• Title/Summary/Keyword: International Hydrographic Organization(IHO)

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Application of Hydrographic Data Model in the Field of Maritime Safety Information for ODA Project (국제협력을 위한 해양안전정보 분야 범용수로데이터모델 적용)

  • Oh, Se-Woong;Lee, Moon-Jin;Kim, Hye-Jin;Suh, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2012
  • Official Development Assistance(ODA) Project is initiated to assist a developing country economically and to promote its welfare. Support on training and information system development are the primary elements in the maritime safety field. The maritime safety information system(MSIS) of ODA projects deals with maritime safety information of developing nations and ensures an inter-operability between other systems. Therefore, it is required to develop MSIS based on the Universal Hydrographic Data Model(UHDM) of International Hydrographic Organization(IHO). In this paper, we have analyzed the current status and operational process of UHDM established by IHO. Oil spill response system was selected as an example of MSIS project and, also, considered the application results to the maritime safety field of UHDM.

A Study on the Development items of Korean Marine GIS Software Based on S-100 Universal Hydrographic Standard (S-100 표준 기반 해양 GIS 소프트웨어 국산화 개발 방향에 관한 연구)

  • LEE, Sang-Min;CHOI, Tae-Seok;KIM, Jae-Myung;CHOI, Yun-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2022
  • This study is to develop the direction of the development of the next-generation mapping of marine information required to develop a base of the utilization localization of maritime production tools. The GIS data-processing products and technologies currently used in the Korea's marine sector depend on external applications which is renewal costs, technical updates, and unreflected characteristics. Meanwhile, the S-100 standard, the next generation hydrographic data model that complements S-57's problems in marine GIS data processing, was adopted as a new marine data standard. This study aims to present the current status and problems of marine GIS technology in Korea and to suggest the development direction of GIS software based on the next generation hydrogrphic data model S-100 standard of IHO(International Hydrographic Organization). S-100-based marine GIS localization technology development and industrial ecosystem development research is expected to scientific decision-making on policy issues that occur with other countries such as marine territory management and development and use of marine resources.

A Study on Assessment of Depth Data from Hydrographic Surveying Using MBES around South Sea of Samcheonpo (다중빔 음향측심기를 이용한 삼천포 남부해역 수심자료 정확도 평가)

  • Kong, Seong-Kyu;Kim, Jin-Kwon;Shim, Moon-Bo
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.560-566
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    • 2010
  • Port of Samcheonpo, designated as a Trading Port, is constructing New Port for the increase in trade and the requirement of maritime safety is growing. To meet these requirement for maritime safety, hydrographic surveying around south sea area of Samcheonpo using Multibeam Echo Sounder(MBES), DGPS etc was conducted. In this study, major item of hydrographic surveying such as sounding data was acquired and analyzed depth data comparing with vertical uncertainty in the special publication for hydrographic minimum specification published in Feb, 2008 by International Hydrographic Organization. By analyzing the depth data with 3 steps procedure, the port and starboard beam by removing the outskirts of the data processing could improve the efficiency and accuracy. The error of south sea were about 0.2m and the upper central part of the error were within 0.2m. Depth data of the study area are included in the 99% of 1st order and satisfied with a 100% tolerance of special order based on the international hydrograhic survey standard. This study will be a good case to support efficient decision-making for safe navigation, coastal management.

International Standards and Technology for E-navigation and Maritime IoT (E-navigation과 해양 사물인터넷(IoT)의 국제표준 및 기술동향)

  • Lee, K.I.;Song, M.S.;Jang, B.T.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.18-29
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    • 2014
  • 최근 해양안전에 대한 국내외의 관심과 함께 통신기술의 발전, 선박에 다양한 디지털 및 전자장비들이 도입됨에 따라 선박을 위한 전자항법체계인 e-navigation이 주목을 받고 있다. E-navigation은 안전뿐 아니라, 해양에서의 디지털시대의 서막을 여는 IT 융합의 새로운 패러다임을 제공하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 e-navigation과 관련하여 국제해사기구(IMO), 국제항로표지협회(IALA: International Association of Lighthouse Authorities), 국제수로기구 (IHO: International Hydrographic Organization), 국제전기협회(IEC) 등의 관련 기술에 대한 국제표준화기구의 최근 동향에 대해서 살펴볼 것이다. 또한, 한국형 e-navigation에 대한 국내 동향과 함께 최근 각광을 받고 있는 사물인터넷(IoT: Internet of Things) 기술을 해양분야에 적용하기 위한 방안에 대해서도 다루고자 한다.

  • PDF

Comparative Analysis of Metadata for S-57 and S-101 for ENC conversion (전자해도 변환을 위한 S-57과 S-101의 메타데이터 비교 분석)

  • Kang, Dongwoo;Park, Deawon;Park, Suhyun
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2012.04a
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    • pp.858-859
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    • 2012
  • 해상에서의 데이터는 디지털 수로데이터 교환 표준인 국제수로기구(IHO, International Hydrographic Organization)의 S-57을 기반으로 제작된다. 그러나 S-57은 지리정보 외의 정보를 표현하는데 한계를 나타내었다. S-57의 한계를 극복하기 위하여 다양한 해양데이터를 활용할 수 있는 시스템 체계로 수로 데이터를 위한 데이터 모델과 규격을 정의하는 S-100을 제정하였다. S-100을 기반으로 하여 수로데이터를 위한 표준으로 S-101을 제정하고 있으며, 데이터 검색 및 활용을 위한 메타데이터도 포함하여 구성하였다. S-101의 개발에 따라 S-57전자해도를 S-101전자해도로 변환이 요구되고 있으며, 이와 함께 메타데이터에 대한 변환도 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 S-57의 메타데이터 요소와 S-101의 메타데이터 요소를 비교 분석하여 메타데이터 변환모델을 제시하였다.

A Study on Parallax Registration for User Location on the Transparent Display using the Kinect Sensor (키넥트 센서를 활용한 투명 디스플레이에서의 사용자 위치에 대한 시계 정합 연구)

  • Nam, Byeong-Wook;Lee, Kyung-Ho;Lee, Jung-Min;Wu, Yuepeng
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.599-606
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    • 2015
  • International Hydrographic Organization(IHO) adopted standard S-100 as the international standard Geographic Information System(GIS) that can be generally used in the maritime sector. Accordingly, the next-generation system to support navigation information based on GIS standard technology has being developed. AR based navigation information system that supported navigation by overlapping navigation information on the CCTV image has currently being developed. In this study, we considered the application of a transparent display as a method to support efficiently this system. When a transparent display applied, the image distortion caused by using a wide-angle lens for parallax secure, and the disc s, and demonstrated the applicability of the technology by developing a prototype.

Integrated Geospatial Information Construction of Ocean and Terrain Using Multibeam Echo Sounder Data and Airborne Lidar Data (항공 Lidar와 멀티빔 음향측심 자료를 이용한 해상과 육상의 통합 지형공간정보 구축)

  • Lee, Jae-One;Choi, Hye-Won;Yun, Bu-Yeol;Park, Chi-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.28-39
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    • 2014
  • Several studies have been performed globally on the construction of integrated systems that are available for the integrated use of 3D geographic information on terrain and oceans. Research on 3D geographic modeling is also facilitated by the application of Lidar surveying, which enables the highly accurate realization of 3D geographic information for a wide area of land. In addition, a few marine research organizations have been conducting investigations and surveying diverse ocean information for building and applying MGIS(Marine Geographic Information System). However, the construction of integrated geographic information systems for both terrain and oceans has certain limitations resulting from the inconsistency in reference systems and datum levels between two data. Therefore, in this investigation, integrated geospatial information has been realized by using a combined topographical map, after matching the reference systems and datum levels by integration of airborne Lidar data and multi-beam echo sounder data. To verify the accuracy of the integrated geospatial information data, ten randomly selected samples from study areas were selected and analyzed. The results show that the 10 analyzed data samples have an RMSE of 0.46m, which meets the IHO standard(0.5m) for depth accuracy of hydrographic surveys.

A Study on Software Implementation for Validation of Electronic Navigational Chart Regarding Standard Check for S-10X Data (S-10X 데이터 표준 검사를 위한 전자해도 검증 소프트웨어 구현에 관한 연구)

  • LEE, Ha-Dong;KIM, Ki-Su;CHOI, Yun-Su;KIM, Ji-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 2018
  • With recent technological advances in the shipbuilding industry, vessels have been improved in size and performance. As a result, an accident such as grounding, caused by a single ship-to-ship collision, could lead to a large-scale maritime disaster. Considering the seriousness of the situation, the international community has been consistently updating the standards for Electronic Navigational Chart(ENC) to improve the maritime safety. S-57, the existing ENC standard governed by the International Hydrographic Organization(IHO), includes standards for generating conventional binary-type ENC data sets. The S-57 standard, however, has not been updated since the release of Version 3.1 in December 2000. Since then, the standard has failed to reflect technological development regarding maritime spacial information, which has been consistently improving. In an effort to address this concern, the IHO designated S-100, i.e., the next-generation ENC production standard. S-100 differs from S-57 in data exchange type. Contrary to the conventional ENC standards, which use binary-type data, S-10X, based on the next-generation ENC standards, uses ENC data composed of Feature Catalogue, Portrayal Catalogue, and GML. Considering this fact, it is necessary to update S-58, the ENC validation check standard, or designate a new standard for ENC validation checks. This study is developed own software to implement validation checks for new types of data, and identified improvement points based on the test results.

Geographical Studies and International Organizations: Concerning International Standardization of the Geographical Name of East Sea (지리학 연구와 국제기구 - 동해명칭의 국제표준화와 관련하여 -)

  • 이기석
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2004
  • This paper deals with a possible contribution to international relations and affairs by the discipline of geography and raises the necessity of a new field in geography that would study relations between nations. The proposed change of the name 'East Sea' is used as a case study in promoting international standardization. Two major international organizations oversee the international standardization of geographical names. One is the UN Conferences of the Standardization of the Geographical Names which work in association with the UN Group of Experts on Geographical Names, and the other is the International Hydrographic Organization. These two organizations have in the past passed all the relevant resolutions pertaining to geographical names. From recent developments on the Korean Peninsula, however, it has become evident that international disputes on place names sometimes require a long process of consultation with the relevant parties. Efforts being made to restore the historically appropriate name of 'East Sea' as opposed to the 'Sea of Japan' have only now begun to diffuse in many areas. It would be appropriate if geographers could develop a new area of 'Geography of International Relations' that deals with WTO, oceans, environment and climatic issues, FAT, as well as territories and boundaries. Furthermore, it would improve the quality of discourse if geographers participated more in the decision-making processes in international affairs.

A Study on the Application of Nautical Charts보 Information Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 해도정보의 활용방안 연구)

  • 김종규;김정현
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2003
  • A nautical chart is an essential material not only for the safety of navigation at sea, but also for the research and understanding of the ocean. Paper nautical harts have been used for navigational purposes for several hundreds years, but it was show that paper nautical charts have certain limitations, because the speed of ships has increased dramatically, and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) are now available at sea. Thus, the development of digital charts has been conducted by a number of countries. As a result, the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) has developed a standard format, Special Publication No. 57 (S-57), as a guideline for the production of electronic navigational charts (ENC). Even though ENCs are a state-of-the-art navigational tool because they are produced on the basis of Geographical Information System (GIS) technology, they can be utilized for various purposes. in this paper, the usage of paper nautical charts, ENCs, and digital charts is reviewed. Also, the various application system that make use of electronic navigational harts and digital charts, as a basic geographical source of information, will be examined on the basis of GIS.