• Title/Summary/Keyword: Indigenous

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A Study on the Factors Retarding the Development of Public Libraries in Korea - With a Special Reference to the Consciousness of Librarians & Users- (한국의 전통문화와 공동도서관에 관한 연구)

  • Park In-Ung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.16
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    • pp.207-242
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    • 1989
  • This study hypothesizes that the present deadlock situation in public library development in Korea has chiefly been caused by the underdevelopment of the consciousness of the librarians themselves presently employed in various levels of public libraries throughout the country. This study, therefore, aims to define the areas in librarians' consciousness in which elements of backwardness prevail, and thereby to produce a theoretical framework to develop public library services in Korea on an indigenous footing. To do this, the present author set up a relationship between the traditional consciousness of the Korean People and the public library performances, based on existing published materials. In order to prove hisirelatonship, he then sent out questionnaires to public librarians and male high school students and analyzed the answered questionnaires using Pearson's Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis. Results of the analysis are asfollows: 1) Those who place an importance on the show of respectability tend to prefer to work in an indirect services area. 2) Male librarians tend to show a job satisfaction because of chances of promotion reflecting a positive correlation between this-worldiness of librarians and their job satisfaction. 3) Male librarians tend to be satisfied in their job for the conviction for their self-accomplishment, and female librarians tend to be satisfied in their job for the attention and respect they receive from users. 4) Library technicians tend to draw their job satisfaction from their sense of job stability. 5) Male librarians tend to be dissatisfied for the lack of the monetary rewards they receive, while female librarians tend to be dissatisfied for the lack of promotional chances. 6) Most librarians tend to maintain a positive job attitude for the promotional chances, reflecting a positive correlation between this­worldliness in librarians and their service attitude. 7) Power-orientednes in librarians and their job satisfaction correlate negatively in the case of male librarians. This does not apply to female librarians. 8) Power-orientedness and good service attitude correlate negatively in the case of male librarians. This does not apply to female librarians. 9) The fact that male high school students desire to enter good colleges and universities and to obtain a position in his job positively correlate to the fact that public libraries have transformed themselves into a mere reading room. 10) Male library science students show a maladjustment in their major department in earlier years for the professional uncertainty, and as they advance into senior years they show a positive attitude about the library profession.

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The effect of Salt and Food Preservatives on the Growth of Lactic acid bacteria isolated from Kimchi (김치에서 분리한 유산균의 생육에 미치는 식감과 식품보존료의 영향)

  • 안숙자
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 1988
  • Main lactic acid bacteria fermenting “Baechu Kimchi” and” “Dongchim”, which are indigenous fermented food in Korea, were isolated at optimum fermentation period and identified. The three groups of food preservatives-sorbic acid, p-hydroxybutyl benzoate (POBB), p-hydroxypropyl benzoate (POPB), and sorbic acid-POBB were prepared, and the effect of the food preservatives and various salt concentrations on those lactic acid bacteria was examined. The results obatined are as follows; 1. Lactic acid bacteria were isolated from “Baechu Kimchi” and “Dongchimi”and identifed as Leuconostoc mesonteriodse, Lactobacillus plantatum, Lactobacillus brevis, Streptococcus faecalis, and Pedicoccus pentosaceus. 2. Lactic acid bacteria were grown much better at 0.5-2% NaCl level than 0% NaCl level. 3. Among the isolated lactic acid bactera, Lactobacillus plantarum showed the highest acid producibility. The lower the concentration of NaCl, the higher the acid producibility by Leuconostoc mesentroides, and the other bacteria produced a large amount of acid at 0.5-2.5% NaCl level. 4. Both the sorbic acid (0.05-0.1%) and sorbic (0.05%)-POBB (0.004%) groups showed the highest preservatives effect. In contrast, however, POPB (0.01% ) Group showed the lowest effect, and the preservatives effect was enhanced by the addition of NaCl. Lactobacillus plantarum was least affected by all preservatives, whereas Leuconostoc mesentroides was most affected by them.

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A Study of "Missed Encounter" between American Culture and Latin Culture and the Border Theory (미국문화와 라틴문화의 '어긋난 조우'와 탈경계성 연구: 테오도르 루스벨트와 호세 마르티, 그리고 1898년 미서 전쟁을 중심으로)

  • Shin, Myoung Ash
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.25
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    • pp.55-85
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    • 2011
  • Many States such as Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, California, New Mexico, Florida were obtained either from Spanish Empire or from Mexico. In 1848 due to the Guadalupe-Hidalgo treaty America could obtain half of the original territory of Mexico. American identity cannot be understood without the history of American expansionism further consolidated by the Spanish-American War in 1898, which brought other ex-Spanish colonies such as Guam, Puerto Rico, the Philippines to the US. The US's interest in these territories dates back to the Monroe doctrine in 1823 when Monroe "declared the Americas off-limits to any new European colonization." America justifies their expansion based on the notion of Manifest Destiny which was created by O'Sullivan at the hight of American fever to annex Texas to US. The intent of this paper is to study how Anglo-Saxon and Latin Culture clashed against each other especially right before and after the Spanish-American War. In this study the American hero, Theodore Roosevelt and Latin American hero, $Jos{\acute{e}}$ Martí will be compared, though they did not meet each other during the Spanish-American war due to Marti's early death in 1895 at the battle for the Cuba Libre. Their comparison is significant in that the former represents the American expansionist spirit and the latter the spirit of Anti-imperialism and Anti-Anglocentrism. Along with the concept of Manifest Destiny of America, 'American exceptionalism' is also mentioned which motivates U.S. to expand further even after the Spanish-American war in the form of 'informal imperialism' characterized by 'gunboat politics'of the US. These discussions will draw attention to how recent theorists such as Bryce Traister criticizes the Border Theory represented by $Jos{\acute{e}}$ David Saldívar. Here the Border Theory is criticized to repeat the discourse of the globalized capitalism which prefers the weak state and the transnational aspects by focusing on the in-betweenness of the border. In the end the paper will focus on how the Border theory as represented by Saldivar is political enough and sets up a resistant example against American expansionism of today in its focus on the call for pan-American and pluri-versal subjectivity of the borderlands. This point will be supported by a discussion of how Saldivar's view is confirmed by Walter Mignolo who advocates the "bottom up" resistance of the indigenous people of Chiapas and other social forums such as World Social Forum and the Social Forum of the Americas derived from the Zapatistas' movement whose motto is "A World in which many world co-exist."

The Current State and Task of African Studies in Korea (국내 아프리카 연구의 현황과 과제)

  • Hong, Myung-Hee
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.44
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    • pp.373-391
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    • 2016
  • Since the 2000's, interest toward Africa in Korea has increased rapidly. Korea's interest in Africa began in the second half of the 1960's. However, this interest in the 1960's was motivated by political and diplomatic necessity at the time rather than the needs of indigenous groups in Africa. Korea had to oppose North Korea's diplomatic expansion in Africa to gain the support of international organizations like the United Nations. This interest in Africa motivated by diplomatic needs vanished quickly after the end of the cold war in the 1990's. Authentic Korean interest in Africa began to emerge in the 2000's. Korea's rising international status based on economic development led to a natural interest in Africa, which was the last frontier on earth. As a result, African studies in Korea increased significantly after 2010. The increase in the number of theses, articles and books was remarkable from 2010-2016, in comparison with 1957-2010. In spite of the increase in the quantity of thesis, articles, and books, the problem with Korea's African studies is above all, its preponderance. Over 75% of thesis and 70% of articles are concentrated in the domain of politics and economics. This reflects the fact that Korea's interest in Africa is based on short term political and economic interest, indicating that Korea's African studies did not deviate from the rudimentary phase in its quantity and quality. Another problem with Korea's African studies is the lack of integration of different types of research. African studies in Korea has three components, government funded research centers, university laboratories and individual researchers. The government funded research centers focus on the overview of African nations and their political and economic information. University laboratories mainly perform research on the theoretical aspects of politics, economics, human sciences and culture in Africa. Individual researchers are concerned with various categories. However, these three groups have failed to achieve a synergic effect on African studies in Korea and most of the research on Africa does not extend beyond each academic area. To overcome this problem, first of all, a live exchange may be necessary between domestic researchers.

Evaluation of Natural Attenuation by Addition of Fumarate as Carbon Source and Gene Analysis in Groundwater Sample (지하수 중 탄소원으로 fumarate 주입과 유전자분석을 통한 질산성질소 자연저감도 평가)

  • Park, Sunhwa;Kim, Hyun-Gu;Kim, Sohyun;Lee, Min-Kyeong;Lee, Gyeong-Mi;Kim, Young;Kim, Moon-Su;Kim, Taeseung
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.62-69
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    • 2014
  • In the results of monitoring nitrate concentration in more than 8,000 groundwater wells around agro-livestock, the average and maximum nitrate concentration was 9.4 mg/L and 101.2 mg/L, respectively. Since about 31% of the monitoring wells was exceed the quality standard for drinking water, nitrate control such as remediation or source regulation is required to conserve safe-groundwater in South Korea. Typical nitrate-treatment technologies include ion exchange, reverse osmosis, and biological denitrification. Among the treatment methods, biological denitrification by indigenous microorganism has environmental and economic advantages for the complete elimination of nitrate because of lower operating costs compared to other methods. Major mechanism of the process is microbial reduction of nitrate to nitrite and nitrogen gas. Three functional genes (nosZ, nirK, nirS) that encode for the enzyme involved in the pathway. In this work, we tried to develop simple process to determine possibility of natural denitrification reaction by monitoring the functional gene. For the work, the functional genes in nitrate-contaminated groundwater were monitored by using PCR with specific target primers. In the result, functional genes (nosZ and nirK) encoding denitrification enzymes were detected in the groundwater samples. This method can help to determine the possibility of natural-nitrate degradation in target groundwater wells without multiplex experimental process. In addition, for field-remediation application we selected nitrate-contaminated site where 200~600 mg/L of nitrate is continuously detected. To determine the possibility of nitrate-degradation by stimulated-natural attenuation, groundwater was sampled in two different wells of the site and nitrate concentration of the samples was 300 mg/L and 616 mg/L, respectively. Fumarate for different C/N ratio was added into microcosm bottles containing the groundwater to examine denitrification rate depending on carbon concentration. In the result, once 1.5 times more than amount of fumarate stoichiometry required was added, the 616 mg/L of nitrate and 300 mg/L of nitrate were completely degraded in 8 days and 30 days. The nitrite, byproduct of denitrification process, was also completely degraded during the experimental period.

Sequential Fractionation of Heavy metals from Mine Tailings and Two Series of Agricultural Soils (광미장과 두개의 농업토양통 토양으로 부터의 중금속의 연속 분획)

  • Chung, Doug-Young;Lee, Do-Kyoung
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.375-382
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    • 1999
  • In order to investigate the contamination characteristics of the heavy metals in the mine tailings of abandoned gold mine and its surrounding agricultural soils, a sequential extraction procedure of increasing reactivity in the dissolution processes of the heavy metals(Cd, Cu, and Pb) which were associated with solid and/or solution phase in soils was attempted to partition into six particulate fractions : exchangeable, bound to carbonate, bound to Fe-Mn oxides, bound to organic matter, residual, and soluble. Among indigenous heavy metals in the mine tailings, Pb was the most abundant and Cu and Cd were followed by. Fractionation result of Pb obtained from the triplicate samples of the mine tailings were in the order of Fe-Mn oxide> Carbonate> Residual> Organic> Exchangeable> Soluble, while Wolgok series were Exchangeable > Fe-Mn oxide > Carbonate> Organic> Residual> Soluable. However the other heavy metals studied were not followed this trend. The fractionation results of mine tailing and agricultural soils demonstrated that different geochemical fractions were operationally defined by an extraction sequence that generally followed the order of decreasing solubility. Therefore potential mobility and bioavailability of heavy metals as toxic pollution sources can be evaluated when studying the pollution levels of heavy metals in soils.

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Swelling Patterns and relevant Hydraulic Conductivities of Na-Bentonite under Various Acidic and Alkali conditions (산과 알칼리 조건하에서 Na-벤토나이트의 팽창경향과 상대적 수리전도도)

  • Chung, Doug-Young;Yang, Jae E.;Oh, Taek-G.;Lee, Kyo-S.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.71-76
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    • 2007
  • We investigated the effects of solution pH on swelling characteristics and relevant hydraulic conductivity of different particle sizes of Na-bentonite which have significantly high swelling capacity. The results showed that the time taken to reach the maximum swelling indexes for all pH levels ranged from 84 hours and 156 hours for pH 6.5 or above by NaOH and pH 3.5 by HCl, respectively. The maximum swelling index slightly increased with increasing particle size, while the maximum swelling indexes were less or approximately half of that of the indigenous Na-bentonite. The changes in swelling indexes before and after solution treatment were distinctive in acidic condition, especially in pH 3.5 by HCl while there were not much differences in alkali condition. For hydraulic conductivities of fully swelled Na-bentonite in a given solution pH, elution did not occur under pressure below 1 bar. But elution started as the pressure was raised to 1.5 bars or above after 500 seconds. The stabilized hydraulic conductivities observed from 1.5, 3.0, and 5.0 bars ranged from $7{\times}10^{-3}cm\;day^{-1}$ to $6{\times}10^{-3}cm\;day^{-1}$, indicating that the hydraulic conductivities were slightly higher in acidic condition than that of normal condition.

A Study on the Remediation using Microbial Activator from Oil-Contaminated Soil (미생물활성화제를 이용한 유류오염토양 복원에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chae-Young;Chung, Chan-Kyo;Kim, Jong-Moon
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the soil remediation by landfarming was carried out using microbial activators. Feasibility studies and reduction capacity of TPH(Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons) were investigated in order to find out how fast and eco-friendly the contaminated soil can be recovered. The lab-test confirmed not only the performance and degradation efficiency of microbial activators but also the effect of TPH reduction in the contaminated soil. The optimum growth conditions for indigenous microorganisms were identified using microbial activators. Based on the results of TPH removal, although there had been a little of difference in between natural decomposition and microbial activators until 20 days, the sample groups of microbial activators were higher than the control ones after 20 days. Microbial activators were applied to the field experiments on landfarming. Based on the results of removal rate in each floor of soil, it was found that the removal rates were 85.8 % in the upper, 84.4 % in the middle, and 66.10 % in the bottom. Considering that the reduction rate of TPH for the control group averaged 71.1%, the microbial activators might not be fully transferred into the bottom, which resulted from the piles of soil. As the piles have already reached 1 m in the field experiments, the low piles of soil under 0.6 m may enhance the treatment efficiency of TPH.

Natural Enemies of the Asian Gypsy Moth, Lymantria dispar asiatica (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) and the Genetic Variation Analysis of L. dispar Multiple Nucleopolyhedrovirus (국내 매미나방(나비목: 태극나방과) 천적 및 매미나방 핵다각체병바이러스의 유전적 다양성 조사)

  • Hwang, Hwal-Su;Lee, Young Su;Lee, Hee A;Choi, Duck Soo;Lee, Kyeong-Yeoll
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.60 no.4
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    • pp.379-386
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    • 2021
  • Asian gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar asiatica (Lepidoptera: Erebidae), which is an indigenous pest in Korea, a large outbreak has been reported in Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheong-do, and northern Gyeongsangbuk-do from 2019 in forest and nearby downtown areas, causing emotional damage to forests and city dwellers. During the indoor culture of gypsy moth eggs collected in Yecheon, Gyeongbuk in 2021 we found that 79.65% (321/403 of first instar larvae) were died due to Lymantria dispar multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (LdMNPV) infection. Sequence analyses of 36 gypsy moths collected from 12 regions in Korea using LdMNPV late expression factor-8 (lef-8) and polyhedrin (polh) genes showed a genetic variation of 0.80% and 0.86%, respectively. Comparison to GenBank data showed that the Korean samples were most similar to LdMNPV in Japan, whereas most different to those of Turkey. These results showed a high infection rate of LdMNPV in Korea and LdMNPV is one of the important population regulators of the gypsy moth.

Current Status and Future Perspectives of Natural Enemy Research in Korea: Analysis of Research Papers Published in the Korean Journal of Applied Entomology from 1990 to 2020 (우리나라 천적 연구의 현황 및 미래 전략: 1990년부터 2020년까지 한국응용곤충학회지 게재 논문 분석)

  • Cho, Jum Rae;Kim, Jeong Hwan;Seo, Meeja;Choi, Seon U;Lim, Un Taek;Lee, Kyeongyeoll
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.287-304
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    • 2021
  • Since 1995, researches on natural enemies have been conducted extensively in Korea. Research papers on natural enemies published in the Korean Journal of Applied Entomology from 1990 to 2020 were 130, which is 8.4% of all published papers during the same period. In 1990s, most research papers study the searching and biological characteristics of natural enemies, whereas the proportion of research papers related to the field application using the developed natural enemies has been increasing since 2010s. A total of 37 excellent natural enemies have been developed including 24 indigenous and 13 introduced natural enemies. In addition, 28 kinds of booklets and/or manuals were developed for field application of natural enemies. Although successes in research and development have been achieved since that period, more researches on search for and/or introduction of excellent natural enemy suitable for the Korean cultivation environment, mass production technology that can reduce cost, and quality control program in producing and distributing natural enemy remain to be pursued in the future. Furthermore, there is a need to develop the technology that can be used in compatible way with natural enemies and other crop protection agents including synthetic insecticides.