• Title/Summary/Keyword: Gridded simulation

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Development of a Gridded Simulation Support System for Rice Growth Based on the ORYZA2000 Model (ORYZA2000 모델에 기반한 격자형 벼 생육 모의 지원 시스템 개발)

  • Hyun, Shinwoo;Yoo, Byoung Hyun;Park, Jinyu;Kim, Kwang Soo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.270-279
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    • 2017
  • Regional assessment of crop productivity using a gridded simulation approach could aid policy making and crop management. Still, little effort has been made to develop the systems that allows gridded simulations of crop growth using ORYZA 2000 model, which has been used for predicting rice yield in Korea. The objectives of this study were to develop a series of data processing modules for creating input data files, running the crop model, and aggregating output files in a region of interest using gridded data files. These modules were implemented using C++ and R to make the best use of the features provided by these programming languages. In a case study, 13000 input files in a plain text format were prepared using daily gridded weather data that had spatial resolution of 1km and 12.5 km for the period of 2001-2010. Using the text files as inputs to ORYZA2000 model, crop yield simulations were performed for each grid cell using a scenario of crop management practices. After output files were created for grid cells that represent a paddy rice field in South Korea, each output file was aggregated into an output file in the netCDF format. It was found that the spatial pattern of crop yield was relatively similar to actual distribution of yields in Korea, although there were biases of crop yield depending on regions. It seemed that those differences resulted from uncertainties incurred in input data, e.g., transplanting date, cultivar in an area, as well as weather data. Our results indicated that a set of tools developed in this study would be useful for gridded simulation of different crop models. In the further study, it would be worthwhile to take into account compatibility to a modeling interface library for integrated simulation of an agricultural ecosystem.

Simulation Assessment of GCM Model in Case of Daily Precipitation and Temperature (일 강우량 및 기온 자료의 모의를 위한 GCM 모형의 평가)

  • Son, Minwoo;Byun, Jisun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.307-307
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    • 2019
  • General Ciculation Model (GCM) 모형에 대한 평가를 본 연구에서 수행한다. 모형의 적용을 위해서는 국지적 일 강우량 및 기온자료를 이용한다. 31개의 GCM 모의를 통해 도출되는 결과가 성능 평가에서 활용되었다. 일 최대, 최소 기온와 강우량이 파키스탄 지역을 대상으로 모의되었다. 모의를 위해서는 Gridded 데이터가 적용되었으며 각각 Asian Precipitation-Highly-Resolved Observational Data Integration Toward Evaluation, Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature, Princeton Global Meteorological Forcing, Climate Prediction Centre에 해당된다. GCM의 순위를 결정하기 위해서는 Symmetrical Uncertainty 방법이 이용된다. 결과를 통해서 Gridded 데이터의 종류에 따라 가장 높은 효율을 나타내는 GCM의 공간 분포가 달라진다는 점을 확인하였다. 이러한 특성은 기온과 강우량 자료 모두에서 확인된다. 기온의 경우에는 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia-MK3-6-0과 Max Planck Institute-ESM-LR이 우수한 결과를 모의하는 것으로 나타났다. 반면 강우량의 경우에는 EC-Earth와 MIROC가 우수한 것으로 나타났다. 파키스탄 지역에서의 기온 및 강우량 자료의 합리적 반영을 위해서는 ACCESS1-3, CESM1-BGC, CMCC-CM, HadGEM2-CC, HadGEM2-ES, MIRCO5와 같은 6개 GCM을 이용하였을 때 다양한 기상 인자를 고려한 모의가 가능한 것으로 평가된다.

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The Implementation of Insertion Algorithm(Sea Mount, Internal Wave, Ocean Eddy) and Smoothing Techniques for the Grid Environment Data (격자형 해양자료에 대한 자연현상(해산, 내부파, 와동류) 삽입 및 Smoothing 구현)

  • Kim, ChangJin;Na, YoungNam
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.800-809
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    • 2014
  • The gridded environmental data is usually provided by the numerical simulation coupled with a data assimilation technique and various inter- or extrapolation algorithms, both of which are based on the observation spanning from simple equipments to satellites. But it is difficult to represent the natural phenomenon such as sea mount, internal-wave, warm eddy in modeling or observation because of increase in the complexity of model. This paper introduces the algorithm artificially representing the natural phenomenon and the techniques applying it to the gridded volume data and smoothing for natural effects. Moreover, the inserted results are analyzed by use of graphical tool. The results can be used for the battle simulation or acoustic model.

Utility of Gridded Observations for Statistical Bias-Correction of Climate Model Outputs and its Hydrologic Implication over West Central Florida (기후 모델 결과의 통계적 오차 보정과 수문 모델링 적용을 위한 격자 단위 자료의 유용성 평가)

  • Hwang, Sye-Woon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.54 no.5
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    • pp.91-102
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    • 2012
  • 강우의 관측망 확장과 위성 자료 및 기후 모델을 이용한 격자 단위자료가 개발 및 보급됨에 따라 다양한 자료의 분야별 활용성에 대한 연구의 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 지역 기후 모델 산출물의 오차 보정을 위한 격자 관측자료의 활용성을 평가하였다. 또한 통합 분포형 수문모델을 이용하여, 보정한 기후모델 결과의 수문 모의를 위한 기후 입력 자료로써의 적합성을 검토하였다. 보정된 결과는 각 관측자료의 월별 평균 강우량과 공간 분포를 비교적 잘 재현하였다. 한편 연강우량 시계열에 있어 그 양상은 잘 재현된 가운데 보정되지 않은 오차를 일부 포함하는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 점 관측자료로부터 추정된 시험 지역내 172개 소유역에 대한 일평균 강우량 자료와 비교해 볼 때 관측자료의 형식이나 정확성보다 기후모델의 불확실성에 기인하는 것으로 판단된다. 수문 모의 결과, 격자 자료를 이용하여 보정한 강우 입력자료는 수문 모델의 검보정에 이용된 소유역 단위 강우 자료를 이용한 결과에 상응하는 활용성을 보여주었다. 또한 강우의 공간 분포를 고려하지 않고, 시험유역 전체에 대한 평균 강우량을 입력 자료로 이용한 결과를 통해 기후 자료의 공간 분포와 관측 밀도의 중요성을 확인하였다.

Development of a gridded crop growth simulation system for the DSSAT model using script languages (스크립트 언어를 사용한 DSSAT 모델 기반 격자형 작물 생육 모의 시스템 개발)

  • Yoo, Byoung Hyun;Kim, Kwang Soo;Ban, Ho-Young
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.243-251
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    • 2018
  • The gridded simulation of crop growth, which would be useful for shareholders and policy makers, often requires specialized computation tasks for preparation of weather input data and operation of a given crop model. Here we developed an automated system to allow for crop growth simulation over a region using the DSSAT (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer) model. The system consists of modules implemented using R and shell script languages. One of the modules has a functionality to create weather input files in a plain text format for each cell. Another module written in R script was developed for GIS data processing and parallel computing. The other module that launches the crop model automatically was implemented using the shell script language. As a case study, the automated system was used to determine the maximum soybean yield for a given set of management options in Illinois state in the US. The AgMERRA dataset, which is reanalysis data for agricultural models, was used to prepare weather input files during 1981 - 2005. It took 7.38 hours to create 1,859 weather input files for one year of soybean growth simulation in Illinois using a single CPU core. In contrast, the processing time decreased considerably, e.g., 35 minutes, when 16 CPU cores were used. The automated system created a map of the maturity group and the planting date that resulted in the maximum yield in a raster data format. Our results indicated that the automated system for the DSSAT model would help spatial assessments of crop yield at a regional scale.

The Effective Method for Changing the Resolution of the Grid Environment Data (다수/다차원 격자형데이터를 이용한 해상도 변환의 효율적 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Chang-Jin;Oh, Gwang-Beak;Na, Young-Nam
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.169-174
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    • 2013
  • In counterfire warfare, it is important to detect and attack enemy targets faster than the enemy using sensing The grided environmental data is usually provided by the numerical simulation coupled with a data assimilation technique and various inter- or extrapolation algorithms, both of which are based on the observation spanning from simple equipments to satellites. In order to employ the gridded environmental data in the M&S system frequently cutting area and changing its resolution, interpolation algorithms such as linear, cubic spline, IDW, and Kriging methods are necessary to apply. These methods, however, require much time in the M&S system. This paper introduces a technic to reduce time to change the resolution of data. using the binary search method, which finds a point to interpolate quickly and interpolate data in the vicinity of. We also show the efficiency of proposed methods by way of measuring the respective elapsed times.

Statistical Modeling of 3-D Parallel-Plate Embedded Capacitors Using Monte Carlo Simulation

  • Yun, Il-Gu;Poddar, Ravi;Carastro, Lawrence;Brooke, Martin;May, Gary S.
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2001
  • Examination of the statistical variation of integrated passive components is crucial for designing and characterizing the performance of multichip module (MCM) substrates. In this paper, the statistical analysis of parallel plate capacitors with gridded plates manufactured in a multilayer low temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) process is presented. A set of integrated capacitor structures is fabricated, and their scattering parameters are measured for a range of frequencies from 50 MHz to 5 GHz. Using optimized equivalent circuits obtained from HSPICE, mean and absolute deviation is calculated for each component of each device model. Monte Carlo Analysis for the capacitor structures is then performed using HSPICE. Using a comparison of the Monte Carlo results and measured data, it is determined that even a small number of sample structures, the statistical variation of the component values provides an accurate representation of the overall capacitor performance.

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The Simulation of Atmospheric Flow Field by Various Gridded Dataset in Complex Topographical Environment (복잡 지형에서의 입력 자료에 따른 대기유동장 수치모의)

  • 이화운;이종범;최현정;정우식;임헌호;원혜영;이강열
    • Proceedings of the Korea Air Pollution Research Association Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.303-304
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    • 2003
  • 도시의 대기오염 문제는 다양한 배출원으로부터 다량 및 다종의 오염물질 배출과 그 지역의 도시화에 따른 기후 특성과 관련이 있다. 이러한 대기오염의 분포양상은 대기오염물질의 배출량과 난류 확산 및 수송, 화학 반응, 침적 현상 등에 의해 결정되므로 이들을 지배하는 기상인자들에 대한 이해는 대기오염 현상을 파악하는 필수 요소라고 할 수 있다(Lalas et al., 1982 ; Mckendry, 1993 ; Liu et al., 1987). 도시규모의 기후 특징은 도시 내 형성된 고유의 기상장이 대기오염물질을 정체시킨다는 것이다(Noto, 1996). (중략)

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Determination of Physical Footprints of Buildings with Consideration Terrain Surface LiDAR Data (지표면 라이다 데이터를 고려한 건물 외곽선 결정)

  • Yoo, Eun Jin;Lee, Dong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.503-514
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    • 2016
  • Delineation of accurate object boundaries is crucial to provide reliable spatial information products such as digital topographic maps, building models, and spatial database. In LiDAR(Light Detection and Ranging) data, real boundaries of the buildings exist somewhere between outer-most points on the roofs and the closest points to the buildings among points on the ground. In most cases, areas of the building footprints represented by LiDAR points are smaller than actual size of the buildings because LiDAR points are located inside of the physical boundaries. Therefore, building boundaries determined by points on the roofs do not coincide with the actual footprints. This paper aims to estimate accurate boundaries that are close to the physical boundaries using airborne LiDAR data. The accurate boundaries are determined from the non-gridded original LiDAR data using initial boundaries extracted from the gridded data. The similar method implemented in this paper is also found in demarcation of the maritime boundary between two territories. The proposed method consists of determining initial boundaries with segmented LiDAR data, estimating accurate boundaries, and accuracy evaluation. In addition, extremely low density data was also utilized for verifying robustness of the method. Both simulation and real LiDAR data were used to demonstrate feasibility of the method. The results show that the proposed method is effective even though further refinement and improvement process could be required.

Analysis of the Thermal Environment around an Urban Green Area in Seoul, Korea Using Climate Analysis Seoul (CAS) (Climate Analysis Seoul (CAS)를 이용한 서울 도심 녹지 주변의 열 환경 분석)

  • Lee, Jisu;Lee, Young-Gon;Kim, Baek-Jo
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.413-421
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    • 2016
  • Climate Analysis Seoul (CAS) which provides gridded data relevant for thermal assessment was applied to one of the urban green areas, the Seonjeongneung, in Seoul, Korea. The thermal environment in the Seonjeongneung was evaluated from the CAS simulation for the five heat-wave issued cases during the last five years (2011~2015). The CAS has been improved continuously since it was developed. An updated version with a higher resolution of the CAS simulation domain and an addition of the vegetation information was used in this study. The influence of vegetation in the Seonjeongneung is estimated through the amount of the cold air generation ($Q_{ca}$) and air temperature deviation at each grid points, which are calculated by incorporating Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis on the simulation domain and meteorological analysis with the METeorology and atmospheric PHOtochemistry mesoscale MODel (MetPhoMod) in the CAS. The average amount of the cold air generation ($Q_{ca}$) at the Seonjeongneung is about $25.5m^3m^{-2}h^{-1}$ for the whole cases, and this value is similar to the ones in a forest or a well-wooded region. The average value of the total air temperature deviation (TD) is $-2.54^{\circ}C$ at the Seonjeongneung for the five cases. However, this cooling effect of the urban green area disappeared when the region is replaced by high-rise buildings in the CAS simulation. The $Q_{ca}$ drastically decreases to about $1.1m^3m^{-2}h^{-1}$ and the average TD shows an increase of $1.14^{\circ}C$ for the same events. This result shows that the vegetation in the Seonjeongneung supposes to keep down temperature during the heat-wave issued day and the average cooling effect of the green region is $3.68^{\circ}C$ quantitatively from the TD difference of the two simulations. The cooling effect represented with the TD difference is larger than $0.3^{\circ}C$ within 200 m distance from the boundary of the Seonjeongneung. Further improvements of the thermodynamical and advection processes above the model surface are required to consider more accurate assessment of the cooling effect for the urban green area.