• Title/Summary/Keyword: HBr

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Etch characteristics of Pb(Zr,Ti)$O_3$ by using HBr/Ar gas mixtures (HBr/Ar 가스를 이용한 Pb(Zr,Ti)$O_3$ 식각 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Keun;Son, Hyun-Jin;Lee, Seung-Hun;Kwon, Kwang-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.340-340
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구에서는 유도결합형 플라즈마(ICP)를 이용하여, HBr/Ar 가스의 조성비 변화에 따른 Pb(Zr,Ti)$O_3$ 박막에 대한 식각특성을 연구 하였다. PZT박막의 식각속도와 Oxide($SiO_2$), Photo resister(PR)에 대한 식각선택비를 추출하였으며, 식각 메카니즘을 규명하기 위하여 optical emission spectroscopy(OES)와 double Langmuir prove(DLP) 이용하여 라디칼 특성변화와 이온 전류밀도(Ion current density)를 측정하였다.

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H.B. Robinson-2 pressure vessel dosimetry benchmark: Deterministic three-dimensional analysis with the TORT transport code

  • Orsi, Roberto
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.448-455
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    • 2020
  • The H.B. Robinson Unit 2 (HBR-2) pressure vessel dosimetry benchmark is an in- and ex-Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) neutron dosimetry benchmark based on experimental data from the HBR-2 reactor, a 2300-MW PWR designed by Westinghouse and put in operation in March 1971, openly available through the SINBAD Database at OECD/NEA data Bank. The goals of the present work were to carry out three-dimensional (3D) fixed source transport calculations in both Cartesian (X,Y,Z) and cylindrical (R,θ,Z) geometries by using the TORT-3.2 discrete ordinates code on very detailed 3D HBR-2 geometrical models and to test the latest broad-group coupled (47 neutron groups + 20 photon groups) working cross section libraries in FIDO-ANISN format with same structure as BUGLE-96, such as BUGJEFF311.BOLIB, BUGENDF70.BOLIB and BUGLE-B7. The results obtained with all the cited libraries were satisfactory and are here reported and compared.

HBR-tree : An Efficient Current Location Data Indexing Mechanism for Location Based Services (HBR-tree : 위치 기반 서비스를 위한 효과적인 현재 위치 인덱싱 기법)

  • 윤재관;홍동숙;한기준
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2004
  • 최근 PDA와 같은 모바일 장치와 무선 인터넷의 사용이 확대되고, GPS의 개발로 인하여 위치 기반 서비스가 활발히 연구되고 있다. 그러나, 위치 기반 서비스의 중요한 요소인 이동 객체는 이동에 따른 갱신 비용이 높기 때문에 이전의 디스크 기반의 GIS에서 사용되던 인덱스를 이용하는 것은 효과적 이 지 못하다. 본 논문에서는 위치 기반 서비스를 위한 효과적인 현재 위치 데이타 처리를 위해 공간 해쉬 인덱스와 R-tree 인덱스를 결합한 형태인 HB(Hash Based)R-tree 인덱스를 개발하였다. HBR-tree 인덱스는 위치 기반 서비스에서 이동 객체의 위치 데이타가 빈번하게 갱신된다는 특징을 이용하여 갱신 작업은 HBR-tree 인덱스의 공간 해쉬 테이블 내에서 처리하고, 생성된 공간 해쉬 테이블을 이용하여 R-tree 인덱스를 구성함으로써 빠른 검색 질의 처리가 가능하고 갱신 비용을 줄일 수 있다는 장점이 있다.

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HBr 가스를 이용한 MgO 박막의 고밀도 반응성 이온 식각

  • Kim, Eun-Ho;So, U-Bin;Gong, Seon-Mi;Jeong, Ji-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2010.02a
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    • pp.212-212
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    • 2010
  • 최근 차세대 반도체 메모리 소자로 대두된 magnetic random access memory(MRAM)에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 특히 MRAM의 magnetic tunnel junction(MTJ) stack을 구성하는 자성 재료의 건식 식각에 대한 연구에서는 좋은 profile을 얻고, 재층착의 문제를 해결하기 위한 노력이 계속해서 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 photoresist(PR)과 Ti 하드 마스크로 패턴 된 배리어(barrier) 층인 MgO 박막의 식각 특성을 유도결합 플라즈마를 이용한 고밀도 반응성 이온 식각(inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching-ICPRIE)을 통해서 연구하였다. PR 및 Ti 마스크를 이용한 자성 박막들은 HBr/Ar, HBr/$O_2$/Ar 식각 가스의 농도를 변화시키면서 식각되었다. HBr/Ar 가스를 이용 식각함에 있어서 좋은 식각 조건을 얻기 위한 parameter로서 pressure, bias voltage, rf power를 변화시켰다. 각 조건에서 Ti 하드마스크에 대한 터널 배리어층인 MgO 박막에 selectivity를 조사하였고 식각 profile을 관찰하였다. 식각 속도를 구하기 위해 alpha step(Tencor P-1)이 사용되었고 또한 field emission scanning electron microscopy(FESEM)를 이용하여 식각 profile을 관찰함으로써 최적의 식각 가스와 식각 조건을 찾고자 하였다.

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Surface Morphology and Characteristics of LiNbO3 Single Crystal by Helicon Wave Plasma Etching (Helicon Wave Plasma에 의해 식각된 단결정 LiNbO3의 표면 형상 및 특성)

  • 박우정;양우석;이한영;윤대호
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.40 no.9
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    • pp.886-890
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    • 2003
  • The etching characteristics of a LiNbO$_3$ single crystal have been investigated using helicon wave plasma source with bias power and the mixture of CF$_4$, HBr, SF$_{6}$ gas parameters. The etching rate of LiNbO$_3$ with etching parameters was evaluated by surface profiler. The etching surface was evaluated by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The surface morphology of the etched LiNbO$_3$ changed with bias power and the mixture of CF$_4$/Ar/Cl$_2$, HBr/Ar/Cl$_2$, and SF$_{6}$/Ar/Cl$_2$ parameters. Optimum etching conditions, considering both the surface flatness and etch rate were determined.

Effects of Gas Chemistries on Poly-Si Plasma Etching with I-Line and DUV Resist (I-Line과 DUV Resist에서 Poly-Si 플라즈마 식각시 미치는 개스의 영향)

  • 신기수;김재영
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.155-160
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    • 1998
  • It is necessary to use Arc layer and DUV resist to define 0.25 $\mu \textrm{m}$ line and space for 256 MDRAM devices. Poly-Si etching with Arc layer and different resists has been performed in a TCP-9408 etcher with variation of gas chemistries; $Cl_2/O_2, Cl_2/N_2, Cl_2$/HBr . DUV resist causes more positive etch profile and CD gain compared to I-line resist because the sidewall passivation is more stimulated by increasing polymerization through the loss of resist. When Arc layer is applied, CD hain also increases due to the polymeric mask formed after thching Arc layer. From the point of gas chemistry effects, the etch profile and CD gain is not improved using $Cl_2/O_2$ gas, since polymerization is accelerated in this gas. however, the vertical profile and less CD gain is obtained using $Cl_2$/HBr gas. Furthermore, HBr gas is very effective to suppress the difference of profile and CD variation between dense pattern and isolated pattern by minimizing non-uniformity of side wall passivation with pattern density.

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Cyclic Lond Testing for Strong Axis Joints Connected with SRC Column and RC Beams (SRC기둥-RC보 강축 접합부 상세의 구조성능 평가)

  • Moon, Jeong-Ho;Lee, Kang-Min;Lim, Jae-Hyung;Oh, Kyung-Hwan;Kim, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.401-409
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    • 2007
  • The objective of this research is to provide better knowledge on the behavior of strong axis SRC column-RC beam joint, supported by experimental results, that can be broadly applicable to many structures. For this purpose, firstly literature reviews and field survey were made to classify the most commonly used for these types of joints. Then, experimental program was designed and performed including 6 SRC column-RC beam joint specimens designed with various joint details. Using the experimental results obtained from the quasi-static cyclic tests, structural performances of the joints such as hysteretic curves, maximum strength capacities, strength degradation beyond the maximum strength, ductilities, and energy dissipation capacities were investigated. Test results showed that specimens with wide beam shape (RCW-P, RCW-W, RCW-F) and T beam shape (RCT-W) showed better structural performances than the bracket type specimens (HBR-L, HBR-S). These specimens also revealed to have higher strength capacities than the nominal design strength. However, H beam bracket type specimens (HBR-L, HBR-S) need further study both analytically and experimentally to verify the reason for unexpected structural performances.

Dry Etching of Polysilicon by the RF Power and HBr Gas Changing in ICP Poly Etcher (ICP Poly Etcher를 이용한 RF Power와 HBr Gas의 변화에 따른 Polysilicon의 건식식각)

  • Nam, S.H.;Hyun, J.S.;Boo, J.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.630-636
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    • 2006
  • Scale down of semiconductor gate pattern will make progress centrally line width into transistor according to the high integration and high density of flash memory semiconductor. Recently, the many researchers are in the process of developing research for using the ONO(oxide-nitride-oxide) technology for the gate pattern give body to line breadth of less 100 nm. Therefore, etch rate and etch profile of the line width detail of less 100 nm affect important factor in a semiconductor process. In case of increasing of the platen power up to 50 W at the ICP etcher, etch rate and PR selectivity showed good result when the platen power of ICP etcher has 100 W. Also, in case of changing of HBr gas flux at the platen power of 100 W, etch rate was decreasing and PR selectivity is increasing. We founded terms that have etch rate 320 nm/min, PR selectivity 3.5:1 and etch slope have vertical in the case of giving the platen power 100 W and HBr gas 35 sccm at the ICP etcher. Also notch was not formed.