• Title/Summary/Keyword: KOMPSAT EOC images

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Characteristics of Remote Sensors on KOMPSAT-I (다목적 실용위성 1호 탑재 센서의 특성)

  • 조영민;백홍렬
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1996
  • Korea Aerospace Research Institute(KARI) is developing a Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite I(KOMPSAT-I) which accommodates Electro-Optical Camera(EOC), Ocean Color Imager(OCI), Space Physics Sensor(SPS) for cartography, ocean color monitoring, and space environment monitoring respectively. The satellite has the weight of about 500 kg and is operated on the sun synchronized orbit with the altitude of 685km, the orbit period of 98 minutes, and the orbit revisit time of 28days. The satellite will be launched in the third quarter of 1999 and its lifetime is more than 3 years. EOC has cartography mission to provide images for the production of scale maps, including digital elevation models, of Korea from a remote earth view in the KOMPSAT orbit. EOC collects panchromatic imagery with the ground sample distance(GSD) of 6.6m and the swath width of 15km at nadir through the visible spectral band of 510-730 nm. EOC scans the ground track of 800km per orbit by push-broom and body pointed method. OCI mission is worldwide ocean color monitoring for the study of biological oceanography. OCI is a multispectral imager generating 6 color ocean images with and <1km GSD by whisk-broom scanning method. OCI is designed to provide on-orbit spectral band selectability in the spectral range from 400nm to 900nm. The color images are collected through 6 primary spectral bands centered at 443, 490, 510, 555, 670, 865nm or 6 spectral bands selected in the spectral range via ground commands after launch. SPS consists of High Energy Particle Detector(HEPD) and Ionosphere Measurement Sensor(IMS). HEPD has mission to characterize the low altitude high energy particle environment and to study the effects of radiation environment on microelectronics. IMS measures densities and temperature of electrons in the ionosphere and monitors the ionospheric irregularities in KOMPSAT orbit.

Change Detection of Land-cover from Multi-temporal KOMPSAT-1 EOC Imageries

  • Ha, Sung-Ryong;Ahn, Byung-Woon;Park, Sang-Young
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2002
  • A radiometric correction method is developed to apply multi-temporal KOMPSAT-1 EOC satellite images for the detection of land-cover changes b\ulcorner recognizing changes in reflection pattern. Radiometric correction was carried out to eliminate the atmospheric effects that could interfere with the image properly of the satellite data acquired at different multi-times. Four invariant features of water, sand, paved road, and roofs of building are selected and a linear regression relationship among the control set images is used as a correction scheme. It is found that the utilization of panchromatic multi-temporal imagery requires the radiometric scene standardization process to correct radiometric errors that include atmospheric effects and digital image processing errors. Land-cover with specific change pattern such as paddy field is extracted by seasonal change recognition process.

A study on matching correlation analysis of multi-scale satellite images data for change detection (변화추출을 위한 다중영상자료의 정합상관도 분석을 위한 연구)

  • 이성순;윤희천;강준묵
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.221-226
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    • 2004
  • For comparing more than two images, the precise geometric corrections should be preceded because it necessary to eliminate systematic errors due to basic sensor information difference and non-systematic errors due to topographical undulations. In this study, we did sensor modeling using satellite sensor information to make a basic map of change detection for artificial topography. We eliminated the systematic errors which can be occurred in photographing conditions using GCP and DEM data. The Kompsat EOC images relief could be reduced by precise rectification method. Classifying images which was used for change detections by city and forest zone, the accuracy of the matching results are increased by 10% and the positioning accuracies also increased.

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Standardizing Agriculture-related Land Cover Classification Scheme using IKONOS Satellite Imagery (IKONOS 영상자료를 이용한 농업지역 토지피복 분류기준 설정)

  • Hong Seong-Min;Jung In-Kyun;Kim Seong-Joon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.253-259
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to present a standardized scheme for providing agriculture-related information at various spatial resolutions of satellite images including Landsat + ETM, KOMPSAT-1 EOC, ASTER VNIR, and IKONOS panchromatic and multi-spectral images. The satellite images were interpreted especially for identifying agricultural areas, crop types, agricultural facilities and structures. The results were compared with the land cover/land use classification system suggested by National Geographic Information based on aerial photograph and Ministry of Environment based on satellite remote sensing data. As a result, high-resolution agricultural land cover map from IKONOS imageries was made out. The classification result by IKONOS image will be provided to KOMPSAT-2 project for agricultural application.

Analyzing the spectral characteristic and detecting the change of tidal flat area in Seo han Bay, North Korea using satellite images and GIS (위성영상과 GIS를 이용한 북한 서한만 지역의 간석지 분광특성 및 변화 탐지)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.44-54
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    • 2005
  • In this study the tidal area in Seo han bay, North Korea was detected and extracted by using various satellite images (ASTER, KOMPSAT EOC, Landsat TM/ETM+) and GIS spatial analysis. Especially, the micro-landform was classified through the spectral characteristic of each satellite image and the change of tidal flat size was detected on passing year. For this, the spectral characteristics of eight tidal flat area in Korea, which are called as Seo han bay, Gwang ryang bay, Hae iu bay, Gang hwa bay, A san bay, Garorim bay, Jul po bay and Soon chun bay, were analyzed by using multi band of multi spectral satellite images such as Landsat TM/ETM+. Moreover, the micro-landform tidal flat in Seo han bay, North Korea was extracted by using ISODATA clustering based on the result of spectral characteristic. In addition, in order to detect the change of tidal flat size on passing years, the ancient topography map (1918-1920) was constructed as GIS DB. Also, the tidal flat distribution map based on the temporal satellite images were constructed to detect the tidal flat size for recent years. Through this, the efficient band to classify the micro-landform and detect its boundary was clarified and one possibility of KOMPSAT EOC application could be also introduced by extracting the spatial information of tidal flat efficiently.

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MTF Compensation for KOMPSAT-1 EOC Images (다목적 실용위성 1호 EOC 영상에 대한 MTF 보상)

  • 강치호;최해진
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.22-25
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    • 2003
  • EOC(Electro Optical Camera)는 한반도 및 전 세계 육지 영역 관측용으로 설계되었다. EOC는 1999년 12월 21일 발사된 다목적 실용위성 1호에 탑재되어 가시광 대역(510 ~730nm)으로 입사하는 복사 정보를 수집해 왔다. 획득된 EOC 영상 자료는 다목적 실용위성 1호의 탑재체 자료전송 시스템(Payload Data Transmission System, PDTS)을 통해 지상으로 전송되며, 수신된 자료에 대한 방사 보정 및 기하 보정 등의 일련의 전처리(Pre-processing) 과정을 거쳐 EOC 표준 영상이 생성된다. EOC 영상에 대한 MTF 보상은 방사 보정 후 수행될 수 있으며, 다목적 실용위성 지상국에서는 사용자의 요구에 따라 EOC 영상에 대한 MTF 보상을 수행하고 그 결과를 제공한다. MTF 보상은 EOC의 점 확산 함수(Point Spread Function)를 이용하여 수행되며, 현재 Wiener 필터를 이용하여 수행되고 있다. 본문에서는 현재 다목적 실용위성 1호 영상처리시스템의 EOC 영상에 대한 MTF 보상을 소개하고, EOC의 점 확산 함수에 기초하여 역 필터(Inverse Filter) 및 의사 역 필터(Pseudo Inverse Filter)를 제작, EOC 영상에 대한 MTF 보상 수행 후 그 결과를 Wiener 필터를 이용한 결과와 비교, 분석한다.

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  • 권태영;이성훈;오성남;이동한
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.330-346
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    • 1997
  • Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite I (KOMPSAT-I, the first multi-purpose Korean satellite) will be launched in the third quarter of 1999, which is operated on the sun-synchronous orbit for cartography, ocean color monitoring, and space environment monitoring. The main mission of Electro-Optical Camera(EOC) which is one of KOMPSAT-I sensors is to provide images for the production of scale maps of Korea. EOC collects panchromatic imagery with the ground sample distance of 6.6m at nadir through visible spectral band of 510~730nm. For determining KOMPSAT-I crossing time over Korea, this study examines the diurnal variation of solar and atmospheric variables that can exert a great influence on the EOC imagery. The results are as follows: 1) After 10:30 a.m. at the winter solstice, solar zenith angle is less than $70^{\circ}$ and expected flux of EOC spectral band over land for clear sky is greater than about $2.4mW/cm^2$. 2) For daytime the distribution of cloud cover (clear sky) shows minimum (maximum) at about 11:00 a.m. Although the occurrence frequency of poor visibility by fog decreases from early morning toward noon, its effect on the distribution of clear sky is negligible. From the above examination it is concluded that determining KOMPSAT-I crossing time over Korea between 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. is adequate.

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Comparative Study of KOMPSAT-1 EOC Images and SSM/I NASA Team Sea Ice Concentration of the Arctic (북극의 KOMPSAT-1 EOC 영상과 SSM/I NASA Team 해빙 면적비의 비교 연구)

  • Han, Hyang-Sun;Lee, Hoon-Yol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.507-520
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    • 2007
  • Satellite passive microwave(PM) sensors have been observing polar sea ice concentration(SIC), ice temperature, and snow depth since 1970s. Among them SIC is playing an important role in the various studies as it is considered the first factor for the monitoring of global climate and environment changes. Verification and correction of PM SIC is essential for this purpose. In this study, we calculated SIC from KOMPSAT-1 EOC images obtained from Arctic sea ice edges from July to August 2005 and compared with SSM/I SIC calculated from NASA Team(NT) algorithm. When we have no consideration of sea ice types, EOC and SSM/I NT SIC showed low correlation coefficient of 0.574. This is because there are differences in spatial resolution and observing time between two sensors, and the temporal and spatial variation of sea ice was high in summer Arctic ice edge. For the verification of SSM/I NT SIC according to sea ice types, we divided sea ice into land-fast ice, pack ice, and drift ice from EOC images, and compared them with SSM/I NT SIC corresponding to each ice type. The concentration of land-fast ice between EOC and SSM/I SIC were calculated very similarly to each other with the mean difference of 0.38%. This is because the temporal and spatial variation of land-fast ice is small, and the snow condition on the ice surface is relatively dry. In case of pack ice, there were lots of ice ridge and new ice that are known to be underestimated by NT algorithm. SSM/I NT SIC were lower than EOC SIC by 19.63% in average. In drift ice, SSM/I NT SIC showed 20.17% higher than EOC SIC in average. The sea ice with high concentration could be included inside the wide IFOV of SSM/I because the drift ice was located near the edge of pack ice. It is also suggested that SSM/I NT SIC overestimated the drift ice covered by wet snow.

Merging of KOMPSAT-1 EOC Image and MODIS Images to Survey Reclaimed Land

  • Ahn, Ki-Won;Shin, Seok-Hyo;Kim, Sang-Cheol;Seo, Doo-Chun
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2003
  • The merging of different scales or multi-sensor image data is becoming a widely used procedure of the complementary nature of various data sets. Ideally, the merging method should not distort the characteristics of the high-spatial and high-spectral resolution data used. To present an effective merging method for survey of reclaimed land using the high-resolution (6.6 m) Electro-Optical Camera (EOC) panchromatic image of the first Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite 1 (KOMPSA T-l) and the multispectral Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) image data, this paper compares the results of Intensity Hue Saturation (IHS) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) methods. The comparison is made by statistical and visual evaluation of three-color combination images of IHS and PCA results based on spatial and spectral characteristics. The use of MODIS bands 1, 2, and 3 with a contrast stretched EOC panchromatic image as a substitute for intensity was found to be particularly effective in this study.

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Survey for Reclaimed Lands in Western Coast of North Korea using Satellite Image data (인공위성 영상 자료를 이용한 북한 지역의 간척지 조사)

  • 신석효;김상철;안기원;김남식
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.251-257
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    • 2004
  • The Electro-Optical Camera(EOC) image of the first Korea Multi-Purpose Satellitel(KOMPSAT-1) has both high resolution and convenient acquisition of research data, but on the other hand it has a defect of one band image. Fortunately, the multispectral Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) image data are receiving every day at the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI). Therefore, this paper performed an effective merging for survey of reclaimed land using the high-resolution (6.6m) KOMPSAT-1 EOC image and the multispectral MODIS image data. According this paper prepared map of reclaimed lands in Western Coast of North Korea as quantitative(position and form) survey of reclaimed lands of North Korea using merged image. The use of KOPSAT-1 EOC image and MODIS images was found to be economical such using of large scale areas as reclaimed land or according easy to collect information and such north korea as inaccessible areas like as receiving every day.

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