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A Study on the Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Matter Associated with Ambient Biophysicochemical Factors in the Sediment Control Dam (Lake Youngju) (영주댐 유사조절지 상류의 용존유기물 (Dissolved Organic Matter) 특성과 물리·화학 및 생물학적 환경 요인과의 연관성 연구)

  • Oh, Hye-Ji;Kim, Dokyun;Choi, Jisoo;Chae, Yeon-Ji;Oh, Jong Min;Shin, Kyung-Hoon;Choi, Kwangsoon;Kim, Dong-Kyun;Chang, Kwang-Hyeon
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.346-362
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    • 2021
  • A sediment control dam is an artificial structure built to prolong sedimentation in the main dam by reducing the inflow of suspended solids. These dams can affect changes in dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the water body by changing the river flow regime. The main DOM component for Yeongju Dam sediment control of the Naeseongcheon River was analyzed through 3D excitation-emission matrix (EEM) and parallel factor (PARAFAC) analyses. As a result, four humic-like components (C1~C3, C5), and three proteins, tryptophan-like components (C2, C6~C7) were detected. Among DOM components, humic-like components (autochthonous: C1, allochthonous: C2~C3) were found to be dominant during the sampling period. The total amount of DOM components and the composition ratio of each component did not show a difference for each depth according to the amount of available light (100%, 12%, and 1%). Throughout the study period, the allochthonous organic matter was continuously decomposing and converting into autochthonous organic matter; the DOM indices (fluorescence index, humification index, and freshness index) indicated the dominance of autochthonous organic matter in the river. Considering the relative abundance of cyanobacteria and that the number of bacteria cells and rotifers increased as autochthonous organic matter increased, it was suggested that the algal bloom and consequent activation of the microbial food web was affected by the composition of DOM in the water body. Research on DOM characteristics is important not only for water quality management but also for understanding the cycling of matter through microbial food web activity.

The Revision of the Rules of the Workers' Party of Korea and the Organizational Changes of the 'Monolithic Guidance System of the Party Core': Focusing on Party-Government-Military Relations in Kim Jong Un Regime (조선노동당 제8차대회 당규약 개정과 '당중앙의 유일적 영도체계'의 조직적 변화: 김정은 정권의 당정군관계를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Tae-Kyung;Lee, Jung Chul;Yang, Hui
    • Analyses & Alternatives
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.115-162
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    • 2022
  • The Rules of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), revised at the eighth Party Congress in 2021, reflect the Kim Jong Un regime's changes in strategic lines and ideological justifications on North Korea's socialism and communism, and its recent stances against the external environment. Moreover, they contain critical changes in the party's organizational system encompassing the central and the provinces. This study explores the organizational changes of the "monolithic guidance system of the party core" stipulated by the new party rules in January 2021, based on the analysis of the entire nine revised rules of the WPK since 1945. In the 2021 Party Congress, the Kim Jong Un regime, which officially came to power after the fourth Party Conference in 2012, has institutionalized the monolithic guidance system centered on the party core, or the head of state, Kim Jong Un. The newly set leadership and execution system, which reorganized party, government, and military organizational structure and accompanied the relevant personnel changes, was derived from the attempts for reinstating the Kim Jong Un regime as a more normalized party-state structure before its 10th year in power in April 2022. The "monolithic leadership system of the party core" established a system of "organizational leadership" through the organization of the Central Committee, directed by the Party Head, or General Secretary. The institutionalization of the new system resulted from the ten-year development of the revival of the party-state structure, which compromised the status of the military and reconfirmed the party's control of the military. This study explains the new system from the perspectives of both institutionalization and top-down unity, shedding light on the new party-military-government relations of the Kim Jong Un regime. The analysis contributes to a better understanding and forecasting of the Kim Jong Un regime's governance, which currently strengthens the monolithic leadership system as a crisis management system in the face of the "triple hardships" of sanctions, Covid and disaster.

The Reinterpretation and its Prospect about Resentment Solution and Coexistence in The 4th Industrial Revolution Era (4차 산업혁명 시대에 있어서 해원상생의 재해석과 지평)

  • Kim, Bang-ryong
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.29
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    • pp.37-68
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    • 2017
  • This paper critically examines the role and function of religion prior to the full-out advent of the 4th industrial revolution. We can understand 'The vision of Daesoon Jinrihoe (大巡眞理會)' as a mission to foresee and create a prospective figure for a future society in the person of the Lord on High, Jeungsan (甑山) as a religious dimension. However, the existence ground of religion relies on giving positive meaning to the present time after reinterpreting religious doctrine to reflect changing realities. Jeungsan (甑山) said that the age to come is 'the age of the human majesty (人尊)'. This means that humans will take the lead and control the revolution of scientific technology to progress and benefit humanity. Problems such as 'human alienatio', 'increased polarization', and 'destruction of the environment' still arise and deepen because the motive of 'the Industrial Revolution' was built upon 'knowledge' within the context of a Knowledge-Based Society. Therefore, we can say that the role of religion will newly rise to the forefront in the era of the 4th industrial revolution. Consequently, religion should face matters squarely and suggest viable alternatives. This paper deals with reinterpreting the concept of 'the resolution of grievances for mutual beneficence (解冤相生)', one of the four teachings of Daesoon Jinrihoe, within the context of the coming era of the 4th industrial revolution. My research is divided into the following three parts: First, I determined the teachings of Daesoon Jinrihoe and the original meaning of 'the resolution of grievances for mutual beneficence', and then I disclosed the way we can reinterpret the general meaning of this concept for application in the ear of the 4th industrial revolution. Second, from the perspective of the religious dimension, I inquired into factors regarding alienation and conflict in the era of the 4th industrial revolution. I focused on human alienation from labor, identity confusion, potential conflicts between humans and post-humans, and the characteristics of the 4th industrial revolution. Third, I examined potential cures for alienation and conflict through the principle of the resolution of grievances for mutual beneficence. I tried to enlarge the interpretive prospects of Daesoon's main teaching in light of the era of the 4th industrial revolution through a new interpretation and application that employs the concept of 'the resolution of grievances for mutual beneficence (解冤相生)' in order to cure the alienation and conflict.

A Study on the Material Characteristics and Weathering Aspects of Sculpture Stone Around the World Cultural Heritage Joseon Dynasty Royal Tombs - Focused on the East Nine Royal Tombs - (세계문화유산 조선왕릉 석조문화재의 재질특성 및 풍화양상 연구 - 구리 동구릉을 중심으로 -)

  • CHO Hajin ;CHAE Seunga ;SONG Jinuk;LEE Myeongseong ;LEE Taejong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.180-193
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    • 2022
  • The East Nine Royal Tombs is a representative place in the Royal Tombs of Joseon (a World Heritage Site). It consists of 1,289 stone artifacts including 979 related stone structures, 310 stone statues, and objects. Most of the stone structures in the East Nine Royal Tombs are composed of biotite granite, but some tombs are composed of light red granite. As a result of magnetic susceptibility measurement, the average data from Geonwolleung to Mongneung, excluding Hyeolleung, were similar, so it is estimated that stones were obtained from the same quarry. In the case of Sungneung, Sureung, and Gyeongneung, the range of susceptibility measurement is widely distributed. It assumed that the newly produced stones were mixed in the moving and construction process. Also, stones might be gathered from different quarries. As a result of a conservation status investigation, both the mound member and the ridge stone had the highest damage rate due to peeling and granular decomposition according to surface weathering. In the case of surface discoloration, yellowing and soils were found in the burial mound members. Yellowing, blackening, and soil were identified in the ridge stone structures. Bio-degradation is the major factor of deterioration of the East Nine Royal Tombs and the conservation status of the tombs were detected as grades 4 to 5. It seems that it is easy for the environment of the royal tombs to form soil for the microorganisms and fine conditions for continuous moisture. In the case of structures, they are in relatively good condition. As a result of a comprehensive damage rating for each tomb, the overall condition is good, but the Geonwolleung Royal Tomb and Hyeolleung Tomb, which were created in the early period, had relatively high weathering ratings. Stone objects in East Nine Royal Tombs have lost many pieces and gateway members due to surface deterioration. Also, secondary damage is ongoing. Each damage factor of the stone artifacts of the East Nine Royal Tombs combines to cause various and continuous damages. Therefore, it is necessary to establish regular conservation status data of the stone artifacts for efficient management after processing as well as conservation treatment of the royal tombs, and specific management manuals and systems. This study investigated the conservation status of stone structures in the East Nine Royal Tombs, a World Heritage Site, and systematically classified them to provide priority and necessity for conservation processing. We look forward to establishing a plan for the conservation and management of the East Nine Royal Tombs with this database in the future.

The Direction of Development of Leisure and Tourism Contents in Connection with Osaek District (강원도 오색지구 레저·관광 콘텐츠 개발 방향)

  • Lee, Gye-Young;Kim, Tae-Dong
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.307-319
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to provide the basic materials for the development of leisure and tourism contents in connection with Osaek cableway for the revitalization of Osaek District. For such a purpose, the following policy directions were presented through the analysis of the present situation and conditions of Osaek District, the direction of development of leisure and tourism contents of Osaek District, etc. The first is increasing the participation of local residents and reinforcing their capabilities. The suggested promotion plans are ① establishing organizational system and strengthening support, ② reinforcing the capabilities of local residents and ③ constructing networks with external human resources. The second is setting the guidelines for contents development. It was proposed to prepare contents for leisure experience using the natural environment of Osaek District in response to the trend of increase of people who enjoy "contents using culture and arts" and leisure. The third is typological approach to contents. It was proposed to develop cultural contents with the theme of Osaek such as "Osaek Light Festival", "Osaek Concert", "Osaek Photo Exhibition" and "Osaek Good Men and Women Contest" for the promotion of the brand of the place name of Osaek and the creation of the "Picture Book Village" for the compilation of the history and culture of Osaek District with pictures. The fourth is securing marketing channels. For this, it was proposed to produce the website of Yangyang County or a website tentatively named as "Osaek-ri with Beautiful Osaek" and introduce an integrated travel product (transportation + lodging + foods + experience (hot spring, mineral water therapy, leisure experience, etc.) + purchasing local specialty products, etc.) composed of the leisure and tourism contents, transportation, lodging, foods, etc. of Osaek District through travel agencies. The final policy direction presented was phased implementation of the development and operation of the contents. Proposed policies include support of a consulting project to upgrade the organization of local residents; implementation of "Tourism Dure (Cooperative)" project for the solution of the problem of tourism in Osaek District by the residents themselves together using the space of culture and arts made by remodeling idle public and private facilities after benchmarking exemplary places; system improvement for the introduction of leisure and tourism contents appropriate for local conditions; and the establishment of a master plan for the introduction of various leisure and tourism contents in Osaek District.

Archaeometric Implication and Material Characteristics for Bricks and Roof Tiles from the Bogd Khaan Palace and Choijin Lama Temple in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (몽골 울란바토르 복드칸 궁전 및 초이진 라마사원 벽돌과 기와의 재료학적 특성 및 고고과학적 의미)

  • Suh Batbaatar;Hyukju Yang;Chan Hee Lee
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.57 no.5
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    • pp.647-664
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    • 2024
  • Material and archaeometric characteristics of the original and repaired bricks and roof tiles of the Bogd Khaan Palace and the Choijin Lama Temple, which represent modern Mongolian architecture, were analyzed. These bricks and roof tiles are light gray, and the repaired ones mostly had higher specific gravity and porosity than the original ones. In the body clay, coarse grained sub-angular quartz, alkali feldspar, plagioclase and mica are commonly observed, and hornblende was partially detected. Compared to the original bricks and roof tiles, the repaired ones have a homogeneous substrate and significantly less tempers, suggesting that refined techniques were applied. Weight loss of these bricks and roof tiles was lower in the repaired ones than the original ones, and although there were thermal deformation and non recrystallized. Also, Al2O3 was high in the original bricks and roof tiles, and CaO was high in the repaired ones, and Na2O and ignition loss were low. However, since the other elements showed almost the same behavioral characteristics, it is interpreted that they used homogeneous body clay regardless of location and time. Therefore, the clay content of the raw materials for the original bricks and roof tiles were higher than that used for the repair, but it is highly likely that they were procured from almost the same soil as the body clay, and the firing environment does not seem to have affected the geochemical behavior of the body clay. But, the high Al2O3 and CaO in the repaired bricks and roof tiles indicates the possibility of partial refinement and mixing of the clay. There were no high-temperature minerals in all the bricks and roof tiles, and based on the detection of mica and hornblende, the absence of clay minerals and the thermal deformations of the substrate, their firing temperature is presumed to be 850 to 900℃. This was almost the same in the bricks and roof tiles used for the repairs. This result is significant as material science data for the bricks and roof tiles used in modern Mongolian architecture, and will be useful grounds for examining the making techniques of bricks and roof tiles for future restorations.

무령왕릉보존에 있어서의 지질공학적 고찰

  • 서만철;최석원;구민호
    • Proceedings of the KSEEG Conference
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    • 2001.05b
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    • pp.42-63
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    • 2001
  • The detail survey on the Songsanri tomb site including the Muryong royal tomb was carried out during the period from May 1 , 1996 to April 30, 1997. A quantitative analysis was tried to find changes of tomb itself since the excavation. Main subjects of the survey are to find out the cause of infiltration of rain water and groundwater into the tomb and the tomb site, monitoring of the movement of tomb structure and safety, removal method of the algae inside the tomb, and air controlling system to solve high humidity condition and dew inside the tomb. For these purposes, detail survery inside and outside the tombs using a electronic distance meter and small airplane, monitoring of temperature and humidity, geophysical exploration including electrical resistivity, geomagnetic, gravity and georadar methods, drilling, measurement of physical and chemical properties of drill core and measurement of groundwater permeability were conducted. We found that the center of the subsurface tomb and the center of soil mound on ground are different 4.5 meter and 5 meter for the 5th tomb and 7th tomb, respectively. The fact has caused unequal stress on the tomb structure. In the 7th tomb (the Muryong royal tomb), 435 bricks were broken out of 6025 bricks in 1972, but 1072 bricks are broken in 1996. The break rate has been increased about 250% for just 24 years. The break rate increased about 290% in the 6th tomb. The situation in 1996 is the result for just 24 years while the situation in 1972 was the result for about 1450 years. Status of breaking of bircks represents that a severe problem is undergoing. The eastern wall of the Muryong royal tomb is moving toward inside the tomb with the rate of 2.95 mm/myr in rainy season and 1.52 mm/myr in dry season. The frontal wall shows biggest movement in the 7th tomb having a rate of 2.05 mm/myr toward the passage way. The 6th tomb shows biggest movement among the three tombs having the rate of 7.44mm/myr and 3.61mm/myr toward east for the high break rate of bricks in the 6th tomb. Georadar section of the shallow soil layer represents several faults in the top soil layer of the 5th tomb and 7th tomb. Raninwater flew through faults tnto the tomb and nearby ground and high water content in nearby ground resulted in low resistance and high humidity inside tombs. High humidity inside tomb made a good condition for algae living with high temperature and moderate light source. The 6th tomb is most severe situation and the 7th tomb is the second in terms of algae living. Artificial change of the tomb environment since the excavation, infiltration of rain water and groundwater into the tombsite and bad drainage system had resulted in dangerous status for the tomb structure. Main cause for many problems including breaking of bricks, movement of tomb walls and algae living is infiltration of rainwater and groundwater into the tomb site. Therefore, protection of the tomb site from high water content should be carried out at first. Waterproofing method includes a cover system over the tomvsith using geotextile, clay layer and geomembrane and a deep trench which is 2 meter down to the base of the 5th tomb at the north of the tomv site. Decrease and balancing of soil weight above the tomb are also needed for the sfety of tomb structures. For the algae living inside tombs, we recommend to spray K101 which developed in this study on the surface of wall and then, exposure to ultraviolet light sources for 24 hours. Air controlling system should be changed to a constant temperature and humidity system for the 6th tomb and the 7th tomb. It seems to much better to place the system at frontal room and to ciculate cold air inside tombs to solve dew problem. Above mentioned preservation methods are suggested to give least changes to tomb site and to solve the most fundmental problems. Repairing should be planned in order and some special cares are needed for the safety of tombs in reparing work. Finally, a monitoring system measuring tilting of tomb walls, water content, groundwater level, temperature and humidity is required to monitor and to evaluate the repairing work.

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An Overview of the Rationale of Monetary and Banking Intervention: The Role of the Central Bank in Money and Banking Revisited (화폐(貨幣)·금융개입(金融介入)의 이론적(理論的) 근거(根據)에 대한 고찰(考察) : 중앙은행(中央銀行)의 존립근거(存立根據)에 대한 개관(槪觀))

  • Jwa, Sung-hee
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.71-94
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    • 1990
  • This paper reviews the rationale of monetary and banking intervention by an outside authority, either the government or the central bank, and seeks to delineate clearly the optimal limits to the monetary and banking deregulation currently underway in Korea as well as on a global scale. Furthermore, this paper seeks to establish an objective and balanced view on the role of the central bank, especially in light of the current discussion on the restructuring of Korea's central bank, which has been severely contaminated by interest-group politics. The discussion begins with the recognition that the modern free banking school and the new monetary economics are becoming formidable challenges to the traditional role of the government or the central bank in the monetary and banking sector. The paper reviews six arguments that have traditionally been presented to support intervention: (1) the possibility of an over-issue of bank notes under free banking instead of central banking; (2) externalities in and the public good nature of the use of money; (3) economies of scale and natural monopoly in producing money; (4) the need for macro stabilization policy due to the instability of the real sector; (5) the external effects of bank failure due to the inherent instability of the existing banking system; and (6) protection for small banknote users and depositors. Based on an analysis of the above arguments, the paper speculates on the optimal role of the government or central bank in the monetary and banking system and the optimal degree of monetary and banking deregulation. By contrast to the arguments for free banking or laissez-faire monetary systems, which become fashionable in recent years, monopoly and intervention by the government or central bank in the outside money system can be both necessary and optimal. In this case, of course, an over-issue of fiat money may be possible due to political considerations, but this issue is beyond the scope of this paper. On the other hand, the issue of inside monies based on outside money could indeed be provided for optimally under market competition by private institutions. A competitive system in issuing inside monies would help realize, to the maxim urn extent possible, external economies generated by using a single outside money. According to this reasoning, free banking activities will prevail in the inside money system, while a government monopoly will prevail in the outside money system. This speculation, then, also implies that the monetary and banking deregulation currently underway should and most likely will be limited to the inside money system, which could be liberalized to the fullest degree. It is also implied that it will be impractical to deregulate the outside money system and to allow market competition to provide outside money, in accordance with the arguments of the free banking school and the new monetary economics. Furthermore, the role of the government or central bank in this new environment will not be significantly different from their current roles. As far as the supply of fiat money continues to be monopolized by the government, the control of the supply of base money and such related responsibilities as monetary policy (argument(4)) and the lender of the last resort (argument (5)) will naturally be assigned to the outside money supplier. However, a mechanism for controlling an over-issue of fiat money by a monopolistic supplier will definitely be called for (argument(1)). A monetary policy based on a certain policy rule could be one possibility. More importantly, the deregulation of the inside money system would further increase the systemic risk inherent in the current fractional banking system, while enhancing the efficiency of the system (argument (5)). In this context, the role of the lender of the last resort would again become an instrument of paramount importance in alleviating liquidity crises in the early stages, thereby disallowing the possibility of a widespread bank run. Similarly, prudential banking supervision would also help maintain the safety and soundness of the fully deregulated banking system. These functions would also help protect depositors from losses due to bank failures (argument (6)). Finally, these speculations suggest that government or central bank authorities have probably been too conservative on the issue of the deregulation of the financial system, beyond the caution necessary to preserve system safety. Rather, only the fullest deregulation of the inside money system seems to guarantee the maximum enjoyment of external economies in the single outside money system.

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Studies on absorption of ammonium, nitrate-and urea-N by Jinheung and Tongil rice using labelled nitrogen (중질소(重窒素)를 이용(利用)한 진흥(振興)과 통일(統一)벼의 암모니움, 질산(窒酸) 및 요소태(尿素態) 질소(窒素)의 흡수특성(吸收特性) 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Hoon;Seok, Sun Jong
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.225-233
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    • 1978
  • Uptake and distribution of labelled urea, NH4+, and NO3 by Tongil and Jinheung rice grown with each nitrogen source until ear formation stage under water culture system were as follows. 1. When the previous nitrogen source was same as one tested the uptake rate (mg15N/g d.w. root 2hrs, at 28C light) was great in the order of NH4 >urea> NO3 and higher (especially NH4) in Tongil than in Jinheung. Rate limiting step (slowest) seems to be exist at R (root)LS(leaf sheath) for urea, LSLB(leaf blade) for NH4 and M(medium)R for NO3. The fast step of translocation appeare to be at MR for urea RLS for NH4 and LSLB for NO3. 2. The uptake rate of NH4 by the urea-fed plant increased almost linearly from 18C via 28C to 38C in Tongil (Q10=1.21 and 1.32 respectively) while no change in Jinheung (Q10=0.99 and 1.00 respectively). It decreased by 12% in Jinheung under dark but uo change in Tongil. 3. The uptake rate of nitrogen source by different source-fed plant was great in the order of NH415NO3 NO315NH4, urea15NO3 and higher (especially NH415NO3) in Tongil. In the case of urea15NH4 it was same in NH415NO3 for Tongil and slightly lower than that in NO315NH4 for Jinheung. It was lower (especially Tongil) in NH415NO3 than in NH415NH4 4. The uptake rate (in NH415NO3) was higher during 15 minutes than during 2 hours and always higher in Tongil. 5. 15N excess % and content in each part, and uptake rate of root seems to have their own significance relatling with metabolism and translocation respectively. The change of nitrogen nutritional environment and source preference of varieties were discussed in relation to field condition and efficient use of nitrogen fertilizer.

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A Study on the Improvement of Recommendation Accuracy by Using Category Association Rule Mining (카테고리 연관 규칙 마이닝을 활용한 추천 정확도 향상 기법)

  • Lee, Dongwon
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.27-42
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    • 2020
  • Traditional companies with offline stores were unable to secure large display space due to the problems of cost. This limitation inevitably allowed limited kinds of products to be displayed on the shelves, which resulted in consumers being deprived of the opportunity to experience various items. Taking advantage of the virtual space called the Internet, online shopping goes beyond the limits of limitations in physical space of offline shopping and is now able to display numerous products on web pages that can satisfy consumers with a variety of needs. Paradoxically, however, this can also cause consumers to experience the difficulty of comparing and evaluating too many alternatives in their purchase decision-making process. As an effort to address this side effect, various kinds of consumer's purchase decision support systems have been studied, such as keyword-based item search service and recommender systems. These systems can reduce search time for items, prevent consumer from leaving while browsing, and contribute to the seller's increased sales. Among those systems, recommender systems based on association rule mining techniques can effectively detect interrelated products from transaction data such as orders. The association between products obtained by statistical analysis provides clues to predicting how interested consumers will be in another product. However, since its algorithm is based on the number of transactions, products not sold enough so far in the early days of launch may not be included in the list of recommendations even though they are highly likely to be sold. Such missing items may not have sufficient opportunities to be exposed to consumers to record sufficient sales, and then fall into a vicious cycle of a vicious cycle of declining sales and omission in the recommendation list. This situation is an inevitable outcome in situations in which recommendations are made based on past transaction histories, rather than on determining potential future sales possibilities. This study started with the idea that reflecting the means by which this potential possibility can be identified indirectly would help to select highly recommended products. In the light of the fact that the attributes of a product affect the consumer's purchasing decisions, this study was conducted to reflect them in the recommender systems. In other words, consumers who visit a product page have shown interest in the attributes of the product and would be also interested in other products with the same attributes. On such assumption, based on these attributes, the recommender system can select recommended products that can show a higher acceptance rate. Given that a category is one of the main attributes of a product, it can be a good indicator of not only direct associations between two items but also potential associations that have yet to be revealed. Based on this idea, the study devised a recommender system that reflects not only associations between products but also categories. Through regression analysis, two kinds of associations were combined to form a model that could predict the hit rate of recommendation. To evaluate the performance of the proposed model, another regression model was also developed based only on associations between products. Comparative experiments were designed to be similar to the environment in which products are actually recommended in online shopping malls. First, the association rules for all possible combinations of antecedent and consequent items were generated from the order data. Then, hit rates for each of the associated rules were predicted from the support and confidence that are calculated by each of the models. The comparative experiments using order data collected from an online shopping mall show that the recommendation accuracy can be improved by further reflecting not only the association between products but also categories in the recommendation of related products. The proposed model showed a 2 to 3 percent improvement in hit rates compared to the existing model. From a practical point of view, it is expected to have a positive effect on improving consumers' purchasing satisfaction and increasing sellers' sales.