• Title/Summary/Keyword: Model generation

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Singing Voice Synthesis Using HMM Based TTS and MusicXML (HMM 기반 TTS와 MusicXML을 이용한 노래음 합성)

  • Khan, Najeeb Ullah;Lee, Jung-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2015
  • Singing voice synthesis is the generation of a song using a computer given its lyrics and musical notes. Hidden Markov models (HMM) have been proved to be the models of choice for text to speech synthesis. HMMs have also been used for singing voice synthesis research, however, a huge database is needed for the training of HMMs for singing voice synthesis. And commercially available singing voice synthesis systems which use the piano roll music notation, needs to adopt the easy to read standard music notation which make it suitable for singing learning applications. To overcome this problem, we use a speech database for training context dependent HMMs, to be used for singing voice synthesis. Pitch and duration control methods have been devised to modify the parameters of the HMMs trained on speech, to be used as the synthesis units for the singing voice. This work describes a singing voice synthesis system which uses a MusicXML based music score editor as the front-end interface for entry of the notes and lyrics to be synthesized and a hidden Markov model based text to speech synthesis system as the back-end synthesizer. A perceptual test shows the feasibility of our proposed system.

Bionomics of the Green Peach Aphid(Myzus persicae $S\H{u}lzer$) Adults on Chinese cabbage(Brassica campestris) (복숭아혹진딧물(Myzus persicae $S\H{u}lzer$) 성충의 수명과 생명표)

  • Kim, Ji-Soo;Kim, Tae-Heung;Lee, Sang-Guei
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.44 no.3 s.140
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    • pp.213-217
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    • 2005
  • Adult development and fecundity of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae $S\H{u}lzer$, were studied at $15{\sim}32.5^{\circ}C$ with $60{\sim}70%$ RH under 16L:8D and the results were put together to build a life table. The longevity shortened as temperatures rose at and below $25^{\circ}C$ whereas it remained relatively constant at $27.5^{\circ}C$. Total fecundity was not significantly different at all temperatures except at $30^{\circ}C$. Daily fecundity gradually increased from $15\;to\;22.5^{\circ}C$. It was 5.1 at $25^{\circ}C$ and as temperatures either went down or up, it decreased to 2.8 at both $15^{\circ}C\;and\;30^{\circ}C$. Fecundity model built from total fecundity at various temperatures suggests that $18.3^{\circ}C$ was the optimum temperature for the maximum progeny of 51. Net reproduction rate RO was highest of 36.5 at $27.5^{\circ}C$. The intrinsic rate of increase per day $r_m$ and the finite rate of increase per day $\lambda$ were highest of 0.4 and 1.6, respectively and the doubling time Dt was shortest of 1.6. Constructed life table suggests that the optimum temperature for adult development for the green peach aphid was $27.5^{\circ}C$ at which the mean generation time was 8.1.

Generation of Ionospheric Delay in Time Comparison for a Specific GEO Satellite by Using Bernese Software

  • Jeong, Kwang Seob;Lee, Young Kyu;Yang, Sung Hoon;Hwang, Sang-wook;Kim, Sanhae;Song, Kyu-Ha;Lee, Wonjin;Ko, Jae Heon
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.125-133
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    • 2017
  • Time comparison is necessary for the verification and synchronization of the clock. Two-way satellite time and frequency (TWSTFT) is a method for time comparison over long distances. This method includes errors such as atmospheric effects, satellite motion, and environmental conditions. Ionospheric delay is one of the significant time comparison error in case of the carrier-phase TWSTFT (TWCP). Global Ionosphere Map (GIM) from Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) is used to compare with Bernese. Thin shell model of the ionosphere is used for the calculation of the Ionosphere Pierce Point (IPP) between stations and a GEO satellite. Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) and Koganei (KGNI) stations are used, and the analysis is conducted at 29 January 2017. Vertical Total Electron Content (VTEC) which is generated by Bernese at the latitude and longitude of the receiver by processing a Receiver Independent Exchange (RINEX) observation file that is generated from the receiver has demonstrated adequacy by showing similar variation trends with the CODE GIM. Bernese also has showed the capability to produce high resolution IONosphere map EXchange (IONEX) data compared to the CODE GIM. At each station IPP, VTEC difference in two stations showed absolute maximum 3.3 and 2.3 Total Electron Content Unit (TECU) in Bernese and GIM, respectively. The ionospheric delay of the TWCP has showed maximum 5.69 and 2.54 ps from Bernese and CODE GIM, respectively. Bernese could correct up to 6.29 ps in ionospheric delay rather than using CODE GIM. The peak-to-peak value of the ionospheric delay for TWCP in Bernese is about 10 ps, and this has to be eliminated to get high precision TWCP results. The $10^{-16}$ level uncertainty of atomic clock corresponds to 10 ps for 1 day averaging time, so time synchronization performance needs less than 10 ps. Current time synchronization of a satellite and ground station is about 2 ns level, but the smaller required performance, like less than 1 ns, the better. In this perspective, since the ionospheric delay could exceed over 100 ps in a long baseline different from this short baseline case, the elimination of the ionospheric delay is thought to be important for more high precision time synchronization of a satellite and ground station. This paper showed detailed method how to eliminate ionospheric delay for TWCP, and a specific case is applied by using this technique. Anyone could apply this method to establish high precision TWCP capability, and it is possible to use other software such as GIPSYOASIS and GPSTk. This TWCP could be applied in the high precision atomic clocks and used in the ground stations of the future domestic satellite navigation system.

Weighted Census Transform and Guide Filtering based Depth Map Generation Method (가중치를 이용한 센서스 변환과 가이드 필터링 기반깊이지도 생성 방법)

  • Mun, Ji-Hun;Ho, Yo-Sung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.92-98
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    • 2017
  • Generally, image contains geometrical and radiometric errors. Census transform can solve the stereo mismatching problem caused by the radiometric distortion. Since the general census transform compares center of window pixel value with neighbor pixel value, it is hard to obtain an accurate matching result when the difference of pixel value is not large. To solve that problem, we propose a census transform method that applies different 4-step weight for each pixel value difference by applying an assistance window inside the window kernel. If the current pixel value is larger than the average of assistance window pixel value, a high weight value is given. Otherwise, a low weight value is assigned to perform a differential census transform. After generating an initial disparity map using a weighted census transform and input images, the gradient information is additionally used to model a cost function for generating a final disparity map. In order to find an optimal cost value, we use guided filtering. Since the filtering is performed using the input image and the disparity image, the object boundary region can be preserved. From the experimental results, we confirm that the performance of the proposed stereo matching method is improved compare to the conventional method.

Digitalization of the Nuclear Steam Generator Level Control System (증기발생기 수위조절 시스템의 디지탈화)

  • Lee, Yoon-Joon;Lee, Un-Chul
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 1993
  • The safe and efficient operation of nuclear plants is recognized to be accomplished through the application of plant automation using digital technology, which is one of main targets of the next generation nuclear plants. For plant level automation, it is first required that each major subsystem be digitalized, and the steam generator water level control system is discussed in this study. The transfer functions between inputs and the level are derived by employing the thermal hydraulic model of the steam generator and are applied to the analysis of the current three-element control system. Since the control scheme in this study includes the steam generator itself as a process plant, the system order is high and the numerical instability arises in digitalizing. Together with this, the unreliability of the feedwater feedback signal at low power level leads to the proposal of a two-element control system with a proper digital controller. The digital PI controller developed for this system has the initial power adaptive gain and integration time constant. And it makes the overall system response satisfy the stability and other necessary control specifications simultaneously. Since the two-element control system using this controller depends on the initial power only, it is simple to define and it shows a similar level response behavior to that of its corresponding analog system.

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The Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts on the Water Scarcity of the Han River Basin in South Korea Using High Resolution RCM Data (고해상도 RCM 자료를 이용한 기후변화가 한강유역의 수자원(이수적 측면)에 미치는 영향 평가)

  • Kim, Soo-Jun;Kim, Byung-Sik;Jun, Hwan-Don;Kim, Hung-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.295-308
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    • 2010
  • As an attempt to explore the impact of droughts which may be worse by the climate change, the change in the water balance of the Han-river basin is analyzed. To accomplish it, we suggest a procedure consisting of three successive sub-procedures: daily rainfall generation for 70 years by the RegCM3 RCM ($27{\times}27\;km$) with the A2 scenario, daily discharge simulations by SLURP using the generated daily rainfall data, and monthly water balance analysis by K-WEAP (Korean Water Evaluation and Planning System) based on the SLURP simulation. Since significant uncertainty is involved in forecasting the future water consumption and water yields, we assumed three water consumption scenarios and fifty water yields scenarios. Three water consumption scenarios are, namely, "LOW", "MEDIUM", and "HIGH" according to the expected amount of water consumption. The fifty daily discharges are obtained from the SLURP simulations during the drought period. Finally, water balance analysis is performed by K-WEAP based on 150 combinations from three water consumption scenarios and the fifty daily discharges. Analysis of water scarcity in small basins of the Han River basin showed concentration of water scarcity in some small basins. It was also found that water scarcity would increase in all small basins of the Han River basin.

A Study on High-Precision DEM Generation Using ERS-Envisat SAR Cross-Interferometry (ERS-Envisat SAR Cross-Interferomety를 이용한 고정밀 DEM 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Jin;Jung, Hyung-Sup;Lu, Zhong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.431-439
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    • 2010
  • Cross-interferometic synthetic aperture radar (CInSAR) technique from ERS-2 and Envisat images is capable of generating submeter-accuracy digital elevation model (DEM). However, it is very difficult to produce high-quality CInSAR-derived DEM due to the difference in the azimuth and range pixel size between ERS-2 and Envisat images as well as the small height ambiguity of CInSAR interferogram. In this study, we have proposed an efficient method to overcome the problems, produced a high-quality DEM over northern Alaska, and compared the CInSAR-derived DEM with the national elevation dataset (NED) DEM from U.S. Geological Survey. In the proposed method, azimuth common band filtering is applied in the radar raw data processing to mitigate the mis-registation due to the difference in the azimuth and range pixel size, and differential SAR interferogram (DInSAR) is used for reducing the unwrapping error occurred by the high fringe rate of CInSAR interferogram. Using the CInSAR DEM, we have identified and corrected man-made artifacts in the NED DEM. The wave number analysis further confirms that the CInSAR DEM has valid Signal in the high frequency of more than 0.08 radians/m (about 40m) while the NED DEM does not. Our results indicate that the CInSAR DEM is superior to the NED DEM in terms of both height precision and ground resolution.

Investigation of Pohang Earthquake Liquefaction Using 1D Effective-Stress Site Response Analysis (1차원 유효응력개념의 지반응답해석을 통한 포항지진의 액상화 현상 규명)

  • Ahn, Jae-Kwang;Baek, Woo-Hyun;Choi, Jae-Soon;Kwak, Dong Youp
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.34 no.8
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 2018
  • Since the observation of ground motions in South Korea, liquefaction manifestation was the first to be observed in Pohang earthquake in 2017 with $M_L$ 5.4. Because liquefaction causes ground settlement and lateral spread damaging in-ground or super structures, various researchers have been analyzing the Pohang liquefaction case history to better understand and predict liquefaction consequence and to prevent future disasters. In prior research at the 2018 EESK conference, a map of Liquefaction Potential Index (LPI), indicating the severity of liquefaction, in Pohang was created and compared with damage observations. The LPI correlated well with the observations, but the severity categorized by LPI range was significantly higher than the actual observations in most regions. The prior LPI map was created evaluating ground motions using the simplified approach. In this research, we perform the effective site response analyses with porewater pressure generation model for the detailed evaluation of liquefaction on the liquefied sites in Pohang. We found that the simplified approach for LPI evaluation can overestimate the severity.

A Study on Social Supports for the Elderly Housing in Senior Concentrated Cities in the United States and Canada : Focused on Small Cities along Rural Counties (미국과 캐나다 노인밀집도시의 노인주거관련 사회적지원에 관한 연구 : 농촌지역 소도시를 중심으로)

  • Lee, In-Soo
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.23-41
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to explore social supports for elderly housing and their residential lives in small cities along rural counties of the United States and Canada, and suggest future implications for age-concentrated rural villages in Korea. In this study, five small and medium cities in non-metropolitan counties of California and Ontario province were visited and elderly residents and service experts were interviewed about their perceptions of community integrated social support networks for senior residences. The senior housing complexes were built due to influx of both metropolitan and rural residents seeking warm localities, traffic connections, business purposes in active production areas. and leisure attractions. There are five main social support networks for senior housing issues in these areas. First, the areas are claimed for senior zones and accordingly health industries are encouraged by local authorities. Second, the community is homogeneously constructed as a senior friendly environment and include features such as an RV park and mobile cottages. Third, senior-helping seniors are offered active work through golf-cluster active retirement communities. Fourth, traditional theme production camps are mobilized by the elderly workers. Lastly, an information system is maintained for screening volunteers and for senior abuse prevention. On the other hand, residential lives are occasionally negatively influenced by unbalanced concentrations of elderly facilities such as nursing stations and funeral homes. For the future of Korean rural elderly policies, suggestions are made as follows: first, an integrated urban and rural township that contains attractive places for early retiring people who seek a warm atmosphere in later life needs to be constructed. Second, an integrated model retirement village of urban and rural retirement life needs to be initiated as a measure of evaluating the adaptation process of movers in senior concentrated zones. Third, a cooperation system among governmental ministries needs to be formed with the long- term goal of establishing a traditional rural town of independent housing districts and medical facilities in rural areas. Fourth, productive and active lifestyles need to be maintained as the local community and government develop successful retirement rural villages, by limiting the expansion of nursing related facilities. Finally, generation integrated visiting welfare programs and services need to be further developed for the housing areas especially in the winter, when social integration and activity are relatively low.

Ad Planning Model by Comparison Challenge Approach in the e-Marketplace (e-Marketplace에서의 비교도전에 의한 광고계획 모델)

  • 이재규;이재원
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.137-153
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    • 2003
  • Comparison shopping is the most popular functionality in the e-Marketplace. Most of their revenue has been generated kent the Internet advertisement, but the ad earning was declined as the ad costing per action method widespread. Seller less familiar to the customer shrinks from chances for advertising and exposing their products. So, we need an efficient methodology subject to the seller's ad budget and other constraints, and it also has to increase comparison broker's earning in the e-Marketplace. Our research proposed and developed an ad planning methodology using comparison challenge approach which can be applied by 3$^{rd}$ party comparison brokers. Comparison challenge planning is organized with challenge policy of competitor level, product level and specification level. With that policies and basic challenge propositions, we measure the quantified value of functional distance between the specifications of my product and competitor's product. My product challenges the comparison using the comparative ad format to the similar but inferior competitor's product based on quantified valuation. Comparison challenge planning system has two phases of comparative value generation and optimization. We developed a prototype system and applied it to the desktop PC market of five major manufacturers. Our performance was emphasized by comparing to other comparative ad methods such as random display method and minimum distance method..

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