• Title/Summary/Keyword: Glycocalyx

검색결과 22건 처리시간 0.026초

유사 하수 환경에서 글라이코캘릭스 형성 균주를 혼입한 모르타르의 박테리아 생장성 및 글라이코캘릭스 형성량 평가 (An Evaluation of Bacteria Growth and Glycocalyx Formation in Mortars Incorporating Glycocalyx Forming Bacteria in Simulated Sewege Environment)

  • 황지원;양근혁
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2023년도 봄 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.265-266
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    • 2023
  • In this study, a mortar was prepared using Rhodobacter capsulatus which is forming glycocalyx and immersed in a simulated sewage environment. As a result of the experiment, it was observed that bacteria continued to grow in the mortar immersed in the simulated sewage environment, and it was confirmed that glycocalyx was formed by bacteria on the surface of mortar specimen.

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해수에 적응된 guppy(Poecilia reticulatus) 상피의 미세구조적 변화 (Ultrastructural Changes of the Epidermis of Guppy(Poecilia reticulatus) Scale Adapted to the Seawater)

  • 문영화
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.104-114
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    • 1995
  • The epidermis of scales in the abdominal parts from freshwater- and seawater-adapted guppies(Poecilia reticulatus) were studied respectively by scanning- and transmission- electronmicroscope. In the seawater adapted group, the surface area of pavement cells is increased nearly twice as much as that of freshwater-adapted group, and the pavement cells are relatively flattened. Adaptatoin to seawater causes the increment of the density of glycocalyx in the surface of the microridge of pavement cells, as well as the well developed intercellular junctional complex(desmosome) between neighbouring filament-containing cells. Also, intercellular space between adjacent filament-containing cells is more frequently observed in the epidermis of seawater adapted guppy.

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Bacillus licheniformis 균주를 혼입한 모르타르의 동결융해 저항성 평가 (An Evaluation on Freezing and Thawing Resistance of Mortars with Bacillus licheniformis)

  • 황지원;윤현섭;양근혁
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2022년도 가을 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.237-238
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    • 2022
  • This study used Bacillus licheniformis generating glycocalyx as a provective membrane to enhance the salt-damage resistance of cement mortars. The mortar specimens with Bacillus licheniformis exhibited a comparable compressive strength development and 1.1~1.3 times higher dynamic modulus of elasticity under 300 freezing and thawing cycyles when compared with the counterpart control mortar.

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돌돔 (Oplegnathus fasciatus) 피부상피층에 관한 전자현미경적 연구 (Electron Microscopic Study on the Integumentary Epidermis of the Parrot fish, Oplegnathus fasciatus)

  • 김재원;백근욱;백혜자
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.131-137
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    • 2004
  • 돌돔의 피부는 크게 상피층과 진피층으로 구분되며, 상피층은 지지세포, 선세포 및 부속세포로 구성된다. 지지세포는 표면세포, 중간세포 및 기저세포, 선세포는 점액세포와 곤봉상세포, 그리고 부속세포는 염세포가 관찰된다. 표면세포는 편평형 또는 입방형으로서 타원형의 핵을 가지고, 미세융기(microridge)들이 발달되어 있으며 glycocalyx가 관찰된다. 중간세포는 타원형에 가깝고 원형에 가까운 핵을 가진다. 기저세포는 원주형으로서 핵은 세포질의 상부에 위치한다. 점액세포는 타원형으로 세포질은 타원형의 분비과립이 대부분을 차지하며, AB-PAS (pH 2.5)에 청색으로 반응하였다. 곤봉상세포는 세포질에 많은 액포와 미세섬유다발을 관찰할 수 있다. 부속세포인 염세포 세포질의 대부분이 미토콘드리아로 가득 채워져 있다. 색소세포는 세포질에 전자밀도가 높은 색소과립들을 함유한 종류와 반사소판을 함유한 종류로 구분된다.

Interferon-β alleviates sepsis by SIRT1-mediated blockage of endothelial glycocalyx shedding

  • Suhong Duan;Seung-Gook Kim;Hyung-Jin Lim;Hwa-Ryung Song;Myung-Kwan Han
    • BMB Reports
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    • 제56권5호
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    • pp.314-319
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    • 2023
  • Sepsis is a life-threatening multi-organ dysfunction with high mortality caused by the body's improper response to microbial infection. No new effective therapy has emerged that can adequately treat patients with sepsis. We previously demonstrated that interferon-β (IFN-β) protects against sepsis via sirtuin 1-(SIRT1)-mediated immunosuppression. Another study also reported its significant protective effect against acute respiratory distress syndrome, a complication of severe sepsis, in human patients. However, the IFN-β effect cannot solely be explained by SIRT1-mediated immunosuppression, since sepsis induces immunosuppression in patients. Here, we show that IFN-β, in combination with nicotinamide riboside (NR), alleviates sepsis by blocking endothelial damage via SIRT1 activation. IFN-β plus NR protected against cecal ligation puncture-(CLP)-induced sepsis in wild-type mice, but not in endothelial cell-specific Sirt1 knockout (EC-Sirt1 KO) mice. IFN-β upregulated SIRT1 protein expression in endothelial cells in a protein synthesis-independent manner. IFN-β plus NR reduced the CLP-induced increase in in vivo endothelial permeability in wild-type, but not EC-Sirt1 KO mice. IFN-β plus NR suppressed lipopolysaccharide-induced up-regulation of heparinase 1, but the effect was abolished by Sirt1 knockdown in endothelial cells. Our results suggest that IFN-β plus NR protects against endothelial damage during sepsis via activation of the SIRT1/heparinase 1 pathway.

한국 관박쥐의 정자발생과 자성생식관내의 정자운명에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Spermatogenesis and Spermatozoan Fate in the Female Reproductive Tract of the Korean Greater Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum korai))

  • 김은주;오영근
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.14-28
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    • 1991
  • The present study was designed in order to clarify ultrastructural characteristies of the spermatogenetic process and to examine survival state of the spermatozoa introduced into the female reproductive tract after autumnal coitus in the Korean greater horseshoe bats(Rhinolophus ferrumeguinum korai). The general morphological characteristics of spermatogenesis were principally similar to those of the other mammalian species; acrosomal formation, flagellar formation, middle piece formation and concentration of the spermatozoan nucleus. The spermatozoa introduced into the vagina were found to be dead forming a vaginal plug, the opaque central core of which consisted of trapped dead spermatozoa. Some spermatozoa introduced into the uterus were observed to be phagocytized by the polymorphonuclear leucocytes infiltrated into the uterine glandular lumen. The oviductal epithelium, consisted of ciliated and secretory cells; the luminal surface of secretory cells were covered by a number of microvilli with well developed glycocalyx, suggesting a close relationship to nutrient (e.g. glycogen) supply for the spermatozoa during hibernation.

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Neoparamoeba sp. Infection on Gills of Olive Flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus in Korea

  • Kim, Hyoung-Jun;Cho, Jae-Bum;Lee, Mu-Kun;Huh, Min-Do;Kim, Ki-Hong
    • 한국어병학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 2005
  • Amoebic gill disease of flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus was diagnosed at commerical culture facility in South Korea. The amoeba was identified as a species of the genus Neoparamoeba based on the morpholgical characteristics of trophozoites. Transmisson electron microscopy revealed the presence of a symbiotic organism, parasome in the cytoplasm and dense glycocalyx on the surface of the trophozoites. They lacked the boat-shaped microscales on the surface and contained numerous vacuoles and channels, mitochondria in the cytoplasm. Colonization of amoebae on gill tissue elicited extensive fusion and hyperplasia of gill lamella.

Service life of concrete culverts repaired with biological sulfate-resisting mortars

  • Hyun-Sub, Yoon;Keun-Hyeok, Yang;Nguyen, Van Tuan;Seung-Jun, Kwon
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • 제30권6호
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    • pp.409-419
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of biological repairing mortars on restoring the structural performance of a sewage culvert deteriorated by sulfate attack. The biological mortars were developed for protecting concrete structures exposed to sulfate attack based on the block membrane action of the bacterial glycocalyx. The diffusion coefficient of sulfate ions in the biological mortars was determined from the natural diffusion cell tests. The effect of sulfate-attack-induced concrete deterioration on the structural performance of culverts was examined by using the moment-curvature relationship predicted based on the nonlinear section lamina approach considering the sulfuric-acid-induced degradation of the structure. Typical analytical assessments showed that biological mortars were quite effective in increasing the sulfate-resistant service life of sewage culverts.

한국산 낙지(Octopus minor) 흡반(Sucker)내 분비 및 감각수용세포 II (Secretory and Sensory Receptor Cells in the Sucker of Korean Octopus minor II)

  • 장남섭
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.295-301
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    • 2000
  • 두족강 낙지류(Octopus minor)의 흡반 누두부 상피조직에서 관찰된 감각세포들은 A1, A2, B, C그리고 D형세포 등 5종류가 관찰되었다. A형세포는 A1과 A2형 등 두 종류가 확인되었다. A1형은 주로 흡반의 누두부 상피조직에서 B형세포와 나란히 연접되어 있었으며 핵은 불규칙한 형태였고 핵질은 전자밀도가 높아서 어둡게 관찰되었다. 세포질 속에는 대, 소형의 많은 공포들(직경 $0.4\sim0.04{\mu}m$)로 가득차 있었으며 이들은 세포의 상단쪽으로 이동하면서 당피막을 통해 분비되었다. A2형은 주로 상피조직의 하단부에 존재하였으며, 핵의 형태는 A1형과 같았다. 세포질은 사상형 또는 망상형으로 전자밀도가 높게 나타났다. B형세포는 난원형의 핵을 소지하고 있었으며, 세포질속에는 소포체 모양의 많은 공포들과 전자밀도가 높은 다양한 크기$(0.6\sim0.25{\mu}m)$의 둥근 과립들이 있었는데 이들은 당피막을 통해 세포의 자유면으로 분비되었다. C형세포와 D형세포는 주로 흡반상피의 주름진 부위에서 단층 또는 다층 구조 형태로 관찰되었다. C형세포는 전자밀도가 낮은 긴 타원형의 핵을 소지한데 비해, D형은 이질염색질이 발달된 불규칙한 핵을 소지하고 있었다.

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알리인 투여 후 혈소판의 방사선 방어기전 연구 (A Study on Radio-Protection Mechanism of Platelet Cells After Injection of Alliin)

  • 지태정
    • 대한방사선기술학회지:방사선기술과학
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    • 제33권3호
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    • pp.185-192
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    • 2010
  • 거대핵세포(megakaryocyte)에서 유래된 혈소판은 백혈구와 더불어 방사선에 민감하여 가장 먼저 감소하므로 방사선장해의 지표로 활용된다. 따라서 혈소판이 부족하게 되면 점상출혈(dot hemorrhage)이 계속되고 혈구 수의 감소와 면역기능 저하로 이어진다. 특히, 전신조사(whole body irradiation)로 4~6 Gy를 받을 경우, 3주 후 혈소판이 최하로 감소되어 출혈과 빈혈에 의한 조혈기계 장해의 사망원인이 된다. 따라서 본 연구는 혈소판 장해의 메카니즘을 밝히고 방어효과를 알아보고자 하였다. 실험에 사용한 방어물질은 마늘 성분의 알리인(Alliin)을 사용하였으며, rat의 꼬리 정맥에 투여한 후 전자현미경(TEM)으로 관찰하였다. 연구 결과, 5 Gy 방사선조사(Irradiation) 후 10일 경과된 혈소판 조직에서는 세포막이 심하게 손상되어 풍선모양으로 부풀어 올랐으며, 당질층(glycocalyx)이 비후되었다. 조사 후 20일 경과된 혈소판에서는 소기관들의 형태를 알아볼 수 없을 정도로 손상되었으며, 세포질의 내용물이 간질부위로 유출되어 손상이 매우 심하였다. 또한 과립들의 형태도 관찰되지 않았다. 30일 경과된 혈소판에서는 가운데 부분에서 공포(vacuole)가 생기고 조직의 손상이 관찰되었다. 하지만 Alliin을 정맥 투여한 실험군에서는 과립(granules)들의 형태가 대조군과 같이 일정하게 유지되고 있었으며, 세포막의 손상도 확인되지 않았다. 따라서 Alliin의 혈관투여시 혈소판의 방사선방어 효과를 확인할 수 있었다.