• Title/Summary/Keyword: Measurement during tunnel construction

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The Study on Optimum Ventilation System during Long Tunnel Construction (굴착중인 장대터널 내 최적의 환기시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Han-Uk;Oh, Byung-Hwa
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.26 no.A
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    • pp.3-15
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    • 2006
  • To determine the optimum ventilation systems during long tunnel excavation, the velocity vector profile and the contaminant's distribution at working place are studied using 2-D, 3-D numerical analysis. The main results can be summarized as follow; In case of long tunnels, blower-exhaust-mixture types which enable to use soft blast ducts is most appropriate in terms of ventilation and economical efficiency. Of the same ventilation types, ventilation efficiency has a difference according to blast ducts and the distance between fan and working place. The 3-D numerical result shows that arranging blower and exhaust ducts in the right and left corners of the tunnel respectively is effective to discharge contaminant. The result of the real measurement shows that CO concentration can be reduced to below 50 ppm, which is regulation value, as 16-minutes fan operation goes on.

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A Study on Disaster Influencing Factors and Importance for Safety Management in NATM Tunnel Drilling (NATM 터널 굴진 시 안전관리를 위한 재해영향요인 및 중요도에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, YoungSoo;Yoon, Younggeun;Oh, Taekeun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.757-763
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    • 2022
  • In the NATM tunnel construction method for urban subway and underpass construction, various causes of disaster exist. In this study, in order to analyze the importance of disaster influencing factors during NATM tunnel excavation, the possible risk factors were analyzed through prior research such as drilling, charging and blasting, It was divided into the work items of wrinkle treatment, pumice cleanup, and support materials. Next, the final 21 detailed measurement indicators were selected through the FGI survey of related experts, and AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) analysis were conducted. As a result, it was found that the workers involved in the tunnel construction were the most influential disaster influencing factor.

Preliminary Study for Non-destructive Measurement of Stress Tensor on H-beam in Tunnel Support System using a Magnetic Anisotropy Sensor (자기 이방성 응력측정법을 활용한 터널 지보 구조물의 비파괴계측에 관한 기초적 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Won;Akutagawa, Shinichi;Kim, Young-Su;Jin, Guang-Ri;Jeng, Ii-Han
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.766-777
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    • 2008
  • Currently in increasing number of urban tunnels with small overburden are excavated according to the principle of the New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM). Successful design, construction and maintenance of NATM tunnel demands prediction, control and monitoring of ground displacement and support stress high accuracy. A magnetic anisotropy sensor is used for nondestructive measurement of stress on surfaces of a ferromagnetic material, such as steel. The sensor is built on the principle of the magneto-strictive effect in which changes in magnetic permeability due to deformation of a ferromagnetic material is measured in a nondestructive manner, which then can be translated into the absolute values of stresses existing on the surface of the material. This technique was applied to measure stresses of H-beams, used as tunnel support structures, to confirm expected measurement accuracy with reading error of about 10 to 20 MPa, which was confirmed by monitoring strains released during cutting tests The results show that this method could be one of the promising technologies for non-destructive stress measurement for safe construction and maintenance of underground rock structures encountered in civil and mining engineering.

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Main challenges for deep subsea tunnels based on norwegian experience

  • Nilsen, Bjorn
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.563-573
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    • 2015
  • For hard rock subsea tunnels the most challenging rock mass conditions are in most cases represented by major faults/weakness zones. Poor stability weakness zones with large water inflow can be particularly problematic. At the pre-construction investigation stage, geological and engineering geological mapping, refraction seismic investigation and core drilling are the most important methods for identifying potentially adverse rock mass conditions. During excavation, continuous engineering geological mapping and probe drilling ahead of the face are carried out, and for the most recent Norwegian subsea tunnel projects, MWD (Measurement While Drilling) has also been used. During excavation, grouting ahead of the tunnel face is carried out whenever required according to the results from probe drilling. Sealing of water inflow by pre-grouting is particularly important before tunnelling into a section of poor rock mass quality. When excavating through weakness zones, a special methodology is normally applied, including spiling bolts, short blast round lengths and installation of reinforced sprayed concrete arches close to the face. The basic aspects of investigation, support and tunnelling for major weakness zones are discussed in this paper and illustrated by cases representing two very challenging projects which were recently completed (Atlantic Ocean tunnel and T-connection), one which is under construction (Ryfast) and one which is planned to be built in the near future (Rogfast).

A study on Actual Quantity of Shotcrete Sprayed in a NATM tunnel (NATM 산악터널의 숏크리트 투입율에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Cheol-Ju;Kim, Sung-Yun;Kim, Dong-Gun;Yoo, Nam-Jae
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.29 no.B
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2009
  • This study has analysed actual overbreak, shotcrete rebound and the ratio between the actual quantity of shotcrete to designed shotcrete measured during a NATM tunnel construction. The measured shotcrete rebound was about 7.2% in average which was about half the allowable rebound (15%), showing shotcrete spraying was performed well. Based on the measurement of excavated tunnel shape, average overbreak was about 28.5cm after tunnel excavation by drill and blasting method. This was about 260% of allowable overbreak. In addition, due to the rebound and overbreak actual amount of shotcrete used in the tunnelling work was about 116.5 % of the designed value. According to the field measurement the ratio of actual shotcrete to designed value showed some relation with standard support pattern, but the size of overbreak did not show the correlation with standard support pattern. Hence current design specifications stating the size of overbreak based entirely on standard support pattern should perhaps be reestablished. The insight into the design guideline regarding overbreak and shotcrete.

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A Case Study on the Construction of Concrete Structures in Parallel with Tunnel Blasting (터널발파-구조물 병행시공을 위한 영향평가 연구)

  • 류창하;최병희;김양균;유정훈
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2003
  • An experimental study was carried out in order to reduce the period and cost of construction of Missiryung tunnel, which is a relatively long one 3.6 km long. An allowable vibration level for curing concrete was established based on the extensive case studies done over the world. and assessment was performed on the possibility of constructing concrete structures like lining during tunnel blasting. Attenuation relationships were obtained by processing more than 130 measurement data from a series of tunnel blasting in the site. A Guideline for safe construction work was suggested. To verification, low small concrete blocks with a constant standoff distance were installed in the floor of the tunnel After the blocks were exposed to blast vibrations for 28 days, compressive strength tests were performed on 20 specimens taken from the blocks. It was shown that the suggested guideline was appropriate for the safe construction work at the site.

Characteristics of Tunnel Convergence Behaviour based on Variation of Rock Mass Rating (암반 등급 변화에 따른 터널 내공 변위 거동 특설)

  • Kim, Kwang-Yeom
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.545-553
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    • 2008
  • Face mapping and displacement monitoring during tunnel construction are the most influential information for the stability assessment of ground and around structures. Especially, the result of face mapping and displacement analysis is essential to the excavation and support design in NATM which is based on the drilling and blasting. However, there have not been so many studies to put those useful information into practice for decision-making process during construction. The study reviewed the tunnel behaviour based on the RMR rating and displacement monitoring when the geological condition of rock mass varies inevitably. The study analysed the crown settlement using convergence equation in order to compensate the disparity induced by the location and time of measurement and found a distinct relation between the geological condition and the line of influence. As a result of analysing the various parameters related to the tunnel convergence according to the geological condition, the study suggested the basic knowledge about the relation between face mapping and displacement behaviour of tunnel.

Non-destructive Measurement of H-beam in Support System using a Magnetic Anisotropy Sensor (자기이방성 응력측정법을 이용한 강아치 지보구조물의 비파괴 계측)

  • Yoo, Ji-Hyeung;Moon, Hong-Deuk;Lee, Jae-Ho;Kim, Dae-Sung;Kim, Hyuk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2010.03a
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    • pp.1392-1397
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    • 2010
  • Currently in increasing number of urban tunnels with small overburden are excavated according to the principle of the New Austrian Tunneling Method(NATM). Successful design, construction and maintenance of NATM tunnel demands prediction, control and monitoring of ground displacement and support stress high accuracy. A magnetic anisotropy sensor is used for non-destructive measurement of stress on surfaces of a ferromagnetic material, such as steel. The sensor is built on the principle of the magneto-strictive effect in which changes in magnetic permeability due to deformation of a ferromagnetic material is measured in a non-destructive manner, which then can be translated into the absolute values of stresses existing on the surface of the material. This technique was applied to measure stresses of H-beams, used as tunnel support structures, to confirm expected measurement accuracy with reading error of about 10 to 20MPa, which was confirmed by monitoring strains released during cutting tests The results show that this method could be one of the promising technologies for non-destructive stress measurement for safe construction and maintenance of underground rock structures encountered in civil and mining engineering.

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A Study on the Behavior of Surface Settlement due to the Excavation of Twin TBM Tunnels in the Clay Grounds (점토지반에서 TBM 병렬터널 굴진 시 지표침하거동에 대한 연구)

  • You, Kwangho;Jung, Suntae
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2019
  • Mechanized constructions have been frequently increased in soft ground below sea bed or river bed, for urban tunnel construction, and for underpinning the lower part of major structures in order to construct a safer tunnel considering various risk factors during the tunnel construction. However, it is difficult to estimate the subsidence behavior of the ground surface due to excavation and needs to be easily predicted. Thus, in this study, when a twin tunnel is constructed in the soft ground, it is proposed a simpler equation relating to the settlement behavior and a corrected formula applicable to soft ground and large diameter shield tunnels based on the previously proposed theory by Peck (1969). For this purpose, it was analyzed to long-term measurement values such as the amount of maximum settlement, the subsidence range by ground conditions, and interference volume loss due to the parallel construction, etc. As a result, a equation was suggested to predict the amount of maximum settlement in the soft sediment clay ground where is located at the upper part of the excavation site. It is turned out that the proposed equation is more suitable for measurement data in Korea than Peck (1969)'s.

Numerical Modelling of Tunnel Blasting (터널발파의 수치해석적 모델링)

  • 이인모;최종원;김상균;김동현
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2000.03b
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2000
  • Drilling and blasting method for excavating rock mass is generally used in underground construction; but this technique has some shortcomings. For instance, rock mass damage is inevitable during drilling and blasting, and blast-induced vibration frequently causes some problems. Until now, field measurement method is used to predict the overbreak and vibration; but it has many limitations. Therefore, numerical analysis method is needed to overcome such limitations, and to estimate and predict damage and vibration due to tunnel blasting in the design stage. In this study, damage zone of rock mass due to stoping and contour blasting is compared based on standard tunnel blasting pattern, and the propriety of the standard tunnel blasting pattern is estimated. Then, blasting pattern is optimized so that the damage zone due to sloping blasting with reduced charge is consistent with that due to contour blasting.

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