• Title/Summary/Keyword: H & S manager

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A Study on the Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries Admission Officer System (한국농수산대학 입학사정관제 도입에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Y.H.;Suh, G.S.;Kim, K.Y.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2010
  • The "admission officer system" of the Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries does the school life records (50%), a engaging in agriculture and fishery base (33.3%) and an interview (16.7%) with typical element and selects the freshmen. The system of admission officer the instance of domestic and the foreign nation university is suitable in founding goal of the Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries which agriculture and fishery manager education. Also the selection of the well rounded student there is character and an aptitude to agriculture and fishery is possible. Also the agriculture and fishery high school curriculum and connectedness of our college between could be strengthened. Consequently the Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries was investigated with the fact that the "admission officer system" is necessary

Rejection Study of Mearest Meighbor Classifier for Diagnosis of Rotating Machine Fault (회전기계 고장 진단을 위한 최근접 이웃 분류기의 기각 전략)

  • 최영일;박광호;기창두
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.81-84
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    • 2000
  • Rotating machine is used extensively and plays important roles in the industrial field. Therefore when rotating machine get out of order, it is necessary to know reasons then deal with the troubles immediately. So many studies far diagnosis of rotating machine are being done. However by this time most of study has an interest in gaining a high recognition But without considering error $rate^{(1)(2)(3)}$ , it is not desirable enough to apply h the actual application system. If the manager of system receives the result misjudging the condition of rotating machine and takes measures, we would lose heavily. So in order to play the creditable diagnosis, we must consider error rate. T h ~ t is. it must be able to reject the result of misjudgment. This study uses nearest neighbor classifier for diagnosis of rotating $machine^{(4)(8)}$ And the Smith's rejection $method^{(1)}$ used to recognize handwritten charter is done. Consequently creditable diagnosis of rotating machine is proposed.

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Character Recognition of Low Resolution CCTV Images of Sewer Inspection (저해상도 하수관로 CCTV조사 영상의 문자인식)

  • Kim, Byeong-Cheol;Choi, Chang-Ho;Son, Byung-Jik
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.58-65
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    • 2016
  • Recent frequent occurrence of urban sinkhole serves as a momentum of the periodic inspection of sewer pipelines. Sewer inspection using a CCTV device needs a lot of time and efforts. Many of previous studies which reduce the laborious tasks are mainly interested in the developments of image processing S/W and inspection H/W. However there has been no attempt to find meaningful information from the existing CCTV images stored by the sewer maintenance manager. This study adopts a cross-correlation based image processing method and extracts location data of sewer inspection device from CCTV images. As a result of the analysis of time-location relation, it shows strong correlation between the device's stand times and the sewer damages. In case of using this method to investigate sewer inspection CCTV images, it will save the investigator's efforts and improve the sewer maintenance efficiency and reliability.

Risk Ranking for Tunnelling Construction Projects in Malaysia

  • Ghazali, F.E. Mohamed;Wong, H.C.
    • Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2014
  • Tunnelling has become a preferred method of construction for road and highway projects in countries with a lot of hilly slope geological conditions such as found in Malaysia. However the construction works of a tunnelling project are usually complicated and costly, which consequently impose great risks to the parties involved. This paper identifies the key significant risks and sub-risks for tunnelling construction projects in Malaysia through a case study. Interview has been used as the solitary means to determine the significant risks from contractor's eleven key project personnel who were directly involved in the tunnelling construction such as consultant, construction manager and tunnel engineers. The importance of the risks identified is then prioritised and ranked via the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)'s pairwise comparison approach to determine their criticality towards a successful delivery of project. As a result, three key risks have been identified as significant for the tunnelling case study project, namely health and safety, cost overrun in construction and time overrun in construction. Two sub-risks each of the latter categories, which are cost underestimation and unforeseen events (cost overrun in construction) as well as plant and machinery failure and delay in material delivery (time overrun in construction), have occupied the top five overall risk ranking.

A Study of Controller's Output Characteristics for Hatic Interface System (촉각시스템용 제어기의 출력특성연구)

  • Kim Y.S.;Kim A.H.;Bae C.;Kang W,C.;Kim Y.D.
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2003.07a
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    • pp.410-414
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, the virtual-reality system is tried to developed, which controls not only the sense of sight and hearing but also the sense of touch, In order to develope the sense of touch in this study, the stable tactual transaction-system, based on summing up the basic algorithm and theory, is embodied. The hardware of this system consists of the 6DOF haptic interface, a controller and a driver In the case of the software, the proxy algorithm is applied for the force-transaction and the mopping algorithm is used for graphic transaction. In addition to this, the imaginary-device driver is utilized for controlling the system and manager-class is also included in this system to manage the position-change and the like. Consequently, the proxy algorithm Is applied, which makes the system possible to be more stable and prompt with and imaginary object. Moreover, the impulse-algorithm is applied to work out a problem which the tactual transaction-period is different from the graphic transaction-period.

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A Study on Concurrent Engineering Methodology for Automobile Wiring Harness Design System (자동차 전장용 에이전트 기반 시스템 연구)

  • Lee, S.H.;Choi, D.S.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 1993
  • Design and production of wiring for automobile systems provide the background for the development of concurrent engineering framwork. Key issues include with different parts of the wiring design process and the development of hierarchical representations that capture the different characteristics(e.g., connectivity, geometry) of the harnesses. The abstraction of design information results in features, while the abstraction of operations leads to the development of agents. These abstracts are essential for efficient transactions among people and computer tools in a domain that involves numerous interacting constraints. We have decomposed the wiring design process into four basic categories of tasks that are each addressed by an "agent" : the Environment Editor(EE), the Free Space Manager(FSM), the Wiring Editor(WE), and the Part Selector(PS). In this paper the strategy for the problem decomposition, the definition of features, and the ways in which features are used by various agents, are discussed. We conclude with a discussion of some of the issues raised by the project and the steps underway to address them.

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Design and Construction of Convention e-Portal Information System (컨벤션 e-Portal 정보시스템의 설계 및 구축)

  • Jeon, In-Oh;Park, Dea-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 2008
  • This paper designed an Internet Convention e-Portal Information System through an experience and knowledges accumulated in case of information utilization regarding international meeting and conventions in knowledge information societies. Established the Non-stop Cluster system that was the H/W side, L4 and the applied system which was the 3-tier structure and Firewall, VPN, IDS/IPS security control system, S/W side, that utilized the WAS MVC architecture used WAS and a SOA architecture. an ASP EAI function. A user and a manager, designs and constructor, the user efficiency who were an evaluation basis of a Verification commissioner, Ubiquitous evaluated system stability. Information security anger, and evaluated former system and comparison. Therefore is evaluated to the excellent Convention e-Portal Systems that a performance 25.9% improvement consisted of compare with the existing Convention e-Portal Systems, and will contribute so as to be able to carry out-driven enemy role in development of the industrial our country Convention Ubiquitous Internet IT information Industry and International Society Conventions.

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The Effect of Hotel Employee's Service Orientation on Service Performance, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment (호텔기업 종업원의 서비스지향성이 서비스 성과, 직무만족과 조직몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Dae-Hwan
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2007
  • Customer satisfaction is important in an increasingly competitive and global marketplace. This implies that customer service is a critical factor for many organizations. In service encounter context, customer satisfaction is affected by employees' attitudes and behaviors. Accordingly, service firms have been focusing on selecting high quality of service employees, which resulted the ability to identify and select quality service- or customer- oriented employees to become critical for an organization's success. It was suggested that customer service orientation links to performance and subsequent organizational revenue. Moreover, it was found that service encounter failures were among the major reasons for customers' service switch. Therefore, the selection of customer service oriented employees is a key factor in establishing customer service - a potential source of sustained competitive advantage. However, the measurement of employee service orientation is more confusing than that of definitive answers. The difficulty of measuring service orientation is attributed to the use of broad versus narrow measures of personality. Advocates for the broad perspective prefer using basic personality constructs, such as the Big Five personality traits. On the contrary, the latter prefer a construct-oriented approach of personality research that provides a better measure of job performance because it requires the specification of the relationship of the personality traits with multiple dimensions of job performance. The customer service orientation was defined as "a set of basic individual predispositions and an inclination to provide service, to be courteous and to be helpful in dealing with customers and associates." Similarly, it is a fact that the Big five personality traits are predictors of customer orientation, and employee's self- and supervisor performance. They propose that basic personality traits may be too far removed from focal service behaviors to be able to predict specific service behaviors (customer orientation) and service worker performance. Also, customer orientation is defined as "an employee's tendency or predisposition to meet customer needs in an on-the-job context." This means that people who have job-relevant personality traits such as concern, empathy, and conscientiousness will be more adept at customer service than people who do not possess these traits. However, little attention has been given to the exploration of the service orientation of customer-contact employees who play a key role in creating satisfactory service encounters in the hospitality industry except for Kim, McCahon, & Miller (2003)'s study, especially in family restaurants context. Thus, the purposes of this study are to examine and validate the customer service orientation of customer-contact employees using the instrument developed by Donavan (1999) in Korean family restaurants, because the scale was developed to measure the personality traits related job behaviors. And this study explores the relationships between customer service orientation, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and self service performance using structural equation modeling (SEM). And this study explores the relationships between customer service orientation, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and self service performance using structural equation modeling (SEM). For these purposes the author developed several hypotheses as follows: H1: Employee's service orientation is associated with service performance. H2: Employee's service orientation is positively associated with job satisfaction. H3: Employee's service orientation is positively associated with organizational commitment. H4: Service performance is positively associated with job satisfaction. H5: Service performance is positively associated with organizational commitment. H6: Job satisfaction is negatively associated with organizational commitment. The data were collected from 278 employees in 5 deluxe hotels located in Pusan, Korea. The researcher contacted the manager of the restaurants, and managers consented to administer surveys to their employees. The survey was executed during one month period in the October of 2007. The data were analyzed with structural equation modeling with LISREL 8.7 W. The result of the overall model analysis appeared as follows: $X^2$=122.638 (p = 0.00), df=59, GFI=.936, AGFI=.901, NFI=.948, CFI=.971, RMSEA=.0625. Since the result of the overall model analysis demonstrated a good fit, we could further analyze our data. The findings can be summarized as follows: First, the greater the employee service orientation, the greater the service performance. Second, the greater the employee service orientation, the greater the job satisfaction. Third, the greater the employee service orientation, the greater the organizational commitment. Fourth, the greater the service performance, the greater the job satisfaction. Fifth, the greater the service performance, the greater the organizational commitment. Finally, the greater the job satisfaction, the greater the organizational commitment. Seventh, the greater the customer satisfaction, the greater the customer loyalty.

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Relationship between Periodontal Disease and Chronic Kidney Disease: A Systematic Review of Cohort Studies (치주질환과 만성신장질환의 연관성: 코호트 연구에 대한 체계적 고찰)

  • Lee, Eun-Sun;Do, Kyung-Yi
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.160-167
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this systematic review was to investigate the association between periodontal disease and chronic kidney disease. A search of Embase, PubMed and The Cochrane Library databases was performed up to April 17, 2016. Article selection was based on cohort study design and the study subjects were patients with periodontal disease or severe periodontal disease. The final result was development of chronic kidney disease and kidney function decrease based on the estimated glomerular filtration rate values. The quantitative synthesis of the final selected articles was assessed using Review Manager statistical analysis software. A fixed-effects model meta-analysis was performed to estimate the degree of association between periodontal disease and chronic kidney disease. The search strategy identified 3,018 potentially eligible articles, of these, four studies were finally selected for meta-analysis, revealing that periodontal disease was significantly associated with the risk of developing chronic kidney disease (odds ratio, 1.65; 95% confidence interval, 1.44~1.90; p<0.001). In order to prevent the development of chronic kidney disease and kidney function decrease it is important to prevent periodontal disease, as well as minimizing the traditional risk factors known to reduce the quality of life of patients and increase disease burden.

Marketing Organization's Regulatory Focus and NPD Creativity: The Moderating Role of Creativity Enhancement Tools (마케팅 부서의 조절초점과 신제품 개발 창의성: 창의성 증진수단의 조절효과)

  • Kang, Seong-Ho;Son, Jung-Min
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - Because creativity, which is an intangible resource embedded within the company, can offer a competitive advantage, most companies have an interest in promoting creativity among their employees and division(e.g., marketing organization). Creativity renders a sustainable competitive advantage to a firm because it is a strategic resource that is valuable, flexible, rare, and imperfectly imitable or substitutable. Although most companies broadly recognize the importance of creativity, the methods for developing creativity remain elusive. Therefore, the present study investigates how to structure incentives to motivate employees to be more creative and how to develop tools to facilitate creativity. In detail, the present study aimed to examine the relationship between the regulatory focus of marketing organizations(e.g., promotion focus vs prevention focus) and creativity of marketing organizations. In addition, the present study set out to examine the moderating role of interaction of financial reward and creative training in addition to investigating the direct relationship between creativity and regulatory focus in New Product Development(NPD) context. Research design, data, and methodology - The data used to test the hypotheses are drawn from a survey of full time NPD project members(including project manager, designer, engineer, and marketer). The present study utilized data obtained mainly from a database compiled by the Korea Investors Service-Financial Analysis System which provides comprehensive corporate and financial information on firms listed on the Korea Stock Exchange. A study population comprising 1,000 South Korean firms was obtained from this database. We selected 864 firms from the database, and the firms have experiences of new product development project. We collected a total of 162 responses, for a 18.8% response rate. After we excluded 14 questionnaire because of incomplete responses, a total of 148 questionnaire remained(final response rate: 17.1%). Working with a sample of 148 responses in South Korea, hierarchical moderated regression is employed to test research hypotheses(

    The relationship between promotion focus and creativity of marketing organization,

    The relationship between prevention focus and creativity of marketing organization,

    The moderating effect of joint influences(interaction between financial rewards and creativity training) on the relationship between promotion focus creativity of marketing organization,

    The moderating effect of joint influences(interaction between financial rewards and creativity training) on the relationship between prevention focus creativity of marketing organization). SPSS 18.0 and AMOS software were used in the data analysis. Results - The empirical study confirmed that promotion focus of marketing organization is positively related to creativity of marketing organization. Also, prevention focus of marketing organization is positively affected to creativity of marketing organization. In addition, the interaction between financial rewards and creativity training moderated the relationship between regularity focus(e.g.), promotion focus vs prevention focus) and creativity of marketing organization. These results suggest that managers can improve the performances of their creative efforts by providing the use of financial rewards and creativity training in combination. Conclusion - Based on results of this study that examine the effects of regulatory focused creative efforts on creativity of marketing organization, promotion focus is helpful with marketing organizations to enhance their service innovation and performance. Prevention focused organization should allow monetary rewards and creativity training to increase their creativity for innovation of new products.