• Title/Summary/Keyword: IT Benefit

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Architecture Evaluation Utilizing CBAM and AHP (CBAM과 AHP를 이용한 아키텍처 평가)

  • Lee, Ji-Hyun;Kang, Sung-Won;Cho, Jin-Hee;Kim, Jin-Sam
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.13D no.5 s.108
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    • pp.683-690
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    • 2006
  • The CBAM (Cost Benefit Analysis Method) provides a method for deciding the best architectural strategy by considering cost, schedule, and risks as well as the benefits of the architectural strategy. But many parts of the CBAM do not Present quantitative evidence explicitly on whether it is the best architectural strategy among others because it depends on the stakeholders' consensus, vote, and/or intuition. In this study, we apply the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) to CBAM to provide explicit quantitative evidence and to reduce the possibility of subjective decision-making errors that may occur in the CBAM.

A Study on the Decision of Appropriate Subsidy Levels Regarding Electric Vehicles for V2G as Load Management Resources (V2G 전기자동차의 부하관리 자원 활용을 위한 적정 지원금 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Hoon;Hwang, Sung-Wook
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.65 no.2
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    • pp.264-268
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    • 2016
  • Recently, various energy efficiency optimization activities are ongoing globally by integrating conventional grids with ICT (Information and Communication Technology). In this sense, various smart grid projects, which power suppliers and consumers exchange useful informations bilaterally in real time, have been being carried out. The electric vehicle diffusion program is one of the projects and it has been spotlighted because it could resolve green gas problem, fuel economy and tightening environmental regulations. In this paper, the economics of V2G system which consists of electric vehicles and the charging infrastructure is evaluated comparing electric vehicles for V2G with common electric vehicles. Additional benefits of V2G are analyzed in the viewpoint of load leveling, frequency regulation and operation reserve. To find this benefit, electricity sales is modeled mathematically considering depth of discharge, maximum capacity reduction, etc. Benefit and cost analysis methods with the modeling are proposed to decide whether the introduction of V2G systems. Additionally, the methods will contribute to derive the future production and the unit cost of electric vehicle and battery and to get the technical and economic analysis.

Alternative Dispute Resolution in Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge: Settlement at the World Intellectual Property Arbitration and Mediation Center

  • Kwak, Choong Mok
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.75-97
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    • 2019
  • The growing importance of biological resources as sovereign rights to healthcare, energy, and food has sparked international discussions on Genetic Resources (GRs) and Traditional Knowledge (TK). As the bio-industry continues to grow, research and development utilizing patented biological resources are advocated. Currently, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is actively discussing GRs and TK, and an effective response to national interest has been sought. Of late, there have been growing disputes over issues like ownership, control, and access and benefit-sharing between indigenous peoples and users of GRs and TK resources. Resolution of disputes concerning GRs and TK are thus becoming critical not only to stakeholders such as the indigenous peoples and corporations, but also to third-party users. Due to the weakness of the current IP and court system however, such disputes are not addressed adequately. This paper will address the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), which is an out-of-court dispute resolution system, on conflicting issues regarding GRs and TK. It will consider the WIPO as a forum for ADR and ADR for GRs and TK disputes and it will seek both parties in the dispute to benefit from the use of the ADR process.

The Effects on the R&D Project Performance according to the Characteristics of Project Management Organizations: The Difference between Public and Private Companies (연구사업관리 주관기관에 따른 기술혁신 R&D 프로젝트 성과 영향분석: 공공과 민간 기업의 차이 비교)

  • Yong-Kyu Lee;So-Hyun Park;Hee Kyung Kim;Taewon Lee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.116-132
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    • 2023
  • Technology innovation companies are focusing on contributing to business performance by R&D project as a strategic tool. Successful R&D leads to corporate competitiveness enhancement, national industrial development, but there are high uncertainty and risks in R&D. Public and private R&D projects are carried out to achieve various purposes. It was verified how the risk management and benefit management of the R&D project affect the detailed R&D project performance between the Public and private domain. The impact of Project Leadership on R&D performance was also analyzed. Those who have participated in the Public and Private R&D projects at companies or research institutes were surveyed. First, it was found that project risk and benefit management have partially an effect on R&D project performance. Second, Public and private R&D Project Leadership showed partially a interaction effect between project management and project performance.

Analysis of the Public Service Pension System Using Pension Projection Model: Focused on General Civil Servants (연금 추계 모형을 이용한 공무원연금제도 분석-일반직 공무원을 중심으로)

  • Bongjoon Kim;Bohyun Yoon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.449-468
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    • 2024
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study was to analyze the civil servant pension system in Korea, focusing on general administrative officials. Design/methodology/approach - This study developed a pension projection model that reflects the latest reforms and applied it to forecast the income replacement ratio and benefit ratios. Based on these projections, the study examined financial trends and proposed necessary reforms to ensure sustainability, such as adjusting the pension age. Findings - First, the benefit ratio decreases with later birth cohorts, showing that the reforms have reduced benefit gaps across generations. Second, while fairness within the same generation shows little difference between ranks, differences in income levels still result in significant disparities in pension amounts. Lastly, the pension deficit is expected to increase until 2029, after which it will gradually decrease, though further reforms are needed to ensure long-term financial sustainability. Research implications or Originality - This study is the first to comprehensively assess the fairness and sustainability of the civil servant pension system in Korea, considering both inter- and intra-generational equity. The findings provide valuable insights for policymakers aiming to ensure the system's sustainability as well as maintaining fairness across different cohorts and income levels.

Study on Museum Visitor Characteristics and Implications for Effective Management Reflecting on Visitor's Feedback (미술관의 방문자 특성과 방문 후 평가에 따른 효율적 경영에의 시사점)

  • Jung, Hyung-Shik;Kim, Young-Shim;Jeong, Kyeo-Woon
    • CRM연구
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.29-47
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    • 2010
  • This study is intended to examine the effect of characteristics of museum visitors and visit type on perceived relative status, aesthetic responses, and perceived visit benefits, which in turn affect visitor satisfaction and personal and social participatory behaviors. Research was held for four weeks. A total of 308 questionnaires were collected out of 315 distributed. However, additional 15 were excluded due to inadequate responses. The findings of the study are as follows: While museum visitor characteristics yielded significant effects on the perceived relative status and perceived visit benefit, it did not have significant effects on aesthetic responses. Additionally, while visit types showed considerable impact on perceived relative status, it did not yield significant effect on aesthetic responses or the perceived visit benefit. Perceived relative status of a museum had positive effects on aesthetic responses, but not on the perceived visit benefit. Furthermore, while perceived relative status did not have significant effect on visitor satisfaction, it did have evident effects on the aesthetic response and the perceived visit benefit. Lastly, greater visitor satisfaction was confirmed to contribute to greater participatory behavior in various prospective programs and events offered by museums. Hence, it would be imperative for museums to gear their attention to encourage internal participatory behaviors such as visitor education, donation and charity events, which would consequently transcend to viewing museums more as a public space shared by the general public.

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An Assessment of IT ROI by Estimating the Monetary Value of Non-financial Benefits (비재무적인 효과의 화폐가치화를 위한 IT ROI의 평가)

  • Kim, Young-Woon;Chong, Ki-Won
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.91-112
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    • 2006
  • Unlike typical corporate investments, IT expenditures have direct impact on many aspects of a business, including those that are difficult to quantify. Therefore, financial indicators alone do not do justice to the full effect of an If investment. Proposed in this paper is a methodology to measure the return on IT investments, including non-financial impacts expressed in terms of monetary values. This methodology shows tangible cost as well as hidden cost by analyzing total cost of ownership. The methodology also produces ROI by performing cost benefit analysis including financial and non-financial factors. This paper suggests a more objective validation of If's impact on the business activities. It rationalizes investment priorities and provides a systematic approach to effective IT investment.

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Healthcare Utilization and Expenditure Depending on the Types of Private Health Insurance in Korea (민간의료보험 가입 및 가입유형별 의료이용 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Jung Chan;Park, Jae San;Kim, Han Nah;Kim, Kye Hyun
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 2014
  • Since the introduction of National Health Insurance(NHI) in 1977, it has grown rapidly and contributed to extend patient's access to the health care services. However, limited coverage for health care services of NHI has been ongoing challenge and private health insurance(PHI) has been rising as an alternative source of enhancing coverage and saving out-of-pocket(OOP) expenditure for patients. In this study, after controlling for socio-demographic, economic, health related variables, we identified the patients' healthcare utilization and subsequent OOP expenditure depending on their PHI enrollment and their enrollment types(fixed benefit, indemnity, fixed benefit plus indemnity). Data were collected from the 2010 Korean Health Panel. The unit of analysis was a member of household(n=13,324). Of the 13,324 cases, 70.7% of patients held PHI, in detail, fixed benefit(47.0%), indemnity(3.6%), fixed benefit plus indemnity(20.1%). Major findings showd that patients who enrolled in PHI used more outpatient services(outpatient visit, number of physician visit, number of examination) and spent more OOP expenditure than non-PHI patients. There were also differences of healthcare utilization and OOP expenditure among the types of PHI. In addition, PHI patients used more inpatient services(inpatient use, number of hospitalization, LOS), but there was no significant difference between PHI and non-PHI patients with regard to the OOP expenditure. Thus, we could not find any distinct relationship between the types of PHI and patients' tertiary hospital use. Policy-makers should need careful political deliberation for monitoring the effect of PHI on health care utilization and subsequent expenditure not only to improve patients' coverage but also to save their OOP expenditures.

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Effects of Radiation-Counseling Convergence Education on Radiation Awareness (방사선카운슬링 융합교육이 방사선 인식도에 미치는 영향)

  • Seoung, Youl-Hun
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.323-329
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of study was to analysis on the effects of radiation-counseling convergence education on radiation awareness. The survey objects were students of radiation-counseling convergence education from 12th May to 22th June in 2016. The questionnaires were education satisfactions and radiation awareness (risk, benefit, control) by Likert-type 5 scales. The analysis results revealed that education satisfactions of men students showed a significant higher female students and correlation coefficient of education satisfactions were the best high in the benefit and control of radiation. Finally radiation-counseling convergence education had a significant effect on radiation benefit. This convergence education influenced positive recognition on radiation benefit and it was indicated that radiation-counselors could treat clients on the basis of radiation benefit.

Overcoming the Braess' Paradox in Feasibility Study (경제성 분석의 브레이스 파라독스 극복 방안)

  • Park, Kyung-Chul;Ryu, Si-Kyun;Lee, Sung-Mo;Son, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2008
  • In the feasibility analysis, Braess' Paradox results in the negative social benefit in spite of adding transportation facilities. Consequently, it has been difficult to judge on the investment of SOC projects. This research aims to analyze the Braess' Paradox in the feasibility analysis and to seek a remedy for the Paradox. Several experiments were conducted on the simple network under the various conditions. From the experiments, following findings were validated: Braess' Paradox occurred only if travel demands met within certain intermediate range. In terms of traffic assignment method, the SO was more likely to reduce the effect of the Braess' Paradox than the UE. However, the Braess' Paradox in the benefit of operating cost saving occurred in all cases and the paradox in the total benefit continued. In order to solve the problem, new link cost function considered travel time and operating cost simultaneously were suggested. As a result, the negative benefit was significantly decreased in the UE case and total negative benefit was no longer shown in the SO case through the analysis.