• Title/Summary/Keyword: MANOS

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Comparative investigation of endurance and bias temperature instability characteristics in metal-Al2O3-nitride-oxide-semiconductor (MANOS) and semiconductor-oxide-nitride-oxide-semiconductor (SONOS) charge trap flash memory

  • Kim, Dae Hwan;Park, Sungwook;Seo, Yujeong;Kim, Tae Geun;Kim, Dong Myong;Cho, Il Hwan
    • JSTS:Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.449-457
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    • 2012
  • The program/erase (P/E) cyclic endurances including bias temperature instability (BTI) behaviors of Metal-$Al_2O_3$-Nitride-Oxide-Semiconductor (MANOS) memories are investigated in comparison with those of Semiconductor-Oxide-Nitride-Oxide-Semiconductor (SONOS) memories. In terms of BTI behaviors, the SONOS power-law exponent n is ~0.3 independent of the P/E cycle and the temperature in the case of programmed cell, and 0.36~0.66 sensitive to the temperature in case of erased cell. Physical mechanisms are observed with thermally activated $h^*$ diffusion-induced Si/$SiO_2$ interface trap ($N_{IT}$) curing and Poole-Frenkel emission of holes trapped in border trap in the bottom oxide ($N_{OT}$). In terms of the BTI behavior in MANOS memory cells, the power-law exponent is n=0.4~0.9 in the programmed cell and n=0.65~1.2 in the erased cell, which means that the power law is strong function of the number of P/E cycles, not of the temperature. Related mechanism is can be explained by the competition between the cycle-induced degradation of P/E efficiency and the temperature-controlled $h^*$ diffusion followed by $N_{IT}$ passivation.

Influence of the hydrogen post-annealing on the electrical properties of metal/alumina/silicon-nitride/silicon-oxide/silicon capacitors for flash memories

  • Kim, Hee-Dong;An, Ho-Myoung;Seo, Yu-Jeong;Zhang, Yong-Jie;Kim, Tae-Geun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.122-122
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    • 2008
  • Recently, Metal/Alumina/Silicon-Nitride/Silicon-Oxide/Silicon (MANOS) structures are one of the most attractive candidates to realize vertical scaling of high-density NAND flash memory [1]. However, as ANO layers are miniaturized, negative and positive bias temperature instability (NBTI/PBTI), such as the flat band voltage shift, ${\Delta}V_{FB}$, the interfacial trap density increase, ${\Delta}D_{it}$, the gate leakage current, ${\Delta}I_G$. and the retention characteristics, in MONOS capacitors, becomes an important issue in terms of reliability. It is well known that tunnel oxide degradation is a result of the oxide and interfacial traps generation during FN (Fowler-Nordheim) stress [2]. Because the bias temperature stress causes an increase of both interfacial-traps and fixed oxide charge could be a factor, witch can degrade device reliability during the program and erase operation. However, few studies on NBTI/PBTI have been conducted on improving the reliability of MONOS devices. In this work, we investigate the effect of post-annealing gas on bias temperature instability (BTI), such as the flat band voltage shift, ${\Delta}V_{FB}$, the interfacial trap density shift, ${\Delta}I_G$ retention characteristics, and the gate leakage current characteristics of MANOS capacitors. MANOS samples annealed at $950^{\circ}C$ for 30 s by a rapid thermal process were treated via additional annealing in a furnace, using annealing gases $N_2$ and $N_2-H_2$ (2 % hydrogen and 98 % nitrogen mixture gases) at $450^{\circ}C$ for 30 min. MANOS samples annealed in $N_2-H_2$ ambient had the lowest flat band voltage shift, ${\Delta}V_{FB}$ = 1.09/0.63 V at the program/erase state, and the good retention characteristics, 123/84 mV/decade at the program/erase state more than the sample annealed at $N_2$ ambient.

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77-GHz mmWave antenna array on liquid crystal polymer for automotive radar and RF front-end module

  • Kim, Sangkil;Rida, Amin;Lakafosis, Vasileios;Nikolaou, Symeon;Tentzeris, Manos M.
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.262-269
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    • 2019
  • This paper introduces a low-cost, high-performance mmWave antenna array module at 77 GHz. Conventional waveguide transitions have been replaced by 3D CPW-microstrip transitions which are much simpler to realize. They are compatible with low-cost substrate fabrication processes, allowing easy integration of ICs in 3D multi-chip modules. An antenna array is designed and implemented using multilayer coupled-fed patch antenna technology. The proposed $16{\times}16$ array antenna has a fractional bandwidth of 8.4% (6.5 GHz) and a 23.6-dBi realized gain at 77 GHz.

Battery-free slotted patch antenna sensor for wireless strain and crack monitoring

  • Yi, Xiaohua;Cho, Chunhee;Wang, Yang;Tentzeris, Manos M.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.1217-1231
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    • 2016
  • In this research, a slotted patch antenna sensor is designed for wireless strain and crack sensing. An off-the-shelf RFID (radiofrequency identification) chip is adopted in the antenna sensor design for signal modulation. The operation power of the RFID chip is captured from wireless reader interrogation signal, so the sensor operation is completely battery-free (passive) and wireless. For strain and crack sensing of a structure, the antenna sensor is bonded on the structure surface like a regular strain gage. Since the antenna resonance frequency is directly related with antenna dimension, which deforms when strain occurs on the structural surface, the deformation/strain can be correlated with antenna resonance frequency shift measured by an RFID reader. The slotted patch antenna sensor performance is first evaluated through mechanics-electromagnetics coupled simulation. Extensive experiments are then conducted to validate the antenna sensor performance, including tensile and compressive strain sensing, wireless interrogation range, and fatigue crack sensing.

Koch Fractal Shape Microstrip Bandpass Filters on High Resistivity Silicon for the Suppression of the 2nd Harmonic

  • Kim, Ii-Kwon;Kingsley Nickolas;Morton Matthew A.;Pinel Stephane;Papapolymerou John;Tentzeris Manos M.;Laskar Joy;Yook, Jong-Gwan
    • Journal of electromagnetic engineering and science
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.235-243
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, the fractal shape is applied to microstrip band pass filters and integrated on a high-resistivity Si substrate to solve conventional $2^{nd}$ harmonic problem. Conventional microstrip coupled line filters are popular in RF front ends, because they can be easily fabricated and integrated with other RF components. However, they typically have large second harmonics that can cause unwanted interference in interested frequency bands. Without any additional filters, the proposed Koch shape filters have suppressed the $2^{nd}$ harmonics by about -40 dB, so they can be used in systems such as direct conversion receiver with stringent harmonic suppression requirements.

Molecular-scale Structure of Pentacene at Functionalized Electronic Interfaces

  • Seo, Soon-Joo;Peng, Guowen;Mavrikakis, Manos;Ruther, Rose;Hamers, Robert J.;Evans, Paul G.;Kang, Hee-Jae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.299-299
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    • 2011
  • A dipolar interlayer can cause dramatic changes in the device characteristics of organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) or photovoltaics. A shift in the threshold voltage, for example, has been observed in an OFET where the organic semiconductor active layer is deposited on SiO2 modified with a dipolar monolayer. Dipolar molecules can similarly be used to change the current-voltage characteristics of organic-inorganic heterojunctions. We have conducted a series of experiments in which different molecular linkages are placed between a pentacene thin film and a silicon substrate. Interface modifications with different linkages allow us to predict and examine the nature of tunneling through pentacene on modified Si surfaces with different dipole moment. The molecular-scale structure and the tunneling properties of pentacene thin films on modified Si (001) with nitrobenzene and styrene were examined using scanning tunneling spectroscopy. Electronic interfaces using organic surface dipoles can be used to control the band lineups of a semiconductor at organic/inorganic interfaces. Our results can provide insights into the charge transport characteristics of organic thin films at electronic interfaces.

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Safety of a New Synbiotic Starter Formula

  • Vandenplas, Yvan;Analitis, Antonis;Tziouvara, Chara;Kountzoglou, Athina;Drakou, Anastasia;Tsouvalas, Manos;Mavroudi, Antigoni;Xinias, Ioannis
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.167-177
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: Breastfeeding is the best way to feed all infants, but not all infants can be (exclusively) breastfed. Cow's milk based infant formula is the second choice infant feeding. Methods: The safety of a new synbiotic infant formula, supplemented with Bifidobacterium lactis and fructo-oligosaccharides, with lactose and a whey/casein 60/40 protein ratio was tested in 280 infants during 3 months. Results: The median age of the infants at inclusion was 0.89 months. Weight evolution was in accordance with the World Health Organization growth charts for exclusive breastfed infants. The evolution of all anthropometric parameters (weight-for-length z score and body mass index-for-age z score) was within the normal range. The incidence of functional constipation (3.2%), daily regurgitation (10.9%), infantile crying and colic (10.5%) were all significantly lower than the reported median prevalence for a similar age according to literature (median value of 7.8% for functional constipation, 26.7% for regurgitation, 17.7% for infantile colic). Conclusion: The new synbiotic infant starter formula was safe, resulted in normal growth and was well tolerated. Functional gastro-intestinal manifestations (functional constipation, regurgitation and colic) were significantly lower than reported in literature. Synbiotics (Bifidobacterium lactis and fructo-oligosaccharides) in cow's milk based infant formula bring the second choice infant feeding, formula, closer to the golden standard, exclusive breastfeeding.

La globalización del pueblo rural y la resistencia campesina en Paraguay: 'la guerra de la soja' (파라과이 농촌의 세계화와 농민의 저항: '콩 전쟁(la guerra de la soja)'을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Se-Gun
    • Iberoamérica
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.55-86
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    • 2010
  • Después de la década 1990, la soja ha sido un agro-producto más importante en Paraguay. Pero la soja ha convertido el campo rural en la zona de la producción, es decir, la zona de sojización, para la exportación. Por otro lado, el campo rural se ha deteriorado por el aumento de la extensión del cultivo sojal. Los cultivos se extienden a lo largo de cientos de kilómetrios y afectan zonas muy cercanas a comunidades, colonias y otros asentamientos campesionos e indígenas, incluyendo escuelas, hogares, charcas familiares y comunitarias. Los sojeros utilizaron los agrotóxicos que contaminaron la tierra, agua y alimentos. Aunque los campesinos no quieren vender sus tierras, no ven otras alternativas ante los graves problemas que conllevan las masivas fumigaciones. Ellos venden sus lotes y migraron a ciudades. Se pierde la soberanía territorial, pues las tierras pasan a manos extranjeras, y la soberanía alimentaria, porque se desplaza la diversificación y los cultivos de subsistencia, expulsando a los campesions hacia las ciudades. Ante el agravamiento de la situación causado por el incremento del cultivo de la soja, los campesinos empezaron a resistir, es decir, desarrollar 'la guerra de la soja' contra los sojeros y el gobierno paraguayo que no tenia refuerzos de resolver los problemas. Los campesinos formaron coordinadoras por la defensa de sus tierras y de su modo de vida contra los sojeros. Las luchas y movilizaciones reclaman no sólo un nuevo tipo de reforma agraria sino también la defensa de la soberanía económica, alimentaria y territorial, el derecho a producir con la propia semilla y a desarrollar técnicas agrícolas adecuadas de acuerdo con la economía campesina y el equilibrio del medio ambiente, el desarrollo de formas sociales de producción y la democratización en el medio rural.