• 제목/요약/키워드: Hph-1

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고압 균질기를 이용한 가식성 톳 필름 개발 (Development of Hijiki-based Edible Films Using High-pressure Homogenization)

  • 이한나;민세철
    • 한국식품과학회지
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    • 제44권2호
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    • pp.162-167
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    • 2012
  • 톳으로부터 HPH를 이용해 식품에 적용 가능성이 있는 가식성 필름을 제작할 수 있었다. HPH 처리 압력의 증가는 필름의 강도와 깨짐성을 증가시켰고, 단면이 조밀하고 균일한 필름을 형성시켰다. HPH의 처리 횟수의 증가 또한 필름의 단면을 조밀하게 하였다. 개발된 톳 필름은 보고된 많은 다른 생고분자 필름들에 비해 상대적으로 강도, 깨짐성, 그리고 수분 저항력이 낮아 코팅 또는 롤을 비롯한 필름 형태로 건조 식품 또는 중간 수분 식품에 적용될 수 있는 가능성을 보여주었다.

Nonviral Gene Delivery by a Novel Protein Transduction Domain

  • An, Songhie;Park, Jong-Sang
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제34권9호
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    • pp.2589-2593
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    • 2013
  • Gene therapy using nonviral gene delivery carriers has focused on the development and modification of synthetic carriers such as liposomes and polymers. Most polymers that are commercially used are taking advantage of their polycationic character which allows not only strong ligand-DNA affinity but also competent cell penetration. Despite the relatively high transfection efficiencies, high cytotoxicity is continuously pointed out as one of the major shortcomings of polycationic polymers such as PEI. Studies on the utilization of peptides have therefore been carried out recently to overcome these problems. For these reasons, the human transcription factor Hph-1, which is currently known as a protein transduction domain (PTD), was investigated in this study to evaluate its potential as a gene delivery carrier. Although its transfection efficiency was about 10-fold lower than PEI, it displayed almost no cytotoxicity even at concentrations as high as $100{\mu}M$. Hph-1 was oxidatively polymerized to yield poly-Hph-1. The cell viability of poly-Hph-1 transfected U87MG and NIH-3T3 cells was almost as high as the control (untreated) groups, and the transfection efficiency was about 10-fold higher than PEI. This study serves as a preliminary evaluation of Hph-1 and encourages further investigation.

난관체류시간에 따른 생쥐초기배의 체외발생능력 (Dependence of Mouse Embryonic Development in vitro on the Exposed Period to Oviductal Environment)

  • 송해범;서병부;김광식;박성은;이상호
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 1992
  • Development in vitro of 2-cell mouse embryos was examined after appropriate exposure to oviductal milieu to demonstrate biological activity present in the oviducts. ICR and ($C57Bl/6{\times}Balb/c$) $F_1$ hybrid mice were superovulated and mated for the recovery of early embryos. Embryos were recoverd at every 2h intervals from 32h post-hCG(hph) to 56 hph. The proportions of developmental stages were determined in the recovered embryos. Development in vitro of 2-cell embryos was more rapid in $F_1$ hybrid than in ICR, showing high proportions of 4-cell embryo and blastocyst at 120 hph. 100% of blastocyst development was obtained at 38hph in $F_1$ hybrid and at 50 hph in ICR when 2-cell embryos were cultured upto 120hph in vitro. Moreover, in vitro culture of oviducts containing 2-cell embryos in ICR mice for 12h from 34hph to 46hph increased developmental capacity of ICR mouse embryo in vitro. The results indicate that oviductal environment contains substances having mitogenic activity and overcoming early cell block in vitro. The mitogenic activity is effective in vitro as well as in vivo.

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Human Placenta Extract (HPH) Suppresses Inflammatory Responses in TNF-α/IFN-γ-Stimulated HaCaT Cells and a DNCB Atopic Dermatitis (AD)-Like Mouse Model

  • Jung Ok Lee;Youna Jang;A Yeon Park;Jung Min Lee;Kyeongsoo Jeong;So-Hyun Jeon;Hui Jin;Minju Im;Jae-Won Kim;Beom Joon Kim
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • 제34권10호
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    • pp.1969-1980
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    • 2024
  • Atopic dermatitis (AD), a chronic inflammatory disease, severely interferes with patient life. Human placenta extract (HPH; also known as human placenta hydrolysate) is a rich source of various bioactive substances and has widely been used to dampen inflammation, improve fatigue, exert anti-aging effects, and promote wound healing. However, information regarding HPH's incorporation in AD therapies is limited. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate HPH's effective potential in treating AD using tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α/interferon (IFN)-γ-stimulated human keratinocytes (HaCaT), immunized splenocytes, and a 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB)-induced AD mouse model. In TNF-α /IFN-γ-stimulated HaCaT cells, HPH markedly reduced the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and restored the expression of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), superoxide dismutase 1(SOD1), catalase, and filaggrin (FLG). HPH reduced interleukin (IL)-6; thymus- and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC); thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP); and regulated upon activation, normal T cell expressed and presumably secreted (RANTES) levels and inhibited nuclear factor kappa B phosphorylation. Additionally, HPH suppressed the T helper 2 (Th2) immune response in immunized splenocytes. In the AD-like mouse model, it significantly mitigated the DNCB-induced elevation in infiltrating mast cells and macrophages, epidermal thickness, and AD symptoms. HPH also reduced TSLP levels and prevented FLG downregulation. Furthermore, it decreased the expression levels of IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, TARC, RANTES, and immunoglobulin E (IgE) in serum and AD-like skin lesion. Overall, our findings demonstrate that HPH effectively inhibits AD development and is a potentially useful therapeutic agent for AD-like skin disease.

특이한 Silyltitanocene 화합물의 전자구조 (Electronic Structures of Unusual Silyltitanocene Complexes)

  • 안병각;강성권;윤석승
    • 대한화학회지
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 1994
  • 유기규소 중합반응에서 나타나는 중간체 $Cp_2TiSiHPh(1),\;[Cp_2Ti]_2[{\mu}-HSi(HPh)][{\mu}-H]$ (2) 그리고 $[Cp_2TiSiH_2Ph]_2$ (3)화합물들의 전자구조를 EHT방법으로 연구하였다. 1 화합물의 안정한 구조는 Cs로 변형된 형태이고 $SiH_2$의 회전에너지는 약 14 kcal/mol로 나타났다. 전자결핍분자인 2와 3 화합물의 결합특성을 전자구조를 통하여 규명하였다. 또한 Ti금속이 Si-H의 $\sigma$ 결합과 작용할 가능성을 설명하였다.

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Thiadiazole-thione surfactants: Preparation, flotation performance and adsorption mechanism to malachite

  • Huang, Yaoguo;Liu, Guangyi;Liu, Jun;Yang, Xianglin;Zhang, Zhiyong
    • Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
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    • 제67권
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    • pp.99-108
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, novel thiadiazole-thione surfactants including 5-heptyl-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-thione (HpSDT), 5-phenyl-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-thione (PSDT) and 5-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-thione (HPhSDT) were synthesized and originally introduced as collectors in froth flotation. Microflotation tests showed that HpSDT exhibited better flotation response to malachite than PSDT and HPhSDT, as well as excellent flotation selectivity against quartz. The contact angle results inferred that the hydrophobization intensity of these collectors toward malachite was in the order as HpSDT> PSDT> HPhSDT. ${\zeta}$-potential recommended a chemisorption of HpSDT on malachite surfaces. FTIR deduced that cupric or cuprous atoms might bond with the S and N atoms of HpSDT to form a conjugated ring. XPS further gave an additional evidence that HpSDT-Cu(I) complexes were produced on malachite surfaces via combining surface Cu atoms with HpSDT's N and S atoms, with reducing surface Cu(II) to Cu (I). The tighter orientation arrangement on malachite and stronger hydrophobicity rendered HpSDT to possess better flotation affinity toward malachite than PSDT and HPhSDT.

겨울우산버섯의 원형질체 분리와 유전자 형질전환 (Protoplast Isolation and Genetic Transformation of Polyporus brumalis)

  • 유선화;김명길
    • 미생물학회지
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    • 제50권4호
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    • pp.372-375
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구에서는 백색부후균인 겨울우산버섯의 원형질체 분리 조건과 유전자 형질전환 방법을 확립하였다. 겨울우산버섯 균사에 세포벽 분해효소로 0.5% Usukizyme을 처리하여 ml당 $1{\times}10^7/ml$개의 원형질체를 확보할 수 있었다. 형질전환체의 선별을 위해 hygromycin에 대한 저항성을 갖는 유전자(hph)를 선택표지로 이용하여 형질전환용 벡터(pHYgpt)를 제작하였다. 40% polyethylene glycol 용액과 aurintricarboxylic acid와 heparin, supermidine을 첨가하여 형질전환을 수행 한 결과 벡터 $1{\mu}g$ 당 100-160개의 수율로 형질전환체를 얻었다. 도입된 벡터는 hph 유전자의 PCR 증폭을 통해 형질전환체의 염색체내에 삽입되었음을 확인하였다. 이러한 결과는 polyporus 속의 유전자를 활용한 새로운 균주 개발에 유용한 기술이 될 것이다.

흰목이 균사체 형질전환 및 세포독성의 변화 (Genetic Transformation of the Mycelia of Tremella fuciformis and Changes of Cytotoxicity)

  • 신동일;박희성
    • 한국균학회지
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    • 제41권4호
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    • pp.287-291
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    • 2013
  • 흰목이는 고등 담자균류로서 효모와 유사한 분생포자(yeast-like conidia: YLC)가 출아법에 의하여 번식하는 특징을 지닌다. 본 연구에서는 hph 유전자를 지니는 pCambia 1300 plasmid를 Agrobacterium 이용 YLC 형질전환을 수행하였다. 그 결과 NaOH 처리가 이루어진 YLC 세포를 이용하는 경우에서만 형질전환이 가능하였으며 평균 $1.0{\times}10^6$ YLC 세포들로부터 40-50 형질전환체를 생산할 수 있었다. T-DNA 삽입은 PCR에 의하여 확인되었다. 형질전환체의 메탄올추출액은 암세포주인 SKOV-3에 대한 다양한 수준의 독성이 측정되었다.

Rhodium(III)-mediated cycloaddition reactions of alkynes

  • 한원석;이순원
    • 한국결정학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국결정학회 2002년도 정기총회 및 추계학술연구발표회
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    • pp.30-30
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    • 2002
  • Heating [Cp*Rh(η²-NO₃)(OTf) (1) and PhC≡CPh in EtOH for 3 h gave a η⁴-cyclobutadienerhodium complex, [Cp*Rh(η⁴-C₄Ph₄)] (2). Complex 1 reacted with HC=CPh in acetone at room temperature for 3 h to give a (η⁴-cyclobutadiene)-rhodium complex, [Cp*Rh(η⁴-C₄HPhC=CPh)] (3). Whereas, the reactions of 1 with HC=CCH₂Cl in acetone at room temperature for 3 h gave the triply halide-bridged dinuclear rhodium complex, [Cp*Rh(μ₂-Cl)₃RhCp*](OTf) (4). Complexes 2-4 have been structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction.

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Ginsenoside Rg1 alleviates vascular remodeling in hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension mice through the calpain-1/STAT3 signaling pathway

  • Chenyang Ran;Meili Lu;Fang Zhao;Yi Hao;Xinyu Guo;Yunhan Li;Yuhong Su;Hongxin Wang
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • 제48권4호
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    • pp.405-416
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    • 2024
  • Background: Hypoxic pulmonary hypertension (HPH) is the main pathological change in vascular remodeling, a complex cardiopulmonary disease caused by hypoxia. Some research results have shown that ginsenoside Rg1 (Rg1) can improve vascular remodeling, but the effect and mechanism of Rg1 on hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension are not clear. The purpose of this study was to discuss the potential mechanism of action of Rg1 on HPH. Methods: C57BL/6 mice, calpain-1 knockout mice and Pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) were exposed to a low oxygen environment with or without different treatments. The effect of Rg1 and calpain-1 silencing on inflammation, fibrosis, proliferation and the protein expression levels of calpain-1, STAT3 and p-STAT3 were determined at the animal and cellular levels. Results: At the mouse and cellular levels, hypoxia promotes inflammation, fibrosis, and cell proliferation, and the expression of calpain-1 and p-STAT3 is also increased. Ginsenoside Rg1 administration and calpain-1 knockdown, MDL-28170, and HY-13818 treatment showed protective effects on hypoxia-induced inflammation, fibrosis, and cell proliferation, which may be associated with the downregulation of calpain-1 and p-STAT3 expression in mice and cells. In addition, overexpression of calpain 1 increased p-STAT3 expression, accelerating the onset of inflammation, fibrosis and cell proliferation in hypoxic PASMCs. Conclusion: Ginsenoside Rg1 may ameliorate hypoxia-induced pulmonary vascular remodeling by suppressing the calpain-1/STAT3 signaling pathway.