• Title/Summary/Keyword: Land use/land cover

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PollMap: a software for crop pollination mapping in agricultural landscapes

  • Rahimi, Ehsan;Barghjelveh, Shahindokht;Dong, Pinliang;Pirlar, Maghsoud Arshadi;Jahanbakhshian, Mohammad Mehdi
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.255-263
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    • 2021
  • Background: Ecosystem service mapping is an important tool for decision-making in landscape planning and natural resource management. Today, pollination service mapping is based on the Lonsdorf model (InVEST software) that determines the availability of nesting and floral resources for each land cover and estimates pollination according to the foraging range of the desired species. However, it is argued that the Lonsdorf model has significant limitations in estimating pollination in a landscape that can affect the results of this model. Results: This paper presents a free software, named PollMap, that does not have the limitations of the Lonsdorf model. PollMap estimates the pollination service according to a modified version of the Lonsdorf model and assumes that only cells within the flight range of bees are important in the pollination mapping. This software is produced for estimating and mapping crop pollination in agricultural landscapes. The main assumption of this software is that in the agricultural landscapes, which are dominated by forest and agriculture ecosystems, forest patches serve only as a nesting habitat for wild bees and the surrounding fields provide floral resources. Conclusion: The present study provided new software for mapping crop pollination in agricultural landscapes that does not have the limitations of the Lonsdorf model. We showed that the use of the Lonsdorf model for pollination mapping requires attention to the limitations of this model, and by removing these limitations, we will need new software to obtain a reliable mapping of pollination in agricultural landscapes.

Assessment of the Feasibility of the Hydrochloric Acid Extraction Method and the Chemical Properties of Agricultural Soils in reclaimed mines (폐광산 토양개량‧복원사업 완료 농경지 안정화 효율 및 화학성 평가)

  • Ju-In Ko;Mi-Sun Park;Gwan-In Park;Seung-Han Baek;Il-Ha Koh
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.10-17
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    • 2024
  • In Korea, the common remedial process for reclamation of agricultural soils nearby abandoned mines involves chemical soil stabilization followed by covering with clean soil. This study investigated the chemical properties of cover soils and the validity of HCl extraction method in assessing the degree of As and heavy metal stabilization in stabilized soils collected from 14 plots where mine reclamation had been completed. The results revealed there were no major differences in contaminants extraction rate between the stabilized soils and contaminated soils, suggesting HCl extraction procedure is a less feasible method to determine the efficiency of the stabilization. Soil quality indicators including OM, SiO2, P2O5, etc. of the land-covering soils were generally lower than those of stabilized soils that used to be the cultivation layer before the stabilization. Nonetheless, the value of those indicators didn't meet the regulatry limits of agricultural soil. Therefore, future strategy for mine reclamation should concentrate not only on contaminant concentration but also on soil quality parameters for agricultural use of the reclaimed soil.

Spatial Environment Planning for Ecological Environment Conservation - Centering on an Area in the Gyeonggi Province - (생태환경 보전을 위한 공간환경계획 수립방안 - 경기도 일원에의 사례 적용 -)

  • Choi, Hee-Sun;Park, Ju-hyeon;Kim, Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.22-34
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    • 2011
  • In recent years, there has been an active movement toward databasing, systematizing, and unifying environmental information. Such efforts facilitate the utilization of spatial environment planning in environment conservation officially planned at the metropolitan and provincial levels. This in turn clarifies the management direction of space, thereby serving as an effective tool with which to not only conserve land, but also provide a reasonable compromise to all the related solutions at odds with one another. As such, this study forwards a method for inclusion of spatial environment planning in environment conservation plans, paying particular attention to the place, with in such a planning method, of the natural ecosystem, arguably the most sensitive arena among environmental factors. Spatial environment planning can be broadly divided as follows: first, basic direction; second, collection of spatial information; third, compilation of status of spatial environment; and fourth, management strategy for spatial environment. In particular, the second phase, namely the collection of spatial information, delineates clearly spatial information hitherto amassed by government agencies at both the national and local levels; the ensuing lists facilitate maximum utilization of the previously accumulated data. Used during the planning phase, status maps should include not only the status of land use(land cover), but also systematic data on the superior resources of the natural ecosystem as well as the status of the given spatial environment. Establishing plans for ecological networks, their conservation, and restoration areas based on the aforementioned aspects, this study sought to formulate ways in which to spatialize environment conservation plans that encompass consideration for the natural ecosystem. Devised based previous studies and examples, the compilation of status and plans as stated, applied to Gyeonggi Province, afforded an examination of the potential applicability and usability of the proposed plans. Ultimately, these will contribute not only to the establishment of plans encompassing consideration for the value and level of significance of the given natural ecosystem in spatial development planning, but also provide fundamental data for investigating appropriateness of plans and validity of location in any regional development plan.

Estimation of SCS Runoff Curve Number and Hydrograph by Using Highly Detailed Soil Map(1:5,000) in a Small Watershed, Sosu-myeon, Goesan-gun (SCS-CN 산정을 위한 수치세부정밀토양도 활용과 괴산군 소수면 소유역의 물 유출량 평가)

  • Hong, Suk-Young;Jung, Kang-Ho;Choi, Chol-Uong;Jang, Min-Won;Kim, Yi-Hyun;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Ha, Sang-Keun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.363-373
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    • 2010
  • "Curve number" (CN) indicates the runoff potential of an area. The US Soil Conservation Service (SCS)'s CN method is a simple, widely used, and efficient method for estimating the runoff from a rainfall event in a particular area, especially in ungauged basins. The use of soil maps requested from end-users was dominant up to about 80% of total use for estimating CN based rainfall-runoff. This study introduce the use of soil maps with respect to hydrologic and watershed management focused on hydrologic soil group and a case study resulted in assessing effective rainfall and runoff hydrograph based on SCS-CN method in a small watershed. The ratio of distribution areas for hydrologic soil group based on detailed soil map (1:25,000) of Korea were 42.2% (A), 29.4% (B), 18.5% (C), and 9.9% (D) for HSG 1995, and 35.1% (A), 15.7% (B), 5.5% (C), and 43.7% (D) for HSG 2006, respectively. The ratio of D group in HSG 2006 accounted for 43.7% of the total and 34.1% reclassified from A, B, and C groups of HSG 1995. Similarity between HSG 1995 and 2006 was about 55%. Our study area was located in Sosu-myeon, Goesan-gun including an approx. 44 $km^2$-catchment, Chungchungbuk-do. We used a digital elevation model (DEM) to delineate the catchments. The soils were classified into 4 hydrologic soil groups on the basis of measured infiltration rate and a model of the representative soils of the study area reported by Jung et al. 2006. Digital soil maps (1:5,000) were used for classifying hydrologic soil groups on the basis of soil series unit. Using high resolution satellite images, we delineated the boundary of each field or other parcel on computer screen, then surveyed the land use and cover in each. We calculated CN for each and used those data and a land use and cover map and a hydrologic soil map to estimate runoff. CN values, which are ranged from 0 (no runoff) to 100 (all precipitation runs off), of the catchment were 73 by HSG 1995 and 79 by HSG 2006, respectively. Each runoff response, peak runoff and time-to-peak, was examined using the SCS triangular synthetic unit hydrograph, and the results of HSG 2006 showed better agreement with the field observed data than those with use of HSG 1995.

Scenario-based Flood Disaster Simulation of the Rim Collapse of the Cheon-ji Caldera Lake, Mt. Baekdusan (시나리오에 따른 백두산 천지의 외륜산 붕괴에 의한 홍수재해 모의)

  • Lee, Khil-Ha;Kim, Sang-Hyun;Choi, Eun-Kyeong;Kim, Sung-Wook
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.501-510
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    • 2014
  • Volcanic eruptions alone may lead to serious natural disasters, but the associated release of water from a caldera lake may be equally damaging. There is both historical and geological evidence of the past eruptions of Mt. Baekdusan, and the volcano, which has not erupted for over 100 years, has recently shown signs of reawakening. Action is required if we are to limit the social, political, cultural, and economic damage of any future eruption. This study aims to identify the area that would be inundated following a volcanic flood from the Cheon-Ji caldera lake that lies within Mt. Baekdusan. A scenario-based numerical analysis was performed to generate a flood hydrograph, and the parameters required were selected following a consideration of historical records from other volcanoes. The amount of water at the outer rim as a function of time was used as an upper boundary condition for the downstream routing process for a period of 10 days. Data from the USGS were used to generate a DEM with a resolution of 100 m, and remotely sensed satellite data from the moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) were used to show land cover and use. The simulation was generated using the software FLO-2D and was superposed on the remotely sensed map. The results show that the inundation area would cover about 80% of the urban area near Erdaobaihezhen assuming a 10 m/hr collapse rate, and 98% of the area would be flooded assuming a 100 m/hr collapse rate.

Converting Lands that are damaged by Graveyards into Tree Burial Sites in order to Restore Green Areas (산지묘지의 훼손지 복원을 위한 수목장지로의 전환)

  • Woo, Jae-Wook;Byun, Woo-Hyuk;Kim, Hak-Beom;Park, Won-Kyoung;Kim, Min-Su;Norsyuhada, Norsyuhada
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this paper was to study the issues related to converting the graveyards within forests into spaces intended for tree burials by means of planting, given the situation that the graveyards have encroached on land and damaged the environment. For the reason, a field survey was performed to determine the width, length, and distance to the nearest tree of 205 graveyards in the capital area. Through this, it was determined that the domestic lands damaged by graveyards amounted to $862km^2$, including the areas that were deforested to manage the graves. This only confirms that land encroachment by graveyards is a serious issue. The methods for making tree burial sites were examined from the perspective of how to meet public demands given the graveyard's spatial distinctiveness. As a result, this study suggested different methods to establish tree burial sites according to the degree of transformation and the term of its formation. This study also classified the graveyards into three types, and identified the planting methods that harmonized the safe growth of trees and the scenic beauty of memorial places based on the standard. This is in order to plant trees that are shade-tolerant and suitable to the forest line, along with which other tree line was and also, to plant aesthetic trees around the empty space. Through applying the developed methods, this study established and monitored two exemplary sites in Yongin and Boryeng. Aesthetic trees were planted in Yongin site which was located in an open area, aod the shade-tolerant trees were planted in Boryeong, which was located in a forest area. As a result, the image of a garden appeared at Yongin site and the image of a tree colony harmonized with the near forest emerged at Boryeong site. Therefore, it is confirmed that the method of planting according to the distribution status of neighboring trees was effective. As a result of monitoring, mulching wood chips were suitable for sites that were small or easy to approach. This is because the weeds were controlled in Yongin site by mulching. Furthermore, by monitoring the growth of 11 species of vegetation, this study confirmed that low and cover-type vegetations were suitable for tree burial sites. In Boryeong site, the wild cherry trees, which were planted as adult trees, all died, and the tilling of snake's beard, which were planted as cover vegetation, was slow. Therefore, this study found that seedlings were more suitable to plant in forest graveyards than adult trees, which were large and difficult to approach, and it was effective to use the remaining lawn and form a low vegetation after the crown of trees had expanded to such places.

Effects of Areal Interpolation Methods on Environmental Equity Analysis (면내삽법이 환경적 형평성 분석에 미치는 영향)

  • Jun, Byong-Woon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.736-751
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    • 2008
  • Although a growing number of studies have commonly used a simple areal weighting interpolation method to quantify demographic characteristics of impacted areas in environmental equity analysis, the results obtained are inevitably imprecise because of the method's unrealistic assumption that population is evenly distributed within a census enumeration unit. Two alternative areal interpolation methods such as intelligent areal weighting and regression methods can account for the distributional biases in the estimation of impacted populations by making use of additional information about the geographic distribution of population. This research explores five areal interpolation methods for estimating the population characteristics of impacted areas in environmental equity analysis and evaluates the sensitivity of the outcomes of environmental equity analysis to areal interpolation methods. This study used GIS techniques to allow areal interpolation to be informed by the distribution of land cover types, as inferred from a satellite image. in both the source and target units. Independent samples t-test statistics were measured to verify the environmental equity hypothesis while coefficients of variation were calculated to compare the relative variability and consistency in the socioeconomic characteristics of populations at risk over different areal interpolation methods. Results show that the outcomes of environmental equity analysis in the study area are not sensitive to the areal interpolation methods used in estimating affected populations, but the population estimates within the impacted areas are largely variable as different areal interpolation methods are used. This implies that the use of different areal interpolation methods may to some degree alter the statistical results of environmental equity analysis.

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Ecological Renewal Plan of Urban Parks for the Revitalization of Urban Green Axis in Gangdong-Gu (강동구 도시 녹지축 기능 활성화를 위한 도시공원의 생태적 리뉴얼 방안 연구)

  • Park, Jeong-Ah;Han, Bong-Ho;Kwak, Jeong-In
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.12-27
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    • 2023
  • In this study, among the construction-type parks in Gangdong-gu, targeting parks with high environmental and ecological value located on the urban green axis, a plan was prepared for the ecological renewal of urban parks, and a design that applied to them was proposed. The renewal target site was selected by analyzing the general condition of Gangdong-gu and urban parks, the land use and green area ratio, park green area, and the green axis of Gangdong-gu. Gangdong-gu has 54 parks, including 2 neighborhood parks and 52 children's parks. In the first stage of the current status review, 17 parks were extracted through locational value analysis, such as location and adjacency to the natural axis and green axis. In the second stage, eight parks were selected among the first-stage extraction parks based on the ratio of green spaces and open spaces within each park service area. In the third stage, two of the second stage extraction parks were selected based on whether the legal standard of the park area was met, and in the fourth stage, one of the third stage extraction parks was selected through an aging survey of the park. As for the urban ecological status of the renewal target site, the status of land use in the aspect of entropy reduction, the status of soil cover in the aspect of water circulation, and the status of planting structure in the aspect of biodiversity were investigated. As for the status of the three renewal sites, the green area was insufficient at 18.3-45.3%, and the facility area was 54.7%-81.7%, which was judged to have low urban temperature reduction effects. The impervious pavement area accounted for 34.5% to 48.9% of the park area, accounting for most of the facility area, and it was judged that the water circulation function was insufficient. The planting structure consisted of a single layer and a double layer structure, and although the tree layer was good, the lower vegetation was poor, and there was no planting site of edible plants or large hardwood trees, so the biodiversity was low. After the ecological renewal design of Seonrin Children's Park, Dangmal Children's Park, and Saemmul Children's Park, which were selected as the renewal targets in this study, the ecological area ratio of each park increased by 1.4 to 3 times than before the renewal. If the urban parks located on the urban green axis are examined from the perspective of the urban ecosystem and renewed ecologically, it is judged that the expected effect will be high in reducing entropy, improving water circulation, and laying the foundation for biodiversity in terms of the urban ecosystem.

The Suggestion for Classification of Biotope Type for Nationwide Application (전국적 적용을 위한 비오톱유형분류 제안)

  • Choi, Il-Ki;Oh, Choong-Hyeon;Lee, Eun-Heui
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.666-678
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    • 2008
  • The needs for drawing up of biotope map is rapidly spreaded over each local government recently in Korea, according as enhancing of interest about biotope, which is recognized to practical instrument for concretely being able to considering natural environment and ecosystem on all sorts of development plan. However, there are not yet the standard suggestion on biotope types and classification systems and biotope classification criteria. Therefore, each other methodologies are applied to each of local autonomies. First, under such critical mind the biotope types and classification systems were drafted by a review on biotope types, biotope classification systems, and biotope classification criteria of the preceded case studies until now at the inside and outside of the country. And then the purpose of this study is to derive biotope types and biotope classification systems applicable to the whole Korean region through continual feed back such as field surveys in selected representative areas and consultations. As a result of reviewing the case examples, first, the biotope classification systems were mixed two steps system with three steps system and those were composed mostly of the structure of two steps: large and small. Second, land-use, soil pavement ratio, green cover ratio, and vegetation usually were applied to the biotope classification criteria. This study suggests that the biotope classification system is consisted of four steps system: large(biotope class), medium(biotope group), small(biotope type) and detail(sub-biotope type), and the biotope types are classified into 13 types of large step, 45 types of medium step and 127 types of small step. However, this study suggests that the new biotope types on small step or detail step should be continually supplemented with the foundation of classification system proposed in this study because the biotope type classification should consider regional characteristics.

Satellite Remote Sensing for Forest Surveys and Management (산림조사(山林調査) 및 경영(經營)을 위(爲한) 위성원격탐사(衛星遠隔探査))

  • Choung, Song Hak
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.83 no.1
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 1994
  • The states of development of remote sensing, GIS and forest management technology are such that new directions in forest surveys and management are possible. The technologies can not be considered separately. With the increasing power and decreasing cost of computer processing and the development of inexpensive mass storage media, digital remote sensing applications are becoming more practical. Powerful microcomputer-based image analysis systems and GIS are important advancements. As well, it is only a matter of time before the integration of remote sensing image analysis systems and GIS becomes transparent to the users. Implementation of operational applications by both centralized agencies and local units is, therefore, becoming practical. This paper discussed the state of remote sensing technology and its application to forest surveys and management. The relative advantages and disadvantages of readily available remote sensing products for regional biodiversity assessment were summarized. Discussion is limited to the sources of up-to-date imagery suitable for regional land use/cover mapping, specifically : LANDSAT MSS and TM, and SPOT.

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