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The Effect of Social Emotion Learning on Teacher character of Specialized Pre-service teacher  

Kim, Minwoong (Chungnam National University)
Park, Jeyoung (Chungnam National University)
Choi, Jinsun (Chungnam National University)
Kim, Minjung (Chungnam National University)
Kim, Taehoon (Chungnam National University)
Publication Information
대한공업교육학회지 / v.42, no.2, 2017 , pp. 47-66 More about this Journal
As the necessity of humanistic education has recently been socially emphasized, aptitude and character test has been conducted in the stage of training instructors to focus on making them equipped with proper ability of humanistic education. Especially, considering characteristics of students in specialized high schools with stronger negative concept of ego along with higher proportion of students looking for job in early ages compared to regular high schools, instructors in specialized high schools need to pay more attention on humanistic education of students compared to those in regular high schools. Therefore, this study has developed social emotion learning (SEL) of preliminary teachers in specialized high schools and analyzed the influence of developed programs on characters in teaching positions of preliminary instructors in specialized high schools. In this study, ADDIE model has been used developing SEL programs, and developed programs were comprised of total six sessions. Social emotion learning has been performed on 27 preliminary teachers in experiment group, and regular academic education courses were given on 30 preliminary teachers in control group. At this time, as for class contents, 'self-recognition' has been dealt with in the first and second sessions followed by 'self-management' in the second and third sessions, 'adjustment in relationship' in the fourth session, 'responsible decision making' in the fifth session, and 'personal relationship' in the sixth session. Classes have been conducted for 90 minutes in average. Since intentional sampling method has been used in this study, difference of pre-scores between groups might influence on the difference on post-scores. Therefore, ANCOVA that adjusted the pre-scores to be consistent has been utilized. As a result, there was a significant difference on the post-scores in characters in teaching positions between experiment group and control group.
Social Emotion Learning; SEL; pre-service teacher; teacher character;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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