• Title/Summary/Keyword: Human Rights Protection

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Legal Issues In Information Management (정보관리와 관련된 법적문제)

  • Lee Soon Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.19
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    • pp.23-61
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    • 1990
  • Libraries and information centers are no different from any other institutions in our society. Today, their managers have to make many more decisions which have certain legal implications than before. The ignorance of the law on their parts can not be an acceptable excuse anymore, since. the consequences sometimes maybe quite serious. This paper outlines some important legal issues involved in the services and management of libraries and information centers. They are: constitutional rights on human knowledge activities: library act and it's related laws; censorship and right to know; information access and the protection of privacy: library services and copyright law; labor relations; protections of the people and properties of the institutions, etc. The laws are not static: rather, they change with the social, political and technological environments. The managers, as well as the staff members of libraries and information centers should be constantly updated with the changes in the field, in order to give the maximum service to the clients and to prevent any infringement of the laws, which may discredit their services and the institutions.

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Principles and Conceptual Framework for the Introduction of Korean Sickness Benefit (한국형 상병수당 도입을 위한 제도 설계의 원칙과 개념적 틀)

  • Kang, Hee-Chung
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.5-16
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    • 2021
  • Both access to healthcare services and income security in case of personal illness are being needed to achieve universal health coverage, which is enshrined in the human rights to health and social security and international standards on social protection. Income security acts on both the social determinants and the adverse consequences of ill health and thus would break the vicious disease-poverty cycle. The government is supposed to implement a demonstration project of sickness benefit in 2022 and to publicize its more specific blueprint for all workers. This study is to suggest basic principles and a framework to design a new sickness benefit for universal health coverage, which is based on reviews on previous studies, related issues, and institutional conditions. This is to provide a theoretical basis to promote further discussion and to support its decision-making.

A Review on the Legal rights and obligation from the legal status of registered security guard (청원경찰의 법적 지위에 따른 권한과 의무)

  • Han, seung;Kim, yong geun
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.44
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    • pp.251-278
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    • 2015
  • Registered security guards carry out police duties as civilian police who are in charge of security service, and so they have a two-fold status: a civilian in terms of a social standing and a policeman in the way that they execute the authority of security. The problem caused by this legal position is that their legal rights and obligation can be unclear in the task-action and working relationship. This paper attempts to study their functions, rights, and legal duties through the interpretation of the related positive law so as to reveal the problems that may spring from this ambiguous status of registered security guards. This endeavor illuminates their legal status specified in the positive law in and around the Act on the police assigned for special guard, observing their functions and the legal duties in the pursuit of their tasks, and ending up pointing out the problems of the positive law. As a result of research work, the most significant problems, even if multifarious, are the avoidance of the state reparation in the responsibility for the illegal behavior in connection with their operation; the unconstitutionality of the disciplinary punishment regulation originated from the entrust with full powers; the imperfection of the rules about the cooperative ties with the police; the possibility of human rights abuse caused by the ban on the labor dispute; the equality problems from the dual pay system; and the inadequacy of the codes about the recruitment qualification and method. This research is intended to help achieve the purpose of the security of national critical facilities through the smooth execute of duties as well as the protection of the guards' rights. Besides, the key focuses posed in this paper are worthy of being developed more accurately through the following researches.

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Current status analysis for the protection of emotional workers in Pyeongtaek area (평택지역 감정노동자 보호를 위한 현황분석)

  • Jung, Hye Jung;Jung, Su Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2021
  • In order to prepare basic data for research on the protection of emotional workers in Pyeongtaek with the support of Pyeongtaek City, this study conducted a survey centered on 104 counselors classified as emotional laborers. Based on the results of the survey centered on 104 emotional workers, basic research data on the difficulties of emotional workers can be prepared, and protection methods for emotional workers who are currently interested in each local government can be found. As a result of selecting a sample centering on counselors in Pyeongtaek City for a survey on the actual condition of emotional workers, and conducting a survey based on the selected samples, it was found that emotional workers did not find their rights to human rights and were not protected even in the workplace. Currently, a bill to protect emotional workers is being announced, but it is not protected, so it is confirmed that system improvement is necessary. This study focused on 104 items that were significant through pre-processing among the recovered questionnaires. It was analyzed using SPSS, R, and it was confirmed that there is a need for a regulation that can provide an institutional device in Pyeongtaek City. In this study, it is judged that it is necessary to prepare a protective device for emotional workers by selecting more samples corresponding to the occupational group of emotional workers.

A Study on Social Worker's Perception and Practice of the Right to Self-determination for Person with Developmental Disability: Application of Importance-Performance Analysis(IPA) (발달장애인의 자기결정권에 대한 사회복지사의 인식 및 실천에 관한 연구: 중요도-실행도분석(IPA)의 적용)

  • Lee, Nam-Jeong;Lee, Dong-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.624-635
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    • 2020
  • This study focuses on the right to self-determination, which has a higher possibility of infringement on rights, for people with developmental disabilities, who are more vulnerable to rights protection than other types of disabilities, and seeks to obtain implications of the basis for academic discussion and practical strategies. To this end, data were collected through a structured survey on 302 social workers in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Gangwon area to identify the importance and execution degree of self-determination components of the developmental disabled, and descriptive analysis, differences. analysis, matrix analysis was applied. As a result of the analysis, the importance and performance degree were evaluated at an absolute level lower than the positive level, and the overall average standard execution degree was found to be applied relatively later, and the difference between the two levels was statistically significant. Meanwhile, goal setting and achievement, self-management and regulation, branch recognition and perception, etc. were identified as under-action elements as disparity between importance and performance. Therefore, in order to improve the balanced positivity of social workers and people with developmental disabilities in consideration of the reciprocity of human rights protection, applied behavior analysis, positive behavior support, and individualized service plan based on the application of a person-centered program and self-determination improvement program are applied. Suggestions were made on detailed strategies such as accounting.

The Study on the Characteristics of Technology Innovation Activities of High Growth Firms (고성장기업의 기술혁신활동 특성에 대한 연구)

    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.28-49
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    • 2019
  • This paper explores the characteristics of innovation activities in high growth firms that contribute to national and regional economic growth and job creation. The analysis is based on the 2016 KIS data to analyze the difference in innovation activities between high growth firms and general firms. The main results are as follows: First, high growth firms have a higher proportion of R&D personnel than general firms. Second, high growth firms are actively introducing product innovation, process innovation, and organizational innovation as compared to general firms. In the innovation activities related to product innovation and process innovation, there is no statistically significant difference between high growth companies and general companies except for external R&D. Third, High growth firms are more likely to cooperate with other technology partners than general firms. But, there is no statistically significant difference between high growth firms and general firms in the external knowledge search and the diversity of cooperating partners. Fourth, in terms of protecting innovation, high growth firms are more likely to use all kinds of innovation protection method, such as 'utilizing intellectual property rights', 'maintaining confidentiality', 'adopting complex design methods', 'market preemption ahead of competitors', and the most important means is the intellectual property rights. Fifth, government innovation policies that high growth firms chose as important are 'innovation subsidies and loans', 'acquirement, utilization and protection of intellectual property rights' and 'human resource support'.

A Study on the Development of Adaptive Clothing for the Dementia Patients (치매환자용 기능성 의류개발)

  • Lee, Seung-Min;Lee, Kyung-Ok
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.849-859
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    • 2014
  • This study developed adaptive clothing to increase psychological comfort and protection for dementia patients. Our research method and data collection were as follows. The author selected and interviewed 10 caregivers and nurses to understand dementia patient behavior. The author collected eight pieces of clothing designed for dementia patients that are sold in Korean and overseas markets. We then analyzed garment details, open systems, close systems, and expected functions. Adaptive clothing for dementia patients were developed based upon our research. The results are as follows. First, dementia patients' behavior differed by dementia patient symptoms. Second, all items sold in Korean and overseas markets were jump suits designed to prevent behavior characteristic of dementia patients. Third, the author designed and manufactured five pieces of adaptive clothing for dementia patients that included two for mild dementia patients and three for moderate dementia patients. A panel of 50 caregivers gave high marks to developed clothing in regards to functionality, hygiene, patient human rights and aesthetics. The adaptive clothing of dementia patients from this research will increase the psychological and emotional satisfaction of dementia patients.

ICOH Statement on Protecting the Occupational Safety and Health of Migrant Workers

  • International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH),;Salmen-Navarro, Acran;Schulte, Paul
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.261-262
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    • 2022
  • Globally, it is estimated that the number of people living outside of their country of origin reached 281 million in 2020. The primary drive of those migrants when migrating voluntarily is work to increase their income and provide for their families left behind in their home countries. Those who migrate immediately seek means of income to sustain themselves through a perilous process as currently evidenced in the war in Ukraine and not too long ago in Syria and Venezuela. Unfortunately, migrant workers are globally known to predominantly be working in "4-D jobs"- dirty, dangerous, and difficult and discriminatory; the fourth D was recently added to acknowledge the discriminatory aspect and other social determinants of health migrant workers face in their host country while exposed to precarious work. Consequently, migrant workers are at considerable risk of work-related illnesses and injury but their health needs are critically overlooked in research and policy. Recognizing the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights "Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment", we cannot consider any human life - thus, the life of migrant workers - as dispensable through a structural discriminatory process that undervalues their occupational safety and health, livelihood and the contribution these workers bring to their host countries. This was seen during the preparation for the upcoming world cup in Qatar where migrant workers were exposed to a multiplicity of serious hazards including deadly heat hazards.

A Study on Confidential Records Management System in Japan (일본의 비밀기록관리 체제에 대한 연구 특정비밀보호법 제정·시행을 둘러싼 논의를 중심으로)

  • Nam, Kyeong-ho
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.56
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    • pp.113-145
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    • 2018
  • Japan has enacted the Public Records and Archives Management Law from 2011 in order to prevent mismanagement of records management and to fulfill accountability to the public. However, in 2013, The Designated Secrets Protection Act was enacted before the Public Records and Archives Management Law brought changes to administrative institutions. The Designated Secrets Protection Act have raised concerns that the public's right to know and the transparency of administration are being retreated, especially the development of freedom of information and records management systems. This article analyzed the background of the establishment of Designated Secrets Protection Act and the contents of legal composition. It also identified the possibility of human rights abuse in the aptitude assessment system, the lack of independent monitoring agencies, the impossibility of internal accusations, and the possibility of wide confidentiality designation. Furthermore, analyzed how the problem affects Japanese records management and freedom of information system. Through this, I suggested the improvement of the system of the secret level records management system in Korea, the establishment of the clear purpose of the secret record management, the application of the Tshwane principle, and the establishment of the independent and professional monitoring agency.

Oral History Research and Human Subject Research on Bioethics and Safety Law (구술사 연구와 「생명윤리법」의 인간대상연구)

  • Lee, Hosin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2017
  • Oral history research is carried out through collecting information about a living person. The data collected from an oral history project is not a mere fact or a mass of information but accounts of persons who reveal their own personalities. For this reason, oral history research and data collection and the use of such data must be based on rigorous ethical standards. The Bioethics and Safety Law shares a similar view on human subject research, and the Institutional Review Boards includes human subject research as a subject of review and management. However, the Bioethics and Safety Law's protection of personalities and human rights focuses on life sciences methodologies, which are not suitable for qualitative research, such as an oral history of a value oriented and critical approach to human beings. This study examines the details of the Bioethics and Safety Law related to human subject research and the problems that may arise when this law is applied to subjects in humanities and social sciences such as oral history. Through this study, alternative methodologies, which can be used for oral history research, while maintaining academic autonomy, are suggested.