• Title/Summary/Keyword: Irony

검색결과 84건 처리시간 0.025초

Analysis on Momentum from which Humanities and Social Sciences-based Convergence Researchers Began Research and Motive Factors of Research Consistency (인문사회기반 융합연구자들의 연구 시작 계기와 연구 지속 원동력 요인 분석)

  • Jung, Geun-Ha;Noh, Younghee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제19권11호
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    • pp.619-631
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    • 2019
  • Researchers are persons who are destined to produce improved knowledge, with duty, responsibility and desire for overcoming limits of the existing knowledge in continuously changing natural and social environments. In addition, both drawing research outcomes 'contributing to the society' by tapping on 'researches convergent with other disciplines', to 'deducing meaningful research outcomes' and 'operating laboratories for fostering convergence talents', for the consistency of incessant researches are the momentum for convergence researchers to continue convergence researches. However, an irony fact is that 53.1% of convergence researchers respond that they began convergence researches from happenstantial momentum (a happenstantial talk with other majors)'. This study examined what was the momentum from which convergence researches began and what was the motive with which they have been consistently conducted and suggested how to continue convergence researches.

A Study on Parody Expressed in Modern Fashion (현대복식에 나타난 패러디에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Lee-na;Kim, Moon-Suk
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.237-255
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    • 1996
  • Parody, which is the device of humorous Postmodernism artists, has been from the comic immitation with the popular and well-known object. It's expressive techniques are very various such as similarity, transformation, exaggeration, irony, parados, inversion etc. and also it can be used another techniques of designer's will and ability based. Parody's effect consists of satire, mockery, scorn, ridicule, unexpectedness, defamiliarize, playfulness, wit, respect, esteem, wonder and so on of the original. So parody has a critical distance from the original, whichis the object of immitation. Ultimately, the expression of parody can be as extensive as from an ironic and funny inversion still containing the respect for the original to a contemptuous mockery. Nowadays Parodists have a tendency to use parody actively in order to criticize the real world or to meet the past with ironic recontextualize. And parody include the specific characters of postmodern design. So parody is widely known as a effective forms of expression in now-a-days our environment surrounded with the postmodern esthetics, and it's request will be increased rapidly. As a part of art, parody is apt to use widely in Fashion too. And from a historical standpoint it is to reconstitute the past with a critical eye and finally to become a new technique to create the new Fashion style with an intention of extension of design area.

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A Study on Relationship between Fishing Rights Conflict and Fisheries Cooperatives Establishment in Tongyeong during the Period of Japanese Colonial Rule (일제강점기의 통영인근지역 어업권 분쟁과 어업·수산업관련 협동조합 설립에 대한 역사적 고찰)

  • Lee, Dong-Ho
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • 제46권1호
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    • pp.41-62
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    • 2015
  • Though the debate of the establishment time, place and characteristic of the first fisheries cooperatives in Korea has been existed, it is clear that they had been established in the neighborhood of Tongyeong during the period of Japanese colonial rule. But the objective, motive and historical background of the first fisheries cooperatives are still slightly vague. To explain and explore that of fisheries cooperatives, over 1,000 articles of media, about 100 document of the Japanese government-general of Korea and the annals of the Joseon dynasty, many of research paper and others were included and refined. Through the result of that process, three core factors were founded that affect both the emergence of fisheries cooperatives and relationship of the them. The first one is about the royal family's fishing area where in the neighborhood of Tongyeong. The next one is Kentaro Kashii who was called king or devil of the Korean fisheries industry and the last one is fishermen and their organizations including fisheries cooperatives. Some of the above and the fishing rights conflict that make a guidance for understanding them has not been clearly mentioned. The result of this study shows that the birth of the first fisheries cooperatives were caused by not only the Japanese government-general of Korea but mainly Korean fishermen's voluntary activity and free will against fishing rights conflict between them. And both of the first fisheries cooperatives had somewhat difference in their constitution of organization and their characteristics but it was a tragic irony that the more exploitation and despoliation were conducted by Japanese government-general and Japanese capitalist the more movement and activity of Korean were frequently and severely occurred. Even though the findings and results of this study would be a proof and helpful material for understanding the establishment and their activity of fisheries cooperatives in Tongyeong, more research and contribution would be need by members of fisheries academic and business world.

A methodology for creating a function-centered reliability prediction model (기능 중심의 신뢰성 예측 모델링 방법론)

  • Chung, Yong-ho;Park, Ji-Myoung;Jang, Joong-Soon;Park, Sang-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2016
  • This paper proposes a methodology for creating a function based reliability prediction model. Although, there are various works for reliability prediction, one of the features of their research is that the research is based on hardware-centered reliability prediction. Reliability is often defined as the probability that a device will perform its intended function, under operating condition, for a specified period of time, there is a profound irony about reliability prediction problem. In this paper, we proposed four-phase modeling procedure for function-centered reliability prediction. The proposed modeling procedure consists of four models; 1) structure block model, 2) function block model, 3) device model, and 4) reliability prediction model. We performed function-centered reliability prediction for electronic ballast using the proposed modeling procedure and MIL-HDBK-217F which is the military handbook for reliability prediction of electronic equipment.

C Grade Physical Education Teacher's Life and Confession : A Life History Research on root of Skepticism as a Physical Education Teacher (70점 체육교사의 삶과 고백: 교사로서 회의감의 근원에 대한 생애사 연구)

  • Jang, Seunghyun;Lim, Seami
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • 제38권4호
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    • pp.1195-1208
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to find the fundamental problem of skepticism as a PE teacher. For above, a PE teacher, Jun-ho Lee is selected as a participant of this study and used the life history method. Based on the result of above, the contents of 1) 'Stereotype and subculture', 2) 'Changing in discipline.', 3) 'Confusion and self-accusation', 4) 'Ordinary teacher, not a true teacher' is drawn. This result shows that the skepticism concerned the teacher can be explained as 'irony of change' and it is confirmed that this is originated by the fundamental background as 'simultaneity of non-simultaneous'. In conclusion, the emotional exhaustion due to the inconsistency of 'simultaneity of non-simultaneous' existing in the school is inevitable consequence, and on the other hand, it shows that he is an ordinary PE teacher and it helps to understand the life and worry of ordinary PE teachers in Korean society.

A Symbolic Sense of Transvestism in the Renaissance Novels (르네상스 소설에서의 복장전도가 갖는 상징적 의미)

  • Lim, Juin
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • 제19권
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    • pp.149-179
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    • 2010
  • This article is concerned about the symbolic meaning of the transvestism Renaissance perspective through analysis of Triumph Over Persecution work and The Merchant of Venice, and Jealous Ioan Tornese. The transvestism is frequently present in the comedies of the golden age. A woman author Maria de Zayas has a special interest in female identity with critical and defying view. Also the subject of the transvestism in Spanish literature originated in Italian tradition. In Italian literature, there were two types of disguised women, who urge for love and warrior-heroine(amazon). Both types are also listed in Spanish literature. The dress-crossing heroine of Triumph Over Persecution displays a type of heroine, who corrects a male prejudice and reset a harmonious order. Shakespeare is also one of the Renaissance writers under the influence of the Italian Renaissance novel. Heroine of Merchant of Venice symbolizes a triumphant challenge against the blocks of the patriarchal system. In spite of the social system blocks, cross-dressing women may receive in the patriarchal scenes without problems. Based on the notion of paradox and irony, the Italian novel reflects popular psychology of the time when the link between the internal identity and social outside puts into question. The cross-dressing Torneses' wife, symbolizes the mockery or renaissance deception. Their deception emphasis on an ironic way in the point view of inhuman man who consider women material belongs to the man without any free-will. The costume of the characters make it possible to change their original identity into the other. From this point of view, we can say that the transvestism in these works could be interpreted in two ways: first, the destruction of the traditional categories of women's identity and second, the burlesque contempt on the patriarchal renaissance society.

A theoretical study on the irony of alienation of local people by historical local identity (역사적 지역 정체성의 지역민 소외 아이러니에 관한 이론적 고찰)

  • Lee, Dong-Hyeon;Seol, Hye-Lim;Lee, Ji-Hoon;Kim, Young-Jae
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • 제31권2호
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    • pp.7-18
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    • 2022
  • This study discusses various conflict situations and unexpressed pathological potential in historical regions. In this regard, the issue of alienation of local people due to local identity was raised and the cause was investigated. It explains the structural origins of local alienation that occurred in the process of objectifying a region and forming its identity. The process of alienation of local residents of local identity identified in this paper was divided and explained in three stages: objectification of the region, symbolization of local identity, and religious materialism of local identity. In addition, in the process, the incorporation of the production mode of intellectual work, the separation of producers, and the loss of the subject-centered control ability over these products were pointed out as problematic situations. The study suggests to change the perception of the region and to restore the control of the local people through narrative in relation to this problematic situation. Thus, this thesis asserts that we need to have doubts about the justification for the public good and the basis of the resulting consensus, and that we should be constantly interested in the pathological signs of society around us.

The Allentown Connection-A Tribute for Lew Jae-duk, the "Father of Korean Plastic Surgery"

  • Geoffrey G. Hallock;Joon Pio Hong
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제50권3호
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    • pp.225-232
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    • 2023
  • In retrospect, the irony of this story began with the first meeting of these co-authors-in of all places, Coimbatore, India, in 2008, at the 12th International Perforator Flap Course. Here the junior author [hereafter "jp"] demonstrated his unparalleled skills in networking, and soon thereafter journeyed some 11,073 km to Allentown, U.S. to peruse the operating room and clinics of the senior author [sic. ggh] in action. Within 2 years jp orchestrated the presentation of the 14th International Perforator Flap Course, so ggh with great anticipation flew only 6,830 miles to reach Seoul, Korea for his first time. But four years more elapsed before ggh returned again to Korea to be a visiting professor, all the while not quite sure why any Korean would want anything from a country doctor who resided in nowheresville Allentown, Pennsylvania. Yet, an extraordinary fact then was to be unveiled, about which ggh was totally ignorant. The pioneer of plastic surgery in Korea, the first Korean to have completed an accredited plastic surgery fellowship, by coincidence had accomplished all this in . . . . . Allentown. The collegial relationship that evolved between these co-authors, who met by chance, indeed had a precedent coincidence! Was this "by chance" alone or predestination? Amazingly, in a way similar, the origin of plastic surgery itself in Korea also had Allentown connections. As a tribute to Lew Jae-duk, this important story must be here told, so let us now retrace his past in Allentown so we can find how the future was to be not so far away.

Dualism in Carlyle's Sartor Resartus: Descendentalism and Transcendentalism

  • Yoon, Hae-Ryung
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • 제55권3호
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    • pp.399-413
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    • 2009
  • Pointing out the reality of criticism done mostly on Carlyle s original structure and rhetoric in his Sartor Resartus, this research paper focuses on Carlyle s dualistic philosophy revealed in the work, limiting its focus mostly to the dualistic theme of descendentalism and transcendentalism. The essence of Caryle s descendentalism is his irony and satire on human civilization, not for criticism itself, like other satirists, but rather out of his deep, secret humanism behind his mask. Roughly the two objects of his social criticism in the contemporary, descendentalisitc world, are mechanism and materialism in a variety of new ideologies. To diagnose the Zeitgeist and disillusion man living in contemporary civilization, Carlyle in this work uses a very original metaphor, the clothes-symbol. According to Carlyle, human history and progress can be said to be originated from man s adventitious invention of clothes that was not for biological need or social decency, but for decoration, the instinct of which implies man s innate vanity and desire. Interestingly enough here, however, Carlyle uses the same metaphor of clothes for his vision of transcendence, the world of Everlasting Yea. Man is also God s apparel and Matter is that of Spirit. Carlyle s Everlasting Yea world stresses especially the two attitudes, belief in God and love of man, which have been recently jeopardized in the socalled descendentalistic world. But Carlyle s transcendental and religious vision in Sartor Resartus is, as critics also have agreed, a unique and mysterious vision as something different from orthodox Christianity or other Victorian ideologies, as more like an amalgamation among Calvinism, Romanticism, Platonism and German Idealism. All in all, reading Sartor Resartus is still a valuable experience of an idiosyncratically original vision along with his warning against dehumanizing forces lurking in the name of civilization and with his ultimate eulogy on man, proving descendentalism as just part of transcendentalism, although the reader from time to time can be embarrassed by his male-centered, politically conservative, and individual-oriented dynamism.

The Aesthetics of Conviction in Novel and Film Mephisto (소설과 영화 속 '메피스토'의 사상성 미학)

  • Shin, Sa-Bin
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.217-247
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    • 2019
  • This research paper intends to examine the intertextuality of Klaus Mann's novel Mephisto (1936) and István Szabó's film Mephisto (1981) and how the derivative contents (i.e., film) accepted and improved the schematic aesthetics of conviction in original contents (i.e., novel). In general, the aesthetics of conviction is applied to criticize the state socialism of the artists of the Third Reich or the ideology of the artists of East Germany from a biased ethical perspective. Mephisto is also based on the aesthetics of conviction. Thus, it would be meaningful to examine the characteristic similarity and difference between Klaus Mann's real antagonist (i.e., Gustaf Gründgens) and fictional antagonist (i.e., Hendrik Höfgen) from a historical critical perspective. In this process, an aesthetic distance between the real and fictional antagonists would be secured through the internal criticism in terms of intertextuality. In this respect, the film aesthetics of István Szabó are deemed to overcome the schematic limit of the original novel. The conviction in both the novel and film of Mephisto pertains to the belief and stance of a person who compromised with the state socialism of Nazi Germany, i.e., succumbed to the irresistible history. Klaus Mann denounced Mephisto's character Höfgen (i.e., Gründgens in reality) as an "Mephisto with evil spirits" from the perspective of exile literature. For such denunciation, Klaus Mann used various means such as satire, caricature, sarcasm, parody and irony. However, his novel is devoid of introspection and "utopianism", and thus could be considered to allow personal rights to be disregarded by the freedom of art. On the contrary, István Szabó employed the two different types of evil (evil of Mephisto and evil of Faust) from a dualistic perspective (instead of a dichotomous perspective of good and evil) by expressing the character of Höfgen like both Mephisto and Hamlet (i.e., "Faust with both good and evil spirits). However, Szabó did not present the mixed character of "Mephisto and Hamlet (Faust)" only as an object of pity. Rather, Szabó called for social responsibility by showing a much more tragic end. As such, the novel Mephisto is more like the biography of an individual, and the film Mephisto is more like the biography of a generation. The aesthetics of conviction of Mephisto appears to overcome biased historical and textual perspectives through the irony of intertextuality between the novel and the film. Even if history is an irresistible "fate" to an individual, human dignity cannot be denied because it is the "value of life". The issue of conviction is not only limited to the times of Nazi Germany. It can also be raised with the ideology of the modern and contemporary history of Korea. History is so deeply rooted that it should not be criticized merely from a dichotomous perspective. When it comes to the relationship between history and individual life, a neutral point of view is required. Hopefully, this research paper will provide readers with a significant opportunity for finding out their "inner Mephisto" and "inner Hamlet."