• Title/Summary/Keyword: Integrated Thinking

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Investigating Science-contents Problems through Correlation with Tests of Creative Thinking and Integrated Process Skills (과학 탐구력 검사와 창의성 검사와의 관계를 통한 과학영재 선발문항 유형 분석)

  • Park, Min-Jung;Chun, Mi-Ran;Jeon, Dong-Ryul
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.565-583
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    • 2009
  • We studied what kind of science-contents problems can also give information on one's creativity for use in the selection of scientifically gifted. 383 7th and 8th graders as subjects, we first analyzed the corelation between the results of creative thinking, scientific attitude, science inquiry, logical thinking and the scientific creativity problem solving skill test. The corelation analysis indicated that science inquiry test could represent other tests except TTCT. We then tested 532 6th graders with TTCT and science inquiry tests concomitantly with the contents- related problems made in such types as naming 20 scientists, writing about a scientist, imagination to overcome a problem, understanding of theory and application and understanding of science laws and application. The results indicated that writing and imagination were most efficient in assessing both the contents and the creativity.

A systems thinking approach to explore the structure of urban walking and health promotion in Seoul (서울시민의 보행과 건강증진에 관한 시스템 사고 기반의 구조 탐색)

  • Kim, Dong Ha;Chung, Chang-Kwon;Lee, Jihyun;Kim, Kwang Kee;JeKarl, Jung;Yoo, Seunghyun
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: This study aimed to examine systems behavior of urban walking by analyzing a dynamic structure in Seoul, South Korea. Methods: As a systems thinking approach to urban walking and health promotion, we developed a Casual Loop Diagram based on literature review and expert consultation. The reviewed literature included: 1) qualitative studies that explores the experiences of urban walkers in Seoul; 2) a systematic review study on the built environmental factors related to walking; 3) policy research reports related to urban walking in Seoul. Results: The feedback structure for urban walking was related to the three urban environments (safety & walking environment, socioeconomic environment, and public transportation environment), and was characterized by a trade-off consisting of eight reinforcing loops and four balancing loops. Conclusions: The policies for a walkable city require multi-sectoral cooperation in order to change the causal loop structure related to the decline of walking. Therefore, it is necessary to establish legal and institutional conditions so that multi-sectoral and multidisciplinary approaches are possible.

Effects of a virtual reality simulation integrated with problem-based learning on nursing students' critical thinking ability, problem solving ability, and self-efficacy: a non-randomized trial (문제중심학습 기반 가상현실 시뮬레이션 교육이 간호대학생의 비판적 사고능력, 문제해결능력 및 자기효능감에 미치는 효과: 유사실험 연구)

  • Young A Song;Minkyeong Kim
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.229-238
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study analyzed the effects of virtual reality simulation-based problem-based learning on nursing students' critical thinking ability, problem-solving ability, and self-efficacy in the nursing care of women undergoing induction of labor. Methods: A nonequivalent control group pretest and posttest design was employed. The study participants included 52 nursing students (24 in the experimental group and 28 in the control group). The experimental group took a problem-based learning (PBL) class in the first week, and then engaged in self-directed learning using virtual reality simulation. In the second week, lectures about emergency nursing care for induction of labor and drug administration were given. The control group participated in PBL in the first week and lectures in the second week. The study was conducted from April 17 to May 19, 2023. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test, Fisher exact test, analysis of variance, and the independent t-test. Results: Before-and-after differences between the two groups were statistically significant in problem solving ability (t=-5.47, p<.001) and self-efficacy (t=-5.87, p<.001). Critical thinking ability did not show a statistically significant difference between the two groups. The score for satisfaction with the virtual reality simulation program was 3.64±5.88 out of 5 in the experimental group. Conclusion: PBL education using a virtual reality simulation was found to be an effective way of teaching. Although convenience sampling was used, PBL education using virtual reality can be used as an educational strategy to enhance nursing students' problem-solving ability and self-efficacy.

Mathematics & coding mobile contents for secondary education (텍스트 코딩을 활용한 중등수학 모바일 콘텐츠 개발 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Gu;Lee, Jae Hwa;Nam, Yun
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.231-246
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we present the development and a case study on 'Mathematics & Coding Mobile Contents' tailored for secondary education. These innovative resources aim to alleviate the burden of laborious calculations, enabling students to allocate more time to engage in discussions and visualize complex mathematical concepts. By integrating these contents into the curriculum, students can effectively meet the national standards for achievement in mathematics. They are empowered to develop their mathematical thinking skills through active engagement with the material. When properly integrated into secondary mathematics education, these resources not only facilitate attainment of national curriculum standards but also foster students' confidence in their mathematical abilities. Furthermore, they serve as valuable tools for nurturing both computational and mathematical thinking among students.

A Decision-Making Model of Integrated Vertical and Horizontal Move Plan for Finishing Material in Righ-Rise Building Construction (고층건물공사 마감자재의 수직$\cdot$수평이동계획이 통합된 의사결정모델)

  • Ahn Byung-Ju;Kim Jae-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.2 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2001
  • Of all the site logistics technologies in high-rise building construction, both vertical and horizontal move plan, are the most imperative factors. And the horizontal plan follows lift-up plan as of the vertical plan. However though it may be, temporary lifts on site are numbered by heuristic formulas. The quantity of finishing material cannot be converted into lift-up load per finishing material. The lift-up plan cannot be evaluated the feasibility for finishing material move plan by a reasonable evaluation methodology. The horizontal plan is far from the vertical one. And the information as an input data for the horizontal plan is devoid of package unit size, length, and volume per finishing material. These can hardly result in reasonable and detail decision on how much to use temporary lifts, how long to use these, and where to deposit each finishing material. Therefore, this study is to suggest a decision-making model that can integrate vertical and horizontal material move plan in high-rise building construction and make a decision the plans systematically. And the study is to explain the concept, methodology, and contents of the model applied to a virtual project, named as MT 130 (Millennium Tower 130). By the model, the planner can shift his/her thinking framework on site logistics management products-oriented Into process-oriented. He/she can manage a project by the framework as system thinking, evaluate the feasibility of a lift-up plan, and decide the horizontal plan integrated with the lift-up.

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Developing Maker Competency Model and Exploring Maker Education Plan in the Field of Elementary and Secondary Education (메이커 역량 모델 개발 및 초·중등 교육 현장에서의 메이커 교육 방안 탐색)

  • Yoon, Jihyun;Kim, Kyung;Kang, Seong-Joo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.649-665
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we extracted the core competencies of makers through the analysis of critical incident technique and behavioral event interview to explore the nature and attributes of maker education, and then we developed a maker competency model based on these core competencies. As a result, six competency groups and 23 sub-competencies were extracted. In other words, we were able to confirm the existence of integrated thinking competency group consisting of four competencies made up of 'analytic thinking', 'intuitive thinking', 'visual thinking', and 'empirical thinking' and that of collaborative competency group with four competencies of 'sharing', 'communication', 'conflict management', and 'scrupulosity'. In addition, we could also confirm the existence of making mind competency group, which is composed of four competencies namely 'interest in various areas', 'challenge consciousness', 'failure management', and 'pleasure of the making process'. We could also confirm that human-centered competence group consisting of two competencies of 'humanity' and 'user-oriented' and the problem-finding competence group consisting of two competencies of 'observation' and 'recognition of discomfort in daily life'. Lastly, the making practice competency group is composed of seven competencies: 'understanding making tool', 'understanding electricity', 'understanding programming', 'planning', 'hand knowledge', 'information search', and 'direct execution'. We discussed educational implications of these findings.

Dynamic Analysis of Cheongju & Cheongwon Integration Based on the Urban-Rural Integration Effectiveness (도.농통합 효과에 근거한 청주.청원 통합에 관한 동태성 분석)

  • Hong, Sung-Ho;Kim, Yeon-Sik;Lee, Man-Hyung
    • Korean System Dynamics Review
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.5-31
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    • 2008
  • Korean administrative jurisdiction has changed from separation to integration system, without definite raison d'etre from the effectiveness dimension. It partially comes from the fact that the top priority of most existing documents has given to the behavioral patterns of key variables during specific time periods. As an alternative approach, this study focuses on dynamic analysis on the long-term structural patterns related to urban-rural integration issues. Specifically, it pays attention to unique experiences between two neighboring administrative authorities, namely Cheongju and Cheongwon, all of which have repeated exceptional confrontations between pros and cons over almost two decades. From the theoretical perspectives, this observes structural similarities and differences between separation and integration approaches and compares individual feedback loops in order to examine urban-rural integration effectiveness. Structurally, if the integrated local authority adopts systematic management and balanced territorial development principles, it would gain the highest positive effect of urban-rural integration. After scenario buildings, it analyzes administrative integration dynamics between Cheongju and Cheongwon, highlighting geo-political conditions, key issues, and implementation plans between two administrative authorities. It expects that the integrated jurisdiction as a whole would increase the urban attractiveness as it can facilitate territorial development plans from macro-level. Furthermore, if the integrated authority keeps balanced territorial principles, which would be well reflected in the mutual agreement between two administrative units, it would also guarantee the increased urban attractiveness in the integrated jurisdiction. Nonetheless, compared to Cheongwon, which might be wider open to the location of NIMBY facilities, it would be more difficult for Cheongju to pay attention to territorial development confined to its original jurisdiction in the short run.

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Analysis of the Nature of Science (NOS) in Integrated Science Textbooks of the 2015 Revised Curriculum (2015 개정 교육과정 통합과학 교과서의 과학의 본성(NOS) 분석)

  • Jeon, Young Been;Lee, Young Hee
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.273-288
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to investigate the presentation of the Nature of Science (NOS) in integrated science textbooks of the 2015 revised curriculum. The five integrated science textbooks published by the revised 2015 curriculum were analyzed with the conceptual framework of the four themes of the Nature of Science (NOS) (Lee, 2013) based on scientific literacy. The four themes of the NOS are 1. nature of scientific knowledge (theme I), 2. nature of scientific inquiry (theme II), 3. nature of scientific thinking (theme III), and 4. nature of interactions among science, technology, and society. The reliability of the textbooks analysis was measured between two coders by the Cohen's kappa and resulted in between 0,83 and 0,96, which means the results of analysis was consistent and reliable. The findings were as follows. First, overall theme II, nature of scientific inquiry emphasized on the integrated science textbooks of the 2015 revised curriculum by devoting the contents over 40 % in the all five publishing companies' textbooks. Second, while the theme II, nature of scientific inquiry was emphasized on the textbooks regardless of the publishing companies, other themes of the NOS were emphasized in different portions by the publishing companies. Thus, the focus among other three themes of the NOS was presented differently by the publishing companies except that in theme II, nature of scientific inquiry was most emphasized on integrated science textbooks. Third, the presentation of the NOS was identified similarly across the topics of integrated science textbooks except on topic 4. Environment and Energy. The theme IV, nature of interactions among science, technology, and society was emphasized reasonably only in the topic of Environment and Energy of the textbooks. Finally, the presentation of the NOS in the integrated science textbooks of the 2015 revised curriculum were more balanced among the four themes of the NOS with focus on the scientific inquiry compared to the previous curriculum textbooks.

Analysis of the Effectiveness on Instructional Program by Water Circulation System Device (물의 순환 시스템 장치 개발 및 수업 프로그램 효과 분석)

  • Kang, Jung Su;Kim, Hyoungbum
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.21-37
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of the study is to visualize the concept of water circulation in elementary school students through science behavioral system. Elementary school students found it difficult to understand concepts related to the water cycle. Most of the elementary school children think it rains because the clouds are heavier. It is most difficult to explain invisible concepts to elementary school children. Also, experiments in current textbooks are likely to disrupt scientific concepts. Accordingly, conventional water cycle, dew, fog, and cloud experiments were integrated into one system. The researchers then developed a device that allowed students to see the water's circulation at a glance. It is intended to enable integrated thinking on evaporation, condensation and precipitation. In addition, a instruction program to guide students using the system has been developed to demonstrate its effectiveness. Employing a quasi-experimental design, the participants were measured on their concepts of evaporation, condensation, and water circulation before and after participation. The findings indicated that the experiment is more effective in changing the concepts of evaporation, condensation, and water circulation than in previous experiments. Also, the optimal conditions for making use of the device were found, and there were no various experimental parameters, such as condensation.

Research on the Curriculum for Integration of ICT+Design (ICT+디자인 융합 교육과정 개발연구)

  • Jeong, Sang-Hoon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2017
  • Nowadays, novel and innovative technology including 3D printers, internet of things (IoT), and wearable devices are rapidly emerging. As we must constantly keep up with the most recent trends, words like convergence, multidisciplinarity, and design revolution indeed define society today. Due to the expansion of such diverse technological, industrial, and academic convergence trends, the role of design is becoming evermore essential in development of products as well as creative services. Even the government is pushing towards a 'creative economy' by encouraging ICT convergence to create novel industries as well as advanced jobs. In order to adapt flexibly to such changes in global trends, a solid academic curriculum centered around 'ICT+Design' must be developed. In the current research, we analyzed various literature and benchmarked the major universities both domestic and foreign. Also we utilized a survey-based approach against subjects who are experts or design specialists working in environments related to industry and research. In our proposed integrated ICT+Design educational curriculum, students familiarize themselves with design perspectives and methodology to creatively carry out the course. Moreover, experts from design and ICT came together in an act of 'Radical Collaboration' in which they shared their unique 'Design Thinking' in order to promote understanding and cooperation. Furthermore, industry experts have also taken part as mentors in order to create a workplace-oriented course with various integrated projects. Most importantly, the course was designed so that in addition to research, students can really get hands-on with their ideas in the creativity-integrated workplace.