• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean youth

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A Study on the Employment Success Factors of Young University Graduates (청년 대학 졸업자 취업 성공 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Jun-Su Kim;Woo-Hong Cho;Young-Eun Jang;Kil-Hee Byon;Dea-Hun Choi;Mee-Kyung Kim;Kyoung-Mi Yun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2023년도 제67차 동계학술대회논문집 31권1호
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    • pp.195-197
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구의 목적은 청년 대학 졸업자 취업 성공 요인 분석과 수도권과 비수도권의 결정 요인 비교를 통해 대학의 취업 지원을 전략과 방향을 제시하는 것이다. 이를 위해 2019년 대졸자 취업경로이동조사 자료를 활용하여 개인특성, 학교특성, 진로선택 및 취업프로그램 참여, 취업 준비 활동 경험을 독립변수로 하고 취업 성공 여부를 종속변수로 하여 취업 성공 요인을 분석하였다. 그 결과, 서울·수도권 대졸자는 개인특성 중 연령, 부모자산, 어학연수 경험이 취업 성공(+) 요인이었고, 대학특성은 2~3년제 대졸자가 4년제, 교육대 대졸자 보다 취업성공 가능성이 높았다. 진로선택 및 취업프로그램 참여 중 직장체험, 면접·이력서 작성이 취업 성공(+)요인으로 직업심리검사는 취업 성공(-) 요인으로 나타났다. 취업준비활동 경험 중 SSAT 자격증, 공모전 수상, 대외활동, 이력서·면접훈련은 취업 성공(+) 요인으로 졸업 전 구직활동, NCS 준비, 외모관리는 취업 성공(-)요인으로 나타났다. 반면, 비수도권 대졸자는 개인특성 중 연령, 부모자산이 취업 성공(+)요인이었고, 2~3년제 대졸자가 4년제, 교육대 대졸자 보다 취업성공 가능성이 높았다. 진로선택 및 취업프로그램 참여 중 직장체험, 면접·이력서 작성이 취업 성공(+)요인으로, 직업심리검사, 기업채용설명회는 취업 성공(-)요인으로 나타났다. 취업준비활동 경험 중 봉사활동, 공모전 수상, 대외활동, 모의면접은 취업 성공(+)요인이었고, 졸업 전 구직활동, 자격증, 외모관리는 취업 성공(-)요인이었다. 이를 바탕으로 4년제 대학의 비교과 활동 강화, 취업환경과 유사한 실무능력 배양 교육, 면접·이력서 작성 등 실제적 취업지도 프로그램 시행을 제시하였고, 봉사활동, 대외서포터즈, 공모전 등 취업처에 실무능력을 보여줄 수 있는 실무활동 참여를 지원하는 방안 등을 제시하였다.

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The Reciprocal Effects of Deviant Self-Concept and Delinquent Behaviors Revisited: A Latent State-Trait Autoregressive Modeling Approach (청소년 비행과 일탈적 자아개념의 상호적 인과관계: 잠재 상태-특성 자기회귀 모델을 통한 재검증)

  • Eunju Lee;Ick-Joong Chung
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.447-468
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to attain a clearer understanding of the reciprocal effects of deviant self-concept and delinquent behaviors by applying a latent state-trait autoregressive modeling approach. Although traditional autoregressive cross-lagged (ARCL) modeling has been widely applied to test the longitudinal reciprocal relationship between the two constructs, it could produce misspecified findings if there were trait-like processes involved in this relationship. The latent state-trait autoregressive(LST-AR) modeling was applied to control trait effects of deviant self-concept and to examine the reciprocal causal relations between the two constructs. Data were taken from a sample of 3,449 eighth graders who were followed annually for 5 years from the Korea Youth Panel Study. The combining LST-AR model with ARCL model substantiated the reciprocal effects of deviant self-concept and delinquent behaviors, even after the stable trait component of deviant self-concept was taken into account. The present findings shed lights on the reciprocal effects of behaviors (i.e., delinquency) and self concepts (i.e., deviant self-concept). Not only did behaviors change corresponding self-concept, but the ways adolescents perceived themselves influenced their behaviors.

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A Study on the Relationship between Health Equity and Subjective Health Status of Adolescents (청소년의 건강 형평성과 주관적 건강상태와의 관계 연구)

  • Kyung-Shin Paek
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • 제39권6호
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    • pp.864-873
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    • 2022
  • The subjective health status of adolescence reflects one's overall socio-emotional function and is an important factor in determining the health-related quality of life during this period. This study was to identify the correlation between subjective health status and health equity of adolescents. Data from the 16th online survey of youth health behavior (2020) was used to analyze 39,987 adolescents. Health equity was used as indicator for residential areas, economic conditions perceived by students, household abundance, family type, and parental education. Subjective health status was classified as a healthy group("very healthy", "healthy") and unhealthy group("normal", "unhealthy", and "very unhealthy") in response to the question "how do you think your health is usually?" The data were analyzed using complex sample analysis by using SPSS/Win 22.0. Significant factors related to the subjective health status of subjects were the area of residence (OR=0.86, p=.031), economic level (OR=1.33-2.09, p<.001), and family type (OR=1.24, p=.033). The economic level perceived by adolescents was the most important variable related to the subjective health status of adolescents, and adolescents from multicultural families often perceived their health as unhealthy compared to adolescents from general families. Therefore, there is a need for continuous interest in adolescents with low economic levels and adolescents from multicultural families and specific strategies to improve their health status.

A Psychological Approach to Mass Culture for Investigation (대중문화의 심리학적 접근과 탐색 )

  • You-Kyung Yoon ;Jee-Young Chae
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.67-89
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    • 2005
  • This overview study of mass culture is based on an academic point of view and based thereon an investigation of mass culture from a psychological standpoint follows. This study reviewed previous studies of mass culture that have been done so far divided into Producer-oriented, Text Decoding-oriented, and Recipient Theory, according to subjects of the study. The studies were also reviewed from the viewpoints of industry, consumer science, education, and developmental psychology. Further, it was discussed how trends and limitations in research were covered according to each viewpoint on mass culture. Based on the analysis, this study aims to promote overall psychological interest in studies of mass culture; to present the necessity of analysis and measurement of emotional experience on mass culture; to increase the roles of industrial and consumer science approaches in terms of planning and culture; to change the viewpoint of developmental psychology that accepts youth culture positively; and, to present interdisciplinary studies related to mass culture. Mass culture has already penetrated deeply into real life but there are few analyses and interpretations of mass culture in terms of psychology. This study is meaningful from the aspect that discussion of mass culture has been placed in a position that recognizes the entity of and interest in mass culture. Through this study, I hope that the scope of interest in psychology will expand and that approaches to mass culture will become more diversified.

A Causal Analysis on Internal Engagement in Science Fair (과학경연에서 학생의 내적 참여도 인과요인 분석)

  • Shim, Shim Jae-Gyu;Pak, Sung-Jae
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.222-231
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    • 2006
  • The purposes of this study were to survey internal engagement in science fair and explore the causal relationship between internal engagement and motivation for participation. A written questionnaire on queries into motivation for participation and internal engagement were developed and tested. The subjects were 1066 students from 4th to 9th grade who had participated in the Youth Science Contest under the auspices of the Korea Science Foundation. Interest and commitment were selected as constructing factors of internal engagement. Through exploratory factor analysis, preference, reward, and social motivation were determined to be the factors affecting the motivation to participate. Boys showed higher internal engagement than girls, and interest and commitment were found to be higher in elementary school students(p<0.01). There was no difference in interest among elementary school students; however, fourth grade students showed lower commitment than other students(p<0.01). Ninth grade students showed the lowest interest and commitment among junior high school students(p<0.01). To explore the causal relationship between internal engagement and factors influence internal engagement, path analysis was used. The selected model illustrated how reward motivation affected commitment directly, and how preference motivation affected interest directly but only commitment indirectly through interest. Reward motivation affected commitment with a standardized direct effect coefficient of 0.17. Preference motivation affected interest with a standardized direct effect coefficient of 0.75 and commitment with a standardized total effect coefficient of 0.63(direct effect; 0.27 and indirect effect; 0.36). In addition, interest affected commitment with a standardized direct effect coefficient of 0.49. Social motivation did not affect interest and commitment and reward motivation did not affect interest.

Patterns of self-harm/suicide attempters who visited emergency department over the past 10 years and changes in poisoning as a major method (2011-2020) (지난 10년간 응급실로 내원한 자해/자살 시도자의 양상 및 주요 수단으로서의 중독질환 변화 추이 분석(2011-2020))

  • Kyu Hyun Pai;Sung Woo Lee;Su Jin Kim;Kap Su Han;Juhyun Song;Sijin Lee;Ji Hwan Park;Jeijoon Song
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: Suicide ranks among the top causes of death among youth in South Korea. This study aimed to identify the characteristics of suicidal individuals treated at emergency departments between 2011 and 2020. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted using data from January 2011 to December 2020 in the Injury Surveillance Cohort, a prospective registry. Patients' sex, age, mortality, methods of self-harm, and previous suicide attempts were analyzed. The methods of self-harm were categorized into falls, asphyxiation, blunt injuries, penetrating injuries, poisoning, and others. Sub-groups with and without poisoning were compared. Results: The proportion of self-harm/suicide attempts increased from 2.3% (2011) to 5.0% (2020). The mortality rate decreased from 10.8% (2011) to 6.3% (2020). Poisoning was the most common method (61.7%). Mortality rates ranged from 42.0% for asphyxiation to 0.2% for blunt injuries. Individuals in their 20s showed a marked increase in suicide/self-harm attempts, especially in the last three years. A large proportion of decedents in their 70s or older (52.6%) used poisoning as a method of suicide. The percentage of individuals with two or more previous attempts rose from 7.1% (2011) to 19.7% (2020). The death rates by poisoning decreased from 7.7% (2011) to 2.5% (2020). Conclusion: Our findings underscore the urgent need for targeted interventions and suicide prevention policies. Managing and reducing suicide and self-harm in emergency settings will require a focus on poisoning, the 10-29 age group, and the elderly. This paper will be valuable for future policies aiming to reduce the societal burden of suicide and self-harm.

The Effect of Chinese University Taekwondo Instructors' image on the Grit, Psychological State and Performance of Taekwondo athletes (중국 대학 태권도 지도자의 이미지가 태권도 선수의 그릿(Grit), 심리상태와 경기수행력에 미치는 영향)

  • Ya-Nan Gu;Ji-Won Park
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • 제40권6호
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    • pp.1350-1362
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to identify the influence of the image of Chinese Taekwondo leaders at university on the athlete's grit, psychological state, and performance. The analysis is expected to contribute to the quality development of Chinese universities' Taekwondo program in the future. For this study, a population was selected from athletes at a university in Henan Province, China. The samples were taken by convenience sampling method. Of the 380 questionnaires retrieved, a total of 365 were used to process the results, excluding 15 insincere responses or missing values. The collected data were conducted by frequency analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 23.0 program. The results of this study are as follows. First, the sub-factors of the leader image, the leader's social activities and vocational awareness, qualities, tasks and roles, were found to have a significant impact on the grit of taekwondo athletes. Second, the sub-factors of the leader image, the leader's social activities and vocational awareness, qualities, attitudes, tasks and roles had significant impact on the phychological state of taekwondo athletes. Third, social activities, vocational awareness, quality, and attitude of the leader, which are the sub-factors of the leader image, have a significant impact on the performance of taekwondo athletes.

Comparison of Leisure Activities of First-Year High School Students in Large Cities and Medium and Small Cities - Focusing on the Influence on Health Status - (대도시와 중소도시 고등학교 1학년 학생의 여가활동 실태 비교 - 건강상태에 미치는 영향력을 중심으로 -)

  • Yun Hwan Kim;Hyosang Han
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • 제49권1호
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    • pp.50-58
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    • 2024
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is to examine the factors influencing the health status of first-year high school students leisure activity time, considering of the city size. Methods: This study utilized the first cohort survey of the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey. The analysis was used data from survey targeting first-year high school students of 2021. The city size was divided into large cities and medium and small-sized cities, and T-test was conducted to examine differences in factors by city size, and multiple regression analysis was conducted to identify factors influencing health status according to leisure activity time on weekdays and weekends by city size. Results: In large cities, exercise and physical activity time and other than that, Time to play with friends had a positive effect(+), Time to play with a smartphone had a negative effect(-) on both weekdays and weekends. In medium and small-sized cities, Exercise and physical activity time and Time to play while watching TV had a positive influence(+) on both weekdays and weekends, while Time to play with a smartphone had a negative influence(-). Conclusion: There were the same questions for factors influencing health status, but other questions also appeared. Leisure activities that have a positive(+) impact on health status by city size are supported so that leisure activities can be actively carried out, while leisure activities that have a negative(-) impact are participate in other leisure activities together to improve health. It is believed that this plan should be considered.

Discursive Correlation between Seobuk Hakhoe Wolbo (Seobuk Monthly Magazine) and Taeguek Hakbo (Taeguek Bulletin) Using Digital Humanities Methodology (디지털인문학 방법론을 통한 『서북학회월보』와 『태극학보』의 담론적 상관관계 연구)

  • 전성규;김병준
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    • 제23호
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    • pp.141-188
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    • 2019
  • The relationship between Seobuk Monthly Magazine and Taeguek Bulletin was investigated using a digital humanities methodology. In a quantitative analysis of correlations among a wide variety of academic and association publications between 1905 and 1910 (the modern enlightenment period), these two showed the greatest degree of similarity, with the sole exception of correlations among Japanese and Korean student magazines. Similarity heatmaps of articles in Seobuk Monthly Magazine and Taeguek Bulletin highlight changes in their tone, and the inflection point explains their interrelationship. Based on a cosine similarity between the articles of the two publications, it was confirmed that the relationship between their articles resulted from writers who contributed to both. In addition, keywords were extracted from whole magazines published in the modern enlightenment period, including from Seobuk Monthly Magazine and Taeguek Bulletin, based on TF-IDF weighting. This allows a comparison of the two magazines with academic publications from modern fields of study, which reveals that concept words which had been considered important in earlier conceptual history research, such as 'nation,' 'people' and 'civilization' were very important in academic publications of the modern enlightenment period. Also, for the terms 'education,' 'youth,' and 'Confucius,' there is a significant discrepancy between the discourse of Seobuk Monthly Magazine and Taeguek Bulletin.

The Relationship Between Mental Health and Creativity in Youth: Focusing on The Mediating Effects of Frequency of Cultural Activity Participation and Cultural Activity Experience (청소년의 정신건강과 창의성의 관계: 문화활동참여 빈도와 문화예술활동 경험 매개효과 중심으로)

  • Sujeong Kim
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to propose implications for mental health and cultural arts education, in which certain factors can contribute to acquiring and improving creativity in adolescents to cultivate the creative human resources required in future society. The study used panel data from the Korean Education Longitudinal Study provided by the Korea Educational Development Institute. First, we analyzed the correlation between mental health and creativity and then examined mediation and serial mediation effects of the frequency of participation in cultural activities and the experience of them between two factors. The results showed that mental health was significantly positively correlated with creativity. Additionally, the frequency of participation in cultural activities and their experience were confirmed to have partial mediating effects. In other words, sound mental health factors such as comfort, enjoyment and happiness, cultural education, and cultural activities were found to have positive effects on creativity in adolescents. To develop creativity in adolescents, this study suggests the following challenges: (1) enhancing positive mental health, (2) increasing participation in cultural and artistic activities, (3) actively developing education programs for the cultural arts on community and educational sites, and (4) using and promoting local cultural and artistic education programs. These are expected to make an important contribution to fostering talented adolescents with creativity and convergence.