• Title/Summary/Keyword: Medication

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Analysis of Urine Iodine Excretion Decrease by Two-Week Stringent Low Iodine Diet for Remnant Thyroid Ablation with Radioactive Iodine in Korean Patients with Thyroid Cancer; Prospective Study (한국 갑상선암 환자들에서 잔여갑상선 제거를 위한 방사성요오드 치료 전 2주간의 엄격한 저요오드식이에 의한 소변 내 요오드량 감소 분석; 전향적 연구)

  • Choi, Joon-Hyuk;Kim, Hoon-Il;Park, Jang-Won;Song, Eun-Hoon;Ko, Bong-Jin;Cheon, Gi-Jeong;Kim, Byung-Il
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.375-382
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    • 2008
  • A low iodine diet (LID) is the recommended preparation for radioactive iodine treatment. However, the recommended duration and stringency of LID are different among each recommendation. More stringent LID is expected in Korea because Korea is a iodine-rich region. We investigated the decrement of urine iodine excretion by two-week stringent LID for remnant thyroid ablation with radioactive iodine in Korean patients with thyroid cancer, prospectively. Material and Method: From November 2006, patients who referred to our hospital for remnant ablation after total thyroidectomy were included in this study. To decrease total body iodine, our protocol included three strategies. First, we checked medication which could inhibit the radioactive iodine uptake. Second, the date of 1-131 treatment was scheduled at least 3 months later if contrast agent had been used. The last strategy was two-week stringent LID education by specialized nutritionist. Before and after two-week stringent LID, 24hr-urine iodine was analyzed respectively. 24hr-urine creatinine was also analyzed for determining more valid 24hr urine sampling subgroup. Results: Total 51 patients were finally enrolled. Average of 24hr-urine iodine excretion was significantly lowered ($787{\pm}2242\;{\rightarrow}\;85{\pm}85\;{\mu}g/d$, p=0.03) after LID and 74.4% of patients reached below the recommended urine iodine excretion level ($<100\;{\mu}g/d$). In subgroup (n=14), similar results was showed ($505{\pm}666\;{\rightarrow}\;99{\pm}116\;{\mu}g/d$, p=0.05) and 78.6% of patients met the criteria. Conclusion: Most patients could reach below the recommended urine iodine level after two-week stringent LID. Therefore, in our opinion, at least two-week stringent LID should be recommended in Korea.

Comparative Analysis of Technical System by Six Organic Rice Cultivation Type in the Southern Provinces (남부지방 벼 유기농법 유형별 투입기술체계 비교분석)

  • Ahn, In;Park, Joo-Seob;Kim, Sam-Hyun;Maeng, Woon-Young;Lee, In-Eae
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.535-542
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out from 2011 to 2012 in order to analyze the cultivation technology system by six organic rice cultivation types in the southern provinces for the purpose of utilizing organic rice farming guidelines. This surveys were conducted by site visit on 8 counties and 115 farms in southern area. Cultivation technology system by six organic rice cultivation types were cultivated by the principle of minimum input or non-input. cropping systems, a mixture of barley and rice, or rice green manure crops were grown. Cultivars were mixture of the local cultivars and Japanese varieties. Soil were managed by a self-manufactured compost, indigenous microorganisms and barley straw without any fertilization. Pest control was mainly practied by purchased eco-friendly organic materials or herbal medication residue and indigenous microbial self-manufactured. Weed was controled by snails and barley straw. In addition, considering the restore of a longtail pitching shrimp and grasshoppers, the fuction of environmental ecology of six organic rice cultivation type proved to be excellent all. Meanwhile, the productivity of the organic farming per 10a were the order of Life and environment > Natural circulation > Stevia > Ji jang > Art and nature > Taepyoung of Farming Methods, but the farmers received prices showed the opposite tendency. Simple profitablity did not show a big difference. But, the productivity of all type of the organic farming were lower then the conventional farming. Finally, If we want to conduct safety and easy farming, we can suggest stevia farming, Natural circulation farming and life and environmental farming out of 6 organic rice cultivation types.

Self-Efficacy, Self-Care Behavior, Posttraumatic Growth, and Quality of Life in Patients with Cancer according to Disease Characteristics (질병관련 특성에 따른 암환자의 자기효능감, 자가간호행위, 외상 후 성장, 삶의 질)

  • Choi, Jinho;Lee, Sunyoung;An, Byungduck
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.170-179
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study examined self-efficacy, self-care behavior, posttraumatic growth, and quality of life in cancer patients and their levels by disease characteristics groups to identify patient groups that require psychosocial intervention. Methods: We surveyed 107 patients using a structured questionnaire about the four factors and analyzed the factors by stratifying the patients by the period after the cancer diagnosis, by stage and by current treatment status. Results: The mean score for self-efficacy was 37.78, and that for self-care behavior 49.96. Patients who were diagnosed less than one year ago scored higher on medication, a sub-category of self-care behavior, than the post-diagnosis period of 1~2 year group. The score was higher in the currently-treated group than the follow-up and distant metastasis groups. For posttraumatic growth, the mean was 56.17, and the factor was higher in the 1~2 year post-diagnosis group after than the less than one year group. The score was higher in the follow-up group than the currently-treated group. With regard to quality of life, the mean score was 25.79, and no significant correlation was found with disease characteristics. Conclusion: A shorter post-diagnosis period increased self-care behavior, and the greatest posttraumatic growth was reported by the 1~2 year post-diagnosis group. It may be necessary to provide cancer patients with an education program and other strategies less than one year after the diagnosis to improve self-efficacy and self-care behavior. To promote post-traumatic growth, it may be helpful to provide patients with psychosocial intervention within two years after the diagnosis.

Patient-related Barriiers to Pain Management in General Population (일반인의 통증관리 장애정도)

  • Yoo, Yang-Sook;Choe, Sang-Ok;Cho, Young-Yi;Koh, Su-Jin;Hor, Soo-Jin;Jeon, Ji-In;Kwon, So-Hi
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.184-189
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: This study was to explore barriers to effective pain management in general population. Methods: Total 163 Participants completed the Barrier Questionnaire-II (BQ-II), a 27-item on a six point scale, from May to June in 2007. BQ-II consisted of four subscales which were 1) physical effects (PE) addressing beliefs that side effects of analgesics are inevitable and concerns about tolerance, fatalism (Fa) addressing fatalistic beliefs about cancer pain and its management, Communication (Co) addressing the beliefs of 'good patient' and concerns of distracting physician from underlying disease, and harmful effects (HE) addressing fear of addiction and harmful effect to immune system of pain medicine. Results: The BQ-II total had an internal consistency of 0.877 in this study. HE was the biggest barrier (3.03) followed by PE (2.73), Fa (2.15), and Co (1.71). Items appeared as great concerns were 'there is a danger of becoming addicted to pain medication'(3.58), 'using pain medicine blocks your ability to know if you have any new pain' (3.18), 'pain medicine is very addictive' (3.09), 'when you use pain medicine your body becomes used to its effects and pretty soon it won't work any more' (3.09), and 'drowsiness from pain medicine is difficult to control' (3.09). Only 12 respondents (7.4%) reported that they took any type of pain education, however, those who took pain education represented significantly lower barriers to pain management than who did not (P=.029). Conclusion: This result suggests the strategies for public education to surmount cancer pain.

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A Study on Qian Yi(錢乙)'s Medical Though (전을(錢乙)의 의학사상(醫學思想)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Oh, Jun Hwan;Kim, Ki Wook;Park, Hyun Kook
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.109-152
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    • 2001
  • Throughout this paper, I adjusted the study of 'Qian Yi'(錢乙)'s Medical Thought, and the following is the summary. 1. 'Qian Yi' wrote 'Xiao Er Yao Zheng Zhi Jue'("小兒藥證直訣", edited by 誾季忠), and there were 'Shang Han Lun Zhi Wei'("傷寒論指微"), 'Ying Ru Lun', however those are loss of the record. 2. Qian Yi's 'Zhi Jue'("直訣") was influenced by 'Lu Xin Jing', yet if we compare the quality of 'Sheng Li, Byeng Li, Bang Jae'(生理, 病理, 方劑), 'Lu Xin Jing' cannot be the foundation of 'Zhi Jue'. He took over 'Nei Jing, Shang Han Lun, Jin Gui Yao Lue, Shen Long Ben Cao Jing, Tai Ping Sheng Hui Fang'("內經", "傷寒論", "金?要略", "神膿本草經", "太平聖惠方") and put them together to the direct clinical experiences of pediatrics. 3. There is no reference regarding the difficulties of pediatric diagnosis and diseases in 'Huang Di Nei Jing'("黃帝內經") Before 'Bei Song'(北宋), regardless of the lack of data related to pediatric diseases, 'Qian Yi' established the pediatric system in 'Xiao Er Yao Zheng Zhi Jue' for the first time. 4. In his diagnosis of the pediatric diseases, he 'Si Zhen He Can'(四診合參), also considered in the eye exam seriously. In addition, he closely combined 'Wu Zang Bian Zheng'(五臟辨證), and diagnosis the pediatric diseases. 5. 'Wu Zang Bian Zheng', what Qian established method was based on 'Zheng Ti Guan'(整體觀) in 'Huang Di Nei Jing'. It was based on clinical experiences and established the perspectives of 'Tian Ren Xiang Ying'(天人相應). First of all, he pinpointed 'Zhu Zheng'(主證) clearly. Secondly, he pinpointed the relationships to symptoms and then, he distinguished a generic character of 'Xu, Shi, Han, Re'(虛, 實, 寒, 熱). Finally, he made an induction from genealogical pediatric physiology. 6. 'Qian Yi' took a serious view of 'Ban Zhen'(斑疹), the inadequate field in those days. At that time, he criticized on the habituation of the misuse of medication. He treated separately which 'Ji Jing'(急驚) as 'Liang Xie'(凉瀉) and 'Man Jing'(慢驚) as 'Wen Bu'(溫補). He proposed 'Cong Gan Zhu Feng, Xin Zhu Jing'(從肝主風, 心主驚) theory and formulated 'Jing Feng'(驚風) theory as well. 7. As an opponent of a tendency to misusage of medicine, 'Qian Yi' made out a prescription with pliant medicine. He emphasized on the treatment to 'Gong Bu Shang Zheng, Bu Bu Zhi Xie, Xiao Bu Jian Shi'(攻不傷正, 補不滯邪, 消補兼施) because he had so lucid demonstration to 'Xu Shi Han Re'(虛實寒熱) of the five viscera in the field of 'Bang Yak'(方藥). 8. There were no pediatrics schools at that time, however, the pediatrics was being made up gradually by 'Jin Yuan Si Da Jia'(金元四大家) who was influenced by 'Qian Yi'. He raised an objection to medical treatment using pliant medicine. 'Qian Yi' applied 'Qu Xia'(驅下) treatment using 'Han Liang'(寒凉) medicine. 'Han Liang Pai'(寒凉派) is greatly influenced by Qian. 'Chen Wen Zhong'(陳文中) had a great impact on 'Han Liang Pai' who used a 'Zao Shu Wen Bu'(燥熟溫補) medicine for treatment. Since 'Song Jin'(宋金), he had a tremendous influence on pediatrics treating patients in both 'Han Wen'(寒溫) ways. 9. 'Qian Yi' had an influence on his medical thoughts on future generations, especially to 'Wan Quan'(萬全) of 'Ming Dai', 'Wu Tang'(吳塘) of 'Qing Dai'(淸代) and 'Yun Shu Jie'(?樹珏) of 'Min Guo'(民國). 'Wan Quan' is an advocate of 'You Yu, Bu Zu Zhi Shuo'(有餘, 不足之說)of 'Xiao Er Wu Zang'(小兒五臟) that he revealed Qian's 'Wu Zang Bian Zheng'(五臟辨證). 'Wu Tang' disclosed Qian's 'Xiao Er Ti Zhi Shuo'(小兒體質說) and 'Xiao Er Ke'(小兒科)'s 'Yong Yao Lun'(用藥論), therefore, he uncovered pediatric physiological characteristics through the advocate of Qian's 'Zang Fu Rou Ruo, Ji Gu Nen Qie, Yi Xu Yi Shi, Yi Han Yi Re' (臟腑柔弱, 肌骨嫩怯, 易虛易實, 易寒易熱). 'Yun Shu Jie' developed intrinsic relationships among time, symptom and 'Tian Ren Xiang Ying Guan'(天人相應觀), What 'Qian Yi' stated about them. And also, he developed Qian's 'Di Huang Wan'(地黃丸), 'Xie Qing Wan'(瀉靑丸), 'Yi Huang San'(益黃散) clinical usages as well. 10. Regarding Qian's 'Wu Zang Xu Shi'(五臟虛實), it has an influence on 'Zhang Yuan Su'(張元素)'s 'Zang Fu Bing Ji Bian Zheng'(臟腑病機辨證). 'Di Huang Wan', 'Xie Qing Wan', 'Xie Xin Tang'(瀉心湯), 'Yi Huang San', 'Xie Huang San'(瀉黃散) are the standard prescription of 'Wu Zang Bu Xie'(五臟補瀉). It is under the influence of Qian's treatment. Besides, 'Qian Yi' took a serious view of 'Xiao Er'(小兒)'s 'Pi Wei'(脾胃). 'Qian Yi' had an impact on 'Li Dong Yuan'(李東垣) one of the member of 'Bu Tu Pai'(補土派). 'Di Huang Wan', which placed great importance on 'Bu Yi Shen Yin'(補益腎陰), had a great impact on 'Da Bu Yin Wan'(大補陰丸) and 'Jin Yuan Si Da Jia' as well. 11. In a theory of Qian's 'Wu Zang Bian Zheng', though it had been stated clearly in 'Wu Zang Bian Zheng', but he neglected in 'Liu Fu Bian Zheng'(六腑辨證). In prescription field, The problem with the medicine is that it is either toxic or mineral, therefore, we are not able to use those medicine in a clinical testing at the present time.

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Clarithromycin Therapy for Scrub Typus (쯔쯔가무시(Tsutusgamushi)병에서 Clarithromycin의 치료 효과)

  • Kim, Soon;Jung, Eun Mi;Moon, Kyung Hyun;Yoe, Sung Yeob;Eum, Soo Jung;Lee, Joo Hyung;Jo, Sung Rae;Ma, Sang Hyuk
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.175-181
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : Scrub typhus(tsutsugamushi disease) is a febrile disease characterized by fever, rash, eschar, lymphadenopathy. Therapy with tetracycline(doxycycline) or chloramphenicol is currently recommended for the treatment for scrub typhus. But there are limitations in usage a tetracycline(doxycycline) for scrub typhus in the children. Recently, there was a report that azithromycin, a macrolide antibiotic was used for scrub typhus in pregnant woman successfully. So we evaluated the effectiveness of the Clarithromycin, other a macrolide antibiotic, for scrub typhus. Methods : Seven patients with scrub typhus at department of internal medicine and three patients with scrub typhus at department of pediatrics Masan Fatima Hospital were involved for this study. A serologic diagnosis for scrub typhus were performed by use of passive hemagglutination test. Clarithromycin(Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, IL, USA) was administrated orally in a daily dose of 500 mg for adult patients and 15 mg/kg/bid/day for pediatric patients. Results : There were 7 cases of adult patients, varying from 28 to 76 years of age and 3 cases of pediatirc patients, varying from 4 to 7 years of age with scrub typhus. All of cases had fever, myalgia, headache, rash, eschar. Seven cases had positive passive hemagglutination test and eight cases had abnormal liver function. Mean duration for the removal of fever after medication was 1.3 day(1~2 days) and all cases were recovered without complications. Conclusion : Our results suggest that Clarithromycin therapy may be effective for scrub typhus.

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The Clinical Aspects of Regional Lymphadenitis following BCG Vaccination (BCG 접종 후 국소 림프절염의 임상양상)

  • Bae, Sun Young;Park, Yang Joon;Kim, Jong-Hyun;Oh, Jin Hee;Koh, Dae Kyun;Kang, Jin Han
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : A regional lymphadenitis is the most frequent adverse reaction of BCG. In order to find out developmental factors and establish a strategy of management, we investigated the clinical courses of children with lymphadenitis following BCG on the aspect of BCG strains, suppurative rates according to the sizes of lymph node and the clinical difference with or without treatment. Methods : From January 1997 to June 2004, 52 children less than 24 month-age-old diagnosed as BCG lymphadenitis in Department of Pediatrics, St. Vincent's Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea were enrolled. The type of BCG strain, place of vaccination, location and size of lymphadenitis were assessed with medical records, retrospectively. Finally, we analysed the correlations between BCG strains or the sizes of lymph node and natural remission or suppuration. Results : The first detected mean age of BCG lymphadenitis was 5.5 month-age. The larger of the measurement was at the first visiting, the younger of age that was first presented. The most frequent location was the same sided axillary region of BCG injection. Among 52 subjects, 46 cases(88.5%) were vaccinated with intradermal Pastuer strain, and only 5 cases(9.6%) were done with percutaneous multipunctured Tokyo strain. Twenty eight cases(53.8%) were regressed naturally, otherwise 24 cases(46.2%) were suppurated. The larger those were sized, the higher freqeuncies those were suppurated on, significantly. Treatment with medications could not prevent the suppuration and could not shorten the healing periods. Conclusion : We predict that there are differences between the occurrent rate of BCG lymphadenitis and BCG strains or methods. Treatment with medication is not recommended owing to its ineffectiveness. Especially, in case of non-suppurative lymphadenitis should be onlyless influence on the tuberculin skin test, cause less adverse reactions, and is inexpensive. observed without treatment, because it could be regressed naturally. An ideal BCG makes a scar, We should make an effort to choose the best BCG strain that can fulfill such requirements.

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Medical Care Utilization Pattern of Medical Aid Program Beneficiaries (의료보호대상자(醫療保護對象者)의 의료이용(醫療利用) 양상(樣相))

  • Kim, Ju-Ho
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 1984
  • This study was conducted to identify the problems in the medical aid program by reviewing the medical care utilization pattern of the beneficiaries. The data were abstracted from the monthly bills and vouchers for medical care of the whole benefi챠aries(17,527) in Gyeongsan Gun submitted by the physicians to county government for the period of 1 calendar year from October 1981 to September 1982. The number of medical aid beneficiary accounted for 12.7% of the total county population, a higher proportion than the national average-9.5%. Monthly primary care utilization rate per 100 beneficiaries was 9.3 persons with 14.0 visits and 42.9 medication days. for the 2nd and 3rd care, there were 1.7 admissions and 9.3 OPD visits per 100 beneficiaries per year. The beneficiaries of the first class medical aid program had a higher utilization rate of both the primary and secondary/tertiary care facilities. Females utilized more the primary care facilities than males while males utilized more the secondary/tertiary care facilities than females. A significantly lower utilization rate was observed in January than in the other months and this was seemed due to the renewal process of the medical aid certificate. Among 1,931 patients utilized the 2nd/3rd care facilities 84.4% was out-patients and the lowest ratios were in the minor specialties including ENT, ophthalmology, dermatology and urology. The average hospital days per in-patient were 21.2 days and OPD days per out patient were 4.7 days. The average hospital days for a psychiatry in-patient was 74.4 days which was the longest average hospital days among all the specialties. Average medical care cost per beneficiary in a year was W9,821:W24,240 for the 1st class and W7,464 for the 2nd class. The medical care cost for the primary care per patient was W3.901 and W840 per day compared with W49,875 per patient and W5,822 per day for the secondary/tertiary care. From the findings of this study following recommendations were made to improve the medical care program: 1) The renewal process of the medical care certificate should be expedited. 2) Minor specialty clinics should be designated as the primary medical care facility for the medical aid program to reduce the expenses by absorbing more patients referred to the secondary/tertiary care facilities directly. 3) The medical care cost for the primary care facility should be escalated to reduce the differential between the primary and secondary/tertiary care facilities.

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$H_2$ Receptor Antagonists and Gastric Cancer in the Elderly: A Nested Case-Control Study (노인 인구에서 $H_2$ Receptor Antagonist와 위암과의 관련성: 코호트 내 환자-대조군 연구)

  • Kim, Yoon-I;Heo, Dae-Seog;Lee, Seung-Mi;Youn, Kyoung-Eun;Koo, Hye-Won;Bae, Jong-Myon;Park, Byoung-Joo
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.245-254
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    • 2002
  • Objective : To test if the intake of $H_2$ receptor antagonists ($H_2$-RAs) increases the risk of gastric cancer in the elderly. Methods : The source population for this study was drawn from the responders to a questionnaire survey administered to the Korea Elderly Pharmacoepidemiological Cohort (KEPEC), who were beneficiaries of the Korean Medical Insurance Corporation, were at least 65 years old, and residing in Busan in 1999. The information on $H_2$-RAs exposure was obtained from a drug prescription database compiled between inn. 1993 and Dec. 1994. The cases consisted of 76 gastric cancer patients, as confirmed from the KMIC claims data, the National Cancer Registry and the Busan Cancer Registry. The follow-up period was from Jan. 1993 to Dec. 1998. Cancer free controls were randomly selected by 1:4 individual matching, which took in to consideration the year of birth and gender. Information on confounders was collected by a mail questionnaire survey. The odds ratios, and their 95% confidence intervals, were calculated using a conditional logistic regression model. Results : After adjusting for a history of gastric ulcer symptoms, medication history, and body mass index, the adjusted OR (aOR) was 4.6 (95% CI=1.72-12.49). The odds ratio of long term use (more than 7 days) was 2.3 (95% CI=1.07-4.82). The odds ratio of short term use was 4.6 (95% CI=1.26-16.50). The odds ratio of parenteral use was 4.4 195% CI=1.16-17.05) and combination use between the oral and parenteral routes (aOR, 16.8; 95% CI=1.21-233.24) had the high risk of gastric cancer. The aOR of cimetidine was 1.7 (95% CI=1.04-2.95). The aOR of ranitidine was 2.0 (95% CI=1.21-3.40). The aOR of famotidine was 1.7 (95% CI=0.98-2.80). Conclusion : The intake of $H_2$-RAs might increase the risk of gastric cancer through achlorhydria in the elderly.

Relationship between Blood Pressure and Impairment of Cognitive Function In Some Rural Residents Aged 60-64 (일부 60-64세 농촌 거주자에서 혈압과 인지기능 장애와의 관계)

  • Lee, Moo-Sik;Chun, Jong-Chan;Lee, Choong-Won
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.208-214
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    • 2000
  • Objectives : Face-to-face interviews were conducted to investigate the relationship between blood pressure and the impairment of cognitive function in rural elderly (N=932) aged 60-64 in Dalsung County, April to September in 1996 Methods : Impairment of cognitive function was defined as a score of less than 23 by the Korean version of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSEK). Blood pressure was measured once in each subject using a portable automatic sphygmomanometer. Results : By univariate logistic regression on males, no category of systolic blood pressure bore statistical significance. Groups with diastolic blood pressures of, less than 80 mmHg, 90-94 mmHg, and more than 95mmHg had odds ratios of more than one compared with the reference group (80-89 mmHg). This was most significant in the group with blood pressures lower than 80 mmHg, which had a statistically significant odds ratio of 1.68 (95% confidence interval CI; 1.02-2.75). No category of blood pressure was statistically significant in females. Multivariate logistic regression for males, with adjustment for age, educational attainment, smoking, alcoholic drinking, body mass index, atherosclerotic disease, and antihypertensive medication use, did not alter the odds ratios significantly in terms of systolic blood pressure. However, the group with diastolic blood pressure of less than 80 mmHg had an increased odds ratio of 2.01 (95% CI; 1.15-3.52) compared with the reference group. In females, systolic blood pressure did not alter the odds ratio, but the group with a diastolic blood pressure of less than 80 mmHg had a statistically significant odds ratio of 0.57 (95% CI; 0.37-0.89). Conclusions : These results suggest that the relationship between blood pressure and cognitive function status is stronger diastolic than systolic blood pressure and that there is a complex relationship between blood pressure and cognitive function by sex.

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