• 제목/요약/키워드: Innovative IT Product

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디지털 무역협정의 국경 간 데이터 이전 자유화 연구 (A Study on Liberalization of Cross-Border Data Transfer in Digital Trade Agreements)

  • 정재승
    • 한국정보통신학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정보통신학회 2022년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.627-628
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    • 2022
  • 디지털 무역은 관련 산업 및 거래의 종류가 다양하고 범위도 넓어서 국제적으로 통용되는 명문화된 정의는 없으나, 일반적으로 기존 상품 중심의 전자상거래를 포함, '인터넷과 ICT 등 디지털 기술을 이용한 국가간 교역 활동(상품+서비스+Data) 전반'을 의미한다. 최근에는 4차 산업혁명으로 인한 IT 등 기술의 발전으로 디지털 무역에 혁신적인 변화가 발생하고 있고, 미국, EU, 일본 등 선진국들은 데이터 이동 자유화 등 디지털 무역 이슈를 디지털무역협정의 협상안건에 포함시키고 있다. 국경 간 데이터 이동 자유화에 대한 쟁점은 디지털 무역 활성화를 위해 데이터 이동의 자유가 필요하나, 정보 보안과 사생활 침해의 위험성도 증가한다는 것이다. 선진국들의 방향을 살펴보면, 미국은 규제 최소화, 유럽은 역내 단일시장화는 찬성하나 소극적 대외 개방, 중국은 규제를 통한 독자적 시장육성 입장을 치하고 있다. 따라서 국경간 데이터 이동 제한조치 강화 조치는 최근 국가별로 정책이 시행되고 있거나 조만간 국제적 합의가 예정되어 있는 이슈로 우리나라도 이에 대한 긴밀한 대응이 필요하다.

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컨버전스 환경 하에서 통신.방송 결합상품 수용의도에영향을 미치는 서비스 특성 연구 (The Service Features Influencing the Acceptance of Telecommunication-Broadcasting Bundling in Convergence Environment)

  • 심진보
    • 기술혁신연구
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.59-89
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    • 2010
  • 컨버전스는 소비자 니즈의 다양화, 고도화 및 관련 IT기술의 발전을 기반으로 21세기의 문화와 사회를 대표하는 키워드로 부각되었다. 현재 우리 사회는 컨버전스의 진화 단계에 있어 두 번째 단계인 산업간 융합 단계, 즉 IT의 활용 범위가 확대되면서 방송, 통신, 금융, 자동차, 의료 등 다양한 산업 영역이 융합되는 단계에 있으며, 본 연구의 대상인 통신 방송 결합상품은 이런 산업간 융합의 대표적 사례이다. 본 연구는 통신 방송 결합상품의 수용과정에 기술혁신상품의 수용모델인 TAM을 적용하여 결합상품의 서비스특성이 소비자의 해당 상품 수용의도에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 연구결과, 통 방 결합상품의 주요 서비스특성인 저렴한 비용(가격할인), 서비스 통합성, 선택가능성이 소비자의 지각된 유용성, 지각된 이용편의성 및 지각된 위험에 영향을 주어 소비자의 수용의도를 높일 수 있다는 것을 확인하였다. 본 연구결과는 통신 방송 결합상품의 수용과 확산을 위해서 가격할인 전략(요금전략)과 더불어 이용요금고지시스템, 납부시스템, 콜서비스시스템, 설치 및 A/S시스템의 통합과 같은 시스템적 통합(서비스전략), 그리고 이용자에게 선택권을 줄 수 있는 결합상품 및 관련 옵션들의 개발(상품전략)이 필요하다는 시사점을 제시하고 있다.

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비재벌공사여하재재벌경제중생존((非财阀公司如何在财阀经济中生存)? ‐공사층면영소전략적분석(公司层面营销战略的分析)‐ (How Can Non.Chaebol Companies Thrive in the Chaebol Economy?)

  • Kim, Nam-Kuk;Sengupta, Sanjit;Kim, Dong-Jae
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 2009
  • 现有的文献广泛的关注财阀以及他们的所有权和支配权的优点和弱点, 但是几乎没有关于韩国非财阀公司的研究. 然而, Lee, Lee and Pennings (2001)并没有特别的探讨在韩国国内市场非财阀公司为求生存而对抗财阀公司的具有竞争力的战略. 本文的研究动机是通过四个探索性案例的研究, 韩国非财阀公司对抗财阀公司的成功的竞争战略和提出的建议可能会对其他的企业以及公共政策制定者有所帮助. 从产品相似性和公司内的合作关系分别定义竞争和合作的概念. 从这两个方面, 我们开发了以下$2{\times}2$ 矩阵, 为非财阀公司对抗财阀公司提供四种竞争战略. 在小组1的非财阀公司在高端市场对财阀公司让步, 但在低端市场有 "我也是在低端市场" 的产品, 同时承认在高端市场的财阀. 在小组2, 非财阀公司以供应商或互补企业的身份成为财阀公司的合伙人. 在小组3, 非财阀企业从事与财阀直接竞争. 在小组4, 非财阀企业的目标, 以产品创新或服务填补目标市场空白点. 我们选择的4个公司分别是E‐Rae电子企业公司(共存方), Intops(供应商), Pantech(竞争对手)和Humax(小众市场成员). 通过分析这4个案例, 相互提供更丰富的洞察力战略. 基于我们的概念框架, 提出下列假设 : 假设1 : 与财阀公司有合作关系的非财阀公司比没有合作关系的公司表现得更好. 假设1a: 共存方会比竞争方表现得更好. 假设1b: 合伙方会比小众市场成员表现得更好. 假设2: 与财阀公司的产品没有相似性的公司比有相似性的公司表现得要更好. 假设2a: 合伙方比共存放表现得更好 假设2b: 小众市场成员会比竞争方表现得更好. 假设3: 小众市场成员应比共存方表现得更好. 假设4: 按绩效的降序排列依次是合作者, 小众市场成员, 共存方, 竞争方. 一组专家按照我们4组的分类把216家非财阀公司分类. 用SPSS统计软件中的简单方差分析来检验假设. 结果发现. 与财阀公司有合作关系的以及提供与财阀公司不同的产品或服务比较好. 很明确的一点是, 平均来说, 若要对抗财阀公司中获利, 其战略是成为合伙人(供应商或组成部分). 直接与财阀公司硬碰硬的竞争是要付出极高代价的战略, 而这种代价不是非财阀公司能负担得起的. 避免与财阀公司迎面竞争的战略是用不同的产品服务于利己市场, 或是服务于被财阀公司忽视掉的低端市场. 些战略是比较好的生存战略. 本文说明在财阀环境中, 韩国的中小型非财阀公司有一些方法可以生存, 尽管不是没有风险. 根据不同的竞争组合, 合作的公司可以根据产品相似性以及合作关系的维度来选择定位从而制定自己的竞争战略. 例如共存方, 竞争对手, 合伙人, 小众市场成员. 根据我们的探索性案例分析, 合伙人对非财阀公司来说可能是最好的战略, 而竞争者则是有很大风险的. 小众市场成员和共存方处于中间, 但前者比后者要好. 很多中小型企业的管理者只是用简单的, 不是合作就是竞争的观点来审视市场的领导者‐典型的就是财阀. 结果. 很多非财阀公司变成被动的合作者或被自己的竞争对手财阀所击败. 事实上, 合作和竞争并不是互相排斥的, 是可以同时被追求的. 正如本文所建议的, 非财阀公司可以根据他们的环境, 内部资源和能力灵活的选择合作和竞争.

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중소기업 경영자의 기업가적 지향성이 제품 및 서비스혁신을 매개로 경영성과에 미치는 영향 (The Influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation of Small-Medium Enterprise's CEO on Business Performance: Mediating Effect of Product and Service Innovation)

  • 최수형;강희경;안나
    • 벤처창업연구
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.145-157
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    • 2017
  • 중소기업은 국내경제에서 중요한 역할을 차지하고 있으며 예측하지 못한 변화에 유연하게 대응하는 역량으로 경쟁하는 시대에서는 중소기업이 가지는 민첩성이 더욱 강조된다. 이러한 혁신을 가능하게 하는 중소기업의 원천에는 기업가적 지향성이 중요한 요인으로 지적되고 있다. 기업가적 지향성(Entrepreneurial Orientation)이란 기업의 최고경영자 또는 구성원들이 다양한 시장기회에 직면해서 혁신적이고 위험을 감수하며 적극적으로 행동하려는 성향을 가리킨다. 즉, 특정한 기술이나 산업에 구애받지 않고 기업 전반의 활동에서 나타내는 성향을 말하며 이는 경영성과에 직, 간접적으로 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 중소기업 경영자의 기업가적 지향성이 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 대해 이론 및 실증연구를 진행하였다. 이론연구를 통해 연구가설을 도출하였는데 특히 혁신활동의 매개효과에 주목하여 제품혁신과 서비스혁신 활동을 통해 기업가적 지향성이 경영성과로 이어지는 메커니즘을 규명하고자 하였다. 기업가적 지향성의 하위변수인 혁신성, 진취성, 위험감수성이 혁신의 하위변수인 제품혁신과 서비스혁신을 매개로 경영성과에 영향을 미칠 것인지 연구가설을 설정하였다. 부산, 경남지역의 중소기업을 대상으로 조사를 진행하여 연구가설을 검증하였다. 결과 제품혁신과 서비스혁신은 매개효과를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 제품혁신은 위험감수성이 경영성과에 미치는 영향을 매개하였으며, 서비스혁신은 혁신성, 진취성, 위험감수성이 경영성과에 미치는 영향을 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 두 혁신 간에 매개효과의 차이가 있었는데, 제품혁신은 매개효과의 비중이 낮고 직접효과가 큰 것으로 나타났으며, 서비스혁신의 경우 상대적으로 매개효과가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 결론에서는 제품혁신과 서비스혁신이 가지는 본질적인 차이와 관련하여 연구결과의 시사점을 도출하였으며 연구의 한계점 및 향후 연구방향을 제시하였다.

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Computer Aided Innovation 역량이 연구개발역량에 미치는 효과: 국내 중소기업을 대상으로 (The Effects of the Computer Aided Innovation Capabilities on the R&D Capabilities: Focusing on the SMEs of Korea)

  • 심재억;변무장;문효곤;오재인
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.25-53
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    • 2013
  • This study analyzes the effect of Computer Aided Innovation (CAI) to improve R&D Capabilities empirically. Survey was distributed by e-mail and Google Docs, targeting CTO of 235 SMEs. 142 surveys were returned back (rate of return 60.4%) from companies. Survey results from 119 companies (83.8%) which are effective samples except no-response, insincere response, estimated value, etc. were used for statistics analysis. Companies with less than 50billion KRW sales of entire researched companies occupy 76.5% in terms of sample traits. Companies with less than 300 employees occupy 83.2%. In terms of the type of company business Partners (called 'partners with big companies' hereunder) who work with big companies for business occupy 68.1%. SMEs based on their own business (called 'independent small companies') appear to occupy 31.9%. The present status of holding IT system according to traits of company business was classified into partners with big companies versus independent SMEs. The present status of ERP is 18.5% to 34.5%. QMS is 11.8% to 9.2%. And PLM (Product Life-cycle Management) is 6.7% to 2.5%. The holding of 3D CAD is 47.1% to 21%. IT system-holding and its application of independent SMEs seemed very vulnerable, compared with partner companies of big companies. This study is comprised of IT infra and IT Utilization as CAI capacity factors which are independent variables. factors of R&D capabilities which are independent variables are organization capability, process capability, HR capability, technology-accumulating capability, and internal/external collaboration capability. The highest average value of variables was 4.24 in organization capability 2. The lowest average value was 3.01 in IT infra which makes users access to data and information in other areas and use them with ease when required during new product development. It seems that the inferior environment of IT infra of general SMEs is reflected in CAI itself. In order to review the validity used to measure variables, Factors have been analyzed. 7 factors which have over 1.0 pure value of their dependent and independent variables were extracted. These factors appear to explain 71.167% in total of total variances. From the result of factor analysis about measurable variables in this study, reliability of each item was checked by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. All measurable factors at least over 0.611 seemed to acquire reliability. Next, correlation has been done to explain certain phenomenon by correlation analysis between variables. As R&D capabilities factors which are arranged as dependent variables, organization capability, process capability, HR capability, technology-accumulating capability, and internal/external collaboration capability turned out that they acquire significant correlation at 99% reliability level in all variables of IT infra and IT Utilization which are independent variables. In addition, correlation coefficient between each factor is less than 0.8, which proves that the validity of this study judgement has been acquired. The pair with the highest coefficient had 0.628 for IT utilization and technology-accumulating capability. Regression model which can estimate independent variables was used in this study under the hypothesis that there is linear relation between independent variables and dependent variables so as to identify CAI capability's impact factors on R&D. The total explanations of IT infra among CAI capability for independent variables such as organization capability, process capability, human resources capability, technology-accumulating capability, and collaboration capability are 10.3%, 7%, 11.9%, 30.9%, and 10.5% respectively. IT Utilization exposes comprehensively low explanatory capability with 12.4%, 5.9%, 11.1%, 38.9%, and 13.4% for organization capability, process capability, human resources capability, technology-accumulating capability, and collaboration capability respectively. However, both factors of independent variables expose very high explanatory capability relatively for technology-accumulating capability among independent variable. Regression formula which is comprised of independent variables and dependent variables are all significant (P<0.005). The suitability of regression model seems high. When the results of test for dependent variables and independent variables are estimated, the hypothesis of 10 different factors appeared all significant in regression analysis model coefficient (P<0.01) which is estimated to affect in the hypothesis. As a result of liner regression analysis between two independent variables drawn by influence factor analysis for R&D capability and R&D capability. IT infra and IT Utilization which are CAI capability factors has positive correlation to organization capability, process capability, human resources capability, technology-accumulating capability, and collaboration capability with inside and outside which are dependent variables, R&D capability factors. It was identified as a significant factor which affects R&D capability. However, considering adjustable variables, a big gap is found, compared to entire company. First of all, in case of partner companies with big companies, in IT infra as CAI capability, organization capability, process capability, human resources capability, and technology capability out of R&D capacities seems to have positive correlation. However, collaboration capability appeared insignificance. IT utilization which is a CAI capability factor seemed to have positive relation to organization capability, process capability, human resources capability, and internal/external collaboration capability just as those of entire companies. Next, by analyzing independent types of SMEs as an adjustable variable, very different results were found from those of entire companies or partner companies with big companies. First of all, all factors in IT infra except technology-accumulating capability were rejected. IT utilization was rejected except technology-accumulating capability and collaboration capability. Comprehending the above adjustable variables, the following results were drawn in this study. First, in case of big companies or partner companies with big companies, IT infra and IT utilization affect improving R&D Capabilities positively. It was because most of big companies encourage innovation by using IT utilization and IT infra building over certain level to their partner companies. Second, in all companies, IT infra and IT utilization as CAI capability affect improving technology-accumulating capability positively at least as R&D capability factor. The most of factor explanation is low at around 10%. However, technology-accumulating capability is rather high around 25.6% to 38.4%. It was found that CAI capability contributes to technology-accumulating capability highly. Companies shouldn't consider IT infra and IT utilization as a simple product developing tool in R&D section. However, they have to consider to use them as a management innovating strategy tool which proceeds entire-company management innovation centered in new product development. Not only the improvement of technology-accumulating capability in department of R&D. Centered in new product development, it has to be used as original management innovative strategy which proceeds entire company management innovation. It suggests that it can be a method to improve technology-accumulating capability in R&D section and Dynamic capability to acquire sustainable competitive advantage.

MP3Player의 변화에서 나타나는 재매개적 특성 I : 계보적 변화와 재매개성 (Remediation Characteristics that Appear in the Change of MP3Player I : Re-mediation and Genealogical Change)

  • 이진혁;이영천;구윤희
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제13권11호
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2013
  • iPod Touch는 초기의 음악 재생기능을 무색하게 할 만큼 다양한 응용소프트웨어가 제공되고, UI를 UX의 차원으로 한층 높임으로써 혁신적이라는 평을 받기도 하였다. 또한 인터넷을 통한 다양한 영상의 제공이 이루어 졌음에도 불구하고 일부에서는 여전히 MP3Player의 상품분류가 음향기기로 인식되고 있다. 어떻게 음향기기가 하루아침에 영상 장치가 되었는지, 그러기까지 어떠한 요인들이 작용했는지는 매체의 본질적 변화 외에도 사회적, 문화적, 그리고 기술적 변화의 요일들이 존재할 것이다. 이 연구는 MP3Player의 매체적 특성에 관한 연구이다. 즉 MP3Player의 계보적 변화를 4개의 지점으로 분류할 수 있었다. 그리고 분류에 따른 각 지점별 특성을 분석하였다. 그 결과 MP3Player의 계보적 변화에는 기술적 변화와 사회적 맥락성이 함께 관계하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 하나의 장치가 변화하는 데에는 다양한 요소들이 존재하지만, MP3Player의 계보적 변화의 요인에는 사회적 요구와 맥락, 그리고 기술적 변화의 총체성을 보이고 있다고 하겠다.

온라인 쇼핑을 이용하는 소비자 특성이 옴니채널 전략에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Consumer Characteristics Using Online Shopping on Omni-Channel Strategy)

  • 오형술;조수연;유정상
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.173-180
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    • 2017
  • Omni-channel strategy is an innovative paradigm for integrated information distribution of inventory, sales, operations, marketing, delivery, pickups and returns in supply chain management. Recently the distribution strategy faces new challenges with the advent of mobile distribution channels. Social media with countless apps imposes additional stress on supply chain operations. Due to these changes, distribution network in supply chain is changing naturally and rapidly from multi-channel to omnni-channel platform. Recently numerous domestic distributors establish and adapt this new supply chain optimization tool as a part of seamless flow of movements of goods from one channel to other channels. The objective of this paper is to present a preliminary findings on how omnni-channel affects the supply chain management. A survey is used to ascertain in the degree of omnni-channel implementation and statistical evidence is provided to test sets of hypothesis. The results of the questionnaire showed that consumers' purchasing styles differed by gender, age, purchase purpose, and product type. In particular, women consider purchasing experience in omni-channel to be important. As food and household goods can be conveniently shipped, consumers prefer online purchasing it. Conversely, consumers tend to favor omni-channel strategy in connection with offline experience in IT products.

한국 제조업의 산업별 기술혁신패턴 분석 (Sectoral Patterns of Technological Innovation in Korean Manufacturing Sector)

  • 홍장표;김은영
    • 기술혁신연구
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.25-53
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구에서는 Pavitt(1984)의 산업별 기술혁식패턴론을 토대로 한국 제조업의 산업별 혁신원천과 기술혁신패턴을 비교 분석하였다. 이에 따라 과학기술정책연구원 "2005년 기술혁신활동조사표: 제조업" DB 자료를 사용하여 공급자지배산업, 생산집약적산업, 과학기반산업으로 구분하고 계량모형을 이용하여 실증 분석하였는데, 주요 실증결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째 혁신정보의 원천 측면에서 공급자지배산업에서는 기업외부정보의 혁신 기여도가 높고, 과학기반산업과 생산집약적 산업에서는 기업내부정보의 혁신 기여도가 높았다. 둘째 외부지식활용방식 측면에서는 공급자지배산업에서는 외부지식구매, 과학기반산업에서는 공동개발, 생산집약적 산업에서는 외부지식구매와 공동개발이 혁신성과에 기여하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째 외부기관과의 지식연계 측면에서는 공급자 지배산업은 공급업체, 생산집약적산업은 고객업체, 과학기반산업에서는 대학 연구기관과의 연계가 기술혁신에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과로부터 과학기술산업은 산학연 지식연계, 생산 집약적 산업은 기업간 지식연계, 공급자지배산업은 외부지식의 흡수능력 배양 등 산업별 기술패턴을 고려한 혁신지원정책이 필요하다는 시사점을 얻고 있다.

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Philips사의 디자인경영 및 미래디자인 전략에 대한 연구 (A Study on the Design Management & Future Design Strategy of Philips)

  • 이해묵
    • 디자인학연구
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2000
  • 세계화(Globalization)라는 국경 없는 글러벌 시장에서 디자인은 새로운 경쟁력의 원천이 되고 있다. 1970년대까지만 해도 기업의 경쟁력은 기술이었으며 디자인의 역할은 스타일링이나 그래픽적 요소에 대한 것으로 인식되었었다. 그러나 1980년대 이후 디자인은 더욱 기업의 경쟁력을 키우는 중요한 수단으로 인식되었고 세계적인 기업들은 더 이상 제품의 외관이나 색채를 결정하는 일이 아니라 제품의 성능은 물론 품격을 만들어 내는 막강한 경쟁력이라는 것을 인식하게 되었다. 세계적인 다국적기업 필립스의 경우도 디자인 정책의 변화는 이같은 추이를 반영하고 있다. 1970년대까지 디자인 책임자의 권한은 제한적일 수밖에 없었다. 그러나 1980년대 이후 필립스의 경쟁력 우위를 위한 전략에 주력하였고 미국의 디자이너이자 경영자인 로버트 블레이크(Robert Blaich)를 영입하여 디자인의 역할을 넓히고 조직을 개편하였으며 글로벌화를 추진하였다. 또한 1990년대의 디자인 책임자 스테파노 마르자노(Stefano Marzano)는 하이디자인(High Design)의 개념을 만들고 고객 지향적이면서 상업적인 성공을 할 수 있는 미래전략(Strategic Futures)을 강구하였다. 1996년까지 3년에 걸쳐 개발된 미래의 비젼(Vision of the Future)은 미래 10년을 예측하고 정보화 시대에 대비한 혁신적 제품디자인으로서 디자인을 통한 기업의 목표달성과 새로운 가치 창조를 할 수 있었다.

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Perceptional Change of a New Product, DMB Phone

  • Kim, Ju-Young;Ko, Deok-Im
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.59-88
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    • 2008
  • Digital Convergence means integration between industry, technology, and contents, and in marketing, it usually comes with creation of new types of product and service under the base of digital technology as digitalization progress in electro-communication industries including telecommunication, home appliance, and computer industries. One can see digital convergence not only in instruments such as PC, AV appliances, cellular phone, but also in contents, network, service that are required in production, modification, distribution, re-production of information. Convergence in contents started around 1990. Convergence in network and service begins as broadcasting and telecommunication integrates and DMB(digital multimedia broadcasting), born in May, 2005 is the symbolic icon in this trend. There are some positive and negative expectations about DMB. The reason why two opposite expectations exist is that DMB does not come out from customer's need but from technology development. Therefore, customers might have hard time to interpret the real meaning of DMB. Time is quite critical to a high tech product, like DMB because another product with same function from different technology can replace the existing product within short period of time. If DMB does not positioning well to customer's mind quickly, another products like Wibro, IPTV, or HSPDA could replace it before it even spreads out. Therefore, positioning strategy is critical for success of DMB product. To make correct positioning strategy, one needs to understand how consumer interprets DMB and how consumer's interpretation can be changed via communication strategy. In this study, we try to investigate how consumer perceives a new product, like DMB and how AD strategy change consumer's perception. More specifically, the paper segment consumers into sub-groups based on their DMB perceptions and compare their characteristics in order to understand how they perceive DMB. And, expose them different printed ADs that have messages guiding consumer think DMB in specific ways, either cellular phone or personal TV. Research Question 1: Segment consumers according to perceptions about DMB and compare characteristics of segmentations. Research Question 2: Compare perceptions about DMB after AD that induces categorization of DMB in direction for each segment. If one understand and predict a direction in which consumer perceive a new product, firm can select target customers easily. We segment consumers according to their perception and analyze characteristics in order to find some variables that can influence perceptions, like prior experience, usage, or habit. And then, marketing people can use this variables to identify target customers and predict their perceptions. If one knows how customer's perception is changed via AD message, communication strategy could be constructed properly. Specially, information from segmented customers helps to develop efficient AD strategy for segment who has prior perception. Research framework consists of two measurements and one treatment, O1 X O2. First observation is for collecting information about consumer's perception and their characteristics. Based on first observation, the paper segment consumers into two groups, one group perceives DMB similar to Cellular phone and the other group perceives DMB similar to TV. And compare characteristics of two segments in order to find reason why they perceive DMB differently. Next, we expose two kinds of AD to subjects. One AD describes DMB as Cellular phone and the other Ad describes DMB as personal TV. When two ADs are exposed to subjects, consumers don't know their prior perception of DMB, in other words, which subject belongs 'similar-to-Cellular phone' segment or 'similar-to-TV' segment? However, we analyze the AD's effect differently for each segment. In research design, final observation is for investigating AD effect. Perception before AD is compared with perception after AD. Comparisons are made for each segment and for each AD. For the segment who perceives DMB similar to TV, AD that describes DMB as cellular phone could change the prior perception. And AD that describes DMB as personal TV, could enforce the prior perception. For data collection, subjects are selected from undergraduate students because they have basic knowledge about most digital equipments and have open attitude about a new product and media. Total number of subjects is 240. In order to measure perception about DMB, we use indirect measurement, comparison with other similar digital products. To select similar digital products, we pre-survey students and then finally select PDA, Car-TV, Cellular Phone, MP3 player, TV, and PSP. Quasi experiment is done at several classes under instructor's allowance. After brief introduction, prior knowledge, awareness, and usage about DMB as well as other digital instruments is asked and their similarities and perceived characteristics are measured. And then, two kinds of manipulated color-printed AD are distributed and similarities and perceived characteristics for DMB are re-measured. Finally purchase intension, AD attitude, manipulation check, and demographic variables are asked. Subjects are given small gift for participation. Stimuli are color-printed advertising. Their actual size is A4 and made after several pre-test from AD professionals and students. As results, consumers are segmented into two subgroups based on their perceptions of DMB. Similarity measure between DMB and cellular phone and similarity measure between DMB and TV are used to classify consumers. If subject whose first measure is less than the second measure, she is classified into segment A and segment A is characterized as they perceive DMB like TV. Otherwise, they are classified as segment B, who perceives DMB like cellular phone. Discriminant analysis on these groups with their characteristics of usage and attitude shows that Segment A knows much about DMB and uses a lot of digital instrument. Segment B, who thinks DMB as cellular phone doesn't know well about DMB and not familiar with other digital instruments. So, consumers with higher knowledge perceive DMB similar to TV because launching DMB advertising lead consumer think DMB as TV. Consumers with less interest on digital products don't know well about DMB AD and then think DMB as cellular phone. In order to investigate perceptions of DMB as well as other digital instruments, we apply Proxscal analysis, Multidimensional Scaling technique at SPSS statistical package. At first step, subjects are presented 21 pairs of 7 digital instruments and evaluate similarity judgments on 7 point scale. And for each segment, their similarity judgments are averaged and similarity matrix is made. Secondly, Proxscal analysis of segment A and B are done. At third stage, get similarity judgment between DMB and other digital instruments after AD exposure. Lastly, similarity judgments of group A-1, A-2, B-1, and B-2 are named as 'after DMB' and put them into matrix made at the first stage. Then apply Proxscal analysis on these matrixes and check the positional difference of DMB and after DMB. The results show that map of segment A, who perceives DMB similar as TV, shows that DMB position closer to TV than to Cellular phone as expected. Map of segment B, who perceive DMB similar as cellular phone shows that DMB position closer to Cellular phone than to TV as expected. Stress value and R-square is acceptable. And, change results after stimuli, manipulated Advertising show that AD makes DMB perception bent toward Cellular phone when Cellular phone-like AD is exposed, and that DMB positioning move towards Car-TV which is more personalized one when TV-like AD is exposed. It is true for both segment, A and B, consistently. Furthermore, the paper apply correspondence analysis to the same data and find almost the same results. The paper answers two main research questions. The first one is that perception about a new product is made mainly from prior experience. And the second one is that AD is effective in changing and enforcing perception. In addition to above, we extend perception change to purchase intention. Purchase intention is high when AD enforces original perception. AD that shows DMB like TV makes worst intention. This paper has limitations and issues to be pursed in near future. Methodologically, current methodology can't provide statistical test on the perceptual change, since classical MDS models, like Proxscal and correspondence analysis are not probability models. So, a new probability MDS model for testing hypothesis about configuration needs to be developed. Next, advertising message needs to be developed more rigorously from theoretical and managerial perspective. Also experimental procedure could be improved for more realistic data collection. For example, web-based experiment and real product stimuli and multimedia presentation could be employed. Or, one can display products together in simulated shop. In addition, demand and social desirability threats of internal validity could influence on the results. In order to handle the threats, results of the model-intended advertising and other "pseudo" advertising could be compared. Furthermore, one can try various level of innovativeness in order to check whether it make any different results (cf. Moon 2006). In addition, if one can create hypothetical product that is really innovative and new for research, it helps to make a vacant impression status and then to study how to form impression in more rigorous way.

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