• 제목/요약/키워드: High Performance DSP

검색결과 348건 처리시간 0.028초

도로교통 영상처리를 위한 고속 영상처리시스템의 하드웨어 구현 (An Onboard Image Processing System for Road Images)

  • 이운근;이준웅;조석빈;고덕화;백광렬
    • 제어로봇시스템학회논문지
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    • 제9권7호
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    • pp.498-506
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    • 2003
  • A computer vision system applied to an intelligent safety vehicle has been required to be worked on a small sized real time special purposed hardware not on a general purposed computer. In addition, the system should have a high reliability even under the adverse road traffic environment. This paper presents a design and an implementation of an onboard hardware system taking into account for high speed image processing to analyze a road traffic scene. The system is mainly composed of two parts: an early processing module of FPGA and a postprocessing module of DSP. The early processing module is designed to extract several image primitives such as the intensity of a gray level image and edge attributes in a real-time Especially, the module is optimized for the Sobel edge operation. The postprocessing module of DSP utilizes the image features from the early processing module for making image understanding or image analysis of a road traffic scene. The performance of the proposed system is evaluated by an experiment of a lane-related information extraction. The experiment shows the successful results of image processing speed of twenty-five frames of 320$\times$240 pixels per second.

The Study of Single Phase Source Stability consider for The DSC Cell's Operation Character by Controlled Feed-back Circuit

  • Lee, Hee-Chang
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • 제4권4호
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    • pp.170-173
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    • 2006
  • Recently, with increasing efficiency of DSC (photo-electrochemical using a nano-particle), The Performance of DSC solar generation system also needs improvement. The approach consists of a Fly-back DC-DC (transfer ratio 1:10) converter to boost the DSC cell voltage to 300VDC. The four switch (MOSFET) inverter is employed to produce 220V, 60Hz AC outputs. High performance, easy manufacturability, lower component count., safety and cost are addressed. Protection and diagnostic features form an important part of the design. Another highlight of the proposed design is the control strategy, which allows the inverter to adapt to the: requirements of the load as well as the power source. A unique aspect of the design is the use of the DSP TMS320LF2406 to control the inverter by current and voltage feed-back. Efficient and smooth control of the: power drawn from the DSC Cell is achieved by controlling the front end DC-DC converter in current mode.

New Three-Phase Multilevel Inverter with Shared Power Switches

  • Ping, Hew Wooi;Rahim, Nasrudin Abd.;Jamaludin, Jafferi
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • 제13권5호
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    • pp.787-797
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    • 2013
  • Despite the advantages offered by multilevel inverters, one of the main drawbacks that prevents their widespread use is their circuit complexity as the number of power switches employed is usually high. This paper presents a new multilevel inverter topology with a considerable reduction in the number of power switches used through the switch-sharing approach. The fact that the proposed inverter applies two bidirectional power switches for sharing among the three phases does not prevent it from producing seven levels in the line-to-line output voltage waveforms. A modified scheme of space vector modulation via the application of virtual voltage vectors is developed to generate the PWM signals of the power switches. The performance of the proposed inverter is investigated through MATLAB/SIMULINK simulations and is practically tested using a laboratory prototype with a DSP-based modulator. The results demonstrate the satisfactory performance of the inverter and verify the effectiveness of the modulation method.

MRAS 관측기를 이용한 SRM의 속도 및 위치센서없는 제어 (The Control of Switched Reluctance Motor Using MRAS without Speed and Position Sensors)

  • 양이우;김진수;김영석
    • 대한전기학회논문지:전기기기및에너지변환시스템부문B
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    • 제48권11호
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    • pp.632-639
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    • 1999
  • SRM(Switched Reluctance Motor) drives require the accurate position and speed information of the rotor. These informations are generally provided by a shaft encoder or resolver. High temperature, EMI, and dust may make detection performance deteriorate. Therefore, the elimination of the position and speed sensor is desirable. In this paper, a nonlinear adaptive observer using the MRAS(Model Reference Adaptive System) is proposed. The rotor speed and position are estimated by the adaptation law using the real and estimated currents. The stability of the adaptive observer is proved by Lyapunov stability theory. The proposed methods are implemented with TMS320C31 DSP. Experimental results prove that the observer has a good estimation performance of the rotor speed and position despite of the parameter variations and loads, and the speed control can be accomplished in the wide speed range.

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직접토크제어에 의한 위치검출기 없는 리럭턴스 동기전동기의 고성능 제어시스템 (A High-Performance Position Sensorless Control System of Reluctance Synchronous Motor with Direct Torque Control)

  • 김민회;김남훈;백원식
    • 전력전자학회논문지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2002
  • 본 논문은 직접토크제어에 의한 리럭턴스 동기 전동기의 위치센서 없는 고성능 제어시스템을 제안한다. 이 시스템은 고정자 자속관측기, 속도/토크 관측기, 두 개의 디지털 히스테리시스 제어기, 최적 스위칭 룩업 테이블, IGBT 전압형 인버터, 그리고 TMS320C31 DSP보드로 구성된다. 넓은 속도 범위에서의 안정된 응답특성을 얻기 위해서 전동기 단자에서 얻어진 전압과 전류를 사용하는 폐루프 자속관측기를 사용하였다. 개발된 고성능 속도제어 시스템의 동특성을 검증하기 위해서 1.0[kW] 리럭턴스 동기 전동기를 사용하여 시뮬레이션과 실험을 수행한 결과 저속영역과 고속영역 모두 우수한 동특성을 얻을 수 있었다.

벡터제어(制御) 유도전동기(誘導電動機)의 광역운전(廣域運轉) (Field Oriented Control of an Induction Motor in a Wide Speed Operating Region)

  • 김상훈
    • 산업기술연구
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    • 제17권
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 1997
  • This paper describes a control for the high performance induction motor drive system with a wide speed operating range and proposes a robust control method independent of motor parameter variation. For the operation below the rated speed, the high performance control is achieved by using the indirect field-oriented control with a speed sensor. In the high speed regain, the field weakening region with a large variation in motor parameters, the motor drive system can obtain the robustness to motor parameter variation by switchover to the direct field-oriented control. Also, the sensorless speed control using estimated speed is achieved in very high speed region that the utilization of speed sensor pulses is limited. And from experiments using high performance 32bit DSP for 2.2[kW] and 22[kW] laboratory induction motor drive systems, it is verified that the proposed opration algorithm provided a good performance.

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고성능 DSP를 이용한 모터, 엔코더 성능평가 시스템 개발 (Development of Motor, Encoder Evaluation System using High Performance DSP)

  • 장문석;심재홍;이응혁;최상방
    • 반도체디스플레이기술학회지
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.77-82
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    • 2009
  • In robot operation, a motor with multi-degree of freedom motion control and an encoder for motor control are needed. To perform precise motion, location, and velocity control, the operation of motor and encoder with superior performance is important. In this paper, we studied performance evaluation system that can evaluate the performance of motor and encoder. The performance of motor and encoder can be evaluated in terms of disconnection check, signal variation count, and U, V, W signal check. Disconnection check verifies signal connection between a motor and an encoder, signal variation check verifies A, B signal by counting the number of signal A, B when a motor revolves, and U, V, W signal check verifies operating direction of a motor. The result is shown at graphic LCD integrated in system, and can be checked in PC with PC communication.

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산업용 장비에서의 액추에이터를 제어 하기 위한 DSP에서의 Modbus통신 구현과 제어 모듈 개발 (Development of DSP-based Modbus Communication Scheme and Control Module for Controlling Actuators in Industrial Equipment)

  • 김원준;곽동기;김동환
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제41권11호
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    • pp.1109-1117
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    • 2017
  • PLC 시스템은 자체 모듈에 의한 부분적 확장성을 지원하고 있지만, 확장을 위한 비용이 크고, 센서 및 기타 제어기들과의 언어 호환성 또한 문제가 되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 빠르게 변화하는 기술에 대처하기 위해 텍사스 인스트루먼트 사의 DSP(디지털 시그널 프로세서)를 이용하여 PLC를 대체 및 보조할 수 있는 시스템을 제안한다. 이 시스템은 기존 PLC의 기능을 통합적으로 구현하며, 범용으로 쓰이는 PLC 에 비해 속도가 빠르고, 약 50% 이상의 비용 절감이 가능하다. 또한, 모듈 형태의 24V의 범용 디지털 I/O핀을 구성함으로써 선택적으로 입력과 출력의 부분적 확장을 용이하게 하였다. 일반적 산업 장비의 제어를 위해 널리 사용되고 있는 모드버스 통신을 RS-485 인터페이스를 기반으로 DSP에서 구현함으로써, 장비 간 다대다 통신을 할 수 있도록 하였다.

고성능 DSP 제어기를 사용한 태양광인버터의 하모닉 추출기법에 대한 연구 (Study on the Harmonic Extraction Technique of the Power Conditioning System using High Performance DSP Controller)

  • 이정은;민준기;김일송
    • 전력전자학회논문지
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.266-273
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    • 2010
  • 태양광 인버터(PCS)는 태양전지에서 발생된 전력을 계통에 연계시키는 장치이다. IEEE 1547 규격에 따르면 PCS에서 발생되는 고조파왜곡은 5% 이내여야만 한다. 일반적으로 PCS에서 계통으로 유입되는 고조파 검출은 전용 계측장치에 의해서 측정된다. 초기에 규격에 맞게 설계된 PCS의 고조파가 소자들의 노화나 제어기 고장에 의해 증가하게 될 경우 발전을 중지하거나 경보를 발생시켜야 한다. 기존의 상용화된 시스템에는 이러한 기능이 존재하지 않는다. 본 연구에서는 PCS 내부에 고조파왜곡을 실시간으로 측정하는 알고리즘을 내장시키는 방법에 대해 연구한다. 고성능 32-bit 부동소수점 DSP를 이용한 PCS를 제작하고 256-point DFT(Discrete Fourier Transform) 알고리즘을 이용하여 1[ms] 이내에 하모닉 계수를 계산하였다. 제어기 제작에 대한 설명과 실험 결과로서 연구의 타당성을 입증하였다.

무철심형 선형 동기전동기의 드라이브 설계에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Design of Drive for Coreless Linear Synchronous Motor)

  • 김상우;이재헌;김상은;김종무;이석규
    • 대한전기학회논문지:시스템및제어부문D
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    • 제50권6호
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    • pp.266-271
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, a controller design for coreless linear synchronous motor is proposed. The designed controller is mainly composed of speed and current control, which are carried out by the high-speed digital signal processor(DSP). In addition the PWM inverter is controlled by space voltage PWM method. This system is implemented using by 32-bit DSP(TMS320C31), a high-integrated logic device(EPM940), and IPM(Intelligent Power Modules) for compact and powerful system design. The experimental results show the effective performance of controller for coreless linear synchronous motor.

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