• Title/Summary/Keyword: Interface Module

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Development of the Interface Module for an Effective Application of a Digital Mockup

  • Song, Tai-Gil;Kim, Sung-Hyun;Lim, Gwang-Mook;Yoon, Ji-Sup;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.2407-2409
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    • 2005
  • As the cumulative amount of spent fuel increases, the reliable and effective management of the spent fuel has become a world-wide mission. For this mission, KAERI is developing the Advanced Spent Fuel Conditioning Process (ACP) as a pre-disposal treatment process for spent fuel. Conventional approach to the development of the process and the remote operation technology is to fabricate the process equipment on the same scale as the real environment and demonstrate the remote handling operation using simulated fuel called a mock-up test. But this mock-up test is expensive and time consuming, since the design may need to be modified and the equipment fabricated again to account for the problems found during a testing. To deal with this problem, we developed a digital mockup for the ACP. Also, for an effective utilization of the digital mockup, we developed user interface modules such as the data acquisition and display module and the external input device interface module. The result of this implementation shows that a continuous motion of the manipulator using the external device interface can be represented easily and the information display screens responded well to the simulation situation.

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Designing a Common Weapon Interface Module While Taking into Account the Fire Control System Architecture of a Light Armed Helicopter (소형무장헬기 사격통제시스템의 구조를 고려한 공통 무장 인터페이스 모듈 설계)

  • Lee, Dongho;Park, Hanjoon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39C no.11
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    • pp.1088-1093
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    • 2014
  • The structure of the fire control system(FCS) of a light armed helicopter and effective logistics support was taken into account in the proposed common weapon interface module(CWIM) for a distributed FCS. The pros and cons of a distributed FCS and a centralized FCS were analyzed, then a CWIM which can be applied to the weapon interface module of a distributed FCS was designed and fabricated. Integration tests between the proposed CWIM and a weapon simulator were conducted to ascertain whether or not the proposed CWIM could be applicable to a distributed FCS. We expect that the CWIM design approach method secured through this study will be helpful in mitigating cable work of the FCS which will be applied to a Light Armed Helicopter and controlling various weapons.

The Performance Evaluation for PHY-LINK Data Transfer using SPI-4.2 (SPI-4.2 프로토콜을 사용한 PHY-LINK 계층간의 데이터 전송 성능평가)

  • 박노식;손승일;최익성;이범철
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.577-585
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    • 2004
  • System Packet Interface Level 4 Phase(SPI-4.2) is an interface for packet and cell transfer between a physical layer(PHY) device and a link layer device, for aggregate bandwidths of OC-192 ATM and Packet Over Sonet/SDH(POS), as well as 10Gbps Ethernet applications. In this paper, we performs the research for SPI-4.2. Also we analyze the performance of SPI-4.2 interface module after modeling using C programming language. This paper shows that SPI-4.2 interface module with 512-word FIFO depth is able to be adapted for the offered loads to 97% in random uniform traffic and 94% in bursty traffic with bursty length 32. SPI-4.2 interface module can experience an performance degradation due to heavy overhead when it massively receives small size packets less than 14-byte. SPI-4.2 interface module is suited for line cards in gigabit/terabit routers, and optical cross-connect switches, and SONET/SDH-based transmission systems.

A Study on the RRMC Implementation for the Efficient Resource Management in DBS System (DBS 시스템에서 효율적인 자원 관리를 위한 RRMC 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Cheon-Sig;Kim, Shin-Hong
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.12
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    • pp.3133-3138
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    • 1997
  • The Digital Broadcasting Satallite System consists of the Transmitter station, the Resource and Subscriber Management System, and the Receiver Test Unit. The RSMS consists or several modules such as Resource Main Module, Resource User Interface Module, Transmitter Station Interface Module, Receiver Test Unit Interface Module, Subscriber sales Outlets Module and Monitor & Control Module. In this paper we suppose the new RRMC Algorithms that is to manage efficiently the Resource and subscriber information in the Direct Broadcasting Satellite system based on client-sever features and demonstrates the implementation method of monitoring and control the system in real time. Also we explain the communication procedure between resource and subscriber managment and other equipment.

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Design and Implementation of Multimedia Functional Module for Digital TV (디지털 TV용 멀티미디어 부가기능 모듈의 설계 및 구현)

  • 김익환;최재승;임영철;남재열;하영호
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.231-237
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    • 2004
  • Current paper introduces the multimedia functional module and related interface development for digital TV. The module is developed for displaying the image captured by digital still camera, camcorder, or PC in the digital TV. For these purposes, the module has the interface circuit for accessing five media type of memory cards. It decodes JPEG, BMP, or TIFF image date saved in the memory card and converts the image data to analog RGB signal. It also supports three types of output image size from HD(High Definition) to WXGA(Wide Extended Graphics Array) resolution. So the introduced module could be adopted in all kinds of digital TV set.

Security System using Protocol-Based Security Module for Secure Data Transmission in Web Environment (웹 환경에서 안전한 데이타 전송을 보장하는 프로토콜 기반의 보안 모듈에 근거한 보안 시스템)

  • 장승주;임동훈
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.635-644
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    • 2002
  • We propose the PBSM(Protocol-Based Security Module) system which guarantees the secure data transmission under web environments. There are two modules in the PBSM architecture. One is Web Server Security Module(WSSM) which is working on a web server, the other is the Winsock Client Security Module(WSCSM) which is working on a client. The WSCSM security module decrypts the encrypted HTML document that is received from the security web server. The decrypted HTML document is displayed on the screen of a client. The WSSM module contains the encryption function for HTML file and the decryption function for CGI(Common Gateway Interface). The formal analysis methodology is imported from format theory for analyzing the data flow of the PBSM system. The formal analysis methodology is based on the order theory.

Fundamental Research for Video-Integrated Collision Prediction and Fall Detection System to Support Navigation Safety of Vessels

  • Kim, Bae-Sung;Woo, Yun-Tae;Yu, Yung-Ho;Hwang, Hun-Gyu
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2021
  • Marine accidents caused by ships have brought about economic and social losses as well as human casualties. Most of these accidents are caused by small and medium-sized ships and are due to their poor conditions and insufficient equipment compared with larger vessels. Measures are quickly needed to improve the conditions. This paper discusses a video-integrated collision prediction and fall detection system to support the safe navigation of small- and medium-sized ships. The system predicts the collision of ships and detects falls by crew members using the CCTV, displays the analyzed integrated information using automatic identification system (AIS) messages, and provides alerts for the risks identified. The design consists of an object recognition algorithm, interface module, integrated display module, collision prediction and fall detection module, and an alarm management module. For the basic research, we implemented a deep learning algorithm to recognize the ship and crew from images, and an interface module to manage messages from AIS. To verify the implemented algorithm, we conducted tests using 120 images. Object recognition performance is calculated as mAP by comparing the pre-defined object with the object recognized through the algorithms. As results, the object recognition performance of the ship and the crew were approximately 50.44 mAP and 46.76 mAP each. The interface module showed that messages from the installed AIS were accurately converted according to the international standard. Therefore, we implemented an object recognition algorithm and interface module in the designed collision prediction and fall detection system and validated their usability with testing.

Direct3D Interface Module Development for Python Language (Python 언어를 위한 Direct3D 인터페이스 모듈 개발)

  • Lee, Gang-Seong
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2006
  • This paper describes the implementation of Direct3D interface library for Python language. DirectX is the most popular library used for 3D games and 3D modelings. However, softwares which use the library can only be developed in the environments provided by Microsoft like Visual Studios and .NET framework. The interface module for Python, this paper presents, will extend the coverage of the useful library DirectX to a language which is not fully supported by Microsoft. The interface techniques described here can be a guide to develop interface modules for other languages too, which make their language more powerful and extensible. This paper describes the implementation techniques to develop the interface module for Python, advantages and disadvantages.

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Development of an integrated decision support system for FMS production planning and scheduling problems (FMS의 생산계획 및 일정계획을 위한 의사결정을 위한 의사결정 지원시스템의 개발)

  • 장성용;장병만;박진우
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.51-70
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    • 1991
  • This paper discusses planning and scheduling problems for efficient utilization of an FMS and presents an integrated decision support system for FMS production planning and scheduling problems. The decision support system, FMSDS(Flexible Manufacturing Systems Decision Support System), includes of data of handling module, part selection module, loading module, load adjusting module, scheduling module and simulation module etc. This paper includes the solution methodology of each subproblem. And an integrated interface scheme between the subproblems is presented. The interface scheme considers the relationships between the subproblems and generates solution using hierarchical and looping approaches. FMSDS is made up of six alternative models considering 3 loading objectives and 2 production order processing strategies. Performance comparisons among 6 alternatives and other decision support systems are shown using the non-terminating simulation techniques.

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CAD/CAPP System based on Manufacturing Feature Recognition (제조특징인식에 의한 CAD/CAPP 시스템)

  • Cho, Kyu-Kab;Kim, Suk-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 1991
  • This paper describes an integrated CAD and CAPP system for prismatic parts of injection mold which generates a complete process plan automatically from CAD data of a part without human intervention. This system employs Auto CAD as a CAD model and GS-CAPP as an automatic process planning system for injection mold. The proposed CAD/CAPP system consists of three modules such as CAD data conversion module, manufacturing feature recognition module, and CAD/CAPP interface module. CAD data conversion module transforms design data of AutoCAD into three dimensional part data. Manufacturing feature recognition module extracts specific manufacturing features of a part using feature recognition rule base. Each feature can be recognized by combining geometry, position and size of the feature. CAD/CAPP interface module links manufacturing feature codes and other head data to automatic process planning system. The CAD/CAPP system can improve the efficiency of process planning activities and reduce the time required for process planning. This system can provide a basis for the development of part feature based design by analyzing manufacturing features.

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