• 제목/요약/키워드: Mood level

검색결과 252건 처리시간 0.028초

기분 수준 및 변화성에 영향을 미치는 요인 - 사상체질과 MBTI 선호지표를 중심으로 (A Study on the Factors Affecting Mood Level and Variability - Focusing on Sasang Constitution and MBTI preference)

  • 장에스더;조수민;정현우;김경옥
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제38권5호
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 2024
  • As a previous study to determine the factors influencing the level and variability of Chiljeong, the influence of Sasang Constitution and MBTI preferences on mood level and variability was examined. Among the 87 students of Korean Medicine attending D University who completed the Sasang Constitutional test and MBTI personality test, a Mood Survey was conducted and 83 of them were selected. Data were analyzed using the chi-squared test, ANOVA, independent sample t-test, and nonparametric test in IBM SPSS 22.0 for Windows. The mood level in Sasang Constitutions was highest in Soyang-in and Soeum-in, while Taeeum-in, Taeyang-in, and unclassified showed no differences. There was no difference in mood variability among Sasang Constitutions. The mood level was influenced by the direction of energy of MBTI preferences. There was no difference in mood variability between MBTI preferences. The mood level was influenced by Sasang Constitution and the direction of energy of MBTI preferences, but mood variability was not influenced by them.

노인 기분장애 영향요인에 관한 실증적 연구: 지역사회 특성의 영향을 중심으로 (An Empirical Study on Factor Associated with Mood Disorders in Elderly: Focusing on the Influence of Community Characteristics)

  • 장미승;심익섭
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.177-185
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    • 2017
  • Background: The mental problems of the elderly are at issue as a serious social phenomenon. The purpose of this study is to identify risk factors affecting the mood disorders of the elderly. Methods: The subjects were 1,779,236 aged ${\geq}65$ and participated in health screening. Dependent variable was mood disorders. Independent variables were consisted of community level (regional deprivation index and healthcare resources) and individual level (sex, age, insurance type, disability, smoking, alcohol, physical activity, body mass index, and healthcare utilization). Multilevel logistic regression was performed. Results: At the individual level, women, employed insured, severely disabled people, heavy alcohol drinkers, high-intensity physical activity, body mass index, and patients who had chronic disease and severe disease were significantly associated with mood disorders. As the age has increased, it has let increase of mood disorders. At the community level, as the regional deprivation index has increased by 1, mood disorders has been increased by 1.005 times. The intra-class coefficient was 7.04%. Conclusion: We found individual and community level factors are associated with mood disorders. Systematic approach is essential to reduce mood disorders.

Relationships of Mood Disturbance, Symptom Experience, and Attentional Function in Women with Breast Cancer Based upon the Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms

  • Lee Eun-Hyun
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.728-736
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    • 2005
  • Purpose. The purpose of this study was to identify direct, mediating, and moderating relationships of mood disturbance, symptom experience, and attentional function in Korean women with breast cancer based upon a middle-range theory of unpleasant symptoms. Methods. This study used a cross-sectional, correlational design. A convenience sample of 125 women receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer was recruited from a university hospital in South Korea. The women completed questionnaires on mood disturbance, symptom experience, and attentional function using the Linear Analogue Self-Assessment Scale, the Symptom Experience Scale, and the Attentional Function Index, respectively. Results. Each mood disturbance and symptom experience showed a significant relationship with attentional function. Symptom experience did not act as a mediator between mood disturbance and attentional function, but it did act as a moderator: patients with a higher level of mood disturbance exhibited a lower level of attentional function when their symptoms were at the level of medium, but not when their symptoms were either high or low. Conclusion. This suggests that clinical interventions for attenuating the influence of mood disturbance on attentional function may be effective only in women experiencing medium level of symptoms.

노인의 동거유형에 따른 노인에 대한 태도, 인지기능, 기분상태 비교 (Comparison of Attitude Toward Elders, Cognitive Level, and Mood State According to Living Arrangement of the Elderly)

  • 정영미
    • 성인간호학회지
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    • 제18권5호
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    • pp.727-736
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the degree of attitude toward elders, cognitive level, and mood state by living arrangements of the elderly. Method: The subjects consisted of 238 elderly who divided by living arrangements(living alone, living with spouse, living with children). The data were collected by structured questionnaire that included general characteristics, attitude toward elders, MMSE-K and mood state scale, from March to December, 2005. The collected data were analyzed by Windows SPSS program including descriptive statistics, ${\chi}^2-test$, Fisher's exact test, ANCOVA, $Scheff{\grave{e}}$ test and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. Results: In MMSE-K and mood state, there were statistically significant differences among the three groups. In depression and anxiety factor of mood state, the living alone group showed higher scores than the other two groups. There was a positive correlation between attitude toward elders and MMSE-K in the elderly living with a spouse group and a negative correlation between MMSE-K and mood state in all three groups. Conclusion: It is necessary to develop a supportive program for decreasing the risk of health in the elderly and perform a differential approach according to their living arrangementa. Especially, more concern and intervention are needed to be performed for the elderly living in solitude.

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근이완요법이 간호사의 업무스트레스 정도와 기분 및 정서상태에 미치는 효과 (The Effect of Muscle Relaxation Therapy on Mood State and Job Stress of Clinical Nurses)

  • 우혜종;박경숙
    • 성인간호학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.44-52
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: This study is to identify the effects of muscle relaxation therapy on mood state and job stress of clinical nurses, finally to purpose the bases of nursing intervention to increased of work efficiency and job satisfaction. Method: The research design was a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The subjects were 50 clinical nurses (23 for experimental group), who were working for 1-5 years in medical and surgical ward from the 2 C-University medical center in Seoul. This study was conducted from May 12 to July 25, 2000. The muscle relaxation therapy was performed 5 weeks to experimental group. The experimental group participated in the muscle relaxation training sessions for 20minutes twice a week during five weeks. The level of job stress was measured by nurses occupational stress scale. The level of Psychological response was measured by Profile of mood state. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, $X^2$-test, t-test, paired t-test. Result: The results of this study were as follows: The experimental group who received the muscle relaxation therapy showed more reduction of job stress level (t=1.35, p=0.038) and profile of mood state level (t=2.27, p=0.027) after therapy than those in control group. Conclusion: This study reveals that the muscle relaxation therapy is effective in reduction of nurse's job stress and promotion of mood state. So the researcher thinks that it is useful in reduction of job stress and increased of job satisfaction in hospital.

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응급 수부 미세수술 후 통증, 기분 및 외상 후 위기 정도의 변화양상 (Changes in Pain, Mood and Posttrauma Risk Level of Patients with Acute Hand Microsurgery)

  • 김민숙;윤순영;소희영
    • 재활간호학회지
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.44-52
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purposes of this study were to explore changes in pain, mood and the level of posttrauma risk for 2 weeks after acute hand microsurgery and determine predictors of pain 2-week after microsurgery. Method: Using a sample of 84 patients with hand microsurgery, pain, mood, and posttrauma risk were measured by the Brief Pain Inventory-Korea, the modified Profile of mood states, and the Posttrauma risk checklist at 1-day, 1-week and 2-week post-microsurgery. Repeated measures ANOVA and Multiple regression analysis were conducted to evaluate changes in pain, mood, and posttrauma risk over time after the surgery and determine predictors of pain 2-week after the surgery. Results: Pain significantly decreased (F=63.22, p<.001), mood significantly improved (F=41.04, p<.001) 2 weeks after microsurgery and interestingly, posttrauma risk significantly decreased from baseline to 1-week microsurgery but increased at 2-week after microsurgery (F=24.66, p<.001). Approximately 57% of the variance of pain 2-week post-microsurgery was explained by pain at 1-week post-microsurgery, mood and the numbers of injured fingers. Conclusion: The findings suggest the pain control for 1week after acute surgery being critical and posttrauma rehabilitation of injured finger being necessary. Developing nursing interventions is urgently needed to help individuals with impending hand microsurgery.

청소년이 지각한 부모간 갈등이 심리적 적응에 미치는 영향에 있어서 부모 수용성의 조절효과 (Moderating Effect of Parental Acceptance on Psyshological Adjustment of Adolescent's Perception of Interparental Conflict)

  • 박은희;정혜정;이주연
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제28권5호
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the moderating effect of adolescent's perception of interparental conflict and parental acceptance on psychological adjustments(self-esteem, depressive mood). Data were collected using self-administered questionnaire method with 554 middle and high school students. The major results of this research were as follows. First, there were significant differences in interparental conflicts, parental acceptance and psychological adjustments according to adolescents' sex and perceived level of living standard. Second, interparental conflict was negatively correlated with parental acceptance and self-esteem, and were positively related to depressive mood. Parental acceptance was positively related to self-esteem, and was negatively associated with depressive mood. Third, results of multiple regression analyis showed that both indices of psychological adjustments(self-esteem and depressive mood) were influenced by sex, perceived level of living standard, and parental acceptance. Specifically, the most powerful variable affecting psychological adjustments was parental acceptance. Finally, the parental acceptance moderated the influence of interparental.

향요법마사지가 제왕절개술 산모의 기분, 유즙사출반사, 유즙 면역글로불린A에 미치는 효과 (Effect of Aromatherapy Massage on the Mood, the Milk ejection Reflex, and the Immunoglobulin A of the Breast Milk of Mothers with a Cesarean Section Delivery)

  • 이성희
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제30권5호
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    • pp.1357-1367
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to explore the effect of aromatherapy massage on the mood, the milk ejection reflex, and the immunoglobulin A of the breast milk of mothers who gave birth through a Cesarean section delivery. Twenty mothers who had Cesarean section were selected as an experimental group, and twenty-two were in the control group. Lavander and Rosemary oil mixed with Jojova carrier oil was used to massage the back, both axillar and breasts. Aromatherapy massage was done once a day for 20 minutes by the researcher. Each session consisted of 4 minutes for warm-up, 14 minutes for massage and 2 minutes for closure. The levels of IgA within the breast milk was analyzed by an immunoturbidimeter assay (Cobas INTEGRA, Roche, Swiss) before and after aromatherapy massage. Mood and milk ejection reflex were measured by self-reports at the same time. The data were analyzed using SPSS 7.5 and the hypotheses were tested by ANCOVA and the Pearson coefficient correlation. The results were as follows : 1) Score of mood increased significantly after the use of aromatherapy massage. 2) Score of milk ejection reflex increased significantly after the use of aromatherapy massage. 3) Level of IgA of breast milk did not change significantly after the use of aromatherapy massage.4) After the use of aromatherapy massage, there wasn't any correlation among mood, milk ejection reflex, and level of IgA of breast milk. In conclusion, the results suggest that aromatherapy massage is an effective nursing intervention to enhance the mood and the milk ejection reflex and to increase the rate of breastfeeding in the breastfeeding mothers under stresses like a Cesarean section.

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배우자 유무에 따른 노인의 기분상태, 일상생활활동 및 노화에 대한 태도 (Mood State, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and Attitude toward Aging according to the Existence of a Spouse)

  • 정영미
    • 성인간호학회지
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.656-667
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: This study examined the mood state, activities of daily living, and attitude toward aging in the elderly according to the existence of a spouse and investigated the relation between these factors. Method: The subjects consisted of 190 elderly people, who were classified into two groups: those with and without a spouse. The data was collected from March to December 2004 using a structured questionnaire that included general characteristics, mood states, instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), and an attitude toward aging scale. The collected data was analyzed using the program SPSS, including descriptive statistics, $x^2-test$, ANOVA, Scheff's test, and the Pearson correlation coefficient. Result: 1. There were significant differences between the two groups in mood state (t=-3.349, p=.001), anxiety-depression (t=-3.350, p=.001), and anger (t=p=.003) in the mood state subscales, and in attitude toward aging (t=2.514, p=.013). 2. There was a significant positive correlation between vigor and IADL (r=.253, p=.012) in the elderly with a spouse. 3. When there was a spouse, there was a significant difference according to gender (t=2.587, p=.012) in IADL. Without a spouse, there were significant differences in mood states according to education level (F=3.315, p=.023), in anxiety-depression according to the presence of illness (t=2.156, p=.033), in vigor according to age (F=3.439, p=.020) and education level (F=5.285, p=.002), and in IADL according to monthly income (F=3.322, p=.023) and the presence of illness (t=2.172, p=.032). Conclusion: An individualized approach is needed for elderly people that considers living arrangements and the existence of a spouse.

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Investigation of the Influence of Induced Mood on Rehabilitation Engagement: a Study Focusing on Muscle Activity

  • Kim, Jung-Yeon;Jung, Bong-Keun
    • 대한의용생체공학회:의공학회지
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    • 제43권3호
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    • pp.161-169
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    • 2022
  • Engagement is an important factor in the field of rehabilitation as it is a known factor that have a positive influence on functional gaining in people who receive rehabilitation therapy. Although a number of measurements for engagement have been recently developed, investigation of possible factors that may have influence on engagement is not well established. Currently available evidence suggests that engagement is affected by mood and it is hypothesized that a personal factor may contribute to engagement. Therefore, this study aims to test the hypothetical relationship between mood and engagement while performing a manual dexterity task through an experiment in healthy participants prior to investigation on people with medical condition who requires rehabilitation therapy. After inducing target mood (positive or negative mood) for study participants by asking them to recall autobiographical memories, change in muscle activity, which was operationalized as an indicator of engagement, was investigated. Electromyogram (EMG) was recorded from four muscle areas in non-dominant hand side to quantify muscle activity. The results show that the target moods were appropriately induced with the method. Although there were subtle differences in the level of engagement between different moods, certain variables derived from muscle activity were significantly different; mean amplitude for wrist extensor EMG showed significant difference between different moods (Z = -2.023, p < .05) indicating that muscle activities in the wrist extensor are greater for positive mood than negative mood region during manual dexterity task. Meanwhile, performance outcomes of Minnesota Manual Dexterity Test (MMDT), such as mean completion time and number of errors, between moods showed no significant difference in two different moods, resulting in MMDT administration may not be useful task in distinguishing the level of rehabilitation engagement.