• Title/Summary/Keyword: Internet learning

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A Study of Librarian's Identity in Digital Environment (디지털 환경에서 사서의 정체성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kyung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.157-174
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    • 2008
  • Information Technology is making a lot of changes in the library. Especially the library computerization made the business of librarians convenient and made an impact in outsourcing and job reduction. The number of library users is decreasing because they can find information easily in the internet instead of library. But librarians are suspended in traditional business; they are not carrying out new role in changed environment. So, their identity is shaken. If a job does not have their identity, the job can not but disappears. This paper wished to find the identity of librarians in digital environment. For research the author examined literatures about new role of librarians and compared with librarian's opinions. To collect librarian's opinions, the author took e-mail survey to librarians who are working more than 20 years at libraries. Questionnaire consists of open-ended question. As a result, librarians are feeling their professional rewarding in public service. But they do not have much opportunity to service as professional. In some case librarians have opportunity to secure their expert area in reading education, information literacy and computer program teaching. This means the information education and medium education. The information education means to and necessary information. The medium education means to approach at information. The ability that can utilize information and medium is very important in lifelong learning society. Librarians can achieve the role of information and medium education. Librarians can find their identity in information and medium education which make users as intellectual person.

Automatic Collection of Production Performance Data Based on Multi-Object Tracking Algorithms (다중 객체 추적 알고리즘을 이용한 가공품 흐름 정보 기반 생산 실적 데이터 자동 수집)

  • Lim, Hyuna;Oh, Seojeong;Son, Hyeongjun;Oh, Yosep
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.205-218
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    • 2022
  • Recently, digital transformation in manufacturing has been accelerating. It results in that the data collection technologies from the shop-floor is becoming important. These approaches focus primarily on obtaining specific manufacturing data using various sensors and communication technologies. In order to expand the channel of field data collection, this study proposes a method to automatically collect manufacturing data based on vision-based artificial intelligence. This is to analyze real-time image information with the object detection and tracking technologies and to obtain manufacturing data. The research team collects object motion information for each frame by applying YOLO (You Only Look Once) and DeepSORT as object detection and tracking algorithms. Thereafter, the motion information is converted into two pieces of manufacturing data (production performance and time) through post-processing. A dynamically moving factory model is created to obtain training data for deep learning. In addition, operating scenarios are proposed to reproduce the shop-floor situation in the real world. The operating scenario assumes a flow-shop consisting of six facilities. As a result of collecting manufacturing data according to the operating scenarios, the accuracy was 96.3%.

A Comparative Study on the Awareness of between Students and Teachers on the Actual Condition of career Guidance at Vocational High Schools (전문계 고교 진로지도 실태에 대한 학생과 교원의 인식 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Byung-Wook;Jung, Hyun-Ok;Lee, Chan-Joo
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.87-106
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this research is to provide basic materials in developing an efficient career guidance method of Vocational High Schools on the basis of analyzing awareness differences in students, teachers and between students and teachers as well as awareness differences according to a position of teachers in terms of the actual condition of career guidance and improvements with the target of students and teachers at Vocational High Schools. The survey was carried out by targeting students and teachers at Vocational High Schools in the Seoul Metropolis. The results of this research are as follows. First, it appeared that the awareness of students on the career guidance level of Vocational High Schools is insufficient, and students answered that employment guidance is more insufficient compared to educational guidance. In addition, the awareness of students on the career guidance conditions appeared to be generally insufficient. Second, in case of awareness of teachers on the career guidance conditions of Vocational High Schools, teachers answered that arrangement of teachers in full charge of career guidance, career counselling room, securing and utilization of latest career information and information search systems capable of using the internet for career guidance are sufficient, whereas they answered that time for career guidance, operating budget of a career counselling room and linkage with external institutions are insufficient. Third, they answered that career guidance conditions are generally sufficient in the order of a principal, vice-principal and teachers. The principal is cognizing that career guidance conditions are sufficient all question items, and the vice-principal answered that career guidance conditions are insufficient in only operating budget of a career counselling room and linkage with external institutions. Teachers answered that career guidance conditions are insufficient in only time for career guidance, operating budget of a career counselling room and linkage with external institutions. In addition, compared to teachers, the principal was cognizing that career guidance conditions are sufficient except operating budget of the career counselling room through analysis of awareness difference among principle, vice-principle and teachers. Fourth, students answered that career guidance conditions are insufficient in all question items, but teachers cognized that career guidance conditions are sufficient in all question items excluding time for career guidance. Among them, what showed a difference of the biggest awareness was analyzed as information search systems capable of using the Internet.

The effect of reading strategies developing through reciprocal teaching on reading comprehension, metacognition, self efficacy (상보적 수업을 활용한 읽기전략 훈련이 독해력, 초인지, 자기효능감에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Mi-Jeong;Eun, Hyuk-Gi
    • The Korean Journal of Elementary Counseling
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.299-320
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    • 2012
  • We have information through a variety of media such as language, pictures and internet. Since we get information through texts mostly, we can say that reading ability which enables a person to read a text and understand its meaning basically is the most essential for people to possess. Taking the advantage of the fact that a school is a place where learning and daily-life guidance can be made at the same time, we need to try encouraging students to involve in learning process and feel a sense of accomplishment by adding consultation between a teacher and a student or between a student and a student in Korean subject. This study selected two fifth grade classes of an elementary school of small and medium-sized city as an experimental group and a control group respectively and applied reading strategy program by using interaction of complementary lesson as the number of ten times during five weeks. It focused on making students interested in complementary class and encouraging them to become active participants. This study's goal is to see if the reading strategy program affects students' reading comprehension, metacognition and a sense of self-efficacy The results of the study are as in the following: first, the reading strategy program of complementary lesson is effective in students' reading comprehension and a range of factual understanding and sentimental understanding. Second, the reading strategy program of complementary lesson is effective in adjustment area as a subordinate factor of metacognition. Third, the reading strategy program of complementary lessonis effective in students' sense of self-efficacy. It is shown that experience of using new reading strategy and successful experience and help in peer-group members have a positive effects on a student's sense of self-efficacy. Forth, as the result of satisfaction evaluation over the program with the students' activity report and researchers' observation results, the study shows that the organization and operation of the program influences on students' effort and participation to reach the goal together positively. Through the results as above, we can say that the reading strategy program of complementary lesson have a positive effect on a student's reading comprehension, metacognition and a sense of self-efficacy.

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Middle School Home Economics Teachers' Performance Conditions of Self Supervision Related to the Home Economics (중학교 가정과 교사의 교과 관련 자기장학에 대한 수행 실태)

  • Nam, Yun-Jin;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.61-75
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    • 2007
  • The method used in this descriptive study is the survey. The purpose of the study is to investigate performances of middle school home economics(HE) teachers regarding the HE subject. Respondents in this study were 177 HE teachers. Questionnaires from HE teachers were collected through e-mails. With the operation of the SPSS/Win (ver10.1) program, the analyses such as mean, standard deviation, frequencies, percents, t-test and ANOVA are done to see the relations between the related variables. The results of this study were as follows. First, the middle school HE teachers performed well above the standards in terms of planning, execution, and evaluation about self supervision related to HE. Second, the HE teachers collected materials for instruction by using literary (books) survey, Internet and mass media. They mainly focused on improving ways of "teaching and learning" and deepening the studies related to contents of textbooks. Third, the HE teachers used various ways to improve self supervision in the following order: mass media, literary (books) survey, participation in societies for researches, meetings, various training and field trip More than half of the middle school HE teachers proceeded to graduate schools, joined meetings for researches and had experiences of taking classes in private institutes. They also made a field trip once or twice a year and depended much on TV programs and education broadcasting programs as ways of improving their performances related to self supervision. While they were actively sharing information with their peer group, they made little effort at analyzing and evaluating their classes and utilizing expert group for their classes. The main problems as to self supervision were that only the half of the HE teachers responded that they were performing self supervision related to their classes well above the standards and the area where they heavily focused on has been "teaching and learning" and "the studies related to contents of textbooks". Therefore, to motivate incentives of the HE teachers for self supervision, meetings for researches should be activated and various training programs should be developed. In addition, government should give administrative and institutional support through a publication of books introducing detailed ways of self supervision and an establishment of centers and institutions for supporting self supervision.

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The Recognition and Utilization of Middle School Technology.Home Economics Teacher's Guidebook (중학교 "기술.가정" 교과 교사용 지도서에 대한 가정 교사의 인식 및 활용)

  • Kang, Eun-Yeong;Shin, Hye-Won
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2007
  • This study analyzed the recognition and utilization regarding teacher's guidebook for middle school technology-home economics class in the 7th Educational Curriculum. The data were collected via e-mail to teachers teaching home economics in middle schools. These e-mail addresses were acquired from middle school web pages registered on the Educational Board. The 355 data were analyzed using the SPSS program. The results were as follows: First, teachers recognized highly the necessity of teacher's guidebook. However, as the actual guidebook was not adequately helpful, the overall degree of satisfaction was relatively low. Teachers utilizing guidebook had more positive recognition on teacher's guidebook than teachers who did not. And teachers majored in technology education thought teacher's guidebook more helpful compared with teachers majored in home economics education. Second, teachers referenced teacher's guidebook mostly for field practice guidance. Third, teachers who did not utilize teacher's guidebook used other reference materials such as Internet Web sites and audiovisual materials. They were most commonly used for the reason that the contents were ample and easy to access. Fourth, the followings were suggested to improve teacher's guidebook. The provision of learning contents that can be practically used in class, the various samples of teaching-learning method, the specified methods of planning and criteria for performance assessment, the adequate supplementations regarding textbook contents, and the improvement of the outward layout format of the guidebook.

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A New Approach to Automatic Keyword Generation Using Inverse Vector Space Model (키워드 자동 생성에 대한 새로운 접근법: 역 벡터공간모델을 이용한 키워드 할당 방법)

  • Cho, Won-Chin;Rho, Sang-Kyu;Yun, Ji-Young Agnes;Park, Jin-Soo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.103-122
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    • 2011
  • Recently, numerous documents have been made available electronically. Internet search engines and digital libraries commonly return query results containing hundreds or even thousands of documents. In this situation, it is virtually impossible for users to examine complete documents to determine whether they might be useful for them. For this reason, some on-line documents are accompanied by a list of keywords specified by the authors in an effort to guide the users by facilitating the filtering process. In this way, a set of keywords is often considered a condensed version of the whole document and therefore plays an important role for document retrieval, Web page retrieval, document clustering, summarization, text mining, and so on. Since many academic journals ask the authors to provide a list of five or six keywords on the first page of an article, keywords are most familiar in the context of journal articles. However, many other types of documents could not benefit from the use of keywords, including Web pages, email messages, news reports, magazine articles, and business papers. Although the potential benefit is large, the implementation itself is the obstacle; manually assigning keywords to all documents is a daunting task, or even impractical in that it is extremely tedious and time-consuming requiring a certain level of domain knowledge. Therefore, it is highly desirable to automate the keyword generation process. There are mainly two approaches to achieving this aim: keyword assignment approach and keyword extraction approach. Both approaches use machine learning methods and require, for training purposes, a set of documents with keywords already attached. In the former approach, there is a given set of vocabulary, and the aim is to match them to the texts. In other words, the keywords assignment approach seeks to select the words from a controlled vocabulary that best describes a document. Although this approach is domain dependent and is not easy to transfer and expand, it can generate implicit keywords that do not appear in a document. On the other hand, in the latter approach, the aim is to extract keywords with respect to their relevance in the text without prior vocabulary. In this approach, automatic keyword generation is treated as a classification task, and keywords are commonly extracted based on supervised learning techniques. Thus, keyword extraction algorithms classify candidate keywords in a document into positive or negative examples. Several systems such as Extractor and Kea were developed using keyword extraction approach. Most indicative words in a document are selected as keywords for that document and as a result, keywords extraction is limited to terms that appear in the document. Therefore, keywords extraction cannot generate implicit keywords that are not included in a document. According to the experiment results of Turney, about 64% to 90% of keywords assigned by the authors can be found in the full text of an article. Inversely, it also means that 10% to 36% of the keywords assigned by the authors do not appear in the article, which cannot be generated through keyword extraction algorithms. Our preliminary experiment result also shows that 37% of keywords assigned by the authors are not included in the full text. This is the reason why we have decided to adopt the keyword assignment approach. In this paper, we propose a new approach for automatic keyword assignment namely IVSM(Inverse Vector Space Model). The model is based on a vector space model. which is a conventional information retrieval model that represents documents and queries by vectors in a multidimensional space. IVSM generates an appropriate keyword set for a specific document by measuring the distance between the document and the keyword sets. The keyword assignment process of IVSM is as follows: (1) calculating the vector length of each keyword set based on each keyword weight; (2) preprocessing and parsing a target document that does not have keywords; (3) calculating the vector length of the target document based on the term frequency; (4) measuring the cosine similarity between each keyword set and the target document; and (5) generating keywords that have high similarity scores. Two keyword generation systems were implemented applying IVSM: IVSM system for Web-based community service and stand-alone IVSM system. Firstly, the IVSM system is implemented in a community service for sharing knowledge and opinions on current trends such as fashion, movies, social problems, and health information. The stand-alone IVSM system is dedicated to generating keywords for academic papers, and, indeed, it has been tested through a number of academic papers including those published by the Korean Association of Shipping and Logistics, the Korea Research Academy of Distribution Information, the Korea Logistics Society, the Korea Logistics Research Association, and the Korea Port Economic Association. We measured the performance of IVSM by the number of matches between the IVSM-generated keywords and the author-assigned keywords. According to our experiment, the precisions of IVSM applied to Web-based community service and academic journals were 0.75 and 0.71, respectively. The performance of both systems is much better than that of baseline systems that generate keywords based on simple probability. Also, IVSM shows comparable performance to Extractor that is a representative system of keyword extraction approach developed by Turney. As electronic documents increase, we expect that IVSM proposed in this paper can be applied to many electronic documents in Web-based community and digital library.

A Study on People Counting in Public Metro Service using Hybrid CNN-LSTM Algorithm (Hybrid CNN-LSTM 알고리즘을 활용한 도시철도 내 피플 카운팅 연구)

  • Choi, Ji-Hye;Kim, Min-Seung;Lee, Chan-Ho;Choi, Jung-Hwan;Lee, Jeong-Hee;Sung, Tae-Eung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.131-145
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    • 2020
  • In line with the trend of industrial innovation, IoT technology utilized in a variety of fields is emerging as a key element in creation of new business models and the provision of user-friendly services through the combination of big data. The accumulated data from devices with the Internet-of-Things (IoT) is being used in many ways to build a convenience-based smart system as it can provide customized intelligent systems through user environment and pattern analysis. Recently, it has been applied to innovation in the public domain and has been using it for smart city and smart transportation, such as solving traffic and crime problems using CCTV. In particular, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the easiness of securing real-time service data and the stability of security when planning underground services or establishing movement amount control information system to enhance citizens' or commuters' convenience in circumstances with the congestion of public transportation such as subways, urban railways, etc. However, previous studies that utilize image data have limitations in reducing the performance of object detection under private issue and abnormal conditions. The IoT device-based sensor data used in this study is free from private issue because it does not require identification for individuals, and can be effectively utilized to build intelligent public services for unspecified people. Especially, sensor data stored by the IoT device need not be identified to an individual, and can be effectively utilized for constructing intelligent public services for many and unspecified people as data free form private issue. We utilize the IoT-based infrared sensor devices for an intelligent pedestrian tracking system in metro service which many people use on a daily basis and temperature data measured by sensors are therein transmitted in real time. The experimental environment for collecting data detected in real time from sensors was established for the equally-spaced midpoints of 4×4 upper parts in the ceiling of subway entrances where the actual movement amount of passengers is high, and it measured the temperature change for objects entering and leaving the detection spots. The measured data have gone through a preprocessing in which the reference values for 16 different areas are set and the difference values between the temperatures in 16 distinct areas and their reference values per unit of time are calculated. This corresponds to the methodology that maximizes movement within the detection area. In addition, the size of the data was increased by 10 times in order to more sensitively reflect the difference in temperature by area. For example, if the temperature data collected from the sensor at a given time were 28.5℃, the data analysis was conducted by changing the value to 285. As above, the data collected from sensors have the characteristics of time series data and image data with 4×4 resolution. Reflecting the characteristics of the measured, preprocessed data, we finally propose a hybrid algorithm that combines CNN in superior performance for image classification and LSTM, especially suitable for analyzing time series data, as referred to CNN-LSTM (Convolutional Neural Network-Long Short Term Memory). In the study, the CNN-LSTM algorithm is used to predict the number of passing persons in one of 4×4 detection areas. We verified the validation of the proposed model by taking performance comparison with other artificial intelligence algorithms such as Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and RNN-LSTM (Recurrent Neural Network-Long Short Term Memory). As a result of the experiment, proposed CNN-LSTM hybrid model compared to MLP, LSTM and RNN-LSTM has the best predictive performance. By utilizing the proposed devices and models, it is expected various metro services will be provided with no illegal issue about the personal information such as real-time monitoring of public transport facilities and emergency situation response services on the basis of congestion. However, the data have been collected by selecting one side of the entrances as the subject of analysis, and the data collected for a short period of time have been applied to the prediction. There exists the limitation that the verification of application in other environments needs to be carried out. In the future, it is expected that more reliability will be provided for the proposed model if experimental data is sufficiently collected in various environments or if learning data is further configured by measuring data in other sensors.

A Research Regarding the Application and Development of Web Contents Data in Home Economics (가정과 수업의 웹 콘텐츠 자료 활용 및 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Mi-Suk;Wee Eun-Hah
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.18 no.1 s.39
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    • pp.49-64
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this research is to see the current status of application and development of web contents data, and to suggest the way to improve the application and development of web contents data in home economics classes in middle schools. The respondents of the research were 312 middle school home economics teachers from all over the nation, and the tool was a questionnaire which consist of 22 questions about general status of the person who was answering and their recognitions and demands on the application and development of the web contents data. The major findings were as follows : 1) 88.5% of the sample responded that they accurately grasped a meaning of a class employing web contents data, and as for effects on preparation of professional study. 2) Most of the teachers were making good use of materials from the web in their classes. They responded that it maximized the efficiency of students' learning. Some didn't use the web contents in their classes. The reasons why the web contents data usage had been low were that the classrooms were not equipped properly (43.2%) and it took long time to create web contests (37.8%). 3) Kinds of web contents data that showed the most amount of usage were the presentations (48.4%), multi-media teaching materials(23.7%), and moving pictures(19.9%). 4) Teaches wanted to improve these particular materials among the web contents: family life and home, administration and environment of resources, and clothing preparation and administration. As for the lessons, teachers wanted developments of contents of lessons, generating motives, and evaluation to be by individual teachers or curriculum researchers' societies, and 30.8% were by Korea Education & Research Information Service (KERIS).

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Development of Overhead Projector Films, CD-ROM, and Bio-Cosmos Home Page as Teaching Resources for High School Biology (고교 생물의 오버헤드 프로젝터용 필름 제작 및 전달 매체로서의 CD-ROM과 홈페이지의 설계)

  • Song, Bang-Ho;Sin, Youn-Uk;Choi, Mie-Sook;Park, Chang-Bo;Ahn, Na-Young;Kang, Jae-Seuk;Kim, Jeung-Hyun;Seo, Hae-Ae;Kwon, Duck-Kee;Sohn, Jong-Kyung;Chung, Hwa-Sook;Yang, Hong-Jun;Park, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.428-440
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    • 1999
  • The colorful overhead projector films, named as Bio-cosmos II, including photographs, pictures, concept maps, and diagrams, were developed and manufactured as audio-visual teaching aids and teaching resources for students' biology learning in high school, and the CD-ROM and web sites for their application to the school were also constructed. The content of the films was organized based upon the analysis of seven different biology textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education. The films were designated based on various instructional strategies and manufactured using multimedia with various educational softwares. The CD-ROM was composed of the scenes as logo, initial main, chapters list, contents, and quit. Initial main scene indicated various chapters according to the texts of biology areas in General Science, Biology I, and II. Each chapters linked with the scenes for detailed concept maps, the downstream real subjects, and contents. The subject screens were composed of various types of summarized diagrams including lesson contents, figures, pictures, photographs, and their explanation, experimental procedures and results, tables for summarized contents, and additional animation with video captures, explanations, glossary, etc. Most files were manufactured in software Adobe Photoshop by scanning the pictures, figures and photographs, and then the explanation, modification, storing with PICT or PSD files, and transformation with JPG files, were processed in the aspect of high quality in terms of instructional strategies and graphic skills on gracefulness, clearness, colorfulness, brightness, and distinctness. A 14 films for biology areas in General Science, 80 for Biology I, and 142 for Biology II were manufactured and loaded to the CD-ROM and web site, and the files had been attempted to opened with an internet home-page of http://gic.kyungpook.ac.kr/biocosmos.

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