• Title/Summary/Keyword: Kim Chi-in

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A Study on Evaluation of Visual Factor for Measuring Subjective Virtual Realization (주관적인 가상 실감화 측정 방법에 대한 시각적 요소 평가 연구)

  • Won, Myeung-Ju;Park, Sang-In;Kim, Chi-Jung;Lee, Eui-Chul;Whang, Min-Cheol
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.389-398
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    • 2012
  • Virtual worlds have pursued reality as if they actually exist. In order to evaluate the sense of reality in the computer-simulated worlds, several subjective questionnaires, which include specific independent variables, have been proposed in the literature. However, the questionnaires lack reliability and validity necessary for defining and measuring the virtual realization. Few studies have been conducted to investigate the effect of visual factors on the sense of reality experienced by exposing to a virtual environment. Therefore, this study was aimed at reinvestigating the variables and proposing a more reliable and advisable questionnaire for evaluating the virtual realization, focusing on visual factors. Twenty-one questions were gleaned from the literature and subjective interviews with focused groups. Exploratory factor analysis with oblique rotation was performed on the data obtained from 200 participants(females: 100) after exposing to a virtual character image described in an extreme way. After removing poorly loading items, remained subsets were subjected to confirmatory factor analysis on the data obtained from the same participants. As a result, 3 significant factors were determined to efficiently measure the virtual realization. The determined factors included visual presence(3 subset items), visual immersion(7 subset items), and visual interactivity(4 subset items). The proposed factors were verified by conducting a subjective evaluation in which participants were asked to evaluate a 3D virtual eyeball model based on the visual presence. The results implicated that the measurement method was suitable for evaluating the degree of the virtual realization. The proposed method is expected to reasonably measure the degree of the virtual realization.

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Selection of Optimal Models for Predicting the Distribution of Invasive Alien Plants Species (IAPS) in Forest Genetic Resource Reserves (산림생태계 보호구역에서 외래식물 분포 예측을 위한 최적 모형의 선발)

  • Lim, Chi-hong;Jung, Song-hie;Jung, Su-young;Kim, Nam-shin;Cho, Yong-chan
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.589-600
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    • 2020
  • Effective conservation and management of protected areas require monitoring the settlement of invasive alien species and reducing their dispersion capacity. We simulated the potential distribution of invasive alien plant species (IAPS) using three representative species distribution models (Bioclim, GLM, and MaxEnt) based on the IAPS distribution in the forest genetic resource reserve (2,274ha) in Uljin-gun, Korea. We then selected the realistic and suitable species distribution model that reflects the local region and ecological management characteristics based on the simulation results. The simulation predicted the tendency of the IAPS distributed along the linear landscape elements, such as roads, and including some forest harvested area. The statistical comparison of the prediction and accuracy of each model tested in this study showed that the GLM and MaxEnt models generally had high performance and accuracy compared to the Bioclim model. The Bioclim model calculated the largest potential distribution area, followed by GLM and MaxEnt in that order. The Phenomenological review of the simulation results showed that the sample size more significantly affected the GLM and Bioclim models, while the MaxEnt model was the most consistent regardless of the sample size. The optimal model overall for predicting the distribution of IAPS among the three models was the MaxEnt model. The model selection approach based on detailed flora distribution data presented in this study is expected to be useful for efficiently managing the conservation areas and identifying the realistic and precise species distribution model reflecting local characteristics.

Analysis on Topokki Franchise Industry and Its Proactive Activities: Focused on Kukdae Toppokki (떡볶이 프랜차이즈 산업의 분석과 그에 따른 선제적 대응 방안: 국대떡볶이를 중심으로)

  • Chi, I hyun;Han, Kyu won;Choi, Yae jin;Son, Jeong Sook;Kim, Ji-Hern
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 2014
  • This research was conducted on the purpose of seeking the measures of how to cope with the changing industry of Topokki franchises. Despite of the fact the number of Kukdae Topokki's stores is quite smaller than that of its competitors, such as Jaws Topokki and Addal Topokki, Kukdae Topokki is recognized as one of the front-runners in the industry. But the competition in the topokki industry has become fiercer, as the market became saturated. To find a desirable solutions, this study analyzes past-to-current status of the Topokki industry by dividing it into 4 stages and provides few strategies that Kukdae Topokki can apply to the 4th stage where 'brand awareness' is very important. To this end, few drawbacks of Kukdae Topokki are proposed as the following. First, the brand image that Kukdae Topokki pursue does not correspondent with the image in consumer's mind. Second, Kukdae Topokki has selected the wrong targeting group. It aims for the image of 'retro' to target people in their 30-40s. However, most of the consumers are people in their 20-30s. Third, the taste of Kukdae Topokki is not uniform among franchises. Fourth, the awareness and accessability are low. To provide a proactive actions for the next stages, several solutions are proposed as following. First, By managing consistent Kukdae Topokki's Brand Touch point, consumers may have a strong image on the brand by communicating with consumers consistently at all touch points. Second, instead of the existing guide from the head office(franchiser), a standardized criteria for the usage of materials and periodical education for franchisee are needed. Third, to raise the awareness of Kukdae Topokki, open many branches in the area where the main consumers(20-30s women) are mostly spread out.

Survey of Conflict of Interest in the Clinical Research for IRB Members and Researchers (임상시험심사위원회 위원과 연구자를 대상으로 임상연구에서 이해상충에 대한 설문조사연구)

  • Maeng, Chi Hoon;Kang, Su Jin;Lee, Sun Ju;Yim, Hyeon Woo;Choe, Byung-in;Shin, Im Hee;Huh, Jung-Sik;Kwon, Ivo;Yoo, Soyoung;Lee, Mi-Kyung;Shin, Hee-Young;Kim, Duck-An
    • The Journal of KAIRB
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: To obtain opinions from Korean Institutional Review Board (IRB) members' self-evaluation on ability to conduct fairness review of clinical trial protocol with presence of conflict of interest and from investigators and IRB members on financial conflict of interest through surveying. Methods: IRB members and researchers in 9 different hospitals were asked to answer survey questions via email. Results: Responders were 115 personnel (IRB Chair/vice 18, medical member 30, non-medical member 28, and researcher 39) from 9 centers. Compared to IRB medical members, IRB chair/vice respondents scored higher with statistically significance on 10 point scale (8.44±1.381 vs. 7.30±1.685, p=0.005) when asked to self-evaluate fairness reviewing a protocol proposed by an investigator from the same department and a protocol from the company that supports the scientific committee of responders. When reviewing a protocol proposed by a hospital director, non-medical members scored statistically significantly higher than medical-members (7.47±1.76 vs. 8.07±2.70, p=0.034). When asked about the limitation of labor fee for principal investigator on phase 3 Human clinical trials of the Investigational new drug, while the responses range was wide, 60% answered that labor cost of principal investigator should be less than 30% of total budget for clinical trials with a budget of 100 million won. 51.3% answered that there is no need to disclose the labor cost of the principal investigator in the consent form. Since every investigator can be influenced unconsciously by conflict of interest, the answer that 'responder agrees that there is need for management' was the most chosen answer (IRB member 61.8%, investigator 64.1%, multiple answers allowed). Conclusion: Considering scores on questions of fairness by IRB members were between 7.23-8.56 on scale of 0 to 10 point when IRB members were asked about reviewing a clinical trial protocol, it cannot be said with absolute certainty that there is no issue regarding fairness in the review process. Therefore, there should be more ways to safeguard fairness for these issues. There is a need that the disclosure amount of honorarium from sponsor should be lower than 100 million Korean won. Considering the results of the survey in which respondents expressed their thoughts, it is likely that more education on the concept of conflict of interest is needed.

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The Association Between Working Overtime and Job Performance for Dental Hygienists (치과위생사의 야간진료와 직무성과의 관련성)

  • Mi-Sook Yoon;Young-Eun Kim;Han-A Cho
    • Journal of Korean Dental Hygiene Science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.39-52
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    • 2024
  • Background: Dental hygienists provide direct dental care in the closest proximity to the patient, and each practice requires a high level of focus and concentration. These skills are an important human resource that can impact the quality of dental care services. Since more than half of dental clinics provide as overtime work in addition to regular hours, this study aims to determine the association between working overtime and job performance for dental hygienists. Methods: The study was conducted using a combination of online and in-person surveys via Google Forms among 131 employed dental hygienists. The survey consisted of 7 questions on demographic and work characteristics, 16 questions on characteristics related to overtime and the effect of overtime on job security, health, and life, and 10 questions on job performance, for a total of 33 questions. Chi-square analysis and independent samples t-test were used to identify the characteristics of demographic and work characteristics, and descriptive statistics analysis was used for the characteristics of overtime. Independent samples t-test was used to test the difference in the mean of job performance according to whether or not they worked overtime, and linear regression analysis was used to show the association of working overtime and job performance. Results: The study found that 71% of dental clinics worked overtime. The average number of overtime per week was once (78.5%), and the most common problems with overtime were fatigue (52.7%) and lack of personal and leisure time (41.9%). The appropriate number of overtime per week considered by dental hygienists was once a week, which was confirmed to be 94.6%. When comparing job performance by overtime status, those who worked overtime were 3.38 points higher than those who did not (35.45 vs. 32.07). Multiple linear regression analysis of the association of working overtime night and job performance showed that a one-unit increase in worked overtime was associated with a statistically significant increase in job performance of about 3.1 (p<0.01). Conclusion: Working overtime was found to have a positive effect on job performance among dental hygienists. Therefore, as a way to improve the working environment, providing appropriate compensation or welfare for overtime can reduce the negative aspects of overtime and turn it into a positive influence on job performance. This could ultimately raise awareness of the dental hygienist as a professional and effect the efficiency of dental care services.

Studies on the Breeding of Cold Hardiness and Technique of Overwintering Cultivation in Citrus (감귤(柑橘)의 내한성(耐寒性) 품종육성(品種育成) 및 내한(耐寒) 재배기술(栽培技術)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Chi-moon;Song, Ho-kyung;Kim, Chung-suk
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.126-140
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    • 1977
  • Present studies were carried out for breeding cold resistant clones of Citrus, improving overwintering techniques of Citrus in Jeju island as well as other southern region, Result obtained were as follows 1. In the vinyl house covered with two sheets of straw mat, 12 indivuals were found as non-injury and 15 were slightly injured by leaf freeging test at $-9^{\circ}C$ for 2 hours treatment. 2. In the condition of vinyl house covered with straw mat and viny film mulching and heat-in by sun-light, the inside temperature of vinyl house were not lowered below $-3^{\circ}C$ and the ground temperatura in vinyl house keeps above $0^{\circ}C$ during winter though outdoor temperature were lower by $-15^{\circ}C$(Daejeon area). 3. The vinyl tunnel inside the vinyl house and vinyl film mulching on ground position showed greater effectiveness for preventing heat loss from house but there were no significant difference between the color of vinyl film covered the tunnel. 4. In the vertical distribution of maximum temperature in vinyl house, the upper space was slightly higher than the lower position at high temperature condition, while minimum temperature was distributed as higher as the middle position, ground surface and upper position in order at low temperature condition 5. In the horizontal distribution of temperature in vinyl house, ground and surface-temperature of north side was lower than the other sides, and citrus planted within 30cm from north side wall died by cold injury and in the other side near wall appeared slight symptom of cold injury. 6. The insulating trench ($30{\times}30{\times}30cm$) packed with straw bundle installed under north wall might be effective to prevent heat loss of ground temperature. 7. In cloudy and snowy day, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor were less, and the indoor temperature were maintained highly during night due to the effect of prevention of heat loss. 8. The highest temperature in a day was observed at about P.M. 3 both inside and outside of vinyl house and the lowest temperature was observed at about A.M. 6. The difference between the highest and lowest temperature of indoor in a sunny day was $19^{\circ}C$, compared with $9^{\circ}C$ on a cloudy or snowy day in late November. Especially, lowering of temperature in a snowy day was so less that the curve of temperature change was comparatively constant, 9. If the effective methods of citrus cultivation in vinyl house with improved clone such as hardiness. semi-dwarf and spur type are applied, it might be possible to cultivate the citrus tree safely in Jeju island as well as other southern rejion and to magnity the cultivation of citrus tree.

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The Changes of Pulmonary Function and Systemic Blood Pressure in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (폐쇄성 수면 무호흡증후군 환자에서 혈압 및 폐기능의 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Hwa-Sik;Lee, Sook-Young;Choi, Young-Mee;Kim, Chi-Hong;Kwon, Soon-Seog;Kim, Young-Kyoon;Kim, Kwan-Hyoung;Song, Jeong-Sup;Park, Sung-Hak
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.206-217
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    • 1995
  • Background: In patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome(OSAS), there are several factors increasing upper airway resistance and there is a predisposition to compromised respiratory function during waking and sleep related to constitutional factors including a tendency to obesity. Several recent studies have suggested a possible relationship between sleep apnea(SA) and systemic hypertension. But the possible pathophysiologic link between SA and hypertension is still unclear. In this study, we have examined the relationship among age, body mass index(BMI), pulmonary function parameters and polysomnographic data in patients with OSAS. And also we tried to know the difference among these parameters between hypertensive OSAS and normotensive OSAS patients. Methods: Patients underwent a full night of polysomnography and measured pulmonary function during waking. OSAS was diagnosed if patients had more than 5 apneas per hour(apnea index, AI). A careful history of previously known or present hypertension was obtained from each patient, and patients with systolic blood pressure $\geq$ 160mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure $\geq$ 95mmHg were classified as hypertensives. Results: The noctural nadir of arterial oxygen saturation($SaO_2$ nadir) was negatively related to AI and respiratory disturbance index(RDI), and the degree of noctural oxygen desaturation(DOD) was positively related to AI and RDI. BMI contributed to AI, RDI, $SaO_2$ nadir and DOD values. And also BMI contributed to $FEV_1,\;FEV_1/FVC$ and DLco values. There was a correlation between airway resistance(Raw) and AI, and there was a inverse correlation between DLco and DOD. But there was no difference among these parameters between hypertensive OSAS and normotensive OSAS patients. Conclusion: The obesity contributed to the compromised respiratory function and the severity of OSAS. AI and RDI were important factors in the severity of hypoxia during sleep. The measurement of pulmonary function parameters including Raw and DLco may be helpful in the prediction and assessment of OSAS patients. But we could not find clear difference between hypertensive and normotensive OSAS patients.

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The effect of three different water temperatures in our research facility on Huanren brown frog (Rana huanrensis) egg's hatching rate, hatching periods, and larvae's growth (인위적으로 조성한 세 가지 수온이 계곡산개구리(Rana huanrensis) 알의 부화율, 부화기간 및 유생의 생장에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Na, Sumi;Shim, Jeong-eun;Kim, Hyun-jung;An, Chi-Kyung;Yi, Hoonbok
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.320-324
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    • 2015
  • This study was executed to know the effect of three differently controlled temperature conditions on Huanren brown frog (Rana huanrensis )'s growth in 2013. We've collected nine Huanren brown frog egg's sacs on Mt. Surak ($37^{\circ}40^{\prime}55.86^{{\prime}{\prime}}N$, $127^{\circ}05^{\prime}19.99^{{\prime}{\prime}}E$) in Seoul. We put those nine egg sacs in the controlled growth chambers under low temperature (LT, $5{\pm}2^{\circ}C$), medium temperature (MT, $10{\pm}2^{\circ}C$), and high temperature (HT, $13{\pm}2^{\circ}C$) conditions with three egg sacs, respectively. We measured the eggs' hatching rate, their hatching periods, and the size of the hatched individuals. The hatching rate was higher in MT (95.6%) and the rates of the other treatments were relatively lower but very similar such as LT (82.2%) and HT (82.6%). The three hatching periods were 10 days at HT, 14 days at MT and 23 days at LT. The body sizes of the hatched individuals were biggest at MT ($7.62{\pm}0.11mm$), smallest at LT ($6.82{\pm}0.10mm$) and medium at HT ($7.19{\pm}0.15mm$) (P-value ${\leq}0.0001$). From our results, we found that the various water temperatures could be very effective to Huanren brown frog eggs' hatch and growth including their body sizes. We suggest if we study more about the growth of Huanren brown adult frogs under similar temperature conditions for a long term period, it must be very helpful for conservation study about metamorphosis rate and size of adult frog as well as we could understand about the amphibians who are adapting to the climate change.

Frequency of Spontaneous Polyploids in Monoembryonic Jeju Native Citrus Species and Some Mandarin Cultivars (단배성 제주 재래귤 및 만다린잡종에서 자연 발생적인 배수체의 발생 빈도)

  • Chae, Chi-Won;Yun, Su-Hyun;Park, Jae-Ho;Kim, Min-Ju;Koh, Sang-Wook;Song, Kwan-Jeong;Lee, Dong-Hun
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.871-879
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    • 2012
  • Polyploids are a potentially important germplasm source in seedless citrus breeding program. Seedlessness is one of the most promising traits of commercial mandarin breeds that mandarin triploid hybrids possess permanently. The formation of new constant triploid hybrids can be recovered through diploid species hybridization from the fusion of divalent gametes at low frequencyor intra-and inter-ploidy crosses. However, extensive breeding work based on small $F_1$ hybrid seeds developed is impossible without a very effective aseptic methodology and ploidy event. In this study, in vitro embryo culture was employed to recover natural hybrids from monoembryonic diploid, open-pollinated mandarin. Flow cytometry was used to determine ploidy level. A total of 10,289 seeds were extracted from 792 fruits having approximately 13 seeds per fruit. Average frequency of small seeds developed was 7.1%, while the average frequency of small seeds per fruit were: 8.9% for 'Clementine' 10.2% for 'Harehime' 2.6% for 'Kamja' 3.1% for 'Pyunkyool' 2.8% for 'Sadookam' and 7.0% for 'Wilking' mandarin. Average size of a perfect seed was $49.52{\pm}0.07mm^2$ ('Clementine') while the small seed measured $7.95{\pm}0.04mm^2$ ('Clementine'), which was about 1/6 smaller than the perfect seed. In total, 731 small seeds were obtained and all of them contained only one embryo per seed. The efficiency of 'Clementine' was 14 times higher than 'Wilking' and more than 109 times higher than 'Pyunkyool'. The basic information on spontaneous polyploidy provides for the hybridization of constant triploids and increases the efficiency of conventional cross.

A Study on Education Need and Satisfaction of the KNOU Nursing Students (방송대 간호학생의 교육요구 및 만족에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sun-Ock;Kim, Young-Im;Lee, Sang-Me
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.2
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    • pp.75-94
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    • 1996
  • This survey study was aimed at identifying the degree of educational need of the KNOU(Korea National Open University) nursing students defined as admission purposes, satisfaction of distance learning education, learning methods, and courses after graduation. Among randomly assigned 1000 students, 320 KNOU nursing students who allowed to participate in the study completed the questionnaires. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square test, and t-test, Results of this study were as follows : 1. The admission purposes of the KNOU nursing students were 'in order to get a bachelor's degree(83.8%)', 'to acquire knowledge for task(61.3%)', or 'to be admitted for the graduate school (53.1%)' etc. Comparing the admission purposes by age, tow items- 'to explore new possibilities for myself' and 'excellent curriculum' showed statistically significant differences. These two items were also found to show significant differences by marital status. 2. For the media maintenance, the results showed that students use their own cassett radios(96.3%), VTR(49.4%), TV only for the study (44.1%), personal computer (3.31%), or joining Hitel (6.3%). 3. Listening rates of the radio lecture were 'over 80%(9.1%)', '50-80%(9.1%)', '20-50%(18.1%)', 'below 20%(30%)' and 'never(33.1%)', And record lecture showed listening rates as follows : 'over80%(17.2%)', '50-80%(15.9%)', '20-50%(24.4%)', 'below 20%(27,2%)' and 'never(14.4%)'. 4. The difficulties with KNOU life were 'listening radio lectures(38.8%)', studying by following teaching schedules (37.8%)', 'isolated self-study(10.3%)', and 'appearance in the attending classes(8.1%)'. 5. As for satisfaction with teaching methods, the data showed that 81.2% of the respondents were satisfied (or very satisfied) with 'attending classes' and 75%, with 'paper lectures'. On the other hand some of respondents were very dissatisfied with 'recorded lecture(12.8%)' and 'radio lecture(10.9%)' 6. The results also showed that the students want to have 'video conferencing lecture(77.2%)', 'cable TV(64.1%)' and 'CD ROM program' to improve learning effects. 7. Concerning learning attitudes, 48.8% of the students reported 'study mainly for examnination', and only 4.1% answered 'study every day with plan'. The learning attitude showed significant differences by marital status and age. The students also evaluated themelves as 'study very hard(5.9%)', 'study hard in general(41.6%)', 'study a little(40.3%)' and 'study little(11.9%)'. 8. The students responded the most effective learning material was the 'textbook (92.2%)'. 9. For the purposes of using the local center, the results showed 'for the attending classes(76.3%)', 'for the use of references(14.7%)', and 'for the study group(66.7%)'. 10. The results revealed that 20.3% of the respondents had ever experienced unregistration or temporary withdrawal, and 53.4% among them did not register more than one time. The most common reason for the unregistration was 'due to family affairs or their job (70.8%)'. 11. 88.1% of the respondents answered 'they will graduate without fail'. 12. Regarding the benefits from the KNOU graduation, respondents indicated 'graduate school admission(38.1%)', 'self-confidence in social life(17.5%)', and understanding social problems (10.9%)'. 13. 64.4% of the students showed that they have intention to enter the graduate school. The item 'changing work place' showed statistically significant differences by marital status and age.

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