• Title/Summary/Keyword: Labor Investment Level

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The Effect of Workers' Human Resource Development and Recognition of Job Performance Level on their Job Satisfaction (근로자의 인적자원개발과 직무수준인지가 직무만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Sung-Hee;Kwak, In-Suk
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.73-93
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of workers' human resource development and their recognition of human resource on-the-job satisfaction. A sample of 4,727 workers that was selected from Korea Labor Panel Data was analyzed by t-test and multiple regression, and was tested by causal effects among related variables. The major findings were as follows: First, the workers' recognition of their job performance level vs. educational attainment was affected by their annual income, job status, educational attainment, gender, and experiences of human resource development. Second, the workers' job satisfaction was affected by gender, age, educational attainment, health status, job status, annual income, experiences of human resource development, recognition of their job performance level vs. educational attainment, and recognition for their job availability. Third, the factors that had a causal effect on workers' job satisfaction were educational attainment, gender, age, health status, annual income, and experiences of human resource development. Above all, workers' educational attainment had a strong direct effect on job satisfaction, and annual income had a strong indirect effect on it. From these findings, it can be concluded that workers' effort and trial for development and investment of human resource played an important role in increasing job satisfaction.

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The Impact of Industry Architectures and Supply Chains on Successful Expansion in Emerging Markets (산업구조와 가치사슬이 신흥국 진출 성공에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Jae Ho;Park, Kwang Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2020
  • Korean firms have been vigorously searching and exploring overseas market opportunities through export and overseas investment. As of end of 2019, there were more than 80,000 Korean overseas subsidiaries all over the world. With Korean overseas direct investment increasing recently, it became one of the important issues for overseas investors to be successful in the global market. There are a lot of studies on factors influencing the performance of overseas subsidiaries such as 'firm' and 'country' factors. This study empirically examines subsidiary performance determinants with 'industry architectures' by using a sample of 292 overseas Korean firm subsidiaries. Industry architectures are the stable but evolving sets of rules and roles through which labor is divided within a sector. This article considers how industry architectures shape success in international expansion. Industry architectures differ between countries, are not necessarily technologically determined, shape firms' capabilities and their competitive environment, and constitute a distinct level of analysis. We extract antecedents of related theory and empirically test its impact with a survey of Korean firms expanding in emerging economies. We would say this is the first study which tries to focus on industry architectures with the performance of Korean overseas subsidiaries. We find that separability and similarity of industry architectures across countries and localization of subsidiaries are robust and important predictors of success in international expansion. Our results suggest that industry architectures should be added to firm and country as an intermediate level of analysis that helps explain success in international expansion. While we established a pattern, much more remains to be done. We focus on the success of foreign operations, but we do not consider the broader benefits of going abroad, such as the learning or network effects that accrue at the level of the entire firm. The next obvious question is whether the results would differ in the developed market context. These we leave for future research to consider.

A Study on the Level of BCMS(Business Continuity Management System) of Small and Medium Enterprises (중소기업의 재해경감활동관리체계 수준진단(Checklist)에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Mi Sun;Kim, Min Ji;Kim, Do Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.122-128
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    • 2017
  • Recently, accidents such as human accidents are increasing rapidly due to natural disasters and changes in social conditions due to abnormal weather. As a result, damage has been causing massive damage unlike the past. In the case of small and medium enterprises excluding financial institutions and big company, there is no system for prevention and restoration for stable operation from various risks such as human and natural disasters. As the current disaster continues, public and private companies have raised the need for BCM, and with the introduction of the ISO22301 certification system, the company has been establishing and operating Enterprise Disaster Management Standards in the Ministry of Public Safety and Security since 2007. However, in most SMEs, it is hard to bear the input of internal labor and investment cost, and there is a lack of personnel with expertise to conduct BCM diagnosis. Therefore, in this paper, we will study the diagnosis level of enterprise continuity plan which is commonly used in Korea and abroad. Based on this, we will study the BCM system diagnosis method which can be applied to small and medium enterprises in Korea efficiently.

The Human Capital Accumulation Effect of New and Renewable Energy Human Resource Development Programs (신재생에너지 인력양성의 인적자본 축적 효과)

  • Lee, You-Ah;Kim, Jin-Soo;Heo, Eun-Nyeong
    • New & Renewable Energy
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2009
  • Human resource for the new and renewable energy technology is an important factor in the respect of the sustainable growth and energy security. In this paper, we focused on measuring the economic effect of human resource development on new and renewable energy development programs. The human capital accumulation model developed by Mincer (1974) was modified in terms of the rate of the researchers' investment in human capital. As a result of a empirical case study, the value of human capital was estimated by 102 million Korean won per year worth 18% of the project labor cost. In case of the assumption of 100% participation of researchers, the level of human capital accumulation increased to 914 million Korean won per year. These results imply that the new and renewable energy development programs has been successful, on the concept of learning by doing, in terms of providing the researchers with opportunities to accumulate human capital.

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A feasibility study on adoption of slab track for the new high speed rail way line between Daegu and Pusan (대구-부산간 고속철도 신설선에 대한 슬래브 궤도구조의 도입 타당성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hae-Gon;Yang, Keun-Yul;Kim, Kwang-Mo
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2003.10b
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2003
  • This Study is about adoption of slab track on the new high speed railway line between Daegu and Busan. While ballast track currently used is easy to construct with low investment, the error margin of rail track occurs in the track due to the repetition load of the train. Therefore, repairs should be carried out all the time to put the railway track at the repair level or less. In addition, noise caused by such repairs has become a new social problem at night. Construction costs for slab track are about 1.3-1.5 times higher than those for ballast track. However, slab track will save labor costs by solving various problems of ballast track. In this regard, it is feasible to adopt slab track on the new high speed railway line between Daegu and Busan.

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Finding Subjects for Automated Container Terminal Development by Systems Approach (시스템적 접근에 의한 자동화컨테이너터미널 개발 과제 도출)

  • 박창호;노홍승;정희균
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 1998
  • This study is to define the Automated Container Terminal(ACT) and container terminal system. Also, we analyze the present condition of the container terminal system in Pusan port and its automation level by systems approach. And this paper aims at evaluating on the priority of R&D investment until the beginning of the second stage of New Pusan Port Project(2006). In this process we have considered 8 factors (cost, labor, area, time volume, reliability, safety, convenience) to analyze 6 subsystems. The priority order of R&D until target year by sub-systems is as follow : Cargo Handling System〉Transfer System〉Port Entry System〉Storage System(Distribution&Manufacturing System included)〉Inland Transport System〉Port Information System.

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Factory Automation(FA) in Korea firms and Development Strategy (한국산업의 공장자동화와 발전전략)

  • 이근희;안문영
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.14 no.23
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    • pp.71-100
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    • 1991
  • Investment in FA facilities has been accerelated since 1986, turning point by labor strife in Korea firms. Most commonly adopted automation tech, in their manufacturing process consists of NC. Robotics, PLC, CAD/CAM now on and further confused system oriented FMS, CIM, etcs. undergoing. But for all their remarkable notices in manufacturing systems, The competitive position on product cost, quality, shorten delivery and profit has never been recovered in global swing market. To make some empirical suggestions with a view to competitive strategy of Korea firms by FA, to the conclusion largely FA tech. adoption can be justified only when its application on new product productions and improved the structure of products comparatively. Because of when it was applied in old production process. The effectiveness is very doubtful to the lacks of consistent and integrate manufacturing policy with the strategy of the fim and their poor standardization level in shop floors.

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Determinants of FDI in Transition Countries of Central Asia with VECM (수정오차모형을 통한 중앙아시아 체제전환국들의 FDI 결정요인 분석)

  • Narantsetseg, Narantsetseg;Choi, Chang Hwan
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.107-127
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    • 2016
  • This paper attempts to investigate determinants of foreign direct investment in transition countries of Mongolia and Central Asia five countries of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. FDI inflows in this transition economies have been far increasing due to their rapid growth, GDP, gross capital formation, wage, labor force, open trading, infrastructure and natural resources as well as the factors demonstrating the economic variables and political variables of these countries by Vector Error Correction Model. The results of empirical analysis based on data from 1993 to 2013 confirmed that FDI and open trade and gross capital formation and political than GDP, wage, labor force, infrastructure and natural resources had a significant impact on Central Asia and Mongolia. In addition, if Mongolia and Central Asian five countries can maintain the country's economic growth, reduce unemployment level, achieve certain improvements in domesticating new technologies and improving skills and knowledge sphere as well as promoting stable domestic price increase, attracting and improving the FDI by paying more attention to the indicators focusing on country's GDP, wage, labor force, infrastructure and natural resource.

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System Dynamics Modeling for Policy Analysis of Occupational Injuries (시스템다이내믹스를 이용한 산업재해율 분석)

  • Chung, Hee Tae
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.417-424
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    • 2015
  • The research of occupational injury for safety and health is a comparatively recent occurrence. As labor activities took place regarding to employee concerns in industrial uprising, human resources health was tried to enhanced as a labor safety subject. Noticing that traditional statistics approach has limitations in learning future forecasting and major factors causing occupational injuries in each industry, Korean Government initiated a quantitative systematic simulation model project to analyze how the annual injury rate has been dropped and stays in a level for recent years. From this motivation and the project, system dynamics models have been developed to explain the mechanisms for reducing annual injury rate, and the mechanisms quantitatively. The main cause effects for the reduction of annual injury rate were due to the government driven investment on safety facilities. In overall viewpoint the gain achievable from these efforts has been reached a saturated level. However, it could reduce the annual injury rate if you chose the industry and size carefully. The model for forecasting, major injury factors, safety budget and allocation are introduced and analyzed, and Analyzing occupational injury related factors can also reduce employee injury and disease related costs, including medical care, quit, and disability assistance costs.

An Analysis on The Structural Change of The Knowledge Service Industry (지식서비스산업의 구조변화 분석)

  • Kim, Pang-Ryong
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38B no.10
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    • pp.808-816
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    • 2013
  • In recent years, the knowledge service industry is getting much attention in terms of the role as new growth driver and employment creation sector whereas the overall potential growth rate in Korea has been slowed due to reduced investment and employment in manufacturing sector. This study examines how the knowledge service industry contributes to economic development and employment creation by analyzing the structure transition pattern of the knowledge service industry from 1995 to 2010 and suggests, based on these results, some policy implications for the industry's development. It turns out that the knowledge service industry greatly contributes to total production increase and employment creation during the period of 1995 to 2010. Special strategy for increase in labor productivity will be required for the knowledge service industry to contribute consistently as growth driver and employment creation sector since production increase rate and growth contribution level have been gradually decreased while employment growth rate and its contribution level have been consistently increased in the knowledge service industry.