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A Study on the Sinpa of Along With the Gods and the Korean Sinpa -Focusing on the comparison between the Sinpa of Singwahamkke Jeoseung and the Sinpa of Along With the Gods: The Two Worlds (<신과함께>의 신파성과 한국적 신파 현상 -웹툰 <신과함께-저승편>과 영화 <신과함께-죄와 벌>에 나타난 신파성 비교를 중심으로)

  • Park, Jae-Yeon
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.77-114
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    • 2020
  • This article aims to examine the Sinpa of Along With the Gods: The Two Worlds. Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds was a box office hit with a 10 million attendance mark, but it was also criticized as a 'Korean Sinpa' at the time of its release. The original version of Along with the Gods is a Webtoon called Singwahamkke in Korean. The popularity of Singwahamkke and its adaptation, Along with the Gods was enormous, which prompted a very active research to be carried about the work. However there are only a few articles which analyze the Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds focusing on the Sinpa, even though the Sinpa of the Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds was a highly controversial issue when the movie was released. In this regard, this article tries to examine the Sinpa of the Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds closely, especially by comparing it with the original webtoon Singwahamkke Jeoseung. The body part of this article is composed of three major parts: chapters 2, 3, and 4. Chapter 2 contains an in depth explanation about the notion of Sinpa, the main conceptual research tool for this study. In chapter 3, the original webtoon Singwahamkke Jeoseung is examined closely. This chapter analyzes the 'Sinpajeok moment' in Singwahamkke Jeoseung and argues that despite the presence of Sinpa elements, the webtoon cannot be considered a 'Sinpajeok text'. On the other hand the main subject of chapter 4 is discovering what effect the adaptation from webtoon to movie had on this work, with a particular focus on the gender of Sinpa and Kim Ja-hong. Chapter 5, which corresponds to the conclusion, briefly evaluates the social significance of the controversy arisen in South Korea about the Sinpa in Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds. Sinpa is one of the most repeated code in the realm of Korean popular narrative. This is why the Sinpa of contemporary text is examined continuously even though there are already plenty of studies on the Sinpa. Everyone has called Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds Sinpa but no one has properly analyzed it. It is hoped that this article which closesly examined the Sinpa in Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds contribute to the field of Sinpa. It is also expected that this article can find appropriate contextual meaning of the series of Along with the Gods.

Local, Jobless Person, Homo Economicus, Three Axis of Kwak Hashin's Works (로컬, 룸펜, 경제적 인간, 곽하신 소설의 세 좌표)

  • Kim, Yang-Sun
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.161-188
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    • 2020
  • This paper seeks to expand the scale of literary history by restoring and analyzing the whole aspect of Kwak Hashin's works, which has so far been studied little. For this purpose, I notice the rupture of discontinuity of his works which is greatly divided into the colonial period and post Korean war period. And the characteristics of each works can be analyzed based on the three axis, local(colonial period), jobless person(post-war period), and Homo Economicus(some short stories, and popular novels in post-war period). In Chapter 2, 'Local-the world of Munjang', I evaluated that Kwak Hashin's novel, which had been published in the late 1930s in the Journal of Munjang, embodied anti-modern aesthetic consciousness, as clearly revealing the sorrow for disappearing things, the pre-modern sense of time, and the preference for local. In Chapter 3, 'Jobless Person' and Chapter 4, 'The State of All People's Struggle against All People, The Appearance of Homo Economicus', the Korean society in late 1950s, which entered underdeveloped capitalist countries after Korean war, can be characterized by two contrasting male-gender, one is the jobless, incompetent male, and the economic man on the other hand. In the late '50s, Lumpen(=Jobless Person) novels showed the problems of the Korean economy through incompetent male character. The intelligent men took the path to survival rather than morality or intimacy, projecting their own incompetence and anxiety to women/wives. In the popular novels Women's Song and The Shadow of the Fig Tree, achievement-oriented male figures who betrayed their colleagues, and exploited women's sex by using love relationships to rise to the top appeared. They can be defined as the Homo Economicus who embody the state of universal struggle against all people. These novels showed the formation of the masculinity in post Korean war period, which pursued the survival of the fittest, borrowing form of popular novel. As we have seen so far, Kwak Hashin needs to be re-evaluated as an writer who expanded the modern literary history in the outside of literature. He was the last generation writer written in Korean late colonial period, and provided the model of postwar literature by borrowing the form of journalism and popular novels.

From Frankenstein to Torture Porn -Monstrous Technology and the Horror Film (프랑켄슈타인에서 고문 포르노까지 -괴물화하는 테크놀로지와 호러영화)

  • Chung, Young-Kwon
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.243-277
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    • 2020
  • This paper examines a social and cultural history of horror films through the keyword "technology", focusing on The Spark of Fear: Technology, Society and the Horror Film (2015) written by Brian N. Duchaney. Science fiction film is closely connected with technology in film genres. On the other hand, horror films have been explained in terms of nature/supernatural. In this regard, The Spark of Fear, which accounts for horror film history as (re)actions to the development of technology, is remarkable. Early horror films which were produced under the influence of gothic novels reflected the fear of technology that had been caused by industrial capitalism. For example, in the film Frankenstein (1931), an angry crowd of people lynch the "monster", the creature of technology. This is the action which is aroused by the fear of technology. Furthermore, this mob behavior is suggestive of an uprising of people who have been alienated by industrial capitalism during the Great Depression. In science fiction horror films, which appeared in the post-war boom, the "other" that manifests as aliens is the entity that destroys the value of prosperity during post-war America. While this prosperity is closely related to the life of the middle class in accordance with the suburbanization, the people live conformist lives under the mantle of technologies such as the TV, refrigerator, etc. In the age of the Vietnam War, horror films demonize children, the counter-culture generation against a backdrop of the house that is the place of isolation and confinement. In this place, horror arises from the absolute absence of technology. While media such as videos, internet, and smartphones have reinforced interconnectedness with the outside world since the 1980s, it became another outside influence that we cannot control. "Found-footage" and "torture porn" which were rife in post-9/11 horror films show that the technologies of voyeurism/surveillance and exposure/exhibitionism are near to saturation. In this way, The Spark of Fear provides an opportune insight into the present day in which the expectation and fear of the progress of technology are increasingly becoming inseparable from our daily lives.

The Diaspora Narrative and Aesthetics in Handol's Tarae (한돌 타래의 디아스포라 서사와 미학)

  • Shin, Sa-Bin
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.189-219
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    • 2020
  • This study is an analysis of Handol Heung-Gun Lee's Tarae, which is a coinage combining the Korean words for "playing an instrument" and "song", in terms of narrative and aesthetics. The components for analysis are the phenomena and nature of binary oppositions between nature and human beings, between alienation and interest, between division and unification, and between diaspora and people of the national community. Tarae in the period from the late 1970s to the early 1990s described the experience of pain and loss from non-resistance and disobedience in protest against social problems that emerged during the era of miliary dictatorship, such as industrialization, urbanization, reckless development, Westernization, university-oriented education, the gap between rich and poor, human alienation, and the conflicts arising from the division of the nation. After Handol overcame the lack of creative motivation with self-reflection and effort, Tarae took the form of a diaspora epic meta-narratives integrating the "sound of nature and his true nature" and "the awareness of diaspora and the spirit of the Korean people". The epics of the homeland, the national soil and the people, which began with "Teo", became more intense in terms of a sense of diaspora as they shifted their focus from an origin to a path with "Hanmoejulghi" as the turning point. Handol seeks inspiration in the source of narrative rather than in music. His Tarae focuses on "adding rhythm for lyrics". For this reason, the semiotic features of Tarae have a limitation in that its extrinsic phonology is simple even if its intrinsic meaning (i.e., emotion of sadness) is profound and subtle. In order to elicit sympathy from the audience and impress them, it is necessary to strike a balance between the implicit (semantic) part and the explicit (phonological) part. To share the emotion of sadness with more people, it is necessary to strengthen phonological elements. Sympathy for sadness and deep impression on the audience are more often induced by the mood of similar sentiments than by the stories of the same experience. The aesthetics of sadness in Tarae began with the narratives of past experience which were expressed in the contexts of loss, loneliness, and poverty that Handol had experienced since childhood. However, the aesthetics of sadness, deepened over the period of a long hiatus in Handol's career as a composer, formed the narratives of ultimate salvation, embodying even the diaspora experience of others (e.g., displaced people, overseas adoptees, ethnic Koreans in Russia, victims of Japanese military sexual slavery, etc.). This gave Tarae the potential to go beyond the limits of the ethnic group of Korea. Tarae, as a "dispersed sound", can benefit from the appeal of deep sadness at the point of contact with other forms of world music. It may form a global diaspora discourse because Tarae is oriented towards interculturalism rather than anti-multiculturalism. The future challenge and goal of Handol's Tarae would be to continue to find areas of sympathy and broaden the horizon of awareness as diaspora music.

The Discourse on Girls and the Comics in the 1970s Magazine, Schoolgirl - A Forced Model and the Invented Cheerfulness (1970년대 잡지 『여학생』의 소녀 담론과 만화 -강요된 모범과 만들어진 명랑)

  • Kim, So-Won
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.13-51
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    • 2021
  • The aim of this essay is to illustrate Sunjung Manhwa in the 1970s which has been alienated in comics studies. This essay analyses the articles and the serial comics in Schoolgirl, the magazine in the 1970s, and examines the ideal representations of the girls at that time. Sunjung Manhwa is really different between the 1960s and 1970s. It cannot be explained on this gap just by analyzing Sunjung Manhwa in book form alone. Even though the censorship on comics was the element that has hampered the development of comics as a whole, the slumps of Sunjung Manhwa in the 1970s were very excessive compared to other comics genres. This article can gain the answers to the reason of the changes of Sunjung Manhwa by studying the magazines which was the main mass media aimed at girls with Sunjung Manhwa. While the articles in magazines show the editing direction and its characteristics, they reflect the values and ideologies at that time. The same is true for the comics in the magazines. Especially, the comics in the magazines was relatively free from the censorship. This essay examined how the articles and the comics in the girls' magazine in the 1970s represented the images of girls at the time by focusing on feature articles and comics in the magazine, Schoolgirl. This article explored Um, Hee-Ja's Blue Zone and Bang, Young-Jin's Mini March among a full-length serial comics in the magazine, Schoolgirl. Both Blue Zone and Mini March reveal the images of an ideal girl that has been emphasized by the articles in Schoolgirl. Blue Zone draws the appearances of an earnest and obedient daughter, and Mini March represents the figures of a cheerful and bright girl. Through this study, it can be recognized that the magazines in the 1970s highly appraised girls who are obedient to a given society and serve to a harmonious family as ideal ones, and it might be guessed that the ideal images of girls that was characterized ceaselessly by the magazines were the standard of the censorship on comics and its creativity and had also a huge impact on the contents and the expressions of a great deal of works. The 1970s was the times when its importance has been lost in the history of the comics studies by the censorship on the comics and the monopoly of "Hapdong(합동) publisher." The limits of expression in terms of censorship were awfully distinct, so its result was few of good works in quality, and there are still many blanks in the study on 1970s' comics. This study has a meaning which fills up a blank in the comics studies.

(Im)Mobility as Dispositif and its Representations - Mobility-Based Textual Research Method Centered on Mobility and Foucault (장치로서의 (임)모빌리티와 그 재현 -『모빌리티와 푸코』를 중심으로 한 텍스트 연구 시론)

  • Kim, Na-Hyun
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.195-228
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to review the mobility-based textual research methods raised in Mobility and Foucault and apply them to textual analysis. This book contains seven articles applying Foucault's terms to mobility studies, giving intellectual stimulation to both studies. Since Foucault examined discipline power operated through the technology of distinguishing between rational/irrational and normal/abnormal, his works seem to a study of closed spaces like prisons. However, the authors of this book note that Foucault's works already had sufficient insight on mobility, and them actively incorporated it into mobility study. When we concentrate Foucault's works on mobility as a governmentality and a dispositif, the tension and dynamics between mobility and immobility are emphasized. And then it is possible to cross the simple dichotomy in mobility studies. This paper analyzes Kim Joong-hyuk's short story 1F/B1 by applying this method. This story describes a building manager who seems to be fixed in a building, but the mobility of him in the story goes through stereotypes and creates new spaces. Kim Hye-jin's short stories also represent mobility that cannot move and hesitates. These stories are important in that they show the mobility as a dispositif that constitutes the subject. When referring to the achievements of Mobility and Foucault, we read this narrative again by paying attention to the dynamics of mobility and immobility in the text. The significance of this paper is that it expands mobility-based textual research anew. While text analysis applying mobility study was usually focused on clearly mobile narratives such as travel statements and diaspora narratives, Mobility and Foucault drives new textual research by paying attention to the relationship between power and mobility, mobility and immobility dynamics. Therefore, this paper is significant in confirming the new meaning of the text revealed when paying attention to the representation of mobility in the narrative that no one seems to be mobile, and seeking to expand the mobility-based textual research method.

Group storytelling with multi-storyteller in single person media game contents on Youtube - focused on viewer-participating contents in channel (유튜브 1인 게임 방송의 집단 스토리텔링 -<대도서관 TV(buzzbean11)> 채널의 시청자 참여형 콘텐츠를 중심으로)

  • Kil, Hye-Bin;Kim, So-Young
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.107-142
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    • 2021
  • Emergence of new media platform had changed relationship between the broadcaster and the viewer, which used to form 'performer-audience' structure. This research has focused on the transition of 'streamer-viewer' role in single-media broadcasting, such as Youtube or Twitch, and identify how they progress group storytelling as a team. Walter Benjam and Leslie Marmon Silko's notion of 'story and storyteller' and Erving Goffman's 'social role theory' was used to define participants' role in new media broadcasting. channel, on Youtube, was selected and analyzed as example case. The domain of 'front stage' was broadened in recorded contents comparing to live streaming. The audience of live streaming is included to the front stage during the expansion. The role of streamer, game participant, and live stream contents viewer is also adjusted during the change, which leads to group-creation of the contents. Streamer plays a role of main-storyteller and suggest identity of the community. Game participants work as sub-storyteller, filling in the blank space in game storytelling and making it sophisticated. They also perform based on community's identity, which streamer has built in advance. Lastly, live steam viewers are intermittent sub-storyteller, which seldom add up the narrative. Though, their main role is to preserve identity of game broadcasting community by reacting according to community's identity. As a result, the game broadcasting narrative is developed by combining and adding up pieces of story made in different level and role of participants. The research redefine the role of viewer and storytelling method in new media, especially in single-person broadcasting. Considering the rapid shift in recent media and contents, a new approach to the streamer-veiwer role and group storytelling of this research can be one of the new method to analyze contents produced in new media, such as Youtube.

How did 'Partisan' become 'The red': The impossibility of pain-representation in the 1970s-1980s - Focusing on Lee Byung-Ju's 『Jirisan』 ('빨치산'은 어떻게 '빨갱이'가 되었나: 1970-80년대 고통의 재현불가능성 -이병주의 『지리산』을 중심으로)

  • Park, Suk-Ja
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.143-177
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    • 2021
  • In the history of Korean literature, evaluations on 『Jirisan』 (Lee Byeong-ju) are bisected. Some evaluate it as a novel of authentic records which reproduces the history before and after the emancipation objectively while others say it takes advantage of anti-communistic ideology. This study analyzes that difference is resulted not from the distinction of perspectives but from cracks in the text. This is associated with the process of 『Jirisan』's publication. 『Jirisan』 was published serially in 『Sedae』 from 1972, and then, part of the manuscript was published in 1978 and the whole edition published in a series came to be republished in 1981. After that, in 1981 and 1985, part of the follow-up story was printed on the magazine, and then, with the memoirs of those two years as materials, the sixth and seventh volumes were again published through 'revision'. In other words, the publication of 『Jirisan』 is divided into that of the edition published in a series and that of the edition published in 1985 including the contents of revision. The theme of the work, 『Jirisan』 differs according to the point of its completion you may think of. This researcher pays attention to the difference of perspectives between the contents up to the fifth volume and those of the sixth and seventh volumes. Particularly, his evaluation on 'partisans' seems to have changed. In the edition published in a series, he extended 'partisans' into the independence movement in the Japanese colonial era under the Revitalizing Reforms system and adopted the representation of 'partisans' three-dimensionally whereas in the sixth and seventh volumes, he reproduced 'partisans' as beings that were the 'doctrinaire' and 'vicious' 'Reds' and had to be punished. In brief, with 『Jirisan』, he represented 'partisans' in the background of history before and after the emancipation and segmented the discourse, representation and ideology of the Cold War system, but in the process of revision, he stitched up 'partisans' as beings that were evil and losers. Consequently, with 『Jirisan』, he revealed the process of division and contention that proceeded around anti-communism/capitalism within the abyss of the 1970's to 80's and reproduced 'partisans' as beings that were either 'hostile (the Reds)' or 'unknown (losers)

The Effects of Desire for Independence, Possibility of Start-up Success and Employment Stability to Pull-entrepreneurship in the Middle Age: Focusing on Mediating Effects of Push-entrepreneurship (중장년층의 자립욕구, 창업성공가능성, 고용안정성이 Pull-창업의지에 미치는 영향 : Push-창업의지의 매개효과 중심으로)

  • Jung, Jong-Sik;Yang, Dong-Woo
    • Korean small business review
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    • 제42권3호
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    • pp.221-243
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to research the effects of desire for independence, possibility of start-up success and employment stability to the push-entrepreneurship through the push-entrepreneurship by a survey of employees in the middle age. The purpose of the creating start-up environment was encouraged the qualitative expansion of opportunity-driven start-up rather than the quantitative expansion of necessity-driven start-up for the economic growth and expanding employment. In spit of the employees had their own careers, skills, opportunities and market-experiences, In reality it is necessity-driven start-up that the quantitative expansion. The purpose of this study was to reflect process change by desire for independence, push-entrepreneurship and pull-entrepreneurship based on the possibility of start-up success and employment stability perceived by individual founders, changed process factor rather than the fixed result factor. The results are as follows. First, it was found that desire for independence makes a positive (+) effect on the pull-entrepreneurship and the push-entrepreneurship. Second, it was found that the possibility of start-up success makes a positive (+) effect on the pull-entrepreneurship and not effect on push-entrepreneurship. third, it was found that the employment stability makes a positive (+) effect on the pull-entrepreneurship and not effect on the push-entrepreneurship. Forth, it was found that desire for independence makes a positive (+) effect on the pull-entrepreneurship and mediating negative (-) effect on the push-entrepreneurship. The implication of this study was that potential entrepreneurs with desire for independence, rather than necessity-driven start-up due to unemployment, could be developed as pull-entrepreneurship improved the situation of push-entrepreneurship. In addition, it seems that entrepreneurship education and activation of entrepreneurship programs for employee with desire for independence expand opportunity-driven start-up after retirement.

Development and Validation of the Korean Tier 3 School-Wide Positive Behavior Support Implementation Fidelity Checklist (KT3-FC) (한국형 긍정적 행동지원 3차 실행충실도 척도(KT3-FC)의 개발과 타당화)

  • Won, Sung-Doo;Chang, Eun Jin;Cho Blair, Kwang-Sun;Song, Wonyoung;Nam, Dong Mi
    • Korean Journal of School Psychology
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.165-180
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    • 2020
  • As a tiered system of supports, School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) is an evidence-based practice in the educational system of Korea. An important aspect of SWPBS is the ongoing progress monitoring and evaluation of implementation fidelity. This study aimed to develop and validate the Korean Tier 3 School-Wide Positive Behavior Support Implementation Fidelity Checklist (KT3-FC). The preliminary KT3-FC consisted of a 37-item, 6-factor checklist. In the first phase of the study, 10 experts reported that the range of content validity of the KT3-FC was adequate. In the second phase of the study, 185 teachers (52 men and 133 women) who implemented SWPBS completed the KT3-FC, Individualized Supports Questionnaire, School Climate Questionnaire, School Discipline Practice Scale, and PBS Effectiveness Scale. An exploratory factor analysis resulted in a 5-factor structure, with 20 items, instead of 37 items, consisting of: (a) progress monitoring and evaluation of the individualized supports, (b) provision of supports by aligning and integrating mental health and SWPBS, (c) crisis management planning, (d) problem behavior assessment, and (e) establishment of individualized support team. The internal consistency of the KT3-FC was good (full scale α = .950, sub-factor α = .888 ~ .954). In addition, the KT3-FC showed good convergent validity, having statistically significant correlations with the Individualized Support Questionnaire, School Climate Questionnaire, School Discipline Practice Scale, and the PBS Effectiveness Scale. Finally, the confirmatory factor analysis showed that the 5-factor model of the KT3-FC had some good model fits, indicating that the newly developed fidelity measure could be a reliable and valid tool to assess the implementation of Tier 3 supports in Korean schools. Accordingly, the KT3-FC could contribute to implement SWPBS as an evidence-based behavioral intervention for Korean students.