• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mine pillar

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Damage Contribution Rate Analysis by Accidental Tunnel Explosion at a Multi-layered Room and Pillar Mine (우발적 갱도폭발에 따른 다층 주방식 채광광산 구조요인별 피해 기여도 분석)

  • Ko, Young-Hun;Yang, Hyung-Sik;Kim, Seung-Jun
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, parametric studies are conducted to evaluate the contribute effect of multi layered room and pillar mine structures by underground accidental explosions. Influence of PPV(Peak Particle Velocity) obtained from large explosion at a multi layered room and pillar mine was numerically simulated by using AUTODYN. Parameters for contribution rate Analysis was analyzed by the robust design method. Orthogonal array is $L_9(3^4)$, which was adopted in this study, the parameters were pillar height, pillar width, mine span and sill pillar of 3 levels. Results of analysis showed that bottom mine of vertical direction from explosion point are most affected by pillar height, followed by sill pillar thickness, mine span and pillar width. Parameters affecting adjacent mine of horizontal direction from explosion are in the order of pillar width, mine span, pillar height and sill pillar thickness.

Post-pillars design for safe exploitation at Trepça hard rock mine (Kosovo) based on numerical modeling

  • Ibishi, Gzim;Genis, Melih;Yavuz, Mahmut
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.463-475
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    • 2022
  • In the mine exploitation stage; one of the critical issues is the stability assessment of post-pillars. The instability of post-pillars leads to serious safety hazards in mining operations. The focus of this study is to assess the stability of post-pillars in the 130# stope in the central ore body at Trepça hard rock mine by employing both conventional (i.e., critical span curve) and numerical methods (i.e., FLAC3D). Moreover, a new numerical based index (i.e., Pillar Yield Ratio-PYR) was proposed. The aim of PYR index is to determine a border line between stable, potentially unstable, and failure state of post-pillars at a specific mine site. The critical value of pillar width to height ratio is 2.5 for deep production stopes (e.g., > 800 m). Results showed that pillar size, mining height and mining depth significantly have affected the post-pillar stability. The reliability of numerical based index (i.e., PYR) is verified based on empirical underground pillar stability graph developed by Lunder, 1994. The proposed pillar yield ratio index and pillar stability graph can be used as a design tool in new mining areas at Trepça hard rock mine and for other situations with similar geotechnical conditions.

A Study on the Stability Analysis of Underground Mine using LIDAR (LIDAR를 활용한 지하광산의 안정성 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Joong;Kim, Byung-Ryeol;Jin, Yeon-Ho;Choi, Sung-Oong
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.406-421
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    • 2017
  • This study describes a precise numerical analysis process by adopting the real image of mine openings obtained by LIDAR, which can produce a point cloud data by measuring the target surface numerically. Research area is a section of underground limestone mine which is used hybrid room-and-pillar method for improving the production rate. From the application of LIDAR to this section several results were deduced, that is, the central axis of upper and lower vertical safety pillars is distorted to the direction of NW and the section area of lower vertical safety pillar is $34m^2$ smaller than the designed area of $100m^2$. The results of precise measurement in geometrical shape of mine openings and precise simulation in numerical analysis confirms that LIDAR techniques can be suggested as a valuable tool for stability analysis in underground mine by configuring the mine opening shape.

Numerical Study on Vertical Stress Estimation for Panel Pillars at Room and Pillar Mines (주방식 광산의 패널 광주 수직응력 추정을 위한 수치해석 연구)

  • Yoon, Dong-Ho;Song, Jae-Joon
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.473-483
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    • 2020
  • This paper examines the vertical stress change concentrated on mine pillar which occurs due to the stress disturbance from opening excavation at room and pillar mine by FLAC3D, a finite difference method (FDM) software. The mesh size combination is decided with a careful consideration of relative error and run-time, then its performance is verified. A series of numerical analyses is conducted and the vertical stress at central pillar was observed for the test cases of 1×1 to 11×11 mine pillars, 40 m to 320 m depth with 40 m difference. The results show that the vertical stress of pillar approaches to the similar value with the value estimated by tributary area theory(TAT) when the development area (NP) is increased or the height of overburden (HOB) is decreased, while it is overestimated in the opposite case. Furthermore, it also represents that the vertical stress factor (VSF) converges to a specific value when the depth is increased whille keeping the development area identical.

Failure pattern of large-scale goaf collapse and a controlled roof caving method used in gypsum mine

  • Chen, Lu;Zhou, Zilong;Zang, Chuanwei;Zeng, Ling;Zhao, Yuan
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.449-457
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    • 2019
  • Physical model tests were first performed to investigate the failure pattern of multiple pillar-roof support system. It was observed in the physical model tests, pillars were design with the same mechanical parameters in model #1, cracking occurred simultaneously in panel pillars and the roof above barrier pillars. When pillars 2 to 5 lost bearing capacity, collapse of the roof supported by those pillars occurred. Physical model #2 was design with a relatively weaker pillar (pillar 3) among six pillars. It was found that the whole pillar-roof system was divided into two independent systems by a roof crack, and two pillars collapse and roof subsidence events occurred during the loading process, the first failure event was induced by the pillars failure, and the second was caused by the roof crack. Then, for a multiple pillar-roof support system, three types of failure patterns were analysed based on the condition of pillar and roof. It can be concluded that any failure of a bearing component would cause a subsidence event. However, the barrier pillar could bear the transferred load during the stress redistribution process, mitigating the propagation of collapse or cutting the roof to insulate the collapse area. Importantly, some effective methods were suggested to decrease the risk of catastrophic collapse, and the deep-hole-blasting was employed to improve the stability of the pillar and roof support system in a room and pillar mine.

Influence of Rock Fall on the Roofs and Rib Pillars at Multi-layered Room and Pillar Mine (다층 주방식 채광 광산에서 낙반이 천반과 광주에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jong-Gwan;Yang, Hyung-Sik
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.35-39
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    • 2016
  • Influence of rock fall from upper-level roofs to lower-level roofs and pillars at a multi layered room and pillar mine was numerically simulated by using AUTODYN. The analysis results showed that the maximum displacement and stress in the roof of the lower-level stope are respectively 0.001 mm and 36 MPa, and those in the pillars of the lower-level stope are 0.0003 mm and 3 MPa. The maximum damage levels in the roof and pillar of the lower-level stope were evaluated to be about 0.03 when a half of the roof rock of the upper-level stope was assumed to be fallen to the floor.

The Numerical Analysis of Pillar Stability with Multiple, Irregular Openings (다수의 불규칙 공동을 갖는 광주의 안정성에 관한 수치해석)

  • Min, Hyung-Ki;Lim, Han-Uk
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.24 no.A
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    • pp.139-155
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    • 2004
  • A room and pillar mining method has been adopting at the Jeungsun limestone mine. To check stability of pillar with multiple and irregular openings, the size, shape and spacing of rib pillar were first designed using some empirical suggestions. The Finite Difference Method(FDM)was used to analyze the pillar stability. Twelve different cases with the variation of K(horizontal/vertical stress)values, different height and different spacing of pillar were used in this study. Finally Mohr-Coulomb criterion was adopted to calculate the safety factors. Horizontal and vertical displacement, maximum and minimum principal stresses, range of plastic zone and safety factors were calculated at each case. As a result of analysis, the size of one block is 160m long, 70m wide, 40m high with 20m wide rib pillar and 20m square column pillar. The overall recovery at this case can be estimated about 40%.

  • PDF

Research on no coal pillar protection technology in a double lane with pre-set isolation wall

  • Liu, Hui;Li, Xuelong;Gao Xin;Long, Kun;Chen, Peng
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.537-550
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    • 2021
  • There are various technical problems need to be solved in the construction process of pre-setting an isolation wall into a double lane in the outburst prone mine. This study presents a methodology that pre-setting an isolation wall into a double lane without a coal pillar. This requires the excavation of two small section roadways to dig a wide section roadway, followed by construction of the separation wall. During this process the connecting lane is reserved. In order to ensure the stability of the separation wall, the required bearing capacity of the isolation wall is 4.66 MN/m and the deformation of the isolation wall is approximately 25 cm. To reduce the difficulty of implementing support the roadway is driven by 5 m/d. After the construction of the separation wall, the left side coal wall is brushed 1.5 m to make the width of the gas roadway reach 2.5 m and the roadway support utilizes anchor rod, ladder beam, anchor cable beam and net configuration. During construction, the concrete pump and removable self-propelled hydraulic wall mold are used to pump and pour the concrete of the isolation wall. In the process of mining, the stress distribution of coal body and isolation wall is detected and measured on site. The results demonstrate that the deformation of the surrounding rock of roadway and separation of roof in the roadway is small. The stress of the bolt and anchor cable is within equipment tolerance validating their selection. The roadway is well supported and the intended goal is achieved. The methodology can be used for reference for similar mine gas control.

Study on damage law and width optimization design of coal pillar with the discrete element method

  • Chuanwei Zang;Bingzheng Jiang;Xiaoshan Wang;Hao Wang;Jia Zhou;Miao Chen;Yu Cong
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.555-563
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    • 2024
  • The reasonable setting of coal pillar width plays a key role in guaranteeing the steadiness of surrounding rock of fully mechanized caving gateroad driving along the next goaf. Based on the engineering background of the Bayangaole mine, the discrete element method was used to simulate the fracture evolution of coal pillars with different pillar widths. The results show that the damage rate of the coal pillar increases with the decrease in the width of the coal pillar. Once the coal pillar width is smaller than 6 m, cracks run through the coal pillar, and the coal pillar is completely damaged. In the middle of the coal pillar, which has a width of 6 m and above, there is a relatively complete area with low damage. The results show that the pillar width of 6 m is the most appropriate. Field tests prove that the reserved width of a 6 m small coal pillar can effectively control the surrounding rock deformation, ensuring the overall steadiness of the gateroad in the thick coal seam. It is hoped that this study will offer some reference for the determination of the reasonable size of the coal pillar.

Case study of microseismic techniques for stability analysis of pillars in a limestone mine (석회석 광산 내 광주의 안정성 분석을 위한 미소진동 계측기술의 현장적용)

  • Kim, Chang Oh;Um, Woo-Yong;Chung, So-Keul;Cheon, Dae-Sung
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2016
  • This study deals with the case that was the field application of the microseismic monitoring techniques for the stability monitoring in a domestic mine. The usefulness and limitations of the microseismic techniques were examined through analyzing the microseismic monitored data. The target limestone mine adopted a hybrid room-and-pillar mining method to improve the extraction ratio. The accelerometers were installed in each vertical pillar within the test bed which has the horizontal cross-section $50m{\times}50m$. The measured signals were divided into 4 types; blasting induced signal, drilling induced signal, damage induced signal, and electric noise. The stability analysis was performed based on the measured damage induced signals. After the blasting in the mining section close to the test bed, the damage of the pillar was increased and rockfall near the test bed could be estimated from monitored microseismic data. It was possible to assess the pillar stability from the changes of daily monitored data and the proposed safety criteria from the accumulated monitored data. However, there was a difficulty to determine the 3D microseismic source positions due to the 2D local sensor arrays. Also, it was needed to use real-time monitoring methods in domestic mines. By complementing the problems encountered in the mine application and comparing microseismic monitored data with mining operations, the microseismic monitoring technique can be used as a better safety method.