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Production and Economic Factor Analysis for the Low Input Sustainable Agriculture(LISA) of Red Pepper (고추의 LISA 模型開發을 위한 技術經濟的 要因分析)

  • Hwang, Young-Hyun;Choi, Jung;Kim, Chung-Sil;Kim, Byung-Do
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.35-48
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    • 1998
  • The total amount of dry matter for the green manure crops was great wheat> rye> barley> Italian ryegrass in that order. The green manure crope were verified to have the reducing effect of injury of successive croppingin peper, mainly reducing the occurance of the most important pepper disease, Phytophthora capsisi, and enhancing the pepper quality in the fruit length and diameter. The direct seeding using current commercial pepper variety was proved as not economical one. In the first year of compost application, the growth and yield of red pepper were rather somewhat decreasing compared with those of check plot applied with organic fertilizers. compst application increased the content of organic matter in soil, which suggested compost could be applied for the sustainable purposes. In preference analysis about taking the new technique, the smaller farmer's cultivation area the more they wanted to accept the LISA farming, compared with the conventional one, could be possible to save 12% in the inorganic fertilizer expenses but wasted 412% ant 163% in both organic fertilizer and operator labor expenses, respectively. At the same time, the LISA decreased 15% in production cost but increased 225% and 139% in organic fertilizer quantity and operator labor hours. Since there was a great deal of difference in technological and economic factors from two farming methods, LISA multi-goal decision modeling is further required.

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Development of a Precision Seeder for Direct Seeding of Rice on Dry Paddy (정밀 파종 벼 건답직파기 개발)

  • Yoo, S.N.;Kim, D.H.;Choi, Y.S.;Suh, S.R.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2008
  • In order to save labor and cost, direct seeding has been considered as an important alternative to the machine transplanting in rice cultivation. Current direct seeding machines for rice in Korea drill irregularly under various operating conditions. This study was conducted to develope a precision seeder which enables the accurate, even-spaced in row placement of rice seeds at uniform depths of 3-4 cm on dry paddy. Design, construction and performance evaluation of the precision seeder were carried out. The tractor rear-mounted type 8-rows precision seeder which performs seeding in addition to fertilizing, ditching, and rotary tilling works on dry paddy was developed. Main components of the seeder were ditcher and leveller, rotary tiller, powered roller type furrow opener, seeding device, powered roller type furrow covering and firming device, hydraulic unit, seeding speed control system, power transmission system, hitch and frame. Ditching, furrow opening, and seed covering and firming performances were good and seeding depths of 2-4 cm could be maintained. Planting accuracies and planting precisions were within 13.6%, and 31.2%, respectively, for planting space of 15 cm, and seeding velocity of 0.5 m/s. These mean variations of average planting space were within 2.1 cm, and 90% of seeds in a hill were seeded within 4.7 cm of hill length, respectively. Error ratios between setting planting space and measured average planting space were shown within 6.7%. Therefore the seeder showed good planting performance up to seeding velocity of 0.5 m/s in field tests. And field capacity of the seeder was about 0.28 ha/hour.

Field Applicability of Augmented Reality Technology by Marker Mapping for Construction Project (Focused on Measurement Process of Rebar Work) (마커방식 증강현실기법의 건설현장 적용성 연구 (철근배근 검측업무 사례적용))

  • Kim, SunYoung;Kim, HyeonSeung;Moon, HyounSeok;Kang, LeenSeok
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.2509-2518
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    • 2013
  • Augmented reality (AR) technology visualizes a real type object that cannot simulate in virtual reality technology by overlapping a virtual object and real object in a computer system. This study suggests a methodology and prototype system for applying AR system to rebar distribution work in a civil engineering project. Rebar work in civil engineering project is a representative activity that is progressed by empirical approach of skilled labor rather than formalized manual. AR technology improves the constructability of rebar work because AR tool can identify missing rebars and different rebars comparing with the drawings. AR system developed in this study can enhance the understanding of rebar work using 3D modeling with real image of construction site and save construction cost by reducing reconstruction work.

A Study on Measuring Soil-Water Characteristic Curve Using a Suction Control Technique (흡입력 조절 기법을 이용한 함수특성곡선 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Joonyong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.5587-5594
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    • 2012
  • Determination of the soil-water characteristic curve is one of the most important things to solve geotechnical engineering problems. Expecially, convenient and reliable method to measure the soil-water characteristic curve during drying and wetting cycles is required with lower labor input, more independence from operator experience, and shorter testing time than other available methods. Many measurement methods including the flow pump system have been developed to characterize the soil-water characteristic curve for the several decades. This study measured the soil-water characteristic curve during drying and wetting cycles using a suction control technique with the flow pump system. Two test materials were used for determination of the soil-water characteristic curve, and it is concluded that suction control technique is suitable for determination of the soil-water characteristic curve and characterization of the hydraulic hysteresis with varying test conditions. Especially, the suction control technique can reduce error of measurement and save time in measuring the soil-water characteristic curve due to automated system and high degree of precision.

Experimental Study on Structural Behavior of Double Ribbed Deep-Deck Plate under Construction Loads (시공하중이 작용하는 더블리브 깊은 데크플레이트의 구조거동에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Heo, Inwook;Han, Sun-Jin;Choi, Seung-Ho;Kim, Kang Su;Kim, Sung-Bae
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2019
  • Recently, the use of deep deck plate has been increased in various structures, such as underground parking lots, logistics warehouses, because it can reduce construction periods and labor costs. In this study, a newly developed Double Deck (D-deck) plate which can leads to save story heights has been introduced, and experimental tests on a total of five D-deck plates under construction loads have been carried out to investigate their structural performance at construction stage. The loads were applied by sands and concrete to simulate the actual distributed loading conditions, and the vertical deflection of D-Deck and the horizontal deformation of web were measured and analyzed in detail. As a result, it was confirmed that all the D-decks showed very small vertical deflection of less than 5.34 mm under construction loads, which satisfies the maximum deflection limit of L / 180. In addition, the D-Deck plate was found to have a sufficient rigidity to resist construction loads in a stable manner.

Development Rapid Analytical Methods for Inositol as a Trace Component by HPLC and LC-MS/MS in Infant Formula

  • Shin, Jin-Ho;Park, Jung-Min;Kim, Ha-Jung;Ahn, Jang-Hyuk;Kwak, Byung-Man;Kim, Jin-Man
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.466-472
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    • 2015
  • A rapid and simple analytical method, using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), was developed to detect myo-inositol (MI) in infant formulas. For protein removal: acid hydrolysis and lipid removal through organic solvent extraction. The operating conditions for instrumental analysis were determined based on previously reported analogous methods that used LC-MS/MS. Quantitative analysis was used for the detection limit test, infant formula recovery test, and standard reference material (SRM) 1849a to verify the validity of our LC-MS/MS analytical method, which was developed to quantify MI. For validation, the results of our method were compared with the results of quantitative analyses of certified values. The test results showed that the limit of detection was 0.05 mg/L, the limit of quantitation was 0.17 mg/L, and the method detection limit was 17 mg/kg. The recovery test exhibited a recovery between 98.07-98.43% and a relative standard deviation between 1.93-2.74%. Therefore, the result values were good. Additionally, SRM 1849a was measured to have an MI content of 401.84 mg/kg and recovery of 98.25%, which is comparable to the median certified value of 409 mg/kg. From the aforementioned results, we judged that the instrumental analysis conditions and preparation method used in this study were valid. The rapid analytical method developed herein could be implemented in many laboratories that seek to save time and labor.

Effects of the Slow-releasing Fertilizer and Sowing Date on Waxy Corn "Mibaek 2" Propagated through Double Cropping without Tillage in the Middle Region of Korea

  • Lee, Jae-Wung;Hwang, Se-Gu;Moon, Hye-Rim;Kim, Ik-Jei;Kim, Young-Ho
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    • v.65 no.4
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    • pp.477-484
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of slow-releasing fertilizer and sowing date on waxy corn propagated through double cropping without tillage. "Mibaek 2" was sown for first cropping on March 25th, April 5th, and April 15th, and for second cropping on July 5th, July 15th, and July 25th in 2018-2019. In order to save labor, slow-releasing fertilizer was utilized only one time before sowing. The accumulated temperature from sowing to silking was about 590-700℃. It took 65-77 days when "Mibaek 2" was sown in early April, but the one sown in early July took 42-52 days. In the first cropping, the culm length and ear length caused by the sowing date had no statistical significance, but the kernel set length was the highest at 123 cm in the sowing district on April 5th. The weight of marketable ears was the highest at 100%, in addition to soil testing-based recommended fertilization. Meanwhile, in the second cropping, culm length, ear length, and yield were less compared to the first cropping. The culm length, kernel set length, ear length, and seed set length decreased as sowing date was delayed. The number and yield of marketable ears were the highest at 100%, in addition to soil testing-based recommended fertilization like in the first cropping. It has been found that securing yield by July 15th to finish the second seeding of the crop in the central part of Korea is advantageous. These results of this study will be helpful to farmers for the double cropping of waxy corn cultivation and management.

A Web-based Virtual Experiment Kit for Digital Logic Circuits Using Java Applet (자바 애플릿을 이용한 웹 기반 디지털 논리회로 가상실험키트)

  • Kim Dong-Sik;Kim Ki-Woon
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we developed an efficient virtual experiment kit with creative and interactive multimedia contents, which can be used to enhance the quality of education in the area of digital logic circuits. Since our virtual experiment kit is implemented to describe the on-campus laboratory, the learners can obtain similar experimental data through it. Also, our web-based virtual experiment kit is designed to enhance the efficiency of both the learners and the educators. The learners will be able to achieve high learning standard and the educators save time and labor. The virtual experiment is performed according to the following procedure: (1) Circuit Composition on the Bread Board (2) Applying Input Voltage (3) Output Measurements (4) Checkout of Experiment Results. Furthermore, the circuit composition on the bread board and its corresponding online schematic diagram are displayed together on the virtual experiment kit for the learner's convenience. Finally, we have obtained several affirmative effects such as reducing the total experimental hours and the damage rate for experimental equipments and increasing learning efficiencies as well as faculty productivity.

Analysis of Economic Behaviors of Government Employee Pension Subscriber's Household (공무원연금 납부 가구의 경제행태 분석)

  • Kim, Bo Min;Song, Heonjae
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.57-78
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzes economic behaviors of government employee pension subscriber's household by comparison to national pension subscriber's household. First, government employee pension subscriber's household income is higher than national pension subscriber's one. Second, household net assets of government employee pension subscriber are smaller than the ones of national pension subscriber. Government employee pension could crowd out private household savings, and a national pension subscriber's household inherited more than a government employee pension subscriber's. Third, a government employee pension subscriber's household is also likely to expend more than a national pension subscriber's household. Both summary statistics and fixed effects estimates give significant coefficients to government employee's dummy. Government employee pension subscriber's households do not need to save more because they expect to receive a stable retirement pension which gives relatively higher compensation. Thus, they are likely to consume more than national pension subscriber's households.

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    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.811-819
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    • 2015
  • The e-CALLISTO is a network of CALLISTO (Compact Astronomical Low-frequency, Low-cost Instrument for Spectroscopy in Transportable Observatories) spectrometers which detect solar radio bursts 24 hours a day in frequency range 45-870 MHz. The number of channels per spectrum is 200 and the time resolution of whole spectrum is 0.25 second. The Korean e-CALLISTO station was developed by Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) collaborating with Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) since 2007. In this paper, we report replacement of the tracking mount and development of the control program using Visual C++/MFC. The program can make the tracking mount track the Sun and schedule CALLISTO to start and to finish its observation automatically using the Solar Position Algorithm (SPA). Daily tracking errors (RMSE) are 0.0028 degree in azimuthal axis and 0.0019 degree in elevational axis between 2014 January and 2015 July. We expect that the program can save time and labor to make the observations of solar activity for space weather monitoring, and improve CALLISTO data quality due to the stable and precise tracking methods.