A Study of Perceptional differences of Vocational High school Students according to existence of The BizCool

비즈쿨에 대한 실업계고등학생들의 인식 연구

  • Received : 2006.02.20
  • Accepted : 2006.03.07
  • Published : 2006.04.30


This study is supposed to grasp how The Entrepreneurship education(BizCool) that has been set as an example since April, 2002 has changed the Vocational high school students' perception of values or courses and then as the result of it, to get the early outcome of The Bizcool. The extent of the model schools mainly concentrated in the industrial and commercial department has to be spreaded to the students of various departments. In addition, diversification of the teaching material would be able to support the accomplishment of the suitable The Bizcool. The effectiveness of The Bizcool has been proven in various parts today, so its application is being magnified gradually. Also it is expected that many schools will adopt this program from now on. The Bizcool that has been executed to enhance the vision and self-confidence of the vocational high school students for their foundation, needs first of all, persistent support, investment and administration, and through these processes it will contribute to change the awareness about social unemployment problems and the vocational high schools.



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