• Title/Summary/Keyword: High schools

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Research on the Space Recognition of Attachment Places of Credit-based High Schools - Focused on Japanese Comprehensive High Schools - (단위제 고등학교의 애착장소 인식에 관한 연구 - 일본의 총합학과 고등학교를 대상으로 -)

  • Son, Suk-Eui;Kim, Seung-je
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2019
  • As high schools implement credit completion system these days, concerns about the dissolution of classes, which are the original stable groups of studying and living, and the instability of the basal space, is growing due to the extended operation of moving optional classes. The purpose of this research is to understand the effect that environmental features of the basal space within the school and the operation method have on the students' space use and formation of attachment place within the school. For this, the main activity places, attachment places, school life satisfaction and others were investigated at 2 Japanese credit-based comprehensive high schools, which are different in the physical environmental features of school buildings. Based on this, a quantitative analysis about the distribution of activity places and attachment places was implemented. The space use features for each student attribute were compared, and the school life satisfaction for each type of attachment place formation was analyzed. As a result, the change of the territorial consciousness about the class space according to the implementation of moving optional classes could be understood. And it was confirmed that the students' space using behavior and place evaluation change according to the physical environmental feature of the class space and common space, and that this is affecting the life satisfaction of students.

The Effect of Social Emotion Learning on Teacher character of Specialized Pre-service teacher (특성화고 예비교사 대상의 사회정서학습(SEL) 프로그램 개발 및 적용 효과 분석)

  • Kim, Minwoong;Park, Jeyoung;Choi, Jinsun;Kim, Minjung;Kim, Taehoon
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.47-66
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    • 2017
  • As the necessity of humanistic education has recently been socially emphasized, aptitude and character test has been conducted in the stage of training instructors to focus on making them equipped with proper ability of humanistic education. Especially, considering characteristics of students in specialized high schools with stronger negative concept of ego along with higher proportion of students looking for job in early ages compared to regular high schools, instructors in specialized high schools need to pay more attention on humanistic education of students compared to those in regular high schools. Therefore, this study has developed social emotion learning (SEL) of preliminary teachers in specialized high schools and analyzed the influence of developed programs on characters in teaching positions of preliminary instructors in specialized high schools. In this study, ADDIE model has been used developing SEL programs, and developed programs were comprised of total six sessions. Social emotion learning has been performed on 27 preliminary teachers in experiment group, and regular academic education courses were given on 30 preliminary teachers in control group. At this time, as for class contents, 'self-recognition' has been dealt with in the first and second sessions followed by 'self-management' in the second and third sessions, 'adjustment in relationship' in the fourth session, 'responsible decision making' in the fifth session, and 'personal relationship' in the sixth session. Classes have been conducted for 90 minutes in average. Since intentional sampling method has been used in this study, difference of pre-scores between groups might influence on the difference on post-scores. Therefore, ANCOVA that adjusted the pre-scores to be consistent has been utilized. As a result, there was a significant difference on the post-scores in characters in teaching positions between experiment group and control group.

A study on the Possibility of Utilizing and Management Course Assessment type of National Technical Qualification at Industrial Secondary Vocational High Schools (공업계열 직업계고에서의 과정평가형 자격 도입 가능성 및 운영 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Byung-Wook;Kim, Shin Myeong
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this research was to draw implications for preparing utilizing and management course assessment type of national technical qualification based on the awareness of teachers in industrial secondary vocational high schools. To achieve it, this researcher analyzed the awareness about management course assessment type of national technical qualification of teachers at industrial secondary vocational high schools and analyze possibility to introduce course assessment qualification, degree of agreement for expected effects, and importance and necessity for the matters to be considered when introducing management course assessment qualification. Concrete results of this research are as follows. First, the degree of understanding management course assessment type of national technical qualification at industrial secondary vocational high schools was common, but the degree of agreement for introducing goal, purpose, and necessities was low. Second, for the expected effects to be obtained when acquiring course assessment qualifications, there were acquisition of qualification at the same time of education, suggestion of studying goal from an angle of concrete and significant performance, systematic education based on NCS, possibility to develop and form training career, and possibility to acquire industrial field-centered knowledge and technology in order. Third, to draw priority of each item to be considered when introducing course assessment type of national technical qualification at industrial secondary vocational high schools, the importance and necessities were analyzed. As a result, for the sectors whose requirements are more than average, there were flexibility of course assessment type qualification classes, preparation of proper measure by NCS revision, relief of edited classes of necessity ability unit, etc.

The Influence of the Organization and Implementation of the Curriculum on Teachers' Characteristics and Schools' Peculiarities in Specialized Industry High Schools (교사 및 학교별 특성이 특성화 공업계 고등학교의 교육과정 편성 및 운영에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Changun;Shin, Seung-Keol;Oh, Kyunghee;Kim, suyeun
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.41-60
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between teachers' characteristics and schools' peculiarities and to analyze relevant variables which influence the organization and implementation of the curriculum in specialized industry high schools. Subject were 414 teachers in specialized industry high school. The main result of this study are as follows. First, according to teachers' sex distinction, position, teaching experience, career of industry-related companies, subtle stress difference were found in establishment of education programs, relevance of educational activity, propriety of equipment. Second, in case of schools' subject of establishment, dormitory, specialized types, number of class, type of the sex of recruitment, subtle difference were found in connectivity of graders and subjects, relevance of the organization of education activity, substantial curriculum, push ahead with specialized high school. Third, measures to support development of specialized curriculum arrange sub-items in order of frequency. The way we understand things on vocational education must be settled without delay.

The Abolition Type and The Regional Characteristics of The Elementary Schools in Chungbuk Province (忠淸北道의 國民學校 廢校類型과 그 地域的 特性)

  • ;Chae, Son-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.84-104
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    • 1994
  • The migration of population into the city has been on the increase according as Korea has been industrialized repidly since the 1960's. And there is a steady decrease in rural population. Thus lack of the number of the students forced many elementary Schools to be abolished. The aim of this study is to grasp the abolition types and the regional characteristics with the subject region of Chungbuk province. From the viewpoint of the increasing abolition of the elementary schools, I think it is very important to understand how the elementary schools have been abolished so far and predict how the subject region will have been changed in geography. Data for this study are based on Annual Establishment-Abolition Situation of the Schools published by Chungbuk office of Education in 1992, and many Kinds of the statistical reports, and the interview with the related. The results are as follows: 1. By examining the change of the number of the elementary schools and students in Chnugbuk, the numder of the students had also decreased since 1969 and was less than the half in 1990. As the number of the schools began to decrease ten years later than the students began to, the abolition of the elementary schools has started in reality from 1980's. 2. The 72 elementary schools were aboilshed between 1980 and 1992: the principal school is 9.7%, the branch school is 90.3%. The most fifteen schools are abolished in Yongdong-county and Chechon-county, and the least one school is abolished in Chechon-city and Okchon-county, and there is no abolition in Chongju-city and Chungju-city: According to the type of the abolition process, the least seven principal schools are abolished, and the principal school is reorganized as a branch school and twenty eight branch schools are abolished, and the most thirty seven branch schools are abolished. 3. When special change of the abolition is classified into the first perio (1980-1986) and the second period (1987-1992), in the first period the principal and branch schools were abolished and they are 13.9% of total abolition. The abolition out of them by building a dam is 60%. The principal schools in the submerged area though they have many students, were abolished. In the second period sixty two branch schools are abolished and they are 86.1% of total abolition. The most fifteen schools are abolished in Yongdong-county, thirteen in Chechon-county, seven in Tanyang-county, six in Chongwon-county, five in Chungwon-county and Koesan-county. Unlike the first period, the schools were abolished in this period because the number of students was so small. In this period sixty branch schools were abolished. All the students in the abolished schools except six schools transfered to the principal schools. The 58 school authorities help the students attend school by bus or support the expenses for attending school after that. 4. The abolition types of city, county and myon are classified into five types by the number of the abolished schools. The most forty nine abolished schools in type II are 68.1 of the total abolition. The least three abolished ones in type I are 12.5%. Considering the relation between the abolition type ane the number of schools and students, the number of the schools, increased in type I, II, III, V except IV from 1980 and then have decreased by abolition since 1980, while the more students decreased than they did in 1970 and the more the abolished school increases, the less the students decreases. The average students per school decreased in every abolition type and the most students decreased in type IV. 5. Considering the relation between the abolition type and the regional characteristics, most abolished schools were located between 100m and 300m above the sea level and it is 71% of the total abolition. The region without the abolition is high in the ratio of the cultivate land, ratio of rice field, and the part-time farmer, but the region with many abolition is low in the ratio of cultivated land. As for the manufacturing there are the most city, county and myon in the abolition type in Youngdong-county and Chechon-county where the manufacturing ratio of employing is low but Chongju-city without the abolition is a region where the manufacturing ratio is high. Consequently the development of the manufacturing causes the population to emigation out and the decrease of the population leads the transport is difficult of access, the facilities sold after being abolished are not being used in many ways. 7. Take an example of Youndong-county where the most schools were abolished, I have examined the school district and the population characteristics of the abolition. Though there were more villages, households, populations in the region that is higher than low above the sea level, the schools were abolished. Therefore we know that above the sea level had a great effect on the abolition. As a result of the regional analysis of the abolition, many schools were abolished by the artificial buildings such as a dam in the early 1980's but the schools in the late 1980's were abolished ten years later after the students decreased. More schools were abolished in the region where the manufacturing industry didn't develop. And the higher the school position was above the sea level, the sooner the school was abolished. It is also proved that both the beautiful natural scenery and accessibility are the important factor in using the abolished facilities practically.

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Factors Related to Cancer Information Scanning and Seeking Behavior among High School Students in Korea

  • Kye, Su-Yeon;Yun, E-Hwa;Park, Kee-Ho
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.1439-1445
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    • 2012
  • Objective: This paper aimed to determine the relationship between cancer information scanning and seeking experience of adolescents and cancer preventive behavior, perceived cancer risk, and levels of cancer-related knowledge. Methods: The study sample comprised 1,000 second-year students from 6 high schools: the general and vocational school systems were each represented by 1 boys', 1 girls', and 1 coeducational high school. In July 2011, trained researchers visited each classroom, explained the purpose of the study, distributed questionnaires to the students who agreed to participate, instructed them to complete the survey by self-reporting, and collected the completed questionnaires. Results: The students who attended general high schools (as compared with vocational high schools), earned higher grades, consumed more vegetables, had a higher perceived cancer risk, and answered the cancer-related questions more correctly had more cancer information scanning and seeking experience. Conclusion: These results reinforce the importance of cancer prevention health education. Furthermore, the results may help in preparing a strategy that enables people to acquire accurate cancer-related information easily and quickly.

A Study of Perceptional differences of Vocational High school Students according to existence of The BizCool (비즈쿨에 대한 실업계고등학생들의 인식 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Un;Lee, Yong-Sik
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2006
  • This study is supposed to grasp how The Entrepreneurship education(BizCool) that has been set as an example since April, 2002 has changed the Vocational high school students' perception of values or courses and then as the result of it, to get the early outcome of The Bizcool. The extent of the model schools mainly concentrated in the industrial and commercial department has to be spreaded to the students of various departments. In addition, diversification of the teaching material would be able to support the accomplishment of the suitable The Bizcool. The effectiveness of The Bizcool has been proven in various parts today, so its application is being magnified gradually. Also it is expected that many schools will adopt this program from now on. The Bizcool that has been executed to enhance the vision and self-confidence of the vocational high school students for their foundation, needs first of all, persistent support, investment and administration, and through these processes it will contribute to change the awareness about social unemployment problems and the vocational high schools.

A Research For Groping of Activating Education in Fisheries High Schools (수산고등학교(水産高等學校) 교육(敎育)의 활성화(活性化) 방안(方案) 모색(摸索)을 위한 조사연구(調査硏究))

  • Moon, Sung-Han
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1993
  • This study is to observe and activate a groping of education based on the perceptual responses from the teachers and the students in fisheries schools. The conclusions of this study are as follows : First, lower level of the perceptual response was estimated in the curriculum and experimental courses, the financial and administrative supports from the Government, the contribution of a fisheries high school to the local society the wages of seamen and the co-works between the industries and the academies. Second, a careful consideration is needed for the fisheries school to have a different shape. As one way for co-works of the industries and the academies, two year program in school and one year internship in a related company should be formed for the curriculum in a fisheries high school. A localized support for sea area, a fisheries high school's role as a re-eaducation for the seamaen and opening a educational graduate school for teachers in the fisheries university are pursued. Third, the perceptual response from the teachers and the students are globally weighted in the acquisition of the license with a graduation of the school and then the credit for the military services, the entering into the same area of the higher education, the expansion of the experimental materials in the courses, developing the curriculum, the Governmental supports and the awareness for the local society, in order. The issues indicated here should be researched continuously for activating the education in the fisheries high schools.

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A Study on the Types of School Accidents and First Aids at Elementary, Middle, and High Schools in a Local Province (일 지역 초.중.고등학교 사고 유형과 이에 따른 응급처치 실태)

  • Cho, Byung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the types of school accidents and their first aids at Elementary, Middle, High Schools in a local area. Methods: The subjects were 1062 students who have had episodes of school accidents from 730 (Elementary = 429, Middle = 188, High = 113) schools in Chungnam province from January to December, 2006. Data were collected from accident-related record from school nurse and 'School Safety Fund', and analyzed using the SPSS Version 13.0 programs and the results and conclusions are as follows: Results: The proportion of school accidents occurred were in middle(0.43%), high(0.35%), primary(0.30%) school students. And the most frequent type of accident was fracture and then sprain. Most school accidents broke out in playground during resting time, and followed by physical education class. The most frequent cause of school accidents was carelessness and first aid was fixation the injury. Conclusion: Based on these findings, school-based and continuous safety education programs and emergency care system within school and in community can be suggested in collaboration with health-related resources. Further longitudinal study to identify causes and kinds of school accidents and can also be recommended.

Environmental consciousness, clothing recycling behavior and interest in fashion by awareness of upcycling and purchasing behavior for upcycled fashion products of middle & high school students (중고등학생의 업사이클링 인지와 업사이클 패션제품 구매행동에 따른 환경의식, 의복재활용행동, 패션관심)

  • Park, Ja-Myung;Shin, Hye Won
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2014
  • Purchasing behavior for upcycled fashion products was examined along with analysis on environment consciousness, clothing recycling behavior, interest in fashion and awareness of upcycling. Students from middle schools, general high schools and design high schools participated in this research from August to September in 2013. 732 questionnaires were analyzed by SPSS WIN. Firstly the levels of environmental consciousness, clothing recycling behavior and interest in fashion of students were high, low and mediate respectively. Female students showed higher environmental consciousness compared to male ones and clothing recycling behavior were found to be higher in students of design high schools than those of general ones. The level of interest in fashion was found to be higher in students of general high school than those of middle school, and this was higher in design high school students than those of general ones. Secondly, more than half of students were unaware of upcycling. Female students and students of design high schools were highly aware of upcycling. Students who were aware of upcycling showed high level of environmental consciousness, clothing recycling behaviour and interest in fashion. Thirdly, students had low experiences in purchasing upcycled fashion products and the reason was lack of awareness of upcycling. The reason that students purchased upcycled fashion products was the uniqueness and design. Students who purchased upcycled fashion products showed high environmental consciousness, clothing recycling behaviour, and interest in fashion.

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