• Title/Summary/Keyword: Modern philosophy

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A Study on Joheonyeong's Life and the Medical Philosophy (조헌영(趙憲泳)의 생애와 의학사상(醫學思想))

  • Baik, Yousang
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.103-130
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    • 2019
  • Objectives : In this paper, the life and medical philosophy of Jo, Heonyeong, a Korean Medical scholar of modern times was studied. Based on his life events and publications, his medical philosophy was examined. Methods : Jo's life tracks were reconstructed based on his books, written contributions, documents on his activities that were collected from newspapers, magazines, papers, etc. In addition, the direction of his Korean Medical research and clinical application as argued by himself was examined. Results : After he himself understood the fundamental principles of Korean Medicine thoroughly, Jo, Heonyeong interpreted the principles of Korean Medicine by means of general scientific methodology along with simple, common knowledge based explanations. He compared Eastern Medicine with Western Medicine and pursued their integration, while making it his objective to have lay people understand medicine and to receive proper medical care and live healthy lives, based on the principles of a righteous government. The reason for his contributions to lay people targeted mediums and writing Korean Medical books that were easy to comprehend was also because of this philosophy. Conclusions : By making efforts to change and improve reality whether it be medicine or politics, Jo, Heongyeong went beyond treatment of diseases and pursued a world where all people could live healthy lives.

Research on factors influencing happiness (행복의 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kyung-Hwa Lee
    • Journal of Advanced Technology Convergence
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 2023
  • People can live happily in modern society without a complicated philosophy or a clear philosophy of life. This does not mean that life is meaningless or confusing. People can be satisfied with simple, concrete solutions to the meaning of life and live without the need to completely systematize everything. In other words, life can have various meanings for everyone, and this does not necessarily need to be defined by a philosophical system. Although we cannot clearly divide everyone's life into one philosophical system, each person's life can nevertheless have many meanings. This meaning can be found in each person's sense of purpose, worth, ability, and self-worth.

A Study on Diverse Expression in Modern Fashion through the Principle of Fractal Geometry (프랙탈 기하학의 원리를 통한 현대 복식의 다의적 표현성에 대한 연구)

  • Um, So-Hee
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.703-716
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    • 2010
  • The objective of the study is to analyze expressions of modern fashion in relation to design principle of a science theory, fractal geometry, in order to identify various and multi-layered expressions of fashion. As for methodology, the study interprets principle and characteristics of fractal geometry based on literature review in areas of linguistic, philosophy, sociology and science. The research identifies expressive characteristics of fractal through empirical studies, and applies them to fashion in order to analyze how fractal design principles are reflected in modern fashion in terms of form and significance. Fractal aesthetics pursue order, balance, diversity and openness among disorder and insecurity. They are closely related to the function of modern fashion that works as a multi-layered code, instead of being confined to conventional idea about fashion that "functions" as "wear."

The Methodology of 'Woori Philosophy': an Analysis of this Philosophical Thought Contained in the Jeon-gyeong (『전경』의 사상분석으로 살펴본 '우리철학'의 방법론)

  • Lee, Jong-lan
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.30
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    • pp.201-234
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    • 2018
  • 'Woori Philosophy' is the modern philosophy of Korea. The purpose of this study is to make a hypothetical model of the methodologies used in Woori Philosophy, to analyze and classify this system of thought as it appears in the Jeon-gyeong (『典經』), to confirm the effectiveness of the model's application, and to present the model's methodological best practices. In this paper, I have made a standard for Woori Philosophy by combining existing studies. Thereby, although it is preliminary, I have presented the model as a way of achieving Woori philosophy by analysis and division of this thought in the Jeon-gyeong. As a result, the Jeongyeong's content is organized into an order in frequency which emerges as Model②, Model①, Essential Model, Model④, and Model③. These models can be evaluated to show that the Jeon-gyeong progressively inherited different schools of traditional Korean thought, while simultaneously characterizing them as Korean in many areas, never ignored the problems of the times or an awareness of the world, and furthermore, did not senselessly or blindly accept foreign objects spread into Korea from 1880~1890. Therefore, the Jeon-gyeong shows a comprehensive methodology for the implementation of Woori philosophy based on its own historical setting. It can be evaluated as the best practices which took many ideas and made those ideas its own. Through this, I was able to confirm its effectiveness as a methodology of Woori Philosophy and was able to extract its best practices. However, the ideas in the Jeon-gyeong did not directly become Woori Philosophy. To solve our problems in the 21st century, there is still an assignment to interpret these ideas through the application of this model. If the existing research on Daesoon Thought (大巡思想) is to become Woori Philosophy, then it should do so through the application of this model.

디랙과 수학적 아름다움

  • 이상하
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.77-92
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    • 2001
  • P. Dirac's contribution to the advent of the modern quantum mechanics is undeniable. His main research guideline is the principle of mathematical beauty. What is this principle on the earth\ulcorner Are there distinctive features between pure mathematician's mind and theoretical physicist' mind about the mathematical beauty\ulcorner These problems will be analyzed with respect to Dirac's case which can reflect a historical interrelationship between science and philosophy.

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Quine, Wyman, and Buridan: Three Approaches to Ontological Commitment

  • Klima, Gyula
    • Korean Journal of Logic
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2005
  • This paper provides a comparison of three fundamentally different approaches to the issue of ontological commitment. It argues that despite superficial similarities on either side, Buridan's approach provides an intriguing third alternative to the two commonly recognized modern approaches.

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웅십력(熊十力)의 문화철학연구(文化哲學硏究)

  • Yun, Ji-Won
    • 중국학논총
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    • no.67
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    • pp.123-138
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    • 2020
  • 熊十力作爲現代新儒家的代表人物,立足於中國傳統儒家思想文化本位,汲取與借鑒了近代西方哲學的整體架構與理論範疇,以"體用不二"的本體論,"翁辟成變"的宇宙觀,"境不離心"的認識論以及"天人不二"的人生觀,構建起一整套體用哲學體系.其目的在於確立本體論在哲學體系中的核心地位,反對以科學取代哲學,以此挺立中國傳統思想文化,對抗西方文化的沖擊,並以此從根本上解決中國的現實社會問題.他認爲,本體論是哲學的根本,不究本體論則將萬化大原,人生本性,道德根底一概否定.問題在於如何"究體".不可把"本體"當作離心外在境界,吾人的"本心",即同爲吾人與宇宙之本體.欲得本體,唯在反求諸己,不可憑知識向外尋求."體"者,宇宙本體;"用"者,實體變成功用.體與用既有分而終不二.雖不二而究有分.他生當中西文化相互碰撞和交融的時代,對傳統文化作出了既不同於"西化派",又不同於"國粹派"的解釋.熊十力改造孔子六經,以道德人本主義作爲中國文化之精髓;他融貫中西印學術思想,以民族文化精華作爲消化吸收外來文化之基礎.他在一系列著作中,特別是在《讀經示要》和《原儒》中,闡述了他的中西文化觀,探討了傳統與近代的結合點,發掘了中國文化的特殊價值.

복성(復性)서원 교학 과정을 통해 본 마일부의 교육관

  • Lee, Yeon-Jeong
    • 중국학논총
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    • no.64
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    • pp.205-221
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    • 2019
  • 馬一是浮中國現代哲學中與梁漱溟,熊十力並稱三大聖賢之一,對中國現代思想哲學有著重大影響的人物. 他樹立傳統儒家哲學,面對時代形勢,值得一提. 我知道現代哲學家們共同將儒學精神融入到他的思想體系中去,但打下這個基礎的正是馬一浮,所以,只要討論他的思想哲學,我覺得是一件非常有意義的事情. 他在"複性"的方針下,致力於重新定位國學,提高中國的精神價值. 在這些方向性實施的各種領域中,最值得注意的是教育,其中心就是"複性書院". 建立複星書院,把教育內容作爲留學的核心"育藝",這是其特點,爲了診斷當時學風的危害,恢複對思想學術研究的純真,書院獨立運作的嘗試,是實際實踐. 本論稿探討了福星書院的設立,建立方向,運行方針和規章制度,以考察他作爲民族思想家,教育實踐家的面貌,考察他的思想特點.

An Application on Modern Chinese Housing of Spatial Charactistics of Traditional Chinese Housing (중국 전통주택의 현대적 디자인 제안 - 북경 '사합원'을 중심으로 -)

  • Mei, Wen-Bing;Lee, Kun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.237-240
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    • 2005
  • The types of China Ancientry Architecture are rich and colorful. Among all these architectures, the Traditional Residence Architecture have the closest relationship with the mass's life. Traditional Residence Architecture reflected the connotation of the culture, philosophy ideology, especially the relationship between dwelling house and the nature, which can't be ignored by our modern people as well as the modern design. Beijing Sahap-won residence architecture is one of the apotheosis of China Traditional Residence Architecture, it'svery suitable for family's habitation. There's brilliance layout in space; around symmetry and radioactivity in plane, discretion grade in line, independence and continuity in inner spatial, with high privacy and benignity, Before the development and explore of modern APT Architecture design, we should fully understand the feature of Ancientry Residence House, inherit and carry forward its culture. The proposed design is started from the consolidation of the traditional feature of Beijing Sahap-won and the modern residence architecture, therefore to satisfy the modern people's fierce pursuing to the traditional culture.

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A Study on the Essence and Tendency of Modern Manager (현대 경영자로서의 본질과 성향 연구)

  • Yeom, Bae-Hoon;Kim, Hyunsoo
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.23-42
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    • 2020
  • This study conceptualized the essence and propensity of modern management in service age, based on philosophy, and developed items to evaluate the conceptualized content. It was carried out as a new study to deepen the study of management philosophy and management theory by the new management framework. In order to establish the philosophical foundation of the modern management, the essence of the modern management was conceptualized based on the fundamental ideas of the East and West, and then an evaluation item was developed to put the essence and propensity of the modern management into practical use through analytical and empirical methods. After analyzing the representative ideas of mankind, it was derived that the Book of Change has the qualification as a philosophical model that can derive the essence of modern management. The Book of Change explains the reasoning of the world in the structure of two opposing parties, such as Taiji or Yin and Yang, and the process of acknowledging the contradictions within each opposing party and overcoming the contradictions through change is the central idea. Because you can see. After conducting a conceptual study, through empirical research, the essence and propensity of a modern manager should be conceptualized. The concept of essence and empirical study of the modern management using the leading role was conducted in two stages. First, a qualitative study using repetitive comparative analysis (CCM), focus group interview (FGI), and text mining was conducted to derive the essential and propensity conceptualization items that modern managers should possess. In addition, a quantitative study using factor analysis to develop sample items and develop measurement items through literature review and FGI was conducted to derive the essential concept of the modern management. Finally, the essence of modern management was derived: learning, preparation, challenge, inclusion, trust, morality, and sacrifice. In the future, it is necessary to conduct empirical research on the effectiveness of the essence of modern management for global and Korean representative companies.