• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mid-term evaluation

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A Study on developing advancement indexes of a urban logistics plan in Incheon Metropolitan City (인천시 도시물류계획 효율적 운영을 위한 개선지표 개발)

  • Chung, Tae-Won
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.35 no.8
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    • pp.683-689
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    • 2011
  • Urban logistics plan of the previous cargo distribution law has changed into city logistics plan of logistics policy law in which its contents adjusted into direction to improve logistics industries, economic well-being and lifestyle conditions of the city. But the city logistics planning didn't include yet a systematic backbone that plans a vision, performs propelled plan to realize it, and then gives feedback through scientific evaluation indexes. In this context, this paper reviews the previous logistics plans and helps operating and managing a efficient city logistics plan a mid-long term through representative index development required to establish city logistics plan.

Evaluation Mechanism of DSM Potentials (수요관리 프로그램의 잠재량 평가방안)

  • Jin, B.M.;Rhee, C.H.;Kim, C.S.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2001.11b
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    • pp.421-423
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    • 2001
  • Restructuring of electricity industry is going on for the purpose of introducing competition and after separation of generation and retail business and introduction of competition, substantial change is expected in overall electric power system. In other words, DSM projects are divided with public projects and private projects. Particularly for public project, it is essential to evaluate the DSM volumes by program. This paper tries to derive the ways for achieving the necessary DSM goal in the electricity industry in Korea. First of all, by analyzing the load in Korea, we forecast the standard demand and estimate the technological potentials of each program in considering DSM technological indicators. Moreover, by using economic analysis by program, we estimate economic potentials and finally, we estimate the potentials by program in considering the DSM policy. We estimate the potentials by using random method because application methodology and procedures by program are not established until now, which leads to not obtaining transparency for implementation effect by program. Therefore, this paper estimates the future potentials of DSM projects by using the logical and systematic analytic method and establishing database for DSM basic indicator. The DSM goals estimated by this method will be reflected to mid/long term nation-wide resource planning, which will mitigate anticipated power supply shortage and be applied to derive desirable energy demand/supply structure.

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A Huge Intra-Abdominal Mass Associated with Long-Term Surgical Gauze Retention in a Toy Breed Dog

  • Lee, Sung-Jun;Jeong, Soon-Wuk;Eom, Ki-Dong;Shin, Jong-Il;Yoon, Hun-Young
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.116-121
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    • 2016
  • A 1.83 kg, 9-year-old, spayed female Yorkshire Terrier was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Konkuk University for evaluation of an intra-abdominal mass with a week history of vomiting and diarrhea. On physical examination, survey radiography, abdominal ultrasonography, and computed tomography, a huge firm mass was identified in the mid-caudal abdomen. Surgical exploration of the abdominal cavity was performed to remove the mass. The encapsulated mass adhered to the mesentery, tail of the spleen, small intestine, omentum, and right lobe of the pancreas was removed using blunt dissection with dry gauze and cotton swabs. Macroscopic and histopathological examination revealed that the mass was foreign-body granuloma consistent with gauze fiber. Plain abdominal radiography demonstrated no remarkable findings 8 months post-operatively. There was no evidence of vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, difficulty breathing, and cyanosis on exertion 13 months post-operatively.

Evaluation of the Troposphere Ozone in the Reanalysis Datasets: Comparison with Pohang Ozonesonde Observation (대류권 오존 재분석 자료의 품질 검증: 포항 오존존데와 비교 검증)

  • Park, Jinkyung;Kim, Seo-Yeon;Son, Seok-Woo
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2019
  • The quality of troposphere ozone in three reanalysis datasets is evaluated with longterm ozonesonde measurement at Pohang, South Korea. The Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate (MACC), European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Interim Reanalysis (ERAI) and Modern Era Retrospective-Analysis for Research and Applications version 2 (MERRA2) are particularly examined in terms of the vertical ozone structure, seasonality and long-term trend in the lower troposphere. It turns out that MACC shows the smallest biases in the ozone profile, and has realistic seasonality of lower-tropospheric ozone concentration with a maximum ozone mixing ratio in spring and early summer and minimum in winter. MERRA2 also shows reasonably small biases. However, ERAI exhibits significant biases with substantially lower ozone mixing ratio in most seasons, except in mid summer, than the observation. It even fails to reproduce the seasonal cycle of lower-tropospheric ozone concentration. This result suggests that great caution is needed when analyzing tropospheric ozone using ERAI data. It is further found that, although not statistically significant, all datasets consistently show a decreasing trend of 850-hPa ozone concentration since 2003 as in the observation.

Evaluation of the Impact of Changes in Drought Characteristics on Agriculture in the DPRK (북한의 가뭄 특성 변화가 농업에 미치는 영향 평가)

  • Song, Sung-Ho;Kim, Hyuk
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.18-31
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    • 2022
  • To evaluate the impact of drought on agriculture in N. Korea, SPI (standardized precipitation index) analysis was carried out by utilizing time-series precipitation data during 1996 - 2003 when severe drought occurred throughout the country. The SPI value was estimated to reach 12 in approximately 60% of the total period, indicating that agricultural productivity deteriorated rapidly due to the long-term drought. The national average drought cycle, based on SPI 12, was estimated as 32.5 months for the last 40 years. However, when examined on 20-year basis, the drought cycle was shortened by 10.6 months in last 20 years (30.3 months) as compared to previous 20 years (40.9 months). Annual crop production continued to increase mainly in rice and maize until the mid-1990s, but declined sharply thereafter due to the drought. After the drought period, the production of potatoes of which growth is more resistant to drought started to increase to the production level comparable to those of rice and soybean. It is expected that changes in the agricultural production environment in N. Korea will be inevitable due to the climate change. To this end, using the results of the drought cycle analysis, it is possible to analyze the changes in the agricultural production environment in N. Korea in the future.

Off-design performance evaluation of multistage axial gas turbines for a closed Brayton cycle of sodium-cooled fast reactor

  • Jae Hyun Choi;Jung Yoon;Sungkun Chung;Namhyeong Kim;HangJin Jo
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.7
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    • pp.2697-2711
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the validity of reducing the number of gas turbine stages designed for a nitrogen Brayton cycle coupled to a sodium-cooled fast reactor was assessed. The turbine performance was evaluated through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations under different off-design conditions controlled by a reduced flow rate and reduced rotational speed. Two different multistage gas turbines designed to extract almost the same specific work were selected: two- and three-stage turbines (mid-span stage loading coefficient: 1.23 and 1.0, respectively). Real gas properties were considered in the CFD simulation in accordance with the Peng-Robinson's equation of state. According to the CFD results, the off-design performance of the two-stage turbine is comparable to that of the three-stage turbine. Moreover, compared to the three-stage turbine, the two-stage turbine generates less entropy across the shock wave. The results indicate that under both design and off-design conditions, increasing the stage loading coefficient for a fewer number of turbine stages is effective in terms of performance and size. Furthermore, the Ellipse law can be used to assess off-design performance and increasing exponent of the expansion ratio term better predicts the off-design performance with a few stages (two or three).

Evaluation of long-term water quality management policy effect using nonparametric statistical methods

  • Jung, Kang Young;Ahn, Jung Min;Cho, Sohyun;Lee, Yeong Jae;Han, Kun Yeun;Shin, Dongseok;Kim, Kyunghyun
    • Membrane and Water Treatment
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.339-352
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    • 2019
  • Long term water quality change was analyzed to evaluate the effect of the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) policy. A trend analysis was performed for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations data monitored at the outlets of the total 41 TMDL unit watersheds of the Nakdong River in the Republic of Korea. Because water quality data do not usually follow a normal distribution, a nonparametric statistical trend analysis method was used. The monthly mean values of BOD and TP for the period between 2004 and 2015 were analyzed by the seasonal Mann-Kendall test and the locally weighted scatterplot smoother (LOWESS). The TMDL policy effect on the water quality change of each unit watershed was analyzed together with the results of the trend analysis. From the seasonal Mann-Kendall test results, it was found that for BOD, 7.8 % of the 41 points showed downward trends, 26.8 % and the rest 65.9% showed upward and no trends. For TP, 51.2% showed no trends and the rest 48.8% showed downward trends. From the LOWESS analysis results, TP began to decrease in most of the unit watersheds from mid-2010s when intensive chemical treatment processes were introduced to existing wastewater treatment plants. Overall, for BOD, relatively more points were improved in the main stream compared to the points of the tributaries although overall trends were mostly no trend or upward. For TP, about half of the points were improved and the rest showed no trends.

Students' Performance Prediction in Higher Education Using Multi-Agent Framework Based Distributed Data Mining Approach: A Review

  • M.Nazir;A.Noraziah;M.Rahmah
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.10
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    • pp.135-146
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    • 2023
  • An effective educational program warrants the inclusion of an innovative construction which enhances the higher education efficacy in such a way that accelerates the achievement of desired results and reduces the risk of failures. Educational Decision Support System (EDSS) has currently been a hot topic in educational systems, facilitating the pupil result monitoring and evaluation to be performed during their development. Insufficient information systems encounter trouble and hurdles in making the sufficient advantage from EDSS owing to the deficit of accuracy, incorrect analysis study of the characteristic, and inadequate database. DMTs (Data Mining Techniques) provide helpful tools in finding the models or forms of data and are extremely useful in the decision-making process. Several researchers have participated in the research involving distributed data mining with multi-agent technology. The rapid growth of network technology and IT use has led to the widespread use of distributed databases. This article explains the available data mining technology and the distributed data mining system framework. Distributed Data Mining approach is utilized for this work so that a classifier capable of predicting the success of students in the economic domain can be constructed. This research also discusses the Intelligent Knowledge Base Distributed Data Mining framework to assess the performance of the students through a mid-term exam and final-term exam employing Multi-agent system-based educational mining techniques. Using single and ensemble-based classifiers, this study intends to investigate the factors that influence student performance in higher education and construct a classification model that can predict academic achievement. We also discussed the importance of multi-agent systems and comparative machine learning approaches in EDSS development.

Anaortic Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients with Takayasu's Arteritis

  • Na, Kwon Joong;Lee, Kyung-Hak;Oh, Se Jin;Hwang, Ho Young;Kim, Ki-Bong
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.274-278
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    • 2013
  • Background: Coronary involvement in Takayasu's arteritis is a rare but fatal disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the early and mid-term results of Takayasu's arteritis patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Materials and Methods: Of 2,280 patients who underwent isolated CABG from January 1998 to June 2012, Takayasu's arteritis was identified in 5 patients. There were 3 female patients, and the mean age was 58±9 years. Takayasu's arteritis was diagnosed during preoperative evaluation for coronary artery disease in 4 patients, and the initial manifestation was angina pectoris in 4 patients. All of the patients underwent anaortic off-pump CABG (OPCAB) using the in situ left or right internal thoracic arteries (ITA); 3 patients had severe stenosis of the proximal left subclavian artery and the in situ right ITA was used instead. Medical treatment for inflammatory arteritis during the perioperative and follow-up period was performed if indicated. Early, 1-year, and 5-year angiographic results and clinical outcomes were analyzed. Results: There was no surgical mortality, and all of the patients were discharged without complications on postoperative 8±2 days. Early postoperative (postoperative 2±1 days) angiography demonstrated a graft patency of 100% (12 of 12 distal anastomoses). One-year (13±3 months) angiography was performed in 4 patients, and all of the grafts were patent (100%, 9 of 9 distal anastomoses). Conclusion: By performing anaortic OPCAB in patients with Takayasu's arteritis, we were able to avoid complications associated with manipulating an atherosclerotic and severely calcified ascending aorta. The early and mid-term graft patency of OPCAB in Takayasu's arteritis was maintained when concomitant with medical treatment.

Study on Improving Maritime English Proficiency Through the Use of a Maritime English Platform (해사영어 플랫폼을 활용한 표준해사영어 실력 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Jin Ki Seor;Young-soo Park;Dongsu Shin;Dae Won Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.930-938
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    • 2023
  • Maritime English is a specialized language system designed for ship operations, maritime safety, and external and internal communication onboard. According to the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), it is imperative that navigational officers engaged in international voyages have a thorough understanding of Maritime English including the use of Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP). This study measured students' proficiency in Maritime English using a learning and testing platform that includes voice recognition, translation, and word entry tasks to evaluate the resulting improvement in Maritime English exam scores. Furthermore, the study aimed to investigate the level of platform use needed for cadets to qualify as junior navigators. The experiment began by examining the correlation between students' overall English skills and their proficiency in SMCP through an initial test, followed by the evaluation of improvements in their scores and changes in exam duration during the mid-term and final exams. The initial test revealed a significant dif erence in Maritime English test scores among groups based on individual factors, such as TOEIC scores and self-assessment of English ability, and both the mid-term and final tests confirmed substantial score improvements for the group using the platform. This study confirmed the efficacy of a learning platform that could be extensively applied in maritime education and potentially expanded beyond the scope of Maritime English education in the future.