• Title/Summary/Keyword: K-지표

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Development of Indicator and Criteria for Level Measure of Educational Informatization of Students, Teachers, and Parents (학생, 교사, 학부모의 교육정보화 수준 측정 지표 개발 및 준거 설정)

  • Kim, Ja-Mee;Kim, Hong-Rae;Kim, Hyeon-Cheol;Kim, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.145-158
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    • 2009
  • This study has developed indicators and criteria for measuring educational informatization level of students, teachers and parents with regard to the national educational policy. The criteria for indicator of each group are also set up. As the results of the analysis, first, 4 areas, 10 elements, 24 sub-indicators are generated as the result of development of indicator for level measure of educational informatization. And different weights are established for each area, element and sub-indicator considering the characteristics of each category. Second, generated criteria are evaluated by specialists based on the indicator of education informatization and on a scale of 100. The criteria for students are evaluated to be 80.64, the criteria for teachers to be 80.90 and the criteria for parents to be 76.52 which was found to be the lowest. Therefore, this research was completed to determine which aspect should be supported more intensively when setting the directions of future educational informatization.

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A Study on Development of Evaluation Indicators to Collaborative Energy Saving Projects with NGO (에너지절약 민간단체 협력사업의 성과분석 평가지표 개발)

  • Lim, Ki Choo
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.142-149
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study was to develop a evaluation indicator to collaborative energy saving projects with NGO. We set the indicator based on expert advice, and refer to the preceding case study. The indicator has been set for the purpose of analyzing in planning, execution, performance phase to projects. In planning phase these consist of indicator such as project selection and rating, projects goals and concrete plans, etc; and systematic way of projects promotion, projects management and follow-up, and participation on selected contents, etc in execution phase; and achieve their goals, participant satisfaction, etc in performance phase.

Interaction Analysis between Construction Business Indicators and Business Performance Indicators of Specialty Contractors providing Heavy Equipment (기계중심 전문건설업체의 건설경기지표와 경영성과지표의 상관성 분석)

  • Kim, Nam-Sik;Lee, Dong Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.459-465
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    • 2014
  • This study is to suggest specialty contractors with countermeasures to construction orders falling off, one of the construction business indicators for the construction industry, by analyzing the impact of dwindling construction orders to business performance indicators of specialty contractors as well as identifying inter-relationships between those performance indicators. To do this study, a data was analyze for construction business indicators and business performance indicators of specialty contractors providing heavy equipment. For specialty contractors that provide and utilize heavy equipment, the amount of construction orders is imposing a lasting impact to the turnover ratio of current assets. Therefore, it is determined that a business strategy needs to be established in order to secure current assets to respond to decrease in construction orders.

Perception and importance for country-of-origin labeling at restaurants in college students in Jeju (제주지역 대학생들의 음식점 원산지표시제에 대한 인식 및 중요도 분석)

  • Park, Yeong-Mi;Ko, Yang-Sook;Chai, Insuk
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.177-185
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study analyzed the perception and importance of country-of-origin labeling at restaurants in 500 college students in Jeju surveyed from April 15 to May 5, 2016 with the aim of providing basic data. A total of 465 questionnaires out of 500 were used as base data for this study. Methods: The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, ${\chi}^2-test$, and t-test using the SPSS Win program (version 21.0). Results: Regarding food safety-related dietary behaviors, average score was 3.65 points (out of 5), and 'put the food in a refrigerator or freezer immediately (4.07)' showed the highest score, whereas 'cool rapidly hot food prior to putting it in the refrigerator (3.08)' showed the lowest score. Regarding the awareness of country-of-origin labeling at restaurants, 67.5% of subjects were aware of it. With regard to dietary behavior of food safety, the high group showed a higher score than the low group (p < 0.001). Regarding reliability of the system, 4.9% of subjects indicated 'very reliable' and 45.4% 'somewhat reliable'. For perception of subject's country-of-origin labeling, the average score was 3.77 (out of 5). Regarding checking country-of-origin labeling at restaurants, 68.0% of subjects checked country-of-origin labeling, and the high group in the safety-related dietary behavior score ranking showed a higher rate (79.3%) than the low group (57.1%) (p < 0.001). With regard to importance by item, 'honest country-of-origin labeling of restaurants' showed the highest score at 4.27 (out of 5). Conclusion: It is necessary to provide continuing education for college students in order to enhance their perception of country-of-origin labeling at restaurants. Moreover, a systematic and appropriate support and control system by the government and local government needs to be developed in order to improve country-of-origin labeling at restaurants.

Measurements for hitting ability in the Korean pro-baseball (한국프로야구에서 타자능력의 측정)

  • Lee, Jang Taek
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.349-356
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    • 2014
  • In baseball, sabermetric batting statistics are used to compare an offensive performance of players. There exist dozens of sabermetric statistics, but baseball fans don't like the complexity of an abundance of measures. This paper provides a batting grade index (BGI) using principal component based on eight batting statistics. These are OPS, ISO, SECA, TA, RC, RC/27, wOBA and XR. We show that how standardized batting statistics are aggregated and weighted to arrive at a single composite measure of BGI. Also our result allows for segmentation of players into groups using the K-means clustering algorithm.

An Empirical Study on Developing IS Evaluation Indices: In Case of Public Sector (정보시스템 평가지표 개발에 관한 실증적 연구 - 공공부문을 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Hae-Yong;Kim, Sang-Hoon;Choi, Kwang-Don
    • 한국IT서비스학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.331-344
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    • 2003
  • 본 연구는 정보시스템의 평가영역 및 평가지표를 개발하기 위한 것으로 선행연구에 대한 검토를 통하여 정보시스템의 주요 평가영역을 시스템영역, 사용자영역, 조직 및 경영영역, IS의 전략적 기여도 및 IS의 자원관리 적정도의 총 5개 영역으로 범주화하고 각 평가영역별 세부 평가지표를 개발하였다. 본 연구에서 제시한 평가영역 및 세부 평가지표의 타당성을 검증하기 위한 실증분석 자료는 25개 정부기관에서 현재 운영중인 65개 정보시스템들을 대상으로 수집하였다. 분석결과 공공부문 정보시스템의 평가영역은 시스템영역, 사용자영역, 조직 및 경영영역, IS의 전략적 기여도, IS의 자원관리 적정도의 5개의 영역으로 이론적으로 도출된 가설적 모형과 동일한 것으로 확인되었으며, 세부 평가항목에 있어서도 시스템영역의 경우에는 시스템의 질, 정보의 질, 서비스의 질로 구성되는 것으로 나타나 가설적 모형과 일치하였다. 그러나 사용자영역은 원래 2개의 평가항목으로 즉, 인식된 유용성과 사용자 만족도로 구성되는 것으로 당초 추론하였으나 1개의 평가항목(사용자 만족도)으로 통합되는 것으로 나타났다. 아울러 조직 및 경영영역은 내부업무효율성, 고객만족도, 조직혁신, 정보화역량 향상도의 4개 평가항목을 포함하는 것으로 확인되었다. 각 평가영역 및 평가항목을 구성하는 평가지표는 요인분석과 더불어 기준 타당도 분석과 신뢰도 분석을 통해 총 57개의 평가지표가 유의적으로 도출되었다.

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Development of Evaluation Indicators for a Children's Dietary Life Safety Index in Korea (한국 어린이 식생활 안전지수의 평가 지표 개발)

  • Chung, Hae-Rang;Kwak, Tong-Kyung;Choi, Young-Sun;Kim, Hye-Young P.;Lee, Jung-Sug;Choi, Jung-Hwa;Yi, Na-Young;Kwon, Se-Hyug;Choi, Youn-Ju;Lee, Soon-Kyu;Kang, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2011
  • This study was performed to develop a children's dietary life safety index required by the Special Act on Safety Management of Children's Dietary Life enacted in 2009. An analytical hierarchy process was used to obtain initial weights of dietary life safety evaluation indicators. The Delphi method was applied to develop the weights along with 98 food and nutrition professionals. Three representative policy indicators, nine strategy indicators, 11 main evaluation indicators, and 20 detailed evaluation indicators were selected for the children's dietary life safety assessment. Three policy indicators and nine strategy indicators were the following: children's food safety indicator (support level of children' safety, safety management level of children's favorite foods, and safety management level of institutional food service), children's nutrition safety indicator (management level of missing meals and obesity, nutrition management level of children's favorite foods, and nutrition management level of institutional food service), and children's perception and practice level indicator ("Dietary Life Law" perception level, perception, and practice level for dietary life safety management, perception, and practice level for nutrition management). Weights of 40%, 40%, and 20% were given for the three representative policy indicators. The relative importance of nine strategic indicators, which were determined by the Delphi method is as follows: For children’s food safety, support level of children's safety, safety management level of children's favorite foods, and safety management level of institutional food service were given weights of 12%, 9%, and 19%, respectively. For children's nutrition safety, the missing meals and obesity management level, nutrition management level of children's favorite foods, and the nutrition management level of institutional food service were given weights of 13%, 11%, and 16%, respectively. The "Dietary Life Law" perception level, perception and practice level of dietary life safety management, and perception and practice level of nutrition management were given weights of 4%, 7%, and 9%, respectively.

A Study on Establishing a Standardized Process for the Development and Management of Food Safety Health Indicators in Korea (우리나라 식품안전보건지표의 개발 및 운용과정 정립에 대한 연구)

  • Byun, Garam;Choi, Giehae;Lee, Jong-Tae
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.217-226
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to establish a standardized process for developing food safety health indicators. With this aim, we proposed a standardized process, accessed the validity of the suggested process by performing simulations, and provided a method to utilize the indicators. Developing process for domestic environmental health indicators was benchmarked to propose a standardized process for developing food safety health indicators, and DPSEEA framework was applied to the development of indicators. The suggested standardized process consists of an exploitation stage and a management stage. In the exploitation stage, a total of 6 procedures (initial indicators suggestion, candidate indicators selection, data availability assessment, feasibility assessment, pilot study, and final indicator selection) are conducted, and the indicators are routinely calculated and officially announced in the management stage. The exploitation stage is operated by an interaction between a task force team who manages the overall process, and an advisory committee (minimum of 4 in academia, 2 in research, 4 in specialists of Ministry of Food and Drug Safety) who reviews and performs evaluations on the indicators. The standardized process was simulated with 45 initial indicators, and total of 4 indicators (17 detailed indicators) were selected: 'Proportion of domestic fruit/vegetable receiving 'acceptable' in the evaluation of pesticide/herbicide residues', 'Food-borne disease outbreaks', 'Food-borne legal infectious disease incidence', 'Salmonellosis incidence'. Synthetic food safety health index was derived by calculating percent difference with the data from 2010 to 2012. Results showed that when comparing the year 2010 to 2011, and 2011 to 2012, the overall food safety status improved by 10.37% and 9.87%, respectively. In addition, the contribution of indicators to the overall food safety status can be determined by looking into the individual indicators, and the synthetic index may be illustrated to enhance the ease of interpretation to the public and policy makers. In overall, food health safety indicators can be useful in many ways and therefore, attention should be drawn to conduct further studies and establish related legislations.

Performance Evaluation of Water Loss Management in Urban Areas Using Different Performance Indicators (여러 가지 지표를 이용한 전국도시의 물손실관리 수행능 비교평가)

  • Chung, Shin-Ho;Yu, Myong-Jin;Koo, Ja-Yong;Lee, Hwa-Kyoung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.117-127
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    • 2006
  • Recently International Water Association(IWA) has proposed new performance indicators for water supply services and their successful applications are being reported continually. According to the various reports, the percentage indicators were suggested not to be used for performance comparison, especially where the targeted areas have great difference in consumption per service connection. But unfortunately in Korea the revenue water ratio, one of the percentage indicators is still being used to set up the goal of water-related administration and to compare the performances between systems. Therefore this study aimed to prove the inapplicability of the percentage indicators with nation-wide data and to suggest better performance indicators for more efficient water loss management. According to the result of the comparison of various performance indicators with conventional one, it is roved that percentage indicators ca not evaluate the performance efficiently where the local situations are significantly different. It is suggested that the better performance indicators such as real losses per service connection or ILI should be used to benchmark the performances of water suppliers on water loss management so thai the problems of water losses could be identified easily and recovered effectively.

A Study on the Influencing Factors of the Acceptance on the BSC Performance Indicators in the Public Sector (공공부문 BSC 수용도에 미치는 영향요인 연구)

  • Ko, Seak-Ho;Oh, Tae-Dong;Oh, Jay-In
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.39-62
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    • 2009
  • The previous literature on the field of performance management mainly focuses on the research regarding the critical success factors, the intention of use, and the output of the BSC system. This paper is to develop and analyze the influencing factors of the acceptance on the BSC performance indicators in the public sector. The result from the analysis of the data collected from this research shows that these influencing factors include the education about BSC, the specificity of the indicators, the connection between strategy and mission, and the participation and support during the development of the indicators. Further, the result reveals that the CEO's concern is nothing to do with the employees acceptance of the BSC performance indicators in the public sector, unlike the consistent result from the previous literature. The reason is because the employees often tend to refuse the performance indicators of the CEO's concern that increase their workload due to the establishment of the excessive target of the indicators and their periodic reports.