• 제목/요약/키워드: Information systems investments

검색결과 133건 처리시간 0.027초

포괄적인 정보시스템 성과평가모형에 관한 연구 (A Comprehensive Model for Measuring Information Systems Performance)

  • 안봉근;주기중;권해익
    • 경영과학
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2004
  • Measuring performance of corporate information system has become one of the core issues in that development of the information system requires substantial amount of investments and the system works as a crucial leverage to enhance competitive edge. Most of the previous researches for performance of the information system have narrow and limited focus on such as the effect of user satisfaction and productivity. This paper suggests a model to measures the comprehensive performance which is classified as user scope (user involvement and satisfaction), operational scope (task productivity, task innovation, customer satisfaction, management control) and efficiency scope (financial performance), and to represent the relationship among the scopes by the path analysis model. Followings are conclusions from statistical hypothesis test of the model: (i) user involvement through user satisfaction has positive effect on all the performances in the operational scope, (ii) task innovation and customer satisfaction in the operational scope has statistically significant impact on financial performance but task productivity and management control do not. This conclusion indicates that task productivity and management control has the long term effect in nature, and evaluation of the information system has managerial implication when it Is measured in comprehensive performance which includes internal operational performances as well as financial performance.

지식경영의 효율적인 운영방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on the efficient Operation Policy of Knowledge Management)

  • 문창수
    • 경영과정보연구
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    • 제14권
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    • pp.181-193
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    • 2004
  • This paper is concerned with the study of 'Knowledge Management', a paradigm of thought based on the idea that the future will be a knowledge-centered society. This paper also provides an overview of both 'what to manage' and 'how to manage' if an organization wants to develop in this environment. The process of 'Knowledge Management' begins with a decision. Presented with a myriad of information, of which we can't afford to obtain it all, what information is of value to the organization? Further, by systematically organizing not only the primary information but also that which was accumulated in the process, Knowledge Management is capable of suggesting a value-added plan of action. This research presents the necessary principles needed in order to successfully use Knowledge Management, specifically a harmony between the human and technological aspects. There cannot be a static solution to the problem, as the environment of the enterprise's problem is dynamic in nature. Throughout the process, the enterprise will constantly change its strategy and structure in order to adapt to variable knowledge, technology, strategy, regulations, consumer interest, etc... The essential constant of these problems is the importance of spending on education. Investments in educations help develope a infrastructure for Information Technology, the development of knowledge distribution strategies, and the creation of efficient Knowledge Management policy.

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Does R&D Mediate the Impact of ICT on Productivity through Knowledge Transfer?

  • Christina Y. Jeong;Sang-Yong Tom Lee
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.728-749
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    • 2022
  • The information and communication technology (ICT) value creation process is inherently unobservable. In addition to the direct effect of ICT on productivity, some information or knowledge can create value through other knowledge activities. In this paper, we study the impact of ICT on productivity through R&D. We tested the mediating effect of R&D between ICT and productivity using panel data from 47 US industries from 1987 to 2013 from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The results show that R&D partially mediates ICT and productivity. That is, ICT directly increases productivity, and some of its effects can be realized through R&D. Recipients who acquire knowledge through ICT have to interpret codified ideas and apply them to practice. The increased absorptive capacity that can be developed through R&D improves interpretation ability, allowing employees to share more complex ideas. Thus, ICT helps people to effectively communicate, but some information and knowledge can be realized and applied through R&D knowledge activities. This is the first study empirically examining the process of ICT value creation through R&D. It also provides practical guidelines for knowledge management, such as making decisions about ICT and R&D investments that are better done concurrently rather than individually to maximize their impact on productivity.

정보화 투자 사전평가방법론: Best practice 평가기법 및 적용사례의 통합 (Ex Ante Evaluation Methodology for IT Investment Decision Making: Integrating the Current Best Practice Methods and Applications)

  • 이국희;박소현
    • 경영정보학연구
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.135-164
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    • 2008
  • 본 연구의 목적은 실무현장에서 필요로 하는 구체적, 실용적 정보화 투자 사전평가방법론을 제공하는데 있다. 이를 위하여 현재 시점에서 Best practice로 인식되고 있는 4개 조직의 사전평가 제도, 방법론, 수행사례를 벤치마킹하고, 그 프로세스, 지표, 측정기법을 통합하여 일관성있는 방법론 체계로 재구성하였다. 본 연구에서 선택한 Best practice 사례는 각각 민간기업과 공공조직, 서비스 분야와 제조 분야, 평가체계와 개별 평가사례를 대표한다고 볼 수 있다. 본 연구의 사전평가방법론은 크게 3단계로 구성되어 있다. 1단계 투자계획 타당성 분석에서는 제안된 정보화 계획 자체의 타당성을 사업계획 충실성, 추진의지, 투자비용 적정성, 중복투자, 조달가능성, 리스크 등의 관점에서 판단한다. 그리고 2단계에서는 정보화가 창출하는 효과의 타당성을 경제적, 전략적, 기술적 관점에서 분석하며, 3단계에서는 다양한 관점의 평가결과를 정량적으로 종합 평점화한다. 이 방법론은 Best practice사례가 축적한 수년간의 노하우와 검증된 가이드라인을 담고 있으며, 특히 리스크 분석, 화폐가치 산출, 종합평점 산출을 위한 정량화 기법은 여러 기업의 사전평가 담당자에게 유용한 참조모델을 제공할 수 있을 것이다. 이 연구는 그 동안 여러 기업들이 개별적으로 제기해 오던 문의와 요청에 대한 일괄적 대응으로 이해할 수 있다.

혁신이론과 정보기술 수용론을 사용한 SCM의 확산과 성과에 미치는 요인 (Factors of SCM Diffusion and Performance based Innovation Theory and IT Acceptance Theory)

  • 이재원
    • 디지털산업정보학회논문지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.197-209
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    • 2010
  • Supply Chain Management have been introduced and used as strategic weapon for many companies. Large investments in the SCM was made, but many companies are not fully getting the performance from the systems. The purpose of this study is to find the determinants of SCM difussion and performance in the perspective of Innovation and Information technology Acceptance. In developing the research model, The model consists of eight independent variables(Management support, Decision Making concentration, IS strategy, training education, relative advantage, technological compatibility, task compatibility, SCM cost), two moderator variables(interorganizational and intraorganizational diffusion), three dependant variables(efficiency, effectiveness, strategic advantage).

산업안전보건교육의 인센티브 모델에 관한 연구 (Incentive Models of the Occupational Safely and Health Education System)

  • 강종철;장성록
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 2004
  • Educational programs for promoting occupational safety and health have widely been established in advanced countries, such as United States and Germany, in the area of disaster prevention Focused attentions and investments for safety and health education have been placed especially for small and medium sized companies. Recently, information technologies have also been applied for the development and management of educational programs in those countries. It is also worth noting that a wide variety of incentive systems has been implemented for managers and workers to voluntarily Participate in safety and health education. Based on the brief survey on incentive systems in advanced countries, this study proposes two different incentive models, such as 'Supervision Exemption Model for Participants in Safety and Health Education' and 'Compensation Program fur Educational Expenses and Losses', which may efficiently be employed in Korea. These incentive models may contribute to revitalizing the occupational safety and health education which has recently been dwindled due to the changes in governmental regulations.

정보시스템 사용과 성과에 있어서 자발성의 조절효과에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Moderating Effect of Perceived Voluntariness in the Organizational Information System Usage and Performance)

  • 이승창;이호근;정창욱;정남호;서응교
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.195-221
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    • 2009
  • According to an industry report, a large number of organizations have invested in Organizational Information System(OIS) in the past few years. Several research results indicate that successful investments in OIS lead to productivity enhancement, while failed ones result in undesirable consequences such as financial losses and dissatisfaction among employees. In spite of huge investments, however, many organizations have failed in achieving the hoped-for returns from OIS. Thus, understanding user acceptance, adoption, and usage of new IS(Information Systems) is an important issue for IS practitioners. Indeed, study of the user acceptance of new information system has been one of the most important research topics in the contemporary IS literature. Several theoretical models are tested to examine 'user acceptance' and 'usage behavior' in IS context. While many research models incorporate 'ease of use' or 'usefulness' as important factors in explaining user acceptance, Technology Acceptance Model(TAM) has been one of the most widely applied models in user acceptance and usage behavior. Even in recent IS studies that employ theories of innovation diffusion in the area of IS implementation, a major focus has been on the user's perception of information technologies. In this research, we study 'voluntariness' as an important factor in IS acceptance by users. Voluntariness is defined as "the degree to which the use of the innovation is perceived as being voluntary, or of free will" When examining the diffusion of accepting OIS, a thoughtful consideration should be given to 'perceived voluntariness.' Current article has following research questions: 1) What models are appropriate to explain the success of OIS? and 2) How does the 'voluntariness' affect the success of OIS? In order to answer these questions, a research model is proposed to describe the detailed nature of association among three independent variables (IT usage level, task interdependency, and organizational support), a mediating variable (IS usage), a dependent variable (perceived performance), and a moderating variable(perceived voluntariness). The central claim of this article is that organizations hardly realize expected returns from OIS investments unless perceived voluntariness is effectively managed after operating OIS. As an example of OIS in this study we have selected the Intranet of Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF). ROKAF has implemented the Intranet in an attempt to improve communication and coordination within the organization. To test our research model and hypotheses, survey questionnaires were first sent out to 400 Intranet users. With the assistance of ROKAF, Intranet users were initially identified among its members, and subjects were randomly drawn from the pool. 377 survey responses were finally returned. The unit of measurement and analysis in this research is a personal level. Path analysis based on structural equation modeling was used to test research hypotheses. Construct validity represents accordance between the theoretical base concept of constructs and its measurement items. Tests for the reliability and discriminant validity are accepted, thus verifying our survey instrument. In this research, we have proposed a conceptual framework to highlight the importance of perceived voluntariness after organization deploys OIS. The results of our analysis present several key finding. First, all three independent variables (IT usage level, task interdependency, and organizational support) have significant effects on IS usage, which will eventually improve performance. Thus, IS usage plays a mediating role between antecedent variables (IT usage level. task interdependency, and organizational support) and performance improvement. Second, the effect of the task dependency was the highest for IS usage among the three antecedent variables. This is highly plausible since one of the Intranet's major capabilities is to facilitate communication among members within an organization. Accordingly, we conclude that the higher the task dependency, the higher Intranet usage. The effect of user's IT usage level was the second, while the effect of the organizational support was the third. Finally, the perceived voluntariness plays a pivotal role in enhancing perceived performance in personal level after launching the Intranet. Relationships among investigated variables were significantly different between groups with a high level and a low level of voluntariness. The impact of the Intranet usage on the performance was greater in the higher level voluntariness group than in the lower one. For the lower level voluntariness group, the user's IT usage had the highest effect on the Intranet usage among the three antecedent variables. In short, our study suggests that the higher the perceived voluntariness is the more IS usage will be. Perceived voluntariness was found to have a moderating effect on the relationships among user IT usage level, task interdependency, IS usage, and perceived performance, supporting all the hypotheses on the moderating effect. Most of all, user IT usage level has the strongest influence on IS usage, indicating that users with superior IT usage are more likely to enjoy a high level of perceived performance.

DEA를 활용한 주식 포트폴리오 구성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Investment Portfolios of Stocks using DEA)

  • 구승환;장성용
    • 경영과학
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2014
  • This study suggests the two types DEA models such as DEA CCR model and Super Efficiency model to evaluate the value of a company and to apply them for the investments. 14 kinds of real data of companies such as EV/EBITDA, EPS growth rate, PCR, PER, dividend yield, PBR, stock price/net current asset, debt ratio, current ratio, ROE, operating margin, inventory turnover, accounts receivable turnover, and sales growth ratio were used as input variables of DEA models. 12 year data from December 30, 2000 up to December 30, 2012 were collected, and the data with negative, missing and 0 values were removed reflecting the characteristics of the DEA. In order to verify the effectiveness of the models, we compared the historical variability and rate of return of both models those of the market. Study results are as follows. First, two DEA models are more stable than market in terms of rate of return because the historical variability of both models are less than that of market. Second, Super Efficiency model is more stable than CCR model. Lastly, the cumulative rate of return of Super Efficiency model (434%) is greater than that of the CCR model (420%) and that of the market (269%).

정보시스템 투자 전후 가치 격차 유발 장애요인: 탐색적 사례연구 (Barriers Causing the Value Gap between Expected and Realized Value in IS Investment: SCM/ERP/CRM)

  • 조남재;박기호
    • 경영정보학연구
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2003
  • 효율적 경영활동과 경쟁우위 확보 및 고객관계 경영을 죄하고자 하는 기업들은 정보시스템 투자 비율을 확대하고 있다. 그러나 현실적으로 볼 때 투자를 위한 의사결정 단계에서 검토되었던 정보시스템의 기대가치와 실현가치 간에는 예상치 못했던 격차가 발생하는 경우가 빈번하다. 또한 최근 e비즈니스 전략을 적극적으로 추진중인 기업들은 SCM(Supply Chain Management), ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM(Customer Relation-ship Management) 시스템을 상호 연동하고자 하는 요구가 증대되고 있다. 그러나 기존 연구들의 경우 개별 정보시스템 단위의 성공 요인들에 대한 연구가 대부분이고, 이들 시스템 간의 연동이나 시스템 구축이후 발생하는 조직 내외적인 장애요인 관련 연구는 미미한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 이들 시스템을 구축하여 운영중인 기업들을 선정하여 시스템별 그리고 시스템 간의 투자 전후가치격차 유발 요인을 규명하고자 하였다. 연구결과는 기업의 정보시스템 투자 의사결정시 반드시 사전에 고려하여야 할 가치격차 유발 요인들에 대한 통찰력을 제시할 수 있을 것이며, 관련 분야 연구의 실증적 접근을 위한 토대를 제시할 것이다.

효율적 해양탐사를 위한 해양조사선의 종합정보 통신망 구현 (An Implementation of Integrated Information and Communication Network of Oceanographic Research Vessels for Effective Ocean Investments)

  • 박종원;최영철;강준선;임용곤;김시문
    • 한국해양공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국해양공학회 2003년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.330-335
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    • 2003
  • This paper deals with the network interface of research and observation instruments in the oceanographic research vessel with an establishment of related database for measured information. The system is implemented to integrated communication network system which allows to effective survey by using real time observation and GUI(Graphic User Interface). The system also consists of the LAN systems and serial interface to link chemical, physical, biological and environmental relations. And, other network service and vessel data service for data communication between vessel and earth station such as INMARSAT-B, WWW service, BBS, E-Mail etc., are needed for integrated communication network system.

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