• Title/Summary/Keyword: Government Policy Intervention

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A Comparative Analysis of Childcare Expansion and Social Investment in Sweden, France, Germany, the UK, Japan and South Korea (스웨덴, 프랑스, 독일, 영국, 일본, 한국의 아동 돌봄 체제와 사회투자에 대한 비교 연구)

  • An, Mi-Young
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.169-193
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    • 2013
  • This paper examines how a social investment approach can be applied in a comparative analysis of childcare arrangements. We compared changes in Sweden, France, Germany, the UK, Japan and Korea during the 2000s, focusing on four dimensions of social investment: activation, gender equality, quality of care, and the degree of state's intervention in the family. We considered leave systems and the number of children enrolled in formal care and education facilities as indicators for labour market activation. For gender equality, women's position in employment is considered with respect to labour market participation rates, proportion of permanent employment, and wage-sex ratio. Quality of care concerns child-to-staff ratio and care provided with government quality control. The state's intervention was measured as social spending on families as proportions of GDP and total social spending. Our analysis provides empirical evidence that Sweden and France are pioneers in this arena and that the UK, Germany, Korea, and Japan are path-shifters in their care paradigms, albeit to varying degrees. Is the social investment approach an adequate paradigm for care? In a normative sense, this approach has potential. However, the following issues remain unaddressed: gender equality should be achieved through an expansion in good-quality jobs, fathers should be encouraged to take on childcare duties, and families should have universal access to good-quality childcare services controlled by the government.

Differences of Perceptions between Pre-service and In-service Elementary School Teachers on the Prevention and Intervention of School Violence (학교폭력의 예방 및 대책에 관한 교대생과 초등교사의 인식 비교)

  • Song, Jae-Hong;Kim, Kwang-Soo;Park, Sung-Hee;Ahn, Ie-Hwan;Oh, Ik-Soo;Eun, Hyuk-Gi;Jeong, Jong-Jin;Cho, Bung-Hwan;Hong, Jong-Kwan;Hwang, Mae-Hyang
    • The Korean Journal of Elementary Counseling
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.485-504
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of study was to analyze the differences of perceptions between pre-service and in-service elementary school teachers on the prevention and intervention of school violence. For this purpose, 459 student teachers and 289 in-service teachers has responded a questionnaire consisted of 12 core questions and 8 supplementary questions about the prevention and intervention of school violence. The findings of this study was as follows: First, in-service elementary school teachers perceived the problem of school violence more seriously than student teachers. Second, in-service elementary school teachers and student teachers perceived the lack of parents' concern of their children and the disturbed friendship as major causes to arouse school violence, and insisted to improve students' emotional self-control and social skills in order to prevent school violence. Third, in coping with students' violent behaviors they took the need to interview the student' parents and to invite them to meet each other halfway. Fourth, With government's comprehensive countermeasures against school violence they acknowledged the importance of policy alternatives but made doubt of their effectiveness. Finally, both in-service elementary school teachers and student teachers approved of a plan to assign the required subject of 'Prevention and Intervention of School Violence' to the student teachers, particularly student teachers approved more positively than in-service elementary school teachers.

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Review on the Cooperative Policing System in Japan (일본의 민경협력치안제도에 대한 고찰 및 시사점)

  • Kim, Gyoo-Sik;Choi, Eung-Ryul
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.36
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    • pp.29-55
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    • 2013
  • In modern society, citizen's expectation about policing levels have been rising over time and it limited resources of the police to deal with the security services are insufficient. Until now, the state monopoly of the police activity was changing to subject of a variety in cooperation with public security system. The citizens considers community not the destination to police enforce the law but space for effective policing partners. Japanese police focus on cooperation oriented policing to strengthen the police and local residents with crime prevention for a long time. Also, the community through a variety of problem-solving policing activities to identify problems such as anxiety and anguish of the people. The legal basis for cooperative policing activity is that Nagaoka city crime prevention regulation in 1979. In recent years, Tokyo local government legislated the safe town development regulations(東京都安全 安心まちづくり條例) and set up the hot-spot area to promote the safety of public facilities. Cooperative policing not police intervention for crime prevention but national policy for the city reclamation in Japan. Police as well as the Ministry of Land and Transport, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education, Prime Minister and all government departments thread safe city, crime prevention, and has been working to make the safe city. Japan's cooperative policing is a system that receives the most attention and greater implications.

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Rapid Rural-Urban Migration and the Rural Economy in Korea (한국(韓國)의 급격(急激)한 이촌향도형(離村向都型) 인구이동(人口移動)과 농촌경제(農村經濟))

  • Lee, Bun-song
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.27-45
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    • 1990
  • Two opposing views prevail regarding the economic impact of rural out-migration on the rural areas of origin. The optimistic neoclassical view argues that rapid rural out-migration is not detrimental to the income and welfare of the rural areas of origin, whereas Lipton (1980) argues the opposite. We developed our own alternative model for rural to urban migration, appropriate for rapidly developing economies such as Korea's. This model, which adopts international trade theories of nontraded goods and Dutch Disease to rural to urban migration issues, argues that rural to urban migration is caused mainly by two factors: first, the unprofitability of farming, and second, the decrease in demand for rural nontraded goods and the increase in demand for urban nontraded goods. The unprofitability of farming is caused by the increase in rural wages, which is induced by increasing urban wages in booming urban manufacturing sectors, and by the fact that the cost increases in farming cannot be shifted to consumers, because farm prices are fixed worldwide and because the income demand elasticity for farm products is very low. The demand for nontraded goods decreases in rural and increases in urban areas because population density and income in urban areas increase sharply, while those in rural areas decrease sharply, due to rapid rural to urban migration. Given that the market structure for nontraded goods-namely, service sectors including educational and health facilities-is mostly in monopolistically competitive, and that the demand for nontraded goods comes only from local sources, the urban service sector enjoys economies of scale, and can thus offer services at cheaper prices and in greater variety, whereas the rural service sector cannot enjoy the advantages offered by scale economies. Our view concerning the economic impact of rural to urban migration on rural areas of origin agrees with Lipton's pessimistic view that rural out-migration is detrimental to the income and welfare of rural areas. However, our reasons for the reduction of rural income are different from those in Lipton's model. Lipton argued that rural income and welfare deteriorate mainly because of a shortage of human capital, younger workers and talent resulting from selective rural out-migration. Instead, we believe that rural income declines, first, because a rapid rural-urban migration creates a further shortage of farm labor supplies and increases rural wages, and thus reduces further the profitability of farming and, second, because a rapid rural-urban migration causes a further decline of the rural service sectors. Empirical tests of our major hypotheses using Korean census data from 1966, 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1985 support our own model much more than the neoclassical or Lipton's models. A kun (county) with a large out-migration had a smaller proportion of younger working aged people in the population, and a smaller proportion of highly educated workers. But the productivity of farm workers, measured in terms of fall crops (rice) purchased by the government per farmer or per hectare of irrigated land, did not decline despite the loss of these youths and of human capital. The kun having had a large out-migration had a larger proportion of the population in the farm sector and a smaller proportion in the service sector. The kun having had a large out-migration also had a lower income measured in terms of the proportion of households receiving welfare payments or the amount of provincial taxes paid per household. The lower incomes of these kuns might explain why the kuns that experienced a large out-migration had difficulty in mechanizing farming. Our policy suggestions based on the tests of the currently prevailing hypotheses are as follows: 1) The main cause of farming difficulties is not a lack of human capital, but the in­crease in production costs due to rural wage increases combined with depressed farm output prices. Therefore, a more effective way of helping farm economies is by increasing farm output prices. However, we are not sure whether an increase in farm output prices is desirable in terms of efficiency. 2) It might be worthwhile to attempt to increase the size of farmland holdings per farm household so that the mechanization of farming can be achieved more easily. 3) A kun with large out-migration suffers a deterioration in income and welfare. Therefore, the government should provide a form of subsidization similar to the adjustment assistance provided for international trade. This assistance should not be related to the level of farm output. Otherwise, there is a possibility that we might encourage farm production which would not be profitable in the absence of subsidies. 4) Government intervention in agricultural research and its dissemination, and large-scale social overhead projects in rural areas, carried out by the Korean government, might be desirable from both efficiency and equity points of view. Government interventions in research are justified because of the problems associated with the appropriation of knowledge, and government actions on large-scale projects are justified because they required collective action.

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Money and Capital Accumulation under Imperfect Information: A General Equilibrium Approach Using Overlapping Generations Model (불완전(不完全)한 정보하(情報下)의 통화(通貨)의 투자증대효과분석(投資增大效果分析): 중복세대모형(重複世代模型)을 이용한 일반균형적(一般均衡的) 접근(接近))

  • Kim, Joon-kyung
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.191-212
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    • 1992
  • This paper discusses the role of money in the process of capital accumulation where financial markets are impeded by contract enforcement problems in the context of overlapping generations framework. In particular, in less developed countries (LDCs) creditors may know little about the repayment capability of potential debtors due to incomplete information so that financial instruments other than money may not acceptable to them. In this paper the impediments to the operation of the private finanical markets are explicitly modelled. We argue that creditors cannot observe actual investment decisions made by the potential borrowers, and as a result, loan contracts may not be fully enforceable. Therefore, a laissez-faire regime may fail to provide the economy with the appropriate financial instruments. Under these circumstances, we introduce a government operated discount window (DW) that acts as an open market buyer of private debt. This theoretical structure represents the practice of governments of many LDCs to provide loans (typically at subsidized interest rates) to preferred borrowers either directly or indirectly through the commercial banking system. It is shown that the DW can substantially overcome impediments to trade which are caused by the credit market failure. An appropriate supply of the DW loan enables producers to purchase the resources they cannot obtain through direct transactions in the credit market. This result obtains even if the DW is subject to the same enforcement constraint that is responsible for the market failure. Thus, the DW intervention implies higher investment and output. However, the operation of the DW may cause inflation. Furthermore, the provision of cheap loans through the DW results in a worse income distribution. Therefore, there is room for welfare enhancing schemes that utilize the higher output to develop. We demonstrate that adequate lump sum taxes-cum-transfers along with the operation of the DW can support an allocation that is Pareto superior to the laissez-faire equilibrium allocation.

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Provisional National Nutrition Targets and Strategies for Health Promotion of Koreans (국민건강증진을 위한 영양 부문의 2000년 잠정목표와 전략)

  • 김혜련
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.161-177
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    • 1996
  • This study attempts to propose a priority of national nutrition targets and strategies for health promotion by the year 2000 in Korea, as a part of the task set for national health promotion objectives and strategies. Among all of the important health issues raised, ten were chosen, nutrition was one priority area. In the first part, the current status of the nutrition-related health problems and risk factors are reviewed, in conjunction with the newly arisen health phenomena, such as changes in prevalence of lifestyle disease and causes of death, changes of food consumption patterns in our country. In the second section this study suggests six feasible national nutrition targets, eight implementing strategies and current major tasks on the basis of the assessment of present status and in consideration of the other health promotion goals and strategies, with reference to that of other developed countries. The main targets and strategies are suggested as follows ; Firstly, the national nutrition monitoring and surveillance system should be established for identifying the nutritional problems for our people, and current National Nutrition Survey is a strong need for improvement to a more comprehensive and reliable one. Secondly, effective administrative mechanism should be operation at national level for the development of nutrition policy. Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) as well as local health department must be remarkably renewed and strengthened the nutrition section. And it is recommended that MOHW organize and operate “The Council of Nutrition”, in which all government authorities related with foodstuffs and nutrition would incorporated. The Council of Nutrition would act as an adjustor as well as a coordinator in nutrition related policy-making. Thirdly, healthy eating pattern will be supported by activities of introducing a nutrition labeling for providing consumers with the necessary information and skills for food selection. Fourthly, nutrition education, and nutrition intervention programs will be carried out in various settings such as health centers, schools, and clinical fields and workplace. Fifthly, the current dietary guidelines shall be continuously improved in detail, and publicly circulated to particular levels of people by age group and by health condition. And finally, researches and epidemiological studies particularly in regard to diet for development of chronic diseases are needed for more investigation and up-to-date national health and nutrition data should be collected with the support and cooperation from the various medical professional teams . (Korean J Community Nutrition 1(2) : 161-177, 1996)

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Community periodontal index treatment needs in relation to dental health care of migrant worker (이주 노동자의 구강건강관리에 따른 치주치료요구도)

  • Jung, Myung-Hee;Kim, Ju-Yeong
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.553-567
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    • 2007
  • Migrant Worker are rapidly increasing in Korea since 1990. They are nowadays main sources of laborer groups engaging in medium-sized factories. The purpose of this study is to provide the basic information to establish proper oral health policy. Dental caries and periodontal disese are the most common disease that occur in the mouth. Periodontal disease is the most common disease in humans and the biggest reason for the loss of the teeth in the adult population. The CPITIN has been developed jontly by the international Dental Federation and the World Health Organization. CPITN is now an established index of level, of periodontal condition in populations for which specific intervention might be considered. This study was conducted to obtain the information regarding to CPITN of migrant workers located in Daegu, Questionaire survey was carried out for 289 workers from July 9 to August 8, 2006. Total survey was 289, 224 males and 65 females. The result was as follows: First, The number of nationality was 14. The first majority was China as 31.8% Among 14 nationalities were Cambodia 18.0%, Vietnam 12.8%, Sri Lanka 12.1%, Indonesia 7.3%, Nepal 4.2%, the other 13.8%, those who are aged from 20 to 29 were 43.9%, and salary from 1,000,000 won to 1,490,000 won 51.2%.(as for their residence, those who resided) over 3 years were 42.6% and not insured reached 68.5%. Second, more than 93.4% of the subjects need periodontal treatment, only 4.9% of non-smoker was health periodontal states, four times frequency of tooth brushing per a day was 16.7%. Third, 28.7% of migrant workers had experienced visit of dental clinic, and 22.9% had received treatment of decayed tooth. Fourth, It is difficult for them 65.1% of them to visit dental clinic in korea, the First was a communication problem and the second was time. Fifth, Most of them didn't have a oral health education but 85.1% of them said that they wish they attend oral health education. We conclude that the situation of migrant workers was very bad considering their working conditions, circumstances, and health condition. According to this study, more than 93.4% of the people need periodontal treatment. Besides they didn't have accurate knowledge about prevention of periodontal disease. Therefor our considering these facts, the policy of dental health by government should be established for migrant workers.

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Understanding Policies related to Home Modification for the Elderly: An Occupational Therapist's Perspective (고령자 가정환경수정 관련 정책에 대한 이해: 작업치료사의 관점에서)

  • Hwang, Na-Kyoung;Shim, Sun-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.389-399
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the domestic and overseas home modification policies, and review the direction of domestic home modification policies to enable 'Aging In Place; AIP' and the competencies required of occupational therapist as and expert in home modification. In order to expand occupational therapy for domestic home modification and strengthen occupational therapist competency, it is required to establish a clear and practical home modification process that reflects the design and intervention of occupational therapy. Appropriate selection and standardization of the evaluation tools that identifies the needs of the elderly and reflects the characteristics of domestic housing types are also required. In addition, it is necessary to understand policies and systems, and endeavour to establish a relevant knowledge base for communication and cooperation with experts in other fields. In terms of the policy, there is a need for the home modification support system that allows the elderly to adapt to their aging regardless of their income level, beyond the existing support system, which was implemented mainly for low-income people and disabled. In addition, as in overseas cases, the efforts need to be made to provide various and efficient measures, such as support for barrier-free housing, expansion of the scope of support through cooperation between the national government and local governments, low-interest loans and tax reductions, and establishment of governance with organizations and institutions related to home modification services.

The Changing Shape of Care-time Diamond: Social Care Expansions in the 21st Century in Korea (변화하는 케어-타임 다이아몬드: 한국의 21세기 사회적 돌봄의 확대)

  • An, Mi-Young
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.137-161
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    • 2012
  • Traditionally, caring for young children and the elderly has been largely assumed and practiced intensively within the family in Korea. The Korean government established residual protection systems for the elderly as well as children whose needs could not be met by their family members alone. However, in the 21st century, a number of social forces have made it necessary to expand the state's intervention in the care provisions. The primary forces include the ageing process, low fertility, change in the women's labour market participation, changes in the family formation and dissolution, and changes in the people's perceptions of familial responsibilities regarding caring for other family members. This paper employs and further develops the idea of the care diamond conceived by the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development Project in relation to the political and social economy of care and applies it to Korea's social care expansions. The analysis demonstrates that the roles of the public and the market sector, in case of child care, increased while those of the third sector decreased. Apropos of the elderly care, the role of the market expanded dramatically, followed by that of and the state and the third sector. Nonetheless, it is important to note that the fundamental characteristics of Korea's care provision for children and the elderly have remained unchanged and even strengthened where the elderly care is concerned. The bulk of personal care demand is still met within the family, particularly by female members of the household.

Recovery Support Service for Neglected Children and Their Families of Origin: Status and Suggestions (방임 및 보호 아동·청소년 원가정 회복지원 시범사업의 현황과 과제)

  • Jeong, Jeeyoung;Anh, Jinkyung;Kim, Eunhye
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 2021
  • Child abuse and neglect are recently increasing in Korea, and although the government has actively improved the child protection system, the number of abused children and the rate of cases judged as abuse have continuously risen. Given that 75% of child abusers are parents, child abuse and neglect are expected to recur. To prevent such a recurrence, various intervention programs for abused children and their parents are required. The purpose of this study were to design a recovery support service process and investigate the effectiveness of pilot program for families of origin, including neglected(protected) children, to improve the system by which these programs are operated, and formulate policy alternatives that reinforce "family preservation" principles. The pilot program was implemented from June to November 2020 in 4-local healthy family support center. The number of program participants and the frequency of participation in each other differed, because of the difference in number of confirmed coronavirus cases in each region and the requirement for social distancing. Through the program, a community-based service process was developed for neglected(protected) children and their parents, and cooperative networks between related facilities and institutions were established. The study formulated the following recommendations: First, a cooperation system among government departments mandated to provide different services to neglected(protected) children is needed. Second, wider and various channels through which abused children can avail of protective services should be developed within communities. Third, more stable environments for program operation should be cultivated, and cooperative partnerships should be sought for knowledge sharing among relevant government departments. Another necessary measure is for a center to develop its own business model, in which the duplication of services provided by involved organizations is avoided. Finally, clear guidelines, administrative standards, and specific plans for program operation should be arranged. Also regional characteristics are maintained, but services should be standardized.