• Title/Summary/Keyword: Laminated Composite Structures

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Low velocity impact response and dynamic stresses of thick high order laminated composite truncated sandwich conical shell based on a new TDOF spring-mass-damper model considering structural damping

  • Azizi, A.;Khalili, S.M.R.;Fard, K. Malekzadeh
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.771-791
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    • 2018
  • This paper deals with the low velocity impact response and dynamic stresses of composite sandwich truncated conical shells (STCS) with compressible or incompressible core. Impacts are assumed to occur normally over the top face-sheet and the interaction between the impactor and the structure is simulated using a new equivalent three-degree-of-freedom (TDOF) spring-mass-damper (SMD) model. The displacement fields of core and face sheets are considered by higher order and first order shear deformation theory (FSDT), respectively. Considering continuity boundary conditions between the layers, the motion equations are derived based on Hamilton's principal incorporating the curvature, in-plane stress of the core and the structural damping effects based on Kelvin-Voigt model. In order to obtain the contact force, the displacement histories and the dynamic stresses, the differential quadrature method (DQM) is used. The effects of different parameters such as number of the layers of the face sheets, boundary conditions, semi vertex angle of the cone, impact velocity of impactor, trapezoidal shape and in-plane stresses of the core are examined on the low velocity impact response of STCS. Comparison of the present results with those reported by other researchers, confirms the accuracy of the present method. Numerical results show that increasing the impact velocity of the impactor yields to increases in the maximum contact force and deflection, while the contact duration is decreased. In addition, the normal stresses induced in top layer are higher than bottom layer since the top layer is subjected to impact load. Furthermore, with considering structural damping, the contact force and dynamic deflection decrees.

Studies on Probabilistic Nonlinear First Ply Failure Loads and Buckling Loads of Laminated Composite Panels (적층복합재료 패널의 확률론적 비선형 초기파단하중 및 좌굴하중에 관한 연구)

  • Bang, Je-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2013
  • Probabilistic nonlinear first ply failure loads of flat composite panels and nonlinear buckling loads of curved composite panels with cutouts are estimated to provide the more reliable main load carrying structure in the renewable energy industry and offshore structures. The response surface method approximates limit state surface to a second order polynomial form of random variables with the results of deterministic finite element analyses at given sampling design points. Furthermore, the iterative linear interpolation scheme is used to obtain a more accurate approximation of the limit state surface near the most probable failure point (MPFP). The advanced first order second moment method and the Monte Carlo method are performed on an approximated limit state surface to evaluate the probability of failure. Finally, the sensitivity of the reliability index with respect to transformed random variables is investigated to figure out the main random variables that have an effect on failures.

Simultaneous Measurement of Strain and Damage Signal in Composite Structures Using a Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor (광섬유 브래그 격자 센서를 이용한 복합재 구조물의 변형률 및 파손신호 동시 측정)

  • Koh, Jong-In;Bang, Hyung-Joon;Kim, Chun-Gon;Hong, Chang-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2004
  • For the simultaneous measurement of strain and damage signal a fiber Bragg grating sensor system with a dual demodulator was proposed. The dual demodulator is composed of a demodulator using a tunable Fabry-Perot filter measuring the low-frequency signal with large magnitude such as strain and the other using a passive Mach-Zehnder interferometer detecting the high-frequency signal with small amplitude such as impact or damage signal. Using the proposed fiber Bragg grating sensor system, both the strain and damage signals of a cross-ply laminated composite beam under tensile loading were simultaneously measured. The strain and damage signals detected by single fiber Bragg grating sensor showed that sudden strain shifts were accompanied with vibration at a maximum frequency of several hundreds of kilohertz at the instant of matrix crack propagation in the 90 degree layer in composite beam.

Buckling and dynamic characteristics of a laminated cylindrical panel under non-uniform thermal load

  • Bhagat, Vinod S.;Pitchaimani, Jeyaraj;Murigendrappa, S.M.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.1359-1389
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    • 2016
  • Buckling and free vibration behavior of a laminated cylindrical panel exposed to non-uniform thermal load is addressed in the present study. The approach comprises of three portions, in the first portion, heat transfer analysis is carried out to compute the non-uniform temperature fields, whereas second portion consists of static analysis wherein stress fields due to thermal load is obtained, and the last portion consists of buckling and prestressed modal analyzes to capture the critical buckling temperature as well as first five natural frequencies and associated mode shapes. Finite element is used to perform the numerical investigation. The detailed parametric study is carried out to analyze the effect of nature of temperature variation across the panel, laminate sequence and structural boundary constraints on the buckling and free vibration behavior. The relation between the buckling temperature of the panel under uniform temperature field and non-uniform temperature field is established using magnification factor. Among four cases considered in this study for position of heat sources, highest magnification factor is observed at the forefront curved edge of the panel where heat source is placed. It is also observed that thermal buckling strength and buckling mode shapes are highly sensitive to nature of temperature field and the effect is significant for the above-mentioned temperature field. Furthermore, it is also observed that the panel with antisymmetric laminate has better buckling strength. Free vibration frequencies and the associated mode shapes are significantly influenced by the non-uniform temperature variations.

Analysis of Anisotropic Folded Structures using Triangular and Quadrilateral Elements (3절점 및 4절점 요소를 이용한 비등방성 절판 구조물의 해석)

  • Yoo, Yong-Min;Yhim, Sung-Soon;Chang, Suk-Yoon
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2007
  • This study deals with displacement analysis of anisotropic folded structures with triangular elements and quadrilateral elements. When folded plates are analyzed, triangular elements as well as quadrilateral elements are needed for conveniences of modelling. However, using triangular elements is not a simple problem. A simple formulation is presented which allows a quadrilateral element to degenerate into a triangular element. Therefore it can easily be used for computational simplicity and avoided complexities on mixed use of triangular element and quadrilateral element. In this paper, a high-order shear deformation theory using only Lagrangian interpolation functions and drilling degrees of freedom for folded plates are utilized for more accurate analysis. Especially, various results of anisotropic laminated and folded composite structures with triangular element and quadrilateral element show the structural behavior characteristics of them.

On the static and dynamic stability of beams with an axial piezoelectric actuation

  • Zehetner, C.;Irschik, H.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.67-84
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    • 2008
  • The present contribution is concerned with the static and dynamic stability of a piezo-laminated Bernoulli-Euler beam subjected to an axial compressive force. Recently, an inconsistent derivation of the equations of motions of such a smart structural system has been presented in the literature, where it has been claimed, that an axial piezoelectric actuation can be used to control its stability. The main scope of the present paper is to show that this unfortunately is impossible. We present a consistent theory for composite beams in plane bending. Using an exact description of the kinematics of the beam axis, together with the Bernoulli-Euler assumptions, we obtain a single-layer theory capable of taking into account the effects of piezoelectric actuation and buckling. The assumption of an inextensible beam axis, which is frequently used in the literature, is discussed afterwards. We show that the cited inconsistent beam model is due to inadmissible mixing of the assumptions of an inextensible beam axis and a vanishing axial displacement, leading to the erroneous result that the stability might be enhanced by an axial piezoelectric actuation. Our analytical formulations for simply supported Bernoulli-Euler type beams are verified by means of three-dimensional finite element computations performed with ABAQUS.

Natural Frequency of Building Slabs Supported by Elastic Beams (탄성보에 의하여 지지된 복합재료 상판의 고유 진동수)

  • 김덕현;심도식
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.227-235
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    • 1998
  • A method of calculating the natural frequency corresponding to the first mode of vibration of beams and tower structures, with irregular cross-sections and with arbitrary boundary conditions was developed and reported by D. H. Kim in 1974. This method has been developed for two-dimensional problems including the laminated composite plates and was proved to be very effective for the plates with arbitrary boundary conditions and irregular sections. In this paper, the result of application of this method to the building slabs with passive and active control devices is presented. Finite difference method is used to obtain the deflection influence surfaces needed for this vibration analysis in this paper. The influence of the modulus of the foundation on the natural frequency is thoroughly studied.

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LEFM Analysis of Patch Repaired Steel Plates by p-Version Layer Model (p-Version 적층모델을 통한 팻취 보강된 강판의 선형탄성파괴역학 해석)

  • Han, Sang-Hyun;Shin, Young-Shik;Woo, Kwang-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.487-492
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    • 2007
  • The enhancement of the service life of damaged or cracked structures is a major issue for researchers and engineers. The hierarchical void element with the integrals of Legend polynomials is used to characterize the fracture behavior of unpatched crack as well as repaired crack with bonded composite patches by computing the stress intensity factors and stress contours at the crack tip. The numerical approach is based on the v-version degenerate shell element including the theory of anisotropic laminated composites. Since the equivalent single layer approach is adopted in this study, the proposed element is necessary to represent a discontinuous crack part as a continuum body with zero stiffness of materials. Thus the aspect ratio of this element to represent the crack should be extremely slender. The sensitivity of numerical solution with respect to energy release rate, displacement and stress has been tested to show the robustness of hierarchical void element as the aspect ratio is increased up to 2000. The stiffness derivative method and displacement extrapolation method have been applied to calculate the stress intensity factors of Mode I problem.

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Analytical free vibration solution for angle-ply piezolaminated plate under cylindrical bending: A piezo-elasticity approach

  • Singh, Agyapal;Kumari, Poonam
    • Advances in Computational Design
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.55-89
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    • 2020
  • For the first time, an accurate analytical solution, based on coupled three-dimensional (3D) piezoelasticity equations, is presented for free vibration analysis of the angle-ply elastic and piezoelectric flat laminated panels under arbitrary boundary conditions. The present analytical solution is applicable to composite, sandwich and hybrid panels having arbitrary angle-ply lay-up, material properties, and boundary conditions. The modified Hamiltons principle approach has been applied to derive the weak form of governing equations where stresses, displacements, electric potential, and electric displacement field variables are considered as primary variables. Thereafter, multi-term multi-field extended Kantorovich approach (MMEKM) is employed to transform the governing equation into two sets of algebraic-ordinary differential equations (ODEs), one along in-plane (x) and other along the thickness (z) direction, respectively. These ODEs are solved in closed-form manner, which ensures the same order of accuracy for all the variables (stresses, displacements, and electric variables) by satisfying the boundary and continuity equations in exact manners. A robust algorithm is developed for extracting the natural frequencies and mode shapes. The numerical results are reported for various configurations such as elastic panels, sandwich panels and piezoelectric panels under different sets of boundary conditions. The effect of ply-angle and thickness to span ratio (s) on the dynamic behavior of the panels are also investigated. The presented 3D analytical solution will be helpful in the assessment of various 1D theories and numerical methods.

Chaotic phenomena in the organic solar cell under the impact of small particles

  • Jing, Pan;Zhe, Jia;Guanghua, Zhang
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.15-31
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    • 2023
  • Organic solar cells utilized natural polymers to convert solar energy to electricity. The demands for green energy production and less disposal of toxic materials make them one of the interesting candidates for replacing conventional solar cells. However, the different aspects of their properties including mechanical strength and stability are not well recognized. Therefore, in the present study, we aim to explore the chaotic responses of these organic solar cells. In doing so, a specific type of organic solar cell constructed from layers of material with different thicknesses is considered to obtain vibrational and chaotic responses under different boundaries and initial conditions. A square plate structure is examined with first-order shear deformation theory to acquire the displacement field in the laminated structure. The bounding between different layers is considered to be perfect with no sliding and separation. On the other hand, nonlocal elasticity theory is engaged in incorporating the structural effects of the organic material into calculations. Hamilton's principle is adopted to obtain governing equations with regard to boundary conditions and mechanical loadings. The extracted equations of motion were solved using the perturbation method and differential quadrature approach. The results demonstrated the significant effect of relative glass layer thickness on the chaotic behavior of the structure with higher relative thickness leading to less chaotic responses. Moreover, a comprehensive parameter study is presented to examine the effects of nonlocality and relative thicknesses on the natural frequency of square organic solar cell structure.