• 제목/요약/키워드: Landscape of View

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Citizen Satisfaction Model for Urban Parks and Greens - A Transactional Approach in the Case of Anyang City, Korea - (도시공원.녹지의 시민만족도 모형 - 안양시를 사례로 한 교류적 접근 -)

  • Kim, Yoo-Ill;Kim, Jung-Gyu;An, Jin-Sung;Choi, A-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • 제38권3호
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    • pp.62-74
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to examine what factors citizens value in urban parks and green spaces in terms of usage and aesthetic value and to find ways to deal with the changing patterns of user satisfaction for these various green elements. To achieve this, the study developed a dynamic model employing a transactional approach to evaluate environmental quality for 1999 and 2007 in Anyang City as well as a conceptual model of parks and greens satisfaction. This study relied on an empirical study method including the 1999 and 2007 green conditional survey and citizen questionnaires totaling 573 in the year 1999 and 982 in the year 2007. As a result, first, the factor 'urban parks' is the most important factor and 'cityscape' is the second most important factor in parks and greens satisfaction(PGS). Second, PGS in turn causes environmental quality satisfaction(EQS), which is related to two items--'urban livability' and 'aesthetic quality'--in the model. This means that PGS is the intervening variable of urban livability. Third, the factor analysis resulted in six factors: cityscape, urban green, linear facilities, urban parks, riverside green, and urban forest. 'Riverside green' emerged as a factor in 2007 as a result of public participation in the 'Anyang River Revitalization Project'. Fourth, through a transactional view, the environmental changes result in either a change in or stability of public attitude. The levels of satisfaction were elevated but patterns of satisfied-unsatisfied items remained unchanged for most factors. The perception of riverside a greenway and linear surface facilities(pedestrian walkways, biking and jogging trails, etc.) have changed positively. PGS changed significantly in 2007, as a result of urban events and development, including parks, rivers and greenways which were built through the joint effort of the local government and civic participation.

A Study on the Improvement Suggestions for Color in Urban Environment -with special regard to the surface color of apartment building in Seoul- (都市環境色彩改善方案에 관한 硏究 -아파트 表面色을 對象으로-)

  • Kim, Dae-Soo;Cho, Jung-Song
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • 제18권3호통권39호
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    • pp.115-135
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    • 1990
  • The purpose of this study was to suggest an improvement proposal for colors in urban environment with special regard to the surface color and their situations of apartment buildings in Seoul. For this goal, 167 cases of different color types of apartment buildings were surveyed. And, the survey was performed in the view of color by areas, by localtion, by builder, by paint year, by built year, by appearance of building, and by surface texture to prove the influencing factors on the surface colors. These collected data analyzed and compared with the existing studies to find out the changing trend of colors. The results are as follows : 1) The use of neutral gray($26.4{\%}$) and warm color(YR, Y, GY; 56.4%) were dominant and the usage trend of higher 'value'(87.4%) and lower 'saturation'(73.0%) was obvious. Especially, the use of PB and P was noticeable. 2) In comparing the existing studies, the changing trend in the surface color pattern was found. That is, neutral gray was used dominantly in 1970's, warm color(YR, Y)in the middle of 1980's. In the end of 1980's, warm color were also used dominantly same as before and GY, PB, P were used noticeably with some rising tendency of higher 'value' and lower 'saturation' was obvious. 3) The results of analysis by localtion shows that the different color groups might exist in Seoul city. Neutral gray and YR were dominant in zone I. Warm colors(YR, Y, GY)were prevailed in zone II, III, IV. In zone V, many colors were evenly used. In zone VI, middle values at warm color were dominant. Progressively, these color groups with further study could be considered in the color management in urban environment possibly. 4) Surface color of apartment buildings were different from their builders. 5) Concerned with the painted year, the use of higher 'value' and lower 'saturation' was increased gradually with the change of times. 6) the analysis by the built year revealed that the 'value' of surface colors on the old buildings was lower than that of the new ones. 7) The 'value' of colors on the surface with texture was higher than that of the surface without texture. 8) In the combination of two colors, the use of 'value' with difference at the same 'hue' was found harmonions in many cases, but the 'saturation' in usage was included in the ambiguity (Moon & Spencer's term). The ambiguity in color harmony should be improved in the near future.

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Life form of the Plants and Vegetation in the Habitat of Endangered Parnassius bremeri in Uiseong, Gyeongsangbuk-do (경북의성 멸종위기종 붉은점모시나비 서식지 식물의 생활형 및 식생)

  • Lee, Nam-Sook;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Kim, Do-Sung;Choi, Young-Eun;Park, Yool-Jin;Lee, Kyeong-Bo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • 제14권6호
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2011
  • The present paper deals with a research of life form and vegetation of the plants extant in the habitat of endangered Parnassius bremeri in Uiseong, Gyeongsangbuk-do with a view to restore their habitat and create substitute habitats. The research found that there are a total of 130 vascular plants including 47 families, 96 genera, 113 species, 1 subspecies and 16 varieties. In terms of their life form, hemicryptophytes (H) is the majority of dormancy form with 41 species or 31.54%, while $R_5$ is majority of radicoid form with 72 species or 55.38%, gravitational disseminule form ($D_4$) is majority among the disseminule forms with 68 species or 52.31% and erect type (e) is majority of growth form with 57 species or 43.85%. Major constituents of the habitat are Sedum kamtschaticum, Selaginella tamariscina, Orostachys japonica, Arundinella hirta, Cymbopogon tortilis var. goeringii, Themeda triandra var. japonica, Carex humilis, Indigofera kirilowii, Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii, Festuca ovina, Artemisia capillaris, etc., all of species which are in the initial stage of succession and show simultaneously features characteristic of vegetation on the rock. In the habitat 1. Sedum kamtschaticum- Selaginella tamariscina community and Pinus densiflora community are distributed whereas, in the habitat 2. Sedum kamtschaticum-Selaginella tamariscina community, Sedum kamtschaticum-Carex humilis community, Sedum kamtschaticum-Cymbopogon tortilis var. goeringii community and Sedum kamtschaticum-Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii community are growing and in the habitat 3. Sedum kamtschaticum-Selaginella tamariscina community, Selaginella tamariscina community, Sedum kamtschaticum-Indigofera kirilowii community and Quercus acutissima community are seen distributed there, too. Typical of food plants growing in the habitat is Sedum kamtschaticum, found mostly in the rocky area and its surroundings. Absorption plants are those that usually bloom in the season when imagoes emerge. From the research, it becomes evident that the blooming season of Sedum kamtschaticum, obviously a food plant, corresponds exactly to the emergence timing of imagoes. Cirsium japonicum var. ussuriense, Rosa multiflora, Erigeron annuus, Spiraea prunifolia var. simpliciflora are found to belong to these plants.

A Comparative Study on 「Yanghwasorok」 and 『Zhangwuzhi』 - Focused on the Taste of Plants in Scholar's Garden, Korea and China - (「양화소록(養花小錄)」과 『장물지(長物志)』 화목류에 나타난 문인원림 취미 비교)

  • Park, Hee-Soung;Yun, Jia-Yan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • 제44권3호
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    • pp.79-93
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    • 2016
  • The present study aimed to understand the taste of literati appearing in the Korean-Chinese garden by comparing "Yanghwasorok(養花小錄)" and "Zhangwuzhi(長物志)", which are one of the representative gardens in Korea and China. The main subject of comparison is plants; the research results are as follows. First, Gang Hui-an stated that the ultimate purpose of growing and appreciating the gardening plants is the completion of oneself, while Wen Zhen-heng(文震亨) used gardening plants as a means to practice a life of reclusiveness(隱逸). Second, Gang Hui-an claimed that growing plants is human's cultivation of virtue on the basis of Confucian view's gaining knowledge by the study of things(格物致知), whereas Wen Zhen-heng realized the taste of 'elegance(雅趣)' through form of plants or planting method. Third, although plant preference of literati of both countries is similar in many parts, there is a slight difference for putting gardening plants in pots and appreciating them. For example, even for selecting or placing pots, simplicity and lightness are characteristically reflected from Gang Hui-an while splendor and refinedness are characteristically shown from Wen Zhen-heng. Moreover, in light of the taste of appreciation of literati of the Song Dynasty(宋代), which is a sample of literati spirit, Gang Hui-an inherited the inner world of the spirit whereas Wen Zhen-heng expressed 'literati-ness' in visual images.

A Study on the image evaluation of Street Landscape -Focused on an Analysis of Psychological and Physical Factors which Creates a Busy Street (가로경관의 이미지 평가에 관한 연구 - 번화한 가로를 만드는 심리적, 물리적 인자의 분석을 중심으로)

  • 이재원
    • Archives of design research
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.135-146
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    • 2004
  • The street landscape image is through complex experience of psychological factor by the visionary experience and physical factor by recognize a street's structure. Therefore, the need for analyz-ing and evaluating the psychological and physical aspect of street view was aroused, and how much it has an effect on the outcome. Above all, a definite street standard of a region in its characteristics was selected to analyze the street characteristics of a region (commercial, business, and complex area). A questionnaire was used to measure psychological information felt in a street area. As a result, the street image holds similar characteristics according to regional characteristics and the amenity and busy condition play a major role in having the effect. To know of the effect of street of a region that is known to cause the busy in a region, the discriminant analysis was made between the selected regions to analyze the difference. As a result, the difference of the width of street, ratio of widths of sidewalk and driveway, the ratio of height of a building and width of street, and the difference of tree-planting ratio were main factors which helped to feel more of the contrary of street in a region. Current research has helped to make more precise analysis and evaluation of all kinds of street images, and suggested different means of having more live image in a street region through physical factors. To create more the busy in a region, it is considered that analyzing the image of a street would be used more.

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A Study on Constructive Method and the Practical use of Marine GIS (해양 GIS 구축 및 활용 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Gi-Chul;Suh, Sang-Hyun;Cho, Seung-Rae;Han, Chang-Seuk;Park, Chang-Ho;Roh, Hong-Seung;Kim, Eun-Hyung;Kim, Jin-Hoo;Park, Jong-Hwa;Suh, Young-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.126-143
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    • 2006
  • The main objective of this study is to determine the methodology to increase the practical use of future Marine GIS based on the user's point of view of the analysis of maritime & fishery government agencies's roles. GIS related job duty of two Busan District offices of MOMAF(Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries), NFRDI(National Fisheries Research & Development Institute), Korea Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology and marine & fisheries local government offices of Busan Metropolitan city were analyzed for the establishment of MGIS, future extended service targeting user's increased practical utilization. Several suggestions in the area of production mechanism and technical policy for marine geographic information among the government agencies are developed to settle down successfully MGIS in Busan. Furthermore, 10 fields of Marine Geographic issues are rearranged for intending the desirable system and service.

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The Review of Yeongpyeong(永平), Baengnoju(白鷺洲)'s Status and Meaning Landscape by Literature and Carved Letter in the Rock (고문헌과 바위글씨로 본 영평(永平) 백로주(白鷺洲)의 위상과 경관의미)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Se-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • 제36권2호
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2018
  • This study is to review about Yeongpyeong(永平), Baengnoju(白鷺洲)'s status and meaning landscape from literature and carved letter by literature reviews and a field survey. Baengnoju is named from mounting Geumneung(金陵) Bonghwangdae(鳳凰臺) poetry written by I, Baek(李白). There were many 'Baengnojus' all over the country but Yeongpyeong Baengnoju was the most famous beauty spot in Joseon dynasty. We identified many documentations about carved letter in the rock by literature reviews. So We guessed Baengnoju's past landscape and discovered undiscovered carved letters in the rock. Baengnoju became a famous place by Yang, Man-go(楊萬古)'s villa and I, Myeong-Han(李明漢)'s poetry. After this, it had received attention because it had a fine view and a good place to live. We thought that Baengnoju's documentations about carved letter in the rock was the most important, because carved letter in the rock is the fundamental factor to explore a noted wiseman' trace. Especially, documentations about carved letter in the rock was concentrated with Seoin(西人)'s literature. It is the important materials to identify carved letter in the rock. We studied about Baengnoju's carved letter in the rock by literature reviews and a field survey. First of all, it was identified as Jo, Sang-Wu(趙相愚) who wrote "Baengnoju" letter. We also discovered two undiscovered letters in Baengnoju letter's left side. There were Yu, Gi-Il(柳基一)'s carved letter in the rock in the other side. It was many carved letters in the rock in Baengnoju, but we knew so many differences comparing with literature. So, we need to establish plans to preserve. On this occasion, we wish that many people will be pay more attention to Baengnoju.

Geomorphic Landscapes of Jeju Island Depicted in Ten Sceneries of Tamra (탐라십경도에 표현된 제주도의 지형경관)

  • Kim, Taeho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.149-164
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    • 2014
  • The representative landscapes in Jeju Island called as Ten sceneries of Yeongju originates with Ten sceneries of Tamra which were organized in the late seventeenth century by Jeju governor Lee Iktae. In order to compose ten representative sceneries in Jeju Island, he selected four strongholds such as Jocheon, Byeolbang, Seogwi and Myeongwol and six places of scenic beauty such as Seongsan, Baekrokdam, Yeonggok, Cheonjiyeon, Sanbang and Chwibyeongdam, and made a painting named as Ten sceneries of Tamra. Since the scenes of strongholds also exhibit a lot of geomorphic landscapes, the painting could be considered a collection of representative landforms in Jeju Island. The painting depicts several types of landform such as volcano, crater, river, waterfall, pool, wetland, cavern, tor and rocky coast. The volcanic edifice appears most frequently in the painting, reflecting the particular emotion of Jeju people on Mt. Halla and oreums. However, another volcanic landform, a lava tube, was not highly evaluated due to its negative images. Three famous waterfalls in Jeju Island were included in Ten sceneries of Tamra, and it suggests that they are essentially outstanding landforms, and besides, there are few sites related with fresh water in Jeju Island. The ten sceneries were entirely organized in spite of the limitation of selecting places at that time. The landscape images of Jeju Island, which had been shared as collective representation by Jeju people, were firstly externalized through Lee Iktae's painting, and have long been passed down and established a kind of scenic stereotype.

Research on the Urban Green Space Connection Paths forthe Enhancement of Ecological Function - Focused on Suwon - (녹지축의 생태적 기능 강화를 위한 도시녹지 연결경로 도출 연구 - 수원시 대상 -)

  • Choi, Jaeyeon;Kim, Suryeon;Park, Chan;Song, Wonkyong;Jung, Kyungmin;Kim, Eunyoung
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.201-213
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    • 2022
  • Creation and administration of green space are emphasized to solve the environmental problem and the management of green space in urban area. Urban area with high development pressure faces green space fragmentation, so the planned approach is needed to improve the continuity of green space. However, the current institutional green axis, used to enhance continuity of urban space is merely an abstract concept under the master plan so that is not a consistent framework for urban green continuity providing no detailed information such as position and path. Therefore, in order to consistently manage green space in continuous point of view, it is insufficient not being connected to each individual green space development projects. This study proposes a method for finding the connection path to enhance urban green space continuity. This proposed method consists of two phases. First phase is finding nodes to connect current green space and second is to calculate the least cost path. We calculate connection cost using NDMI (Normalized Difference Moisture Index), impervious ratio and official land cost, applying to Suwon city and potential greening site that was planned in official master plan. According to the results, we confirm a possibility of finding a cost-effective connection path with detailed spatial information instead of unrealistic abstract concepts and discuss worth applying to a legally plan and policy.

A study on World Heritage conservation policies through the case of the Dresden Elbe Valley (드레스덴 엘베계곡의 사례로 본 세계유산 보존 정책)

  • Jo, Eugene
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • 제48권2호
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    • pp.96-109
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    • 2015
  • The Dresden Elbe Valley of Germany was delisted from the World Heritage List after a long dispute amongst the city of Dresden, UNESCO and the World Heritage Committee upon a plan to build a four-lane bridge within the boundaries of the property. The plan was claimed to threaten the Outstanding Universal Value of the heritage embedded in the view of the river landscape. However looking back on the necessity of the bridge in order to maintain the city dynamics and the needs of the local population, it is possible to diagnose that plans for the bridge had a rather different nature from the usual urban 'development' plans appearing in the vicinity of other World Heritage properties. This article examines the process that led to the delisting of the Elbe Valley from the World Heritage List and assesses the problems arising between the entities which determine the value of the heritage and the entities that implement conservation measures. Recognizing the necessity of involving the local residents, this article stresses the importance of the role of communities in heritage conservation. It is also important to set up dependable directions for establishing conservation policies which takes into account the changing dynamics of the living environment, and sound methods for assessing the impact of future projects on the heritage.