• Title/Summary/Keyword: Limitation Factor

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A Study on Obligation and Right of the Parties of International Factoring (국제팩토링계약의 당사자의 권리와 의무에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Se-Hun;Han, Ki-Moon
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    • v.43
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    • pp.143-168
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    • 2009
  • International Factoring transaction in Korea is different from that of financially advanced countries in terms of legal system and commercial and financial practices. As for the domestic factoring, Korean factors are only involved in advances often on a with recourse basis. With regard to the international factoring, Korean factors do not accommodate whole account receivables from clients (suppliers) but handle on a selective basis. Among Korean banks, KEXIM (Export and Import Bank of Korea) is sole factor for international transactions. Currently KEXIM and several foreign banks handle factoring provide factoring services with limitation to invoice discounting which is largely extended to large corporate names. Therefore this is far different from factoring in Europe and Americas designed for small exporters with non recourse advances. In respect of legal environment, receivable assignment is subject to debtor' acknowledge or approval of such assignment according to Civil Law Act. To remove the legal obstacles, Korean government have prepared new law which allows factor's own notification of assignment (and thereby reimbursement right) to debtor with some evidences.

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Passive Telemetry Sensor System using RLSE Based Real Time Estimation Technique with Optimal Forgetting Factor

  • Lee, Joon-Tark;Kim, Kyung-Yup
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.515-520
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, a passive telemetry RF capacitive humidity sensor system using a RLSE(Recursive Least Square Estimation) technique is proposed. To overcome these trouble problems such as a power limitation and a estimation complexity that the general passive telemetry sensor system including It chip has, the principle of inductive coupling was applied to the modeling of a passive telemetry RF capacitive humidity sensor system and its capacitance was estimatedd by the RLSE algorithm. Specially, by introducing the optimal forgetting factor, we showed that the accuracy of its estimation was improved even in the time varying system and also the convergence time was reduced.

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A Study on the Methods for Assessing Construct Validity (구성 타당성 평가방법에 관한 연구)

  • 이광희;이선규;장성호
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.22 no.50
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to establish a basis for assessing construct validity of measures used in organizational research. The classic Campbell and Fiske's(1959) criteria are found to be lacking in their assumptions, diagnostic information, and power. The inherent confounding of measurement error with systematic trait and method effects is a severe limitation for a proper interpretation of convergent and discriminant validity. The confirmatory factor analysis(CFA) approach overcomes most of the limitations found in Campbell and Fiske's(1959) method. However, the CFA approach confounds random error with unique variance specific to a measure. The second-order confirmatory factor analysis(SOCFA) was shown to harbor rather restrictive assumptions and is unlikely to be met in practice. The first-order, multiple-informant, multiple-item(FOMIMI) model is a viable option, but it may also be of limited use because of the large number measures.

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An Experimental Study on the Evaluation of the Fire-Resistance Performance of a Spray-Applied Rectangular Steel Structure (뿜칠피복 각형 강관의 내화성능 평가를 위한 실험적 연구)

  • Ok, Chi-Yeol;Kim, Jae-Jun
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2017
  • Structures of steel frame buildings getting vary depending on the development of construction technology. Fire-resistant steel beams and Columns accredited by accreditation bodies from the performance of various fire-resistant coating is applied to the current pillar method is most H-beams. H-beam has been proposed a non-load test specifications in the relevant regulations, its scope of accreditation to be granted without limitation of size H-beams from the performance of the test specification. However, in the case of the rectangular steel structure is to check its performance and to a separate one of the receive acknowledge and so take advantage of the cross-sectional shape factor in this study to test the performance of the fire-resistant structure proposed for standard test specimen.

The Extraction of Soil Erosion Model Factors Using GSIS Spatial Analysis (GSIS 공간분석을 활용한 토양침식모형의 입력인자 추출에 관한 연구)

  • 이환주;김환기
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2001
  • Soil erosion by outflow of water or rainfall has caused many environmental problems as declining agricultural productivity, damaging pasture and preventing flow of water. As the interest in environment is increasing lately, soil erosion is considered as a serious problem, whereas the systematic regulation and analysis for that have not established yet. This research shows the method of extracting factor entered model which expects soil erosion by GSIS. There are several erosion model such as ANSWER, WEPP, RUSLE. The research used RUSLE erosion model which could expect general soil erosion connected easily with GSIS data. RUSLE's input factors are composed of rainfall runoff factor(R). soil erodibility factor(K), slope length factor(L), slope steepness factor(S), cover management factor(C) and support practice factor(P). The general equation used to extract L, S factor on the RUSLE to be oriented for agricultural area has some limitation to apply whole watershed. So, on this study we used a revised empirical equation applicable to the watershed by grid on the GSIS. Also, we analyzed RUSLE factors by watershed being analyzed with watershed extraction algorithm. Then we could calculate the minimum, maximum. mean and standard deviation of RUSLE factors by watershed.

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Factors Influencing the Degree of Satisfaction for Participants in the Cook Culinary Skill Competition - Focusing on the Regional and National Cook Culinary Skill Competitions - (조리사들의 기능경기대회에 대한 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인들의 평가 - 지방${\cdot}$전국 기능경기대회를 중심으로 -)

  • Min, Kye-Hong
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.119-134
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    • 2005
  • This thesis studied the factor of participation motives and the degree of satisfaction of the participants in culinary skill competitions and their effectiveness. In addition, this thesis has an aim to offer profitable materials on the basis of demonstrative analysis emphasizing the study on how many factors of satisfaction should be motivated by participation effect. This thesis restricted cookers within those who had participated in a cooking contest so that it could possibly measure the motive of participation and satisfaction. This thesis investigated 115 cookers by questionnaires, of which 102 available materials were used for statistical processing to perform this study. As for the periodical interval, this thesis was performed from Feb 14, 2005 to Feb 21, 2005. First, from the motive of participation, 13 variables are analyzed into 3 factors such as the factor of social recognition, the factor of speciality, and the factor of self-development & self- realization. The factor of speciality, and the factor of self-development & self-realization. The factor as a motive of participating in skill competition affects effectiveness meaningfully. Second, total three factors were extracted from the degree of satisfaction which consisted of 13 variables. They included the psychological satisfaction and satisfaction with the judges in competitions. One limitation of this study is that the population of the survey was limited to those who had participated in a contest. Thus, the findings of this study may not be generalizable for other cases. It is clear that further research is needed to collect more in-dept data from other similar competitions as a effort to extend its application to other studies.

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A Study on Transition Factor of Audit Opinion (감사의견(監査意見)의 추이요인(推移要因)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Chung Youn-Hae
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.7
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    • pp.141-168
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    • 2001
  • The causes that the transparency of Korean accounting information was rated low, a short supply of faithful and transparent accounting information from the limitation of external audit environment must be pointed out. Purpose of the external audit is a expression of the auditors about that financial statements an enterprise made public were appropriately drew up in accordance with the corporate accounting principles from important point of view. Analysis of the audit opinion and so fourth according to 6,541 individual audit reports and introduced to the bill securities forward committee as a subject of external audit according to the raw of corporation external audit show that considerable change to the contents of audit report. This show as it is that uncertainty of future that is now being faced by our enterprise, because corporation which present audit reports since 1997 because of enterprise dishonor and contents of existence probability as a continued enterprise following to general economic crisis after 1998 occupy important position in special matters of audit report. Also, increase in special matters is due to application of the corporate accounting principles revised on December 11, 1998. In 1999, audit opinion under limitation(limitation, incongruity and rejecting opinion) increased greatly according to existence doubt as a continued enterprise, and this is the consequence of strengthening audit to the continues enterprise because of limited enterprise dishonor according to the stagnancy of business activities after 1997. Now financial supervisory service put in effect electromagnetic public announcement system about a project report of listed corporation (including an audit report) keeping pace with a documentary public announcement system as first phase since 1999 and expand to the unlisted corporation from 2000. As electromagnetic public announcement of public announcement documents including audit documents of external audit subject get a duty, approach of external user to the accounting information will be easier. Fixation of this system will make deep and wide analysis to the audit opinion, and this will draw up a plan to reconsider confidence of accounting information.

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Experiences of Being Tied with Drugs in the Elderly Women in Community (재가 여성노인의 약물 얽매임 경험)

  • Kim, Jeong-Sun
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.36 no.7
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    • pp.1215-1223
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: This study was done to understand elderly women within a community who have used lots of drugs. Method: Data was collected through in-depth interviews with four elderly women from April 2001 to February 2002. Data was analyzed by Giorgi's phenomenological method(2000). Results: The components in common with drug usage of elderly women were as follows: 'Awareness of the limitation of physical strength and uncertainty of life', 'Dread of a crisis situation occurring', 'Attachment and dependency on drugs', 'Expectation of a comfortable life and death', 'Prevention of family burden', and 'Pursuit of psychological comfort'. The general structure of experiences was as follows: causal factors were 'Awareness of uncertainty and limitation', 'dread of a crisis situation occurring' the results factor was 'Attachment and dependency on drugs' and the facilitating factors were 'Expectation of a comfortable life and death', 'Prevention of family burden', and 'Pursuit of psychological comfort'. The causal relation was cyclic. This structure showed a realistic adaptation pattern. Conclusion: This study contributed to provide fundamental data for nursing interventions for health promotion and promoting quality of life in elderly women by increasing understanding of the experiences of drugs use.

A Field Artillery Targeting Problem with Time Window by Genetic Algorithm (유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 시간제약 포병 표적처리문제)

  • Seo, Jae-Uk;Kim, Ki-Tae;Jeong, Geon-Wook
    • Journal of the military operations research society of Korea
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 2010
  • Quick precision-strike capability of the artillery will be an important factor in modern and future war and it's represented by NCW and EBO. This study is based on artillery which has time limitation of firing, such as artillery which hides when not firing, and modeling various situations to decide firing order and who to shoot. The main purpose of this study is to suggest a mathematical programming model and a genetic algorithm which satisfies the limitation of firing time. The objective function is to minimize the total firing time to spend. The results of the suggested algorithm quickly gives a best solution for a large scale field artillery targeting problems.

Candida albicans Can Utilize Siderophore during Candidastasis Caused by Apotransferrin

  • Lee Jue-Hee;Han Yong-Moon
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.249-255
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    • 2006
  • Ability of iron acquisition of pathogenic microorganisms functions as a virulence factor. Candida albicans, a fungal pathogen that requires iron for growth, is susceptible to growth retardation by high-affinity iron binding proteins such as transferrin. Recently, we reported that C. albicans could utilize the heme as a part of heme-containing proteins dissociated by heme oxygenase, CaHMX1. In search of another pathway that C. albicans can use to bypass the growth regulation produced by iron limitation, this present study examined utilization of non-candidal siderophores such as Desferal and rhodotorulic acid (RA) for acquisition of inorganic iron by the fungus. C. albicans secreting no siderophores was cultured in iron-free (pretreated with apotransferrin for 24 h) (culture medium). Once growth of the yeast reached stasis from iron starvation, a siderophore was added to the culture media. Results showed that cultures containing apotransferrin within a dialysis membrane recovered growth to the level of untreated controls, whereas C. albicans yeast cells in direct contact with soluble iron-free (apo) transferrin recovered growth only partially. When static growth from iron limitation was reached, the addition of siderophore-apotransferrin complex to culture medium also permitted the yeast to recover growth from apotransferrin growth regulation. All the data show that C. albicans can utilize the non-candidal siderophores for iron acquisition under transferrin regulation as can pathogenic bacteria.