• Title/Summary/Keyword: Graduate school of education

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A Study of Creative to Improve the Learning Ability of the Environment for an Elementary School Classroom Design Improvements (초등학교 교실의 창의적 학습능력 향상을 위한 환경디자인 개선을 위한 연구)

  • Jo, Nam Ju;Lee, Hyun Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.388-394
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    • 2012
  • Korean elementary school facilities are a lot of changes since the mid-1990s. Creative learning ability to become more important. Interior space environment and the hardware changes needed improvement. In this study, depending on the teaching methods and curriculum characteristics to suggest design guidelines for a more effective lesson plan by changing the terran out. Open education free to enhance the development and creativity of the human spirit, the human, and realize the value of education is to increase the relevance of education for self-realization and social. Space for open educational practices through advanced layout is proposed. There is a need for the development of new school furniture for a variety of lay-out. It is important to develop a spatial variability in new school furniture.

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Lunch Eating Pattern and Dietary Habits of High School Students Attending Online Classes during the COVID-19 Pandemic (COVID-19 시대 온라인 수업 날 점심을 스스로 차리는 고등학생의 식생활)

  • Kim, Yeji;Lee, Hongmie
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.263-275
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    • 2021
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the curtailing of school meal services. This study aimed to compare the diets of students attending online classes who prepared their own lunch under these circumstances, with those of their counterparts who had their lunch prepared for them. In December 2020, a survey was conducted on 204 students (75 male and 129 female) at a high school in Gyeonggi-do. The results showed that more girls prepared their own lunch than boys (53.5% vs. 36.0%, respectively, P<0.05). Further, more participants with working mothers prepared their own lunch compared to those with unemployed mothers (60.8% vs. 23.0%, respectively, P<0.001). Lunch was prepared either by parents (47.5%), themselves (47.1%), or others (5.4%). A comparison of the Nutrition Quotient (NQ) was carried out between the subjects who prepared their own lunch and those who ate lunch prepared by their parents. The students who prepared their own lunch had significantly lower total (P<0.05), balance (P<0.01), and environment (P<0.01) sectors of NQ-A than their counterparts. Especially, subjects whose parents prepared their lunch had bean·tofu·soy milk more frequently (P<0.01), tended to eat vegetables more frequently (P=0.059), and skipped breakfast less frequently (P<0.01). In conclusion, this study suggested that high school students who have to prepare their own lunch at home during the COVID-19 pandemic are the newly emerging nutritionally vulnerable group. This study may provide the basic information necessary for preparing measures to maintain the diet quality of high school students during the COVID-19 pandemic and similar situations in the future when school meal services may not be available.

The Status of Child Rearing and the Effect on Education for Child Rearing of Public Health Center, Busan (부산지역 보건소 방문 영유아의 성장단계별 육아실태 및 육아교육 효과)

  • Ham, Young-Hee;Kim, Hee-Young;Lee, Myoung-Jin;Kang, Jee-Hye;Sohn, Hye-Sook;Park, In-Sook;Kim, Yoon-Hee
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.255-262
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    • 2006
  • Objectives: To evaluate the effect on education for child rearing using child-growth developmental screening program that hat had been developed by the maternal-child health services team in a public health center, Busan area, the rates of practicing proper child rearing between educated group and non-educated group were compared. Methods: Subjects were 596 mothers whose children were between 2 and 15 months old and who had visited two public health centers in Busan area for vaccination. Subjects checked the items that they are practicing for child rearing, the rates of items properly be practiced were compared between educated group and non-educated group by chi-square test. The effect of education in 2, 4, 6, 12 months old were observed in 4, 6, 12, 15 months old, respectively. Results: The percentages of the items that practice rate of proper child rearing was over 50% were not different by monthly age. In 4 months age, the proper practice rates of three items among eleven items were significantly higher in the educated group than in non-educated group. In 6 and 12 months age, those of two items and one item among fourteen items were higher respectively in the educated group than in non-educated group. In 15 months age, there was no item among thirteen that is different between two groups. Conclusions: As monthly ages are increasing, the practice rates of proper child rearing were decreased. In a few items, the practice rates of proper child rearing were higher in the educated group than in non-educated group. It suggests that the program that increase the effect on education of child rearing was developed and performed in public health centers.

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Factors to Influence Consumption Pattern of Snacks of Middle School Students in Ilsan Area (일산 지역 중학생의 간식 섭취에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Doo, Mi-ae;Seo, Ji-Yeong;Kim, Yang-ha
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.38 no.12
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    • pp.1732-1739
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze factors that influence consumption pattern of snacks of middle school students. The subjects of study were 607 middle school students (male: 316, female: 291) in Ilsan area. The subjects were surveyed by a self-administered questionnaire about anthropometrics, mother's employed status, parents' education level, and snack consumption pattern. Male students showed higher consumption in 'milk and milk products' (p<0.05), 'instant noodles' (p<0.01), and 'cereal' (p<0.05). In the other hand, female students showed higher consumption in 'biscuits, cookies' (p<0.01) and 'candy and chocolates' (p<0.01). Subjects in underweight group showed higher frequency in the consumption of 'biscuits, cookies' (p<0.05) and 'candy and chocolates' (p<0.001) compared with normal weight or overweight subjects. The subjects with mother not having a job showed higher consumption of snacks under controlling parents (p<0.001), and higher consumption in 'fruit and fruit juice' (p<0.05) and 'milk and milk products' (p<0.01) compared to the subjects with mother having a job. The subjects with parents having higher education level showed higher of consumption in 'fast food'. These results suggest that general characteristics of the subjects and characteristics of family environment may affect consumption pattern of snacks in middle school students.

The Approximate Realization of Ab$\={u}$ Sahl's Geometric Construction about a Heptagon through GSP using Conic Sections (이차곡선을 활용한 정칠각형에 관한 Ab$\={u}$ Sahl의 작도법의 GSP를 통한 재조명)

  • Kim, Hyang-Sook;Pak, Jin-Suk;Ha, Hyoung-Soo
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.233-246
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    • 2011
  • The geometry field in the current high school curriculum deals mainly with analytic geometry and the reference to logic geometry leaves much to be desired. This study investigated the construction on a heptagon by using conic sections as one of measures for achieving harmony between analytic geometry and logic geometry in the high school curriculum with the Geometer's Sketchpad(GSP), which is a specialized software prevalent in mathematics education field and is intended to draw an educational suggestion on it.

The Perceptions of Science Teachers Regarding Science Research Ethics Education (초중등 과학교사들의 과학연구윤리교육에 대한 인식)

  • Kim, Seong-Deok;Kim, Hyo-Nam
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.393-403
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception of school teachers in science research ethics and perception of science research ethics education. A survey was administered for this study and a total 167 elementary and secondary teachers studying in K University graduate school participated. The survey was organized to examine participants' 1) science research ethics awareness, 2) status of science research ethics education, and 3) needs for science research ethics education, and 4) the perception of the direction of the science research ethics education in school. Each item was responded using either 1 to 5 Likert type scale, multiple choices questionnaires. The results were as follows: both of elementary and secondary school teachers showed above average interest in science research ethics and secondary school teachers showed significantly higher interest than elementary school teachers(p<0.05). In degree of awareness of science research ethics, plagiarism (M=3.98) was the highest, followed by free-riding(M=3.78), the scientist's social responsibility(M=3.71), and forge(M=3.61). In response science research ethics problem occurs in science education activities more than the average(M=3.39). Teacher's response on the teaching of science research ethics ranges from 3.02 to 4.47, but each science research ethics elements was showed a large deviation. Elementary and secondary school teachers responded that science research ethics education needed(M=4.34). Science research ethics education should be included in the school curriculum. Eighty-five percent of the teachers responded that the science research ethics education should be started from elementary school. 'Discussion-type classes with examples' was preferred as an effective teaching. And teachers needed 'instructional materials' and 'teachers training' for science research ethics education.

Job analysis and satisfaction of dietitians.nutrition teacher in school foodservice by school type in Gwangju and Jeonnam area (광주.전남 지역 학교급식 영양사.영양교사의 학교유형에 따른 직무분석 및 만족도 연구)

  • Kim, Hye-Kyoung;Khil, Jin-Mo
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.274-282
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study was to examine job performance and importance, and job satisfaction of school foodservice dietitians nutrition teacher in Jeonnam and Gwangju area according to the school types (elementary school, middle school, high school). A total of 646 questionnaires were distributed, 244 questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS 12.0 for a descriptive analysis, t-test and ANOVA. There were significant differences between the school dietitians' nutrition teachers' job performance and importance in all areas of the job analysis for all school types. In the foodservice management/evaluation and nutrition education area, elementary and middle school foodservice dietitian nutrition teacher showed a significantly higher performance, compared to that of high school dietitian nutrition teacher. Nutrition education was recognized by elementary and middle school dietitian nutrition teacher to be more significantly important than that of high school dietitian nutrition teacher. Elementary school foodservice dietitian nutrition teacher was most satisfied with their job condition. Dietitian working in middle school was least satisfied with the salary and compensation. These results suggest that appropriate curriculum should be structured according to foodservice dietitian nutrition teacher of the school type for improving the work efficiency. In order to increase the job satisfaction, the employment status of school dietitian should be guaranteed by the government and school officials, especially in the middle and high schools.

Impact Education on Korean Diet and Diet Sustainability as Determined by the Food Preference Types of Elementary School Students (초등학생의 한식 선호유형에 따른 한식 식생활 교육효과가 식생활 지속가능성에 미치는 영향)

  • Jo Sung Suk;Hee Sun Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.314-325
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    • 2023
  • This study was to identify the effects of education on Korean foods preferred by elementary students and their sustainability. A survey was conducted on 5th-grade elementary school students. Korean food preferences were classified by exploratory factor analysis as creative, healthy, or considerate, and the effects of education on Korean dietary life were classified as cognitive or emotional. Dietary life sustainability was evaluated separately. Results showed that creative and considerate preferences had significant impacts on cognitive and emotional education effects and that a healthy preference type significantly impacted the emotional effect of education. Analysis showed that creative and considerate food preference types significantly influenced dietary life sustainability and that cognitive and emotional education effects mediated these relationships. Sex was not found to have a significant moderating effect. The study shows that Korean dietary life sustainability is influenced by education on topics that promote the value and excellence of Korean food and suggests that experiential education combining practice and theory should be used to increase interest in Korean food among elementary students. Additional studies are required to determine Korean food preferences to facilitate the development of a dietary life education program that enables students to understand and maintain healthy dietary practices.

Study on Current Nutrition Education and Effective Education Plan for Nutrition Teachers in Kyeonggi Region (경기 지역 영양교사의 영양교육 현황 및 효과적인 영양교육 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seong Yeong
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.181-191
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    • 2016
  • This study aimed to investigate current nutrition education and effective plans for nutrition teachers in schools. Data were collected by a face-to-face questionnaire. Surveyed schools were elementary, middle, and high schools at percentages of 32.4%, 35.1%, and 32.4%, respectively. Percentage of nutrition education was above 90%, whereas off-line education was very uncommon in middle (8.3%) and high schools (27.3%) compared with elementary schools (63.6%), (p<0.05). Satisfaction of nutrition education was also very low in middle (7.7%) and high schools (8.3%) when compared with elementary schools (41.7%), (p<0.05). The main reason for this was due to 'work overload of mealing service (44.4%)' and 'insufficient time of students (25.9%)'. Effective education plans were as follows: beginning of education and education scale were 'elementary school (67.6%)' and 'below 20 people (81.1%)', and the most preferred counterplan was 'development of diverse education programs (4.81 score)' > 'systematic education process (4.76 score)' > 'professional nutrition education (4.51 score)'. Most important duty was 'nutrition education and consultation (51.4%)', although it achieved the lowest satisfaction at a score of 2.46. Overall analysis, demand and awareness of nutrition teachers for nutrition education were very high. Therefore, an institutional strategy and environmental improvements are required by setting up curriculum subjects and developing diverse education programs for systematic nutrition education.

A Study on the Learner Characteristics in Virtual Reality by a School Level Curriculum (가상현실 교육에서 학교 급별 교육과정의 특성에 대한 연구)

  • Nam, Choong Mo;Kim, Chong Woo;Hong, Kyoung sun;Cho, Chino;Hong, Joo hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2020
  • To maximize educational effect with new educational methods in the 4th Industrial Revolution era, immersive education has become the core type of education and virtual reality (VR) is at the center of realistic content. VR education is increasing in school, but researches on VR production education are insufficient. Our study has proposed a school-level curriculum for students to create their own VR content. The output and the survey results were analyzed to find out the learner characteristics of elementary school students, middle school students, and pre-service teachers at each school level. As a result, there were some noticeable differences in concentration, content subject, and production time according to school level. Primary school students focused on their subjects, middle school students related to learning, and pre-service teachers put top priority on contents useful for primary education.