• Title/Summary/Keyword: Library Materials

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Breast Cancer Screening Barriers from the Womans Perspective: a Meta-synthesis

  • Azami-Aghdash, Saber;Ghojazadeh, Morteza;Sheyklo, Sepideh Gareh;Daemi, Amin;Kolahdouzan, Kasra;Mohseni, Mohammad;Moosavi, Ahmad
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.3463-3471
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    • 2015
  • Background: The principal aim of health service providers in the field of breast cancer is to detect and treat lesions at an appropriate time. Therefore, identification of barriers to screening can be very helpful. The present study aimed to systematically review the qualitative studies for extracting and reporting the barriers of screening for breast cancer from the womans perspective. Materials and Methods: In this systematic review; Pubmed, Google Scholar, Ovid Scopus, Cochrane Library, Iranmedex, and SID were searched using the keywords: screening barriers, cancer, qualitative studies, breast and their Persian equivalents, and the needed data were extracted and analyzed using an extraction table. To assess the quality of the studies, the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) tool was used. Results: From 2,134 related articles that were found, 21 articles were eventually included in the study. The most important barriers from the point of view of 1,084 women were lack of knowledge, access barriers (financial, geographical, cultural), fear (of results and pain), performance of service providers, women's beliefs, procrastination of screening, embarrassment, long wait for getting an appointment, language problems, and previous negative experiences. Articles' assessment score was 68.9. Conclusions: Increasing women's knowledge, reducing the costs of screening services, cultural promotion for screening, presenting less painful methods, changing beliefs of health service providers, provision of privacy for giving service, decreasing the waiting time, and providing high quality services in a respectful manner can be effective ways to increase breast cancer screening.

Whole Brain Radiotherapy Combined with Stereotactic Radiotherapy Versus Stereotactic Radiotherapy Alone for Brain Metastases: a Meta-analysis

  • Duan, Lei;Zeng, Rong;Yang, Ke-Hu;Tian, Jin-Hui;Wu, Xiao-Lu;Dai, Qiang;Niu, Xiao-Dong;Ma, Di-Wa
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.911-915
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    • 2014
  • Aim: This study was to evaluate the effect of whole brain radiation (WBRT) combined with stereotactic radiotherapy (SRS) versus stereotactic radiotherapy alone for patients with brain metastases using a meta-analysis. Materials and Methods: We searched PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library from their inception up to October 2013. Randomized controlled trials involving whole brain radiation combined with stereotactic radiotherapy versus stereotactic radiotherapy alone for brain metastases were included. Statistical analyses were performed using RevMan5.2 software. Results: Four randomized controlled trials including 903 patients were included. The meta-analysis showed statistically significant lowering of the local recurrence rate (OR=0.29, 95%CI: 0.17~0.49), new brain metastasis rate (OR=0.45, 95%CI: 0.28~0.71) and symptomatic late neurologic radiation toxicity rate (OR=3.92, 95%CI: 1.37~11.20) in the combined group. No statistically significant difference existed in the 1-year survival rate (OR=0.78, 95%CI: 0.60~1.03). Conclusions: The results indicate that whole brain radiotherapy combined with stereotactic radiotherapy has advantages in local recurrence and new brain metastasis rates, but stereotactic radiotherapy alone is associated with better neurological function. However, as the samples included were not large, more high-quality, large-sample size studies are necessary for confirmation.

Prevalent Signs and Symptoms in Patients with Skin Cancer and Nursing Diagnoses

  • Lisboa, Isabel Neves Duarte;de Azevedo Macena, Monica Suela;da Conceicao Dias Fernandes, Maria Isabel;de Almeida Medeiros, Ana Beatriz;de Lima, Cyndi Fernandes;de Carvalho Lira, Ana Luisa Brandao
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.3207-3211
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    • 2016
  • Background: Skin cancer has a remarkable importance given the high incidence in the population. In Brazil, it is estimated that there were 98,420 new cases of non-melanoma skin cancer among men and 83,710 new cases among women in 2014. Objectives: To verify signs and symptoms present in patients with skin neoplasms according to the literature and relate them to the nursing diagnoses of NANDA International. Materials and Methods: Integrative literature review carried out from March to May 2015 in the databases: Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, SCOPUS, National Library of Medicine and Nattional Institutes of Health, Latin American and Caribbean Sciences of Health and Web of Science. The descriptors used were: 'Signs and Symptoms' and 'Skin Neoplasms'. Sixteen articles were identified as the final sample. After review, the signs and symptoms of skin cancer identified in the literature were related to the defining characteristics present in NANDA International, with the aim to trace possible nursing diagnoses. Results: The most prevalent signs and symptoms were: asymmetric and well circumscribed nodules with irregular borders; speckles with modified color aspect; ulcerations; blisters; pain; itching; and bleeding. The principal nursing diagnoses outlined were: risk for impaired skin integrity; impaired skin integrity; acute pain; risk of shock; and impaired comfort. Conclusions: The identification of signs and symptoms present in patients with skin cancer and the relationships of these with the nursing diagnoses of NANDA International provide a basis for qualified and systematized nursing care to this clientele.

Diagnostic Effectiveness of USPIO versus Gadolinium Based MRI for Axillary Metastasis in Breast Cancer: A Meta-analysis

  • Kim, Yoonseok;Jae, Eunae;Park, Junggu
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This report compared the diagnostic effectiveness between ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) and gadolinium (Gd) based magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for differentiation of axillary status in breast cancer patients. Materials and Methods: The present authors performed a meta-analysis of previous studies that compared USPIO or Gd based MRI with histological diagnosis after surgery or biopsy. We searched PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, Ovid databases and references of articles to identify studies reporting data until December 2013. Pooled sensitivity and specificity were calculated for every study; summary receiver operating characteristic and subgroup analysis was done. Analyses of study quality and heterogeneity were also assessed. Results: There were 14 publications that met the criteria for inclusion in our meta-analysis. USPIO based MRI showed 0.83 (95% CI: 0.75-0.89) and 0.97 (95% CI: 0.94-0.98) for pooled sensitivity and specificity, respectively. Gd based MRI represented pooled sensitivity and specificity of 0.61 (95% CI: 0.55-0.67) and 0.90 (95% CI: 0.87-0.92) for each. Overall weighted area under the curve for USPIO and Gd based MRI were 0.9563 and 0.9051, respectively. Conclusion: USPIO based MRI had a tendency toward high pooled sensitivity and specificity in detection of axillary metastases for breast cancer. This result may mean that USPIO based MRI could be used as complementary modality to differentiate axillary status more precisely, and assist in the decision-making process regarding possible invasive procedures, such as sentinel node biopsy.

Data Analysis of Facebook Insights (페이스북 인사이트 데이터 분석)

  • Cha, Young Jun;Lee, Hak Jun;Jung, Yong Gyu
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.93-98
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    • 2016
  • As information technologies are rapidly developed recently, social networking services through a variety of mobile devices and smart screen is becoming popular. SNS is a social networking based services which is online forms from existed offline. SNS can also be used differently which is confused with the online community. A modelling algorithm is a variety of techniques, which are assocoation, clustering, neural networks, and decision trees, etc. By utilizing this technique, it is necessary to study to effectively using the large number of materials. In this paper, we evaluate in particular the performance of the algorithm based on the results of the clustering using Facebook Insights data for the EM algorithm to be evaluated as a good performance in clustering. Through this analysis it was based on the results of the application of the experimental data of the change and the South Australian state library according to the performance of the EM algorithm.

Gene Analysis of A Fruit-specific Thaumatin-like Protein, VVTL1-homolog, from Campbell Cultivar of Grape (포도 캠벨 품종으로부터 과육 특이발현 VVTL1-homolog 유전자의 분석)

  • 김인중;김석만
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.255-261
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    • 2001
  • Vitis vinifera thaumatin-like protein (VVTL1) is a fruit-specific and ripening-related protein in grape. In order to isolate VVTL1-homolog gene and fruit-specific promoter from Campbell cultivar, we isolated a genomic clone containing VVTL1-homolog gene from grape genomic library through plaque hybridization. VVTL1-homolog gene has an intronless genomic structure, which the pattern is matched with those of other PR5 genes such as osmotin and osmotin-like protein genes. Transcription start site was determined by primer extension analysis. The promoter region of VVTL1-homolog gene contains a sequence or structure, especially the location and number of TCA box and ABRE (abscisic acid-responsive element), distinct from other reported plant PR5 genes, though with several known functional elements such as a TATA box and CAAT box. These results suggested that VVTL1-homolog gene may be regulated by a plant hormone, abscisic acid, and one or several stresses such osmotic pressure and pathogen infection. The isolation of fruit-specific promoter may be helpful to breed a genetically modified grape with valuable phenotype or materials in fruits.

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A Study on Pattern Making by 3D Reconstruction of French Men's Costume in the Second Half of 19th Century - Focused on Redingote and Jaquette - (19세기 하반기 프랑스 남성복 유물의 3D 고증에 의한 패턴 제작에 관한 연구 - 르뎅고뜨(Redingote)와 자께뜨(Jaquette)를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Yang-Hee;Ryu, Kyung-Hwa;Bae, Ji-Ye
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 2020
  • This research examines pattern production of 3 men's costumes in the second half of 19th century by 3D reconstruction to reveal technical aspects of mail costumes. The steps are as follows. First, an examination of selective type according to research study. Second, a pattern analysis of 3 historical male tops of 19th century referred to 9 pattern books of the France National Library collection. Third, a categorized type analysis that referred to paintings of the Musée d'Orsay collection. Fourth, a measurement and structure research of 3 historical garments of Fashion and Textile Museum collection. Fifth, the pattern making and fitting by 3D simulation. Research discussed the following subjects and results. First, main type of men's coat can be categorized by frac, redingote, jaquette, and veston. Second, the male costume pattern contained in pattern books was researched along with distinguished silhouettes and structures; X silhouette for frac and redingote, H silhouette for jaquette, and straight box silhouette for veston. Third, based on the analysis of representative type of men's costume per period conducted previous studies, 2 redingotes and a jaquette in the museum were selected and compared to other data such as image materials. Last, the following process was conducted for reconstruction; 'Drawing diagram-Primary pattern drafting by measurement value-3D virtual fitting-Checking the fit-Modification and complement'. We also obtained a 3D virtual reconstruction and a 2D research pattern that suggested a costume pattern by each type along with 3D reconstruction that included insights for male coat techniques of 19th century France.

Permanent Characteristics of the Handsheet Mixed with Hemp Bast Fiber (삼 인피섬유 혼합율이 종이의 보존 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jun-Kyu;Choi, Kyoung-Hwa;Lee, Myoung-Ku
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.71-77
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    • 2014
  • Despite the ubiquity of electronic media, paper is still the most generally readable carrier of information. Because paper materials are deteriorated by chemical, biological and physical factors over time, there have been major concerns about the decay of large collections of books, publications, old maps, historical artifacts, and written records. Therefore, manufacture of permanent paper has been a highly debated issue in paper conservation research. Through the use of permanent paper, our new records, journals, library books, art works, and all culturally and historically important documents can be preserved. In this study, handsheets were made of mixture of hemp bast fiber produced by soda pulping and HwBKP varying the amount of hemp. Physical, mechanical and optical properties of each handsheet were examined. As the ratio of hemp bast fiber increased, mechanical properties were improved significantly, but opacity decreased. After aging, the optical properties of the handsheets mixed with the hemp bast fiber more decreased than those of the non-mixed handsheet. The more mixture ratio of hemp bast fiber increased, the more decreasing rate of optical properties increased. As a result, it was confirmed that hemp bast fiber is a very promising resource for the manufacturing of permanent paper.

Integrated Information Management for Composite Object Properties in BIM (BIM 복합객체에 대한 속성정보의 통합관리)

  • Kim, Karam;Yu, Jungho
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2015
  • Building information modeling (BIM)-based construction projects have increased and become more varied, and as such the management of BIM-based facility information is also increasingly important for facility maintenance. Information management, and specifically product data mapping, however, has some problems in the area of manual data entry and does not adequately consider the exchange requirements of facility maintenance. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce a method to improve the management of composite object information for BIM-based facility maintenance so that it can handle construction operation building information exchange (COBie) data for a composite object. Therefore, we present a method to map COBie data to related materials of a composite object. This research contributes to increasing the efficiency and accuracy of the required information mapping between a building model and product data using a BIM library through optimal BIM data adoption. Moreover, it allows for the creation and management of specific product data at the design development phase.

Effect of Carrot Intake in the Prevention of Gastric Cancer: A Meta-Analysis

  • Fallahzadeh, Hossein;Jalali, Ali;Momayyezi, Mahdieh;Bazm, Soheila
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.256-261
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: Gastric cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related mortality, with the incidence and mortality being higher in men than in women. Various studies have shown that eating carrots may play a major role in the prevention of gastric cancer. We conducted a meta-analysis to determine the relationship between carrot consumption and gastric cancer. Materials and Methods: We searched multiple databases including PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus, ScienceDirect, and Persian databases like Scientific Information Database (SID) and IranMedx. The following search terms were used: stomach or gastric, neoplasm or cancer, carcinoma or tumor, and carrot. Statistical analyses were performed using Comprehensive Meta Analysis/2.0 software. Results: We retrieved 81 articles by searching the databases. After considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 5 articles were included in this study. The odds ratio (OR) obtained by fixed effects model showed that a 26% reduction in the risk of gastric cancer has been associated with the consumption of carrots) OR=0.74; 95% confidence interval=0.68~0.81; P<0.0001). According to funnel graph, the results showed that the possibility of a publication bias does not exist in this study. Conclusions: The findings of this study showed an inverse relationship between the consumption of carrots and the risk of gastric cancer.