• Title/Summary/Keyword: Library Materials

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A Study on the Curriculum of the Library Science in Korea (한국(韓國) 대학도서관학과(大學圖書館學科)의 교육과정(敎育課程)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kang, Boo-Pil
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.71-122
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    • 1972
  • We are encountering a great numerous informations concerning literatures to rapidly organize and manage, and the necessity for education of library science has been increasing for social service at the right time. The distribution of the library materials to policy-making vital to modernization of Korea has been greatly estimated. Accordingly, at present it is very urgent for us to re-examine the curriculum in each of college library science course. Therefore, we should not repeat such a rediculous education of library science as ten-years old one. A new way should be designed, so that students could carry out their activity of literatures, informations and services which is necessary for modernization of Korea. Thus this essay proposes the following points; This is designed for pioneering to improve and develope the education of library science.

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Interior Project of IN-CHEON 'S' Elementary School Library (인천 'S' 초등학교 학교 도서관 구축 프로젝트)

  • Lee, Hyok-Jun;Lee, Jong-Sun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.219-220
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    • 2005
  • This present study purposed to propose a plan of building a future oriented school library that supports teachers' teaching with various multimedia and Internet materials applicable in class immediately, helps students' self directed learning activities, and plays its role as a cultural center of the local community. As for research methods, this study examines the basic directions and characteristics of school libraries defined by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, and investigates the current state of school libraries. In addition, we survey cases of library plans in Incheon, and suggest standards for planning and propose a plan. Ultimately, we establish a library plan for S Elementary School in Incheon and execute the plan and, in the course, derive ideas for satisfying students' demands with regard to their sentiment, stable and flexible layout and flow lines, facilities and space within the library, etc. What is more, we create indexes for library planning so that school libraries can contribute to various cultural activities and the development of local community beyond their functions as school library facilities.

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Library architecture in 21st Century (21세기의 도서관·정보센터 건축에 관한 연구)

  • Chun, Myung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.291-301
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    • 2003
  • The ideal design of the new libraries in 21st century is explored by bench marking many libraries in developed countries. The library buildings are designed to be intelligent, multi-functional, and environmentally compatible, displaying various library treasures and promoting library materials. Thus the libraries become the community centers and tourist attractions.

A bibliographical study on the mathematical materials that were published during Yi-Dynasty (조선시대 산법서류의 서지적 분석)

  • 이노국
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.21
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    • pp.431-457
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    • 1994
  • The aim of this thesis is to attempt a bibliographical analysis of mathematical materials that were published during Yi-Dynasty. In this study, matters that were treated concretely are the same as follows: 1. Formulation of a system about mathematical materials that were published from Three Kingdoms to Yi-Dynasty. 2. Background of each period about compilation and publication of mathematical materials. 3. Investigation to transition, block book and domain of subject of mathematical materials through analysis on each period of publication. But it was not easy to contrast materials on each catalogue with existed books one by one. In further, we must a new chance for better a n.0, ppreciation about Yi-Dynasty's mathematical materials through continuous studies to this field.

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An Experimental Study on the FRBR Model Adaptation to KORMARC Database : Focusing on Music Materials (FRBR 모형의 KORMARC 데이터베이스로의 적용 가능성에 대한 실험적 연구 - 음악자료를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyun-Hee;Yoo, Yeong-Jun;Park, Suh-Eun
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.185-202
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    • 2007
  • This study examines the application of the FRBR model to an integrated KORMARC format using music materials. To do this, first, we analysed an integrated KORMARC format as well as a KORMARC format for audiovisual materials and then based on its analysis results, constructed an algorithm that allows the transformation from KORMARC to FRBR. Second, we used the algorithm to see whether it fits to the existing KORMARC database. Three suggestions were proposed to support the application of the FRBR model on existing integrated KORMARC library catalogues. This study results can be used not only to improve digital library interfaces but also as basic data in revising cataloging rules for the adaptation of the FRBR model.

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  • 배현숙
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.6
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    • pp.53-103
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    • 1979
  • Kyujang-gak was an institution established by the King Jungjo's order to enshrine and edit the royal writings and autographs, and to help the revival of learning with more active services in collection, control, and use of the important materials. Furthermore, it was aimed in its establishment to promote the settlement of an innovative and ideal Royal Regime. In this paper, the Outer Kyujang-gak(外奎章閣) of Kangwha Magistracy(江華府), which was one of the lower branches of the Kyujanggak(奎章閣), will be treated, especially about its details of establishment, location, functions, the characteristics and value of its collection. After the Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592, the Historical Deposit Library(史庫) was established at the Kangwha Magistracy to take custody of the royal writings and autographs. An Annex(別庫) was built near by the Historical Deposit Library to enlarge the space in the reign of the King Hyojong. These spaces, however, become insufficient as the amount of materials deposited expanded, and custody for them was also not successful. Therefore, at the April of the 6th year of the King Jungjo's rule, the Outer Kyujang-gak was built at the east of the Temporary Palace(行宮) within Kangwha Magistracy, where the royal materials were deposited. This Outer Kynjang-gak was also called 'Kangdo Oe-gak(江都外閣)', 'Kyujang Oe-gak(奎章外閣)' or 'Simdo Oe-gak(心都外閣)', and its major function was to take custody of the materials and to hand them down to the next generations forever. The Kandwha Magistrate(江華留守) was responsible for the management of the Outer Kyujang-gak. Regular events for the book keeping were enshrinement, inventory and airing. In the 6th year in the reign of the King Jungjo, 4,892 volumes consisting of 762 titles were moved here from the Bon-gmodang(奉謨堂), the Seoseo(西序) in Main Palace, the Annex(別庫), the Deposit Library(史庫) mentioned above, the Kaegsa(客舍) and Chaeg-go(冊庫) within Kangwha Magistracy. By the end of the Joseon Dynasty, through fourteen times of addition altogether, the number of collection enshrined here reached 6,400 volumes consisting of 1,212 titles. The significance of this Outer Kyujang-gak established at the Kangwha Magistracy is in the point that this was one of the most important deopsit libraries of the Joseon Dynasty.

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Effective Ways for Acquiring Multicultural Materials in Korea (국내 도서관의 다문화자료 입수를 위한 효과적 방안 연구)

  • Cho, Yong-Wan
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.429-456
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    • 2008
  • This study deals with problems of acquisition of multicultural materials published in many countries where immigrants living in Korea came from. Until these days, libraries that want to support immigrant community in S. Korea have had many difficulties in acquiring those materials because they used informal acquisition methods and mother countries of the immigrants in Korea have lower quantities and quality of book production and distribution system than developed countries. Through literature review and interviews, some recommendations are suggested : utilizing domestic vendors or book jobbers, contacting online bookstores, publishers and local bookstores in mother countries of the immigrants in Korea, attending international book fairs held in different Asian countries and taking buying trips for multicultural materials and connecting organizations and people related with multicultural materials. This study gives some benefits to libraries that are developing area studies, language and literature collection as well as libraries that are developing multicultural collection.

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A Study on Analysis of Using the New Media Instead of Printed Materials (원문대체자료로서 뉴미디어 도입의 효과분석 - Business Periodicals On disc와 Router Business Briefings를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Yun-Sil
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.1-32
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    • 1996
  • By the 1990s, Database Online Searching and CD-ROM Searching have been used universally in libraries. Due to their ease of use and facilitation, it is believed that such new media searching will produce more benefits than the usual printed materials. Furthermore, from the library management's point view, the new media searching's ability to minimize holding space will be another example of the advantage. The new media searching will have ever the printed materials. However, since it Is necessary to have an objective appraisal of the cost effectiveness in the implementation and the design of the new media system, it will be compared the new media searching with the conventional searching by using printed materials at the KIEP Library and Data Bank.

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A Study on the Citing Behavior of Military Scientists by Reference Analysis (참고문헌 분석을 통한 국방과학 연구자들의 인용행태 연구)

  • Kim, Mi-Ra;Lee, Eung-Bong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.143-159
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    • 2013
  • A series of citation analyses are conducted to find out the characteristics of citation behavior in the field of military science and technology in Korea. The analyses are done against the references at the ends of articles in the Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology published during the period 1998-2012. The sample includes 4,563 references from 537 articles. The analyses focused on types of materials, such as monographs, continuous materials, reports, etc., cited by the researchers by year. Lastly, the study aims to suggest the preferences of cited materials. The results of the analyses might provide a guide for a research library to establish an effective acquisition policy and a basis for tangible proof to secure continuous financial support from administration.

A study on the revival of learning policy of Kwang-Hae-Kun (광해군조의 문예진흥 정책)

  • 강혜영
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.25
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    • pp.405-439
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    • 1996
  • During his reign, Kwang-Hae-Kun has done various works to promote literature and book acquisition. Among those works is the establishment of a special office called 'Tok Seo Dang' as he was enthroned in 1608, though it was demolished in 1622. And 'Seo Chuk Kyo In To Kam' was built to recover the scattered and lost books. He encouraged the people to collect and publish books by rewarding those who were engaged in a sort of library works. Their primary responsibility was to collect rare and essential resources, seek the material even in China and publish them using metal printing type. They even sought the diaries and newsletters which the individuals kept at their house. The collected materials were first copied and then kept in 'Shilok' shrine. Among the imported books are Dae Myung Hoi Chon, Chon Choo Sa Chon, Tong Kam Chan Yo, Du Si Tong Chon, Ok Hae, Mun Seon, Hak Hae, Lim Geo Man Rok and some were without titles. Majority of the compiled materials were medical books and geographies like Shin Cheung Tong Kak Yeu Chi Seung Ram, Tong Eui Po Kam, etc. Because of this strenuous effort, they were able to collect and retrieve lots of books and materials between 1608 and 1623. Majority of the published books were of Confucianism(13) which were followed by Political and Legal items(5), Historical documents(3), literature (3), etc. Regarding our library history, one should never forget Kwang-Hae-Kun's significant and remarkable contribution to it.

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