• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korea Transportation Database

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Inland Logistics Forwarding System based on Supply Chain Management : ILOF (공급사슬기반의 육상물류중개시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 박남규;최형림;김현수;박영재;손형수
    • Journal of Information Technology Application
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.67-82
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    • 2001
  • The ILOF project addresses the needs of logistics industrial organizations to reduce information processing time, improve added and residual value of information and reduce processing and transportation costs. It deals with the information supply chain information systems shared by vertical partner as important entity, whose performance and optimization very significantly affects the efficiency and performance of logistics industries. This paper deals with logistics information exchange systems based on supply chain management, focusing on sharing database and processes between partners such as shipper, logistics broker, transportation company, shipping company etc., for smoothing the information flow, enhancing consumer service and reducing communication fee and labour costs. The significance of contribution of this research is the provision of a model for logistics information exchange including entity relationship diagram, data flow diagram and functions which is able to facilitate the formulation of a customer driven supply chain information network, there by enhancing the competitive edge of companies in logistics industries on local and global basis.

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Study on Construction of Simulation Model based on Analysis of Container Handling Database - A case of HICCT in Japan - (컨테이너터미널의 하역 데이터베이스 분석에 의한 하역시뮬레이션 모델 구축에 관한 연구 - 일본의 HICCT를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hwa-Young
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.31 no.8
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    • pp.717-723
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    • 2007
  • In recent years, the transportation sector has been undergoing very rapid and multifarious changes due to the M&A, alliances between shipping companies, introduction of larger container ship as it cost reduction measure and the application of integrated logistics to satisfy the needs of customers. Therefore, container terminal is required adequate terminal facilities, sufficient channel depth, efficient handling and low cost of port fees and dues. The purpose of this paper is for functional assessment of efficient container terminal. Firstly, the container operating process information about yard equipment and chassis is extracted through the analysis of practical daily work report of container terminal. Also, the formulae of skill factor and troubles of operator on transfer crane are defined. Lastly, container handling simulation model which consideration of skill factor and trouble of operator is proposed by Petri network model.

Design of Vehicle Location Tracking System using Mobile Interface (모바일 인터페이스를 이용한 차량 위치 추적 시스템 설계)

  • Oh, Jun-Seok;Ahn, Yoon-Ae;Jang, Seung-Youn;Lee, Bong-Gyou;Ryu, Keun-Ho
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.9D no.6
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    • pp.1071-1082
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    • 2002
  • Recent development in wireless computing and GPS technology cause the active development in the application system of location information in real-time environment such as transportation vehicle management, air traffic control and location based system. Especially, study about vehicle location tracking system, which monitors the vehicle's position in a control center, is appeared to be a representative application system. However, the current vehicle location tracking system can not provide vehicle position information that is not stored in a database at a specific time to users. We designed a vehicle location tracking system that could track vehicle location using mobile interface such as PDA. The proposed system consist of a vehicle location retrieving server and a mobile interface. It is provide not only the moving vehicle's current location but also the position at a past and future time which is not stored in database for users.

A Study of Using the Car's Black Box to generate Real-time Forensic Data (자동차의 블랙박스를 이용한 실시간 포렌식 자료 생성 연구)

  • Park, Dea-Woo;Seo, Jeong-Man
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.253-260
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    • 2008
  • This paper is based on the ubiquitous network of telematics technology, equipped with a black box to the car by a unique address given to IPv6. The driver's black box at startup and operation of certification, and the car's driving record handling video signals in real-time sensor signals handling to analyze the records. Through the recorded data is encrypted transmission, and the Ubiquitous network of base stations, roadside sensors through seamless mobility and location tracking data to be generated. This is a file of Transportation Traffic Operations Center as a unique address IPv6 records stored in the database. The car is equipped with a black box used on the road go to Criminal cases, the code automotive black boxes recovered from the addresses and IPv6, traffic records stored in a database to compare the data integrity verification and authentication via secure. This material liability in the courtroom and the judge Forensic data are evidence of the recognition as a highly secure. convenient and knowledge in the information society will contribute to human life.

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Ontology-based Culture·Tourist Attraction Search Application (온톨로지 기반의 문화·관광지 검색 어플리케이션 구현)

  • Hwang, Tae-won;Seo, Jung-hee;Park, Hung-bog
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.772-774
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    • 2017
  • Currently, there are many simple searches for local culture and tourism, but systematic information retrieval using ontology technology is weak. The keyword-based search, which is an existing search method, derives a search result that is different from a user's wanted intention. On the other hand, semantic search using ontology constructs shows the information related to the search term by creating a relation between words and words. Therefore, when tourists search for cultural and tourist attractions in the area, they provide information that includes meaning relevance in the search results. If the ontology provides information on the culture, sightseeing area, transportation, Can be more easily grasped. In this paper, we propose an ontology-based retrieval system based on culture and tourist sites utilizing public institutions database by using mobile application by extending search system which relied only on existing internal database to provide accurate and reliable information to users. This efficient structure of the ontology makes it possible to provide information suitable for the user quickly and accurately.

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Implementation of Mobile Digital Signage System on the Moving Vehicle (차량 탑재형 모바일 디지털 사이니지 구현)

  • Kim, Hee Dong;Kim, Cha Sung
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.257-267
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    • 2015
  • We propose a vehicle-mounted, location-aware mobile digital signage system that can be used for public transportation through mobile communication. This paper proposes the installations of the LED display panels at the backside of the bus., which display traffic information to cars behind the bus. Information to be displayed would include, but is not limited to, road information, public commercials and private commercials. We propose the system architecture and further implement the prototype of mobile digital signage system for demonstration. The system is based on the Client-Server system. Each bus has a client terminal which detects the current location by a GPS receiver and sends its location information to the server using mobile communication function. The terminal device receives advertisements and traffic information from the server and displays it to the large LCD or LED panel installed at the inside and outside of the bus. We use the Android smartphone as a client system, which inherently equipped with GPS and mobile communication function. GPS detects the location of bus and reports its geo-location data to the traffic information center server via a wireless communication network. On the server side, we developed a specially designed control server, where it communicates with the other traffic information center and updates and manages the databases contents being displayed by each position. The server contains location dependent variable information and returns selected information back to the vehicle in real time. Spatial database is used to process location based data. Server system periodically receives the real time traffic information from the road information center database. And it process the information by bus location and bus line number. In this paper, we propose a mobile digital signage service and explain the system implementation of this service.

Damage Estimation Based on Spatial Variability of Seismic Parameters Using GIS Kriging (GIS Kriging을 이용하여 공간적으로 분포하는 지진매개변수의 분석과 손상 평가)

  • Jeon Sang-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2004
  • This paper is focused on the spatial variability of measured strong motion data during earthquake and its relationship with the performance of water distribution pipelines and residential buildings. Analyses of strong motion and the correlations of peak ground velocity (PGV) and pipeline and building damage were conducted with a very large geographical information system (GIS) database including the relationship of time and earthquake intensity and the measured location, and Kriging spatial statistics. Kriging was used to develop regressions of pipeline repair rate (RR) and residential building damage ratio (DR) associated with $90\%$ confidence peak ground velocity (PGV). Such regressions using Kriging provide an explicit means of characterizing the uncertainty embodied in the strong motion data compared with other spacial statistics such as inverse distance method.

Grid-based Similar Trajectory Search for Moving Objects on Road Network (공간 네트워크에서 이동 객체를 위한 그리드 기반 유사 궤적 검색)

  • Kim, Young-Chang;Chang, Jae-Woo
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2008
  • With the spread of mobile devices and advances in communication techknowledges, the needs of application which uses the movement patterns of moving objects in history trajectory data of moving objects gets Increasing. Especially, to design public transportation route or road network of the new city, we can use the similar patterns in the trajectories of moving objects that move on the spatial network such as road and railway. In this paper, we propose a spatio-temporal similar trajectory search algorithm for moving objects on road network. For this, we define a spatio-temporal similarity measure based on the real road network distance and propose a grid-based index structure for similar trajectory search. Finally, we analyze the performance of the proposed similar trajectory search algorithm in order to show its efficiency.

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Study on the Local Factors Affecting Availability of Car-Sharing in Seoul (서울시의 카셰어링 이용도에 대한 지역적 요인특성분석)

  • Choi, Hyunsu;Park, Juntae
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.381-389
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    • 2014
  • This research focuses on the current trend of 'Sharing Transportation' to clarify the regional factors having a decisive effect on the use of Car Sharing. To accomplish this, the current research is built a Database of the regional characteristics of Car Sharing spots based on railway stations in Seoul and performed an analysis of the primary regional factors affecting Car Sharing usage. As a result, we found conclusive factors affecting the use of Car Sharing. This research can be utilized for establishing strategies and effective measures to support the use of Car Sharing and sustainable development with respect to issues of motorization.

The Design and Implementation of Continuity Health Care Record Management System based on Data Stream System (데이터스트림 처리 시스템에 기반한 연속적인 헬스케어 데이터 관리 시스템 설계)

  • Wu, Zejun;Li, Yan;Shin, Soong-Sun;Kim, Gyoung-Bae;Bae, Hae-Young
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.1218-1221
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    • 2011
  • The development of the internet and information management has enabled new applications which include: Electronic medical record (EMR), intelligent transportation, environmental monitoring, etc. In this paper, we design and implement the Continuity Care Record(CCR) Data Stream management server that compiled with DSMS and DBMS in EMR system for processing, monitoring the incoming CCR data stream and storing the processed result with high-efficiency. The proposed system enables users not only to query stored CCR information from DBMS, but also enables to execute continue query for the real-time CCR Data Stream. By using of CCR Viewer Application users can view or update their personal health records even compare self health care records with standard health care records in order to monitor the healthy status, and the on line updating information would be minimized and medical error.