• 제목/요약/키워드: Integrity Information

검색결과 1,465건 처리시간 0.028초

ESG Management, Strategies for corporate sustainable growth : KT's company-wide goals and strategies (ESG 경영, 기업의 지속가능성장을 위한 전략 : KT의 전사적 목표와 전략)

  • Kang, Yoon Ji;Kim, Sanghoon
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.233-244
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    • 2022
  • One of the most noteworthy topics in recent corporate management is ESG(Environmental, Social, Governance). Although there are many companies that have declared ESG management, KT has declared full-fledged ESG management in 2021 and is sharing its sustainable management strategy with stakeholders. In addition, KT is strengthening ESG management by issuing ESG bonds for the first time in the domestic ICT industry. At a time when the information technology industry became more important due to COVID-19, this study attempted to examine KT's ESG management goals and strategies by dividing them into environmental, social, and governance areas. KT was aiming to achieve environmental integrity through 'environmental management', 'green competence', 'energy resources', and 'eco-friendly projects' in the environmental field. In addition, in the social field, genuine creating social value was pursued through 'social contribution', 'co-growth', and 'human rights management'. Finally, in the governance area, it was aiming for a transparent corporate management system to pursue economic reliability through 'ethics and compliance' and 'risk management'. In particular, KT was promoting its own ESG management by promoting strategies to solve environmental and social problems using AI and BigData technologies based on the characteristics of a digital platform company. This study aims to derive implications for ESG strategy establishment and ESG management development direction through KT's ESG management case in relation to ESG management, which has emerged as a hot topic.

A Fog-based IoT Service Interoperability System using Blockchain in Cloud Environment (클라우드 환경에서 블록체인을 이용한 포그 기반 IoT 서비스 상호운용 시스템)

  • Kim, Mi Sun;Park, Yong Suk;Seo, Jae Hyun
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.39-53
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    • 2022
  • Cloud of Things (CoT) can provide IoT applications with unlimited storage functions and processing power supported by cloud services. However, in a centralized cloud of things, it can create a single point of failure that can lead to bottleneck problems, outages of the CoT network. In this paper, to solve the problem of centralized cloud of things and interoperate between different service domains, we propose an IoT service interoperability system using distributed fog computing and blockchain technology. Distributed fog is used to provide real-time data processing and services in fog systems located at a geographically close distance to IoT devices, and to enable service interoperability between each fog using smart contracts and distributed ledgers of the blockchain. The proposed system provides services within a region close to the distributed fog entrusted with the service from the cloud, and it is possible to access the services of other fogs without going through the cloud even between fogs. In addition, by sharing a service right token issuance information between the cloud and fog nodes using a blockchain network, the integrity of the token can be guaranteed and reliable service interoperability between fog nodes can be performed.

A Study on Intelligent Self-Recovery Technologies for Cyber Assets to Actively Respond to Cyberattacks (사이버 공격에 능동대응하기 위한 사이버 자산의 지능형 자가복구기술 연구)

  • Se-ho Choi;Hang-sup Lim;Jung-young Choi;Oh-jin Kwon;Dong-kyoo Shin
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • 제24권6호
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2023
  • Cyberattack technology is evolving to an unpredictable degree, and it is a situation that can happen 'at any time' rather than 'someday'. Infrastructure that is becoming hyper-connected and global due to cloud computing and the Internet of Things is an environment where cyberattacks can be more damaging than ever, and cyberattacks are still ongoing. Even if damage occurs due to external influences such as cyberattacks or natural disasters, intelligent self-recovery must evolve from a cyber resilience perspective to minimize downtime of cyber assets (OS, WEB, WAS, DB). In this paper, we propose an intelligent self-recovery technology to ensure sustainable cyber resilience when cyber assets fail to function properly due to a cyberattack. The original and updated history of cyber assets is managed in real-time using timeslot design and snapshot backup technology. It is necessary to secure technology that can automatically detect damage situations in conjunction with a commercialized file integrity monitoring program and minimize downtime of cyber assets by analyzing the correlation of backup data to damaged files on an intelligent basis to self-recover to an optimal state. In the future, we plan to research a pilot system that applies the unique functions of self-recovery technology and an operating model that can learn and analyze self-recovery strategies appropriate for cyber assets in damaged states.

A Study on the Application of Classic Astrology to Predict Occupational Integrity (직업적성 예측을 위한 고전 점성학 활용방안)

  • Do-Yeon Kim;Ki-Seung Kim
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.221-227
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    • 2023
  • This study is a study to analyze Nativity's occupational aptitude by examining the functions and structures of the planets that make up the Nativity birth chart of Classic Astrology. If the occupation that appears in the birth chart is viewed as an individual's natural occupation, it is analyzed through the strength and weakness of the sign and planets, and the aspect (relationship with the planet). In Classic Astrology's nativity birth chart, there are three major planets when judging occupations: Venus (♀). Mars (♂). It was thought to be determined by Mercury (☿). However, in order to meet the diversity of jobs required in today's highly developed knowledge and information society, there are some shortcomings, so Saturn (♄), Jupiter (♃), Sun (☉), Moon (☽) was added to apply the aptitude for the job. Thus, the native's ASC vocational aptitude could be applied more diversely and broadly based on the relationship between planets and their aspects. As a result, Venus (♀. Venus) means enjoying artistic work that people think is beautiful and making it a pleasure in life, while Mars (♂) means work that requires physical strength and strength, such as working days. Mercury (☿) means using knowledge and brains, and the Sun (☉) plays a role in giving authority to jobs and talents. The Moon (☽) helps the native gain people's trust in his or her profession and talents, Jupiter (♃) helps the native to revive his or her profession and talents through faith, sincerity, fairness, and generosity, and Saturn (♄) can appear as an obstacle that blocks career and talent due to greed, sadness, poverty, etc. As a result of the study, it was found that the native's occupations vary depending on the strengths and weaknesses of the planets and their aspect relationships.

Experimental study on structural integrity assessment of utility tunnels using coupled pulse-impact echo method (결합된 초음파-충격 반향 기법 기반의 일반 지하구 구조체의 건전도 평가에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Jin Kim;Jeong-Uk Bang;Seungbo Shim;Gye-Chun Cho
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • 제25권6호
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    • pp.479-493
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    • 2023
  • The need for safety management has arisen due to the increasing number of years of operated underground structures, such as tunnels and utility tunnels, and accidents caused by those aging infrastructures. However, in the case of privately managed underground utility ducts, there is a lack of detailed guidelines for facility safety and maintenance, resulting in inadequate safety management. Furthermore, the absence of basic design information and the limited space for safety assessments make applying currently used non-destructive testing methods challenging. Therefore, this study suggests non-destructive inspection methods using ultrasonic and impact-echo techniques to assess the quality of underground structures. Thickness, presence of rebars, depth of rebars, and the presence and depth of internal defects are assessed to provide fundamental data for the safety assessment of box-type general underground structures. To validate the proposed methodology, different conditions of concrete specimens are designed and cured to simulate actual field conditions. Applying ultrasonic and impact signals and collecting data through multi-channel accelerometers determine the thickness of the simulated specimens, the depth of embedded rebar, and the extent of defects. The predicted results are well agreed upon compared with actual measurements. The proposed methodology is expected to contribute to developing safety diagnostic methods applicable to general underground structures in practical field conditions.

Analysis of Music Rationale and Fidelity in Music Emotion Regulation Studies (국외 음악정서조율 연구의 음악 논거 및 충실도 분석)

  • Chong, Hyun Ju;Kim, Bohyun;Kim, Hyeon Joo
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.89-113
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    • 2024
  • With increasing interest in the emotional responses to music, research on the regulatory mechanisms of music has been ongoing. This study examines the fidelity of music emotion regulation (MER) studies by analyzing the quality of rationales provided for using music to induce emotional regulation. A total of 45 internationally published studies were collected for review, and analysis was conducted on criteria related to the use of music, including duration, number of pieces, selection rationale, and the selecting agent. Despite the research objectives aiming to investigate the emotional regulation effects of music, it was found that the majority of studies lacked specific information about the music used, and there was weak consistency among the studies. Additionally, reliable evidence for music activities, music selection, and music implementation time was not provided, and there was a lack of logical basis for the regulatory mechanisms of music. The results of this study imply the necessity for fidelity to the rationale of music emotion regulation to establish itself as a research area. Such rigorous fidelity will contribute to increasing the replicability and integrity of research on the therapeutic uniqueness of music.

Malicious Packet Detection Technology Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning (머신러닝과 딥러닝을 활용한 악성 패킷 탐지 기술 연구)

  • Byounguk An;JongChan Lee;JeSung Chi;Wonhyung Park
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.109-115
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    • 2021
  • Currently, with the development of 5G and IoT technology, it is being used in connection with the things used in real life through a network. However, attempts to use networked computers for malicious purposes are increasing, and attacks using malicious codes that infringe the confidentiality and integrity of user information are becoming more intelligent. As a countermeasure to this, research is being conducted on a method of detecting malicious packets using a security control system and AI technology, supervised learning. The cyber security control system is being operated inefficiently in terms of manpower and cost. In addition, in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work has increased, making it difficult to respond immediately. In addition, malicious code detection using the existing AI technology, supervised learning, does not detect variant malicious code, and has an inaccurate malicious code detection rate depending on the quantity and quality of data. Therefore, in this study, by converging malicious packet detection technologies through various machine learning and deep learning models, the accuracy of malicious packet detection is increased, the false positive rate and the false positive rate are reduced, and a new type of malicious packet can be efficiently detected when intrusion. We propose a malicious packet detection technology.

Speech Recognition Using Linear Discriminant Analysis and Common Vector Extraction (선형 판별분석과 공통벡터 추출방법을 이용한 음성인식)

  • 남명우;노승용
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2001
  • This paper describes Linear Discriminant Analysis and common vector extraction for speech recognition. Voice signal contains psychological and physiological properties of the speaker as well as dialect differences, acoustical environment effects, and phase differences. For these reasons, the same word spelled out by different speakers can be very different heard. This property of speech signal make it very difficult to extract common properties in the same speech class (word or phoneme). Linear algebra method like BT (Karhunen-Loeve Transformation) is generally used for common properties extraction In the speech signals, but common vector extraction which is suggested by M. Bilginer et at. is used in this paper. The method of M. Bilginer et al. extracts the optimized common vector from the speech signals used for training. And it has 100% recognition accuracy in the trained data which is used for common vector extraction. In spite of these characteristics, the method has some drawback-we cannot use numbers of speech signal for training and the discriminant information among common vectors is not defined. This paper suggests advanced method which can reduce error rate by maximizing the discriminant information among common vectors. And novel method to normalize the size of common vector also added. The result shows improved performance of algorithm and better recognition accuracy of 2% than conventional method.

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A Study on the Management Activities and the Characteristic of Food Restaurant Entrepreneur (외식업 창업자의 특성과 경영관리활동에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae Hoon;Hong, Hyo Seok
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2014
  • This study is preliminary founding start-ups of restaurant entrepreneurs to study the characteristics of management in order to provide useful information was studied. Survey period is from 2013 March 15 to August 31. About the nature of the preparation and establishment founder findings restaurant entrepreneurs of Western Gyeongnam area were most often in the form of an independent establishment has been compiled, work experience and other industries operating experience was more than restaurant entrepreneurs of operating experience. Hypothesis Testing in accordance with results of this study are as follows. First, the 50 founders than 30 founders quickly when the customer complaint or that service, order food and non-food note is issued after obtaining the order or that provide food, no customer is often inconvenient check the sharing services, such as personnel activities were devoting a lot of effort. Second, the re-startups restaurant entrepreneurs than new startups restaurant entrepreneurs was founded after the founder of career-related customer complaints about food more active coping was, and re-startups restaurant entrepreneurs by the founder other than business founded by the founder of the food-related customer complaints more aggressively for coping, respectively. Third, restaurant entrepreneurs of the store operations management has integrity, words and actions match, such as the degree of belief in the promise of reliability and the possibility of failure, which means the degree of recognition and response efforts are having an impact deal. Fourth, restaurant of food service management services and after-sales service has impact on the founder of the self-efficacy and self-efficacy of pre-service features and reliability founder affecting. Fifth, the revenue of the restaurant for dealing with customer complaints management includes efforts are having an impact. Sixth, restaurant founder of reliability and customer care has influenced the self-efficacy. Seventh, management of operational management activities have a positive impact on business performance are.

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A Study on the Korea Future Internet Promotion Plan for Cyber Security Enhancement (사이버 보안 강화를 위한 한국형 미래 인터넷 추진 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Gyoo-Gun;Jin, Hai-Yan;Ahn, Jae-Ik
    • Informatization Policy
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.24-37
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    • 2022
  • Amid rapid changes in the ICT environment attributed to the 4th Industrial Revolution, the development of information & communication technology, and COVID-19, the existing internet developed without considering security, mobility, manageability, QoS, etc. As a result, the structure of the internet has become complicated, and problems such as security, stability, and reliability vulnerabilities continue to occur. In addition, there is a demand for a new concept of the internet that can provide stability and reliability resulting from digital transformation-geared advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and IoT. Therefore, in order to suggest a way of implementing the Korean future internet that can strengthen cybersecurity, this study suggests the direction and strategy for promoting the future internet that is suitable for the Korean cyber environment through analyzing important key factors in the implementation of the future internet and evaluating the trend and suitability of domestic & foreign research related to future internet. The importance of key factors in the implementation of the future internet proceeds in the order of security, integrity, availability, stability, and confidentiality. Currently, future internet projects are being studied in various ways around the world. Among numerous projects, Bright Internet most adequately satisfies the key elements of future internet implementation and was evaluated as the most suitable technology for Korea's cyber environment. Technical issues as well as strategic and legal issues must be considered in order to promote the Bright Internet as the frontrunner Korean future internet. As for technical issues, it is necessary to adopt SAVA IPv6-NID in selecting the Bright Internet as the standard of Korean future internet and integrated data management at the data center level, and then establish a cooperative system between different countries. As for strategic issues, a secure management system and establishment of institution are needed. Lastly, in the case of legal issues, the requirement of GDPR, which includes compliance with domestic laws such as Korea's revised Data 3 Act, must be fulfilled.