) answered 'Required' and women of 40~49 years old (41.5%) and more than 50 years old (48.0%) answered 'do not know'(p < 0.05). 4. According to the survey by age with regard to a question 'What are you anxious about during the period of dental treatment?', women of more than 50 years old (56.0%) answered 'Expenses' and women of 18~29 years old (39.2%), 30~39 years old (44.6%) and 40~49 years old (41.5%) answered 'Pain'(p < 0.05). According to pregnant experience, expectant mothers answered 'Pain (38.9%), abort ion (27.8%) and expenses (22.2%)' and women with their parity, answered 'Pain (45.0%), expenses (22.8%) and abortion (14.8%). Women without their parity answered 'Expenses (52.2%) and pain (13.0%)'(p < 0.05).

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A Study of 'Hear Me Later' VR Content Production to Improve the Perception of the Visually-Impaired (시각 장애인에 대한 인식 개선을 위한 'Hear me later' VR 콘텐츠 제작 연구)

  • Kang, YeWon;Cho, WonA;Hong, SeungA;Lee, KiHan;Ko, Hyeyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to improve the education method for improving perception awareness of the visually-impaired. 'Hear me later' was designed and implemented based on VR content that allows the visually-impaired experience in the eyes and environment. The main target is from middle and high school students to adolescents in their twenties. It is consisted of a student, the user's daily life with waking up at home in the morning, going to school, taking classes at school, and disembarking home late in the dark. In addition, 10 quests are placed on each map to induce users' participation and activity. These quests are a daily activity for non-disabled people, but it is an activity to experience uncomfortable activity for visually impaired people. In order to verify the effect of 'Hear me later', 8 participants in their early teens to early 20s' perception of visually impaired people was measured through pre and post evaluation of VR contents experience. In order to verify the effect of'Hear me later', 8 participants in their early teens to early 20s' perception of visually impaired people was measured through pre-post evaluation of VR experiences. As a result, it was found that in the post-evaluation of VR contents experience, the perception of the visually impaired was increased by 30% compared to the pre-evaluation. In particular, misunderstandings and changes in prejudice toward the visually impaired were remarkable. Through this study, the possibility of a VR-based disability experience education program that can freely construct space-time and maximize the experience was verified. In addition, it laid the foundation to expand it to various fields of improvement of the disabled.

Comparison of Population Monitoring Methods for Breeding Forest Birds in Korean Temperate Mixed Forests (국내 온대 혼효림에 서식하는 산림성 조류의 번식기 개체군 모니터링 방법에 대한 비교)

  • Nam, Hyun-Young;Choi, Chang-Yong;Park, Jin-Young;Hur, Wee-Haeng
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.108 no.4
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    • pp.663-674
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    • 2019
  • Birds are effective ecological indicators but there is no national protocol in place to monitor population dynamics of forest birds in Korea. To support the establishment of future monitoring protocols, we compared the results of two generally used monitoring methods for forest bird surveys in two temperate mixed forests in central Korea. There was no statistical difference in the number of species and individuals detected per unit survey effort when comparing line transects and point counts. The number of species and individuals were higher in a five-minute count than in a three-minute point count, but the total accumulated number of expected observed species showed no difference between the two count durations. The number of observed species and individuals increased in both methods as plot radius or transect width increased, suggesting that multi-layer or multi-band surveys may be useful for quantitative and qualitative objectives. The decreasing number of observed species and individuals after sunrise suggested that bird monitoring should be conducted earlier in the morning, within four hours after sunrise. To detect 70% of the total number of species, 7.0 to 7.6 survey hours, equivalent to 42 three-minute counts (95% confidence interval [CI]: 26 to 61) or 33 five-minute counts (95% CI: 19 to 53) were needed for unlimited radius point counts. On the other hand, 4.8 survey hours, equivalent to 26 line transect counts (95% CI: 15 to 45) using 200-m transects with unlimited width, were required to achieve the same level of species detection. Therefore, the line transect method may be more effective than the point count method, at least in terms of local species richness assessment. For national forest bird monitoring, our data indicated that one or both survey methods can be selected as a basic protocol, based on the goals and scales of monitoring, forest types, and the conditions of the target areas.


  • Kim, Dong-Won;Lee, Kwang-Soo
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.247-254
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    • 2001
  • There is a growing tendency for injury and it is essential to know about the epidemiology of the injured teeth for proper and timely treatment. Through empirical data analysis of 120 children who came to pediatric dentistry of Kangnung National University Dental Hospital, this study purposes to give an understanding about the injury and analyzes the frequency by children's sex and age, the number of injured teeth according to the area in the mouth, the types of injury, causes and places of injury, the frequency occurred by month and hour, the position of injured teeth, and the elapse of time. The main findings of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The frequency analysis by sex shows that the rate of boys is more likely to be higher than girls(1.6:1). 2. The frequency analysis by age shows that the ratio of children between aged 2~4 and 8~10 are high. 3. The number of injured teeth is generally one(51.7%). 4. Periodontal tissue injury is the main cause for the primary teeth. In case of permanent teeth, the ratio of hard tissue injury which is much increased than the case of the primary teeth, is similar to that of periodontal tissue injury. 5. The main cause of injury is fall for both dentition; In case of permanent dentition, the ratio of injury by sports is increased. 6. The place of injury for primary teeth is mainly home(38.8%); Street and school for permanent teeth(42.5% and 35%, respectively). 7. The frequency by month shows that the injury is most frequently occurred in July. 8. The frequency analysis by hour shows that injury for primary teeth mostly happens in the morning; in the afternoon for permanent teeth. 9. The position of injured teeth according to the area in the mouth is mainly maxilla anterior in both case of primary and permanent teeth and especially the ratio of central incisors is high, 10. More than half(59.2%) of patients came to the hospital within one day and the seriously injured were likely to come within one day than the slightly injured.

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Diurnal Variation and Sleep Pattern in Depressive Patients (우울증 환자의 주간기분변동과 수면 양상)

  • Park, Young-Min;Kim, Leen;Suh, Kwang-Yoon;Joe, Sook-Haeng;Kang, Seung-Gul;Yoon, Ho-Kyung
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.30-36
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    • 2001
  • Object: Diurnal variation is included in the diagnostic criteria of the major depressive disorder, melancholic specifier. But there has been controversy over whether diurnal variation is an unique depressive symptoms or a symptom related to a change of sleep patterns, or that of another mechanism, when the previous studies are reviewed. We investigated the existence of diurnal variation according to the subtype of depression and whether diurnal variation is charateristic of melancholic depression or not. We also compared sleep variables according to the existence of diurnal variation. Method: We examined diurnal variation, sleep patterns, severity of depression using the Visual Analogue Mood Scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. Patients recorded their mood state on the Visual Analogue Mood Scale twice a day, morning and evening, for diurnal variation. We divided depressive patients into two groups,-diurnal variation group and nondiurnal variation group,-and compared the mood and sleep variables using SPSS. Results: The frequency of diurnal variation is not significantly different among the subtypes of depression. Significant differences between the diurnal variation group and the nondiurnal variation group existed in middle insomnia and sleep time (p<0.05). In melancholic type, al significant difference between the diurnal variation group and the nondiurnal variation group was noticed in PSQI total, sleep latency, sleep disturbances, daytime dysfunction as well as middle insomnia and sleep time (p<0.05). Conclusions: Diurnal variation existed in other types of depression as well as melancholic type. The results showed that diurnal variation was not a specific symptom of melancholic type, and existence of diurnal variation might be related to sleep patterns.

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Sleep Habits and Sleep Disorders among the Elderly Between 65-84 years Who are Living in a Part of Pusan (부산광역시 일지역 65-84세 노인 인구에서의 수면습관 및 수면장애에 대한 조사)

  • Yang, Chang-Kook;Yoo, Seung-Yoon;Joo, Young-Hee;Hahn, Hong-Moo
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.66-76
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    • 1997
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to analyse sleep habits and sleep disorders in the elderly population ased 65-84 years. Methods : Epidemiological survey was performed at home by means of semi structured interviews in the city of Pusan, Korea. Subjects were randomly selected. The questionnaire consisted of 128 items including demographic findings, sleep habits, sleep disorders, somatic illnesses, and psychological distresses. Results : (1) The mean retiring time was 10.28 h (SD 1.30 h) and the mean wake-up time was 5.24 h (SD 1.33 h). The mean duration of sleep was 5.63 h (SD 1.80 h). The mean sleep onset time was 44.51 min. The mean frequency of daytime napping was 2.49 (SD 3.23). The subjects reported they woke up an average of 2.05 (SD 1.59) times per night. All of the above results were not related to age or gender. However, the mean frequency of difficulty in initiating/maintaining sleep was 2.2 times for men and 3.2 times for women (p<0.05). (2) The prevalence of insomnia was 57.7% and was not related to age or gender. Difficulty in initiating sleep was the most commonly reported insomnia complaint(52.4%). Early morning awakening was reported by 50.0% of patients and difficulty in maintaining sleep was reported by 45.1% of them. Worrying in bed and physical pain were strong contributing factor to insomnia. Conclusions : The results of our study showed several characteristics of sleep habits in the elderly. Sleep disorder in old age is not inevitable or trivial. Since sleep disturbance in older adults is common and distressing, it has implications for general health and well-being. Active concern and therapeutic intervention for the sleep habits and sleep disorders in the elderly are needed.

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Characteristics of Patients Who Need Hypnotics on the Night before Elective Surgery (수면전일 수면제를 필요로 하는 환자들의 특성)

  • Lee, Soo-In;Yoon, Jin-Sang;Lee, Hyung-Young
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.172-180
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    • 1997
  • Objects : This study was carried out to investigate characteristics of patients who need hypnotics on the night before elective surgery as well as contributing variables for the necessity of hypnotics. Methods : After reviewing the clinical charts of patients who were scheduled to receive surgery by general anesthesia the following day, researchers had semi structural interviews with patients. In addition, Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory(SSTAI), Beck Depression Inventory(BDI), Zung's Self-Rating Pain and Distress Scale(ZPDS), and Presleep and Postsleep Questionnaires were administered to patients. A total of 167 patients, who gave reliable information, were divided into two groups based on subjective judgement regarding the necessity for hypnotics on the night before surgery; 29 eligibles for hypnotics and 138 non-eligibles for hypnotics. Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients, some possible factors affecting sleep, psychological characteristics of patients and daytime status and nighttime sleep before surgery were compared between the two groups. In addition, discriminant function analysis was done to find the variables which would best discriminate among patients who differ in terms of necessity for hypnotics on the night before surgery. Results : There was no difference in demographic and clinical characteristics between the two groups; however, the satisfaction level with ward environment was significantly lower in the eligible group for hypnotics than the non-eligible group. Psychologically, the eligible group for hypnotics, compared to the non-eligible group, showed significantly more severe depression, pain, and distress; whereas anxiety level was not different between the two groups. For nighttime sleep before surgery, the eligible group for hypnotics, compared to the non-eligible group, expected poorer sleep before retiring and in fact, reported poorer sleep the following morning. In discriminant function analysis, 'expectation for sleep' and 'pain and distress' were the most potent contributors to discriminate the necessity of hypnotics. Conclusion : For the improvement of the patient's sleep on the night before elective surgery, giving hypnotics and/or analgesics should be determined by patient's opinion about the necessity of the drugs rather than by the therapist's own judgement or any other objective indices.

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Diurnal Changes of Leaf Water Potential in Cuttings (삽수(挿穗)의 Leaf Water Potential의 변화(變化))

  • Hong, Sung Cheon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 1978
  • The diurnal pattern of leaf water potential in cuttings by Dye Method was as follows: 1. Diurnal pattern of leaf water potential (${\psi}_l$) in Viburnum Awabuki K. Koch and Daphne odora Thunb. was shown the pattern of the curves without mutual relation with soil classes when soil water potential (${\psi}_s$) was 0 bar. When ${\psi}_s$ was above -0.01 bar, the cuttings in the loamy sand (L.S.) was shown by the maximum values than that in sandy clay (S.C.) by about -1 bar gap (Fig. 1). 2. The diurnal changes of ${\psi}_l$ was shown the most high from two to eight O'clock in the morning, the maximum value was -3 bars when ${\psi}_s$ was above -0.01 to -0.02 bar, and was -4 bars below -0.03 bar. The diurnal the lowest values of ${\psi}_l$ showed -20 to -22 bars from one to two O'clock in the afternoon. In the fifteenth day after cutting V.A., the staying time in the diurnal maximum values of ${\psi}_l$ is about half in comparison with it in the fifth day. The curves of recovery of water stress (Fig. 1), the former reached to the diurnal maximum values -1 to -2 bars lately every hours comparing with it of the latter. The general diurnal pattern of ${\psi}_l$ was most clearly related to change with air temperature and the relative humitidy. 3. Comparing the treatment block by IAA 50 ppm with controlled block in fifteenth day after V.A. cuttings, in case of treatment reached to maximum values -2 to -3 bars lately as shown Fig. 2., and also staying times was only half in comparison with controlled block. 4. The cuttings 4 leafs was much rootings than 2 leafs in V.A. (Table. 1), and the former reached maximum value -2 to -3 bars lately every hours comparing with the latter. 5. In case of Buxus microphylla var. Koreana as shown Fig. 3., comparing the pattern curves of in the cuttings 8 leafs with 4 leafs, the former reached to maximum values -2 to -3 bars lately in comparison with the latter, but reffering to the amount of rooting (Table. 2), the former is less than the latter.

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Reproductive Behavior of the Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) in Korea - A Case Study in Gwangju Metropolitan City - (한국에 도래하는 제비(Hirundo rustica)의 번식행동 - 광주광역시를 사례로 -)

  • Kim, Sang-jin;Oh, Hong-shik
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to identify the reproductive behavior of the barn swallow. The study was carried out in Gwangju, Korea during the 2013 breeding season. In the morning, the nest-building frequency was 14.2~31.0 trips/h (10.2~19.8 trips/h by male and 4.0~11.4 trips/h by female). The nest-building activity took 7.6~15.9 min/h (4.8~8.1 min/h by male and 2.8~8.0 min/h by female). The nest-building time by female ($40.0{\pm}27.9sec/trip$) was about 1.5 times longer than the nest-building time by male ($26.1{\pm}15.5sec/trip$). Only the female incubated the eggs. The Incubation time was $50.6{\pm}17.5min/h$ (84%) at 6h, 24.5 min/h (40.8%) at 7h and 15.6 min/h (26.0%) thereafter. During daytime, the female incubation time showed a highly significant difference (p<0.001), and the incubation time at 6h was higher than that at other times. There was a significantly negative correlation between female incubation time and the mean air temperature(p<0.05). The frequency of feeding was $385.2{\pm}66.9trips/nest$ in the daytime ($219.2{\pm}37.1trips/nest$ by male and $166.0{\pm}30.8trips/nest$ by female). The frequency of feeding per hour was $32.1{\pm}12.3trips/h$ ($18.3{\pm}7.8trips/h$ by male and $14.3{\pm}4.5trips/h$ by female). The frequency of feeding per hour showed a significant difference in the range of 10h(p<0.05) and 15h(p<0.01) by sex. The time of feeding by female ($40.9{\pm}83.3sec/trip$) was longer than the time of feeding by male ($12.3{\pm}31.0sec/trip$). The juvenile defecation frequency was $45.6{\pm}8.4times/nest$ per day and showed a positive correlation with feeding frequency (p<0.05). The results of this study will be helpful in understanding the reproductive behaviors of the swallow adapted to the environment in Korea.

Studies on the Bionomic of Gonatocerus sp. y (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), an Egg Parasite of the Green Rice Leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps Uhler (끝동매미충 난기생봉(Gonatocerus sp. y)의 생태에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Jeoung Bu;Kim Chang Hyo
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.23 no.3 s.60
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    • pp.158-165
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    • 1984
  • These studies were carried out to investigate the bionomics of Gonatocerus sp. y (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) , an egg parasite of the green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps Uhler (Homoptera: Deltocephalidae) under laboratory and field conditions at Gyeongnam Provincial O.R.D. in Jinju from 1982 to 1983. The developmental period of each life stage was observed under four different temperature conditions from $15^{\circ}C\;to\;30^{\circ}C\;with\;5^{\circ}C$ increment. The development from egg to adult at 15^{\circ}C,\;20^{\circ}C,\;25^{\circ}C,\;and\;30^{\circ}C $ was completed in an average of 53, 25, 15, and 12 days and the females laid an average of 28, 48, 42, and 32 eggs respectively, with a maximum of 98. And most of the eggs were laid in the first two days after emergence. The time of adult emergence was determined under $25{\pm}1^{\circ}C$ condition. More than $76\%$ of the wasps emerged in the morning and the rest of them emerged in the afternoon. The average sex ratio between male and female was 1 : 5 when the wasps were developed from fertilized eggs. The longevity of female was greater than that of male when honey and water were provided as food, however, it was not when only water was supplied as food. The average longevities of females were 30 days at $15^{\circ}C$ and 15 days at $20^{\circ}C$ when honey and water were given as food. The peak precent parasitism of Gonatocerus sp. v on Nephotettix cincticeps in fallow fields was observed between late April and early May. The percent parasitism of the wasps In fallow fields was an average of 49\~59.9\% $ in Gyeochang, Namji and $23.2\~36\%$ in Namhae. The parasitic activities of the parasite had four peaks in paddy field, however, the highest peak was observed between late August and early September. The Percent e99 Parasitism of Gonatocerus sp. y was an average of $12.3\%$ on second the generation and $24.6\%$ of third genera lion of Nephotettix cinrticeps.

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