• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geographic locations

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Study on Landslide using GIS and Remote Sensing at the Kangneung Area(II)-Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Cross-Validation using the Probability Technique (GIS 및 원격탐사를 이용한 2002년 강릉지역 태풍 루사로 인한 산사태 연구(II)-확률기법을 이용한 강릉지역 산사태 취약성도 작성 및 교차 검증)

  • Lee Saro;Lee Moung-Jin;Won Joong-Sun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.521-532
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    • 2004
  • The aim of this study is to evaluate the susceptibility of landslides at Kangneung area, Korea, using a Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing. Landslide locations were identified from interpretation of satellite image and field surveys. The topographic, soil, forest, geologic, lineament and land cover data were collected, processed and constructed into a spatial database using GIS and remote sensing data. Using frequency ratio model which is one of the probability model, the relationships between landslides and related factors such as slope, aspect, curvature and type of topography, texture, material, drainage and effective thickness of soil, type, age, diameter and density of wood, lithology, distance from lineament and land cover were calculated as frequency ratios. Then, the frequency ratio were summed to calculate a landslide susceptibility indexes and the landslide susceptibility maps were generated using the indexes. The results of the analysis were verified and cross-validated using actual landslide location data. The verification results showed satisfactory agreement between the susceptibility map and the existing data on landslide locations.

Molecular characteristics of Budgerigar fledgling disease polyomavirus detected from parrots in South Korea

  • Kim, Sungryong;Kim, Su-Jin;Na, Ki-Jeong
    • Journal of Veterinary Science
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.67.1-67.11
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    • 2022
  • Background: Budgerigar fledgling disease polyomavirus (BFDV) is the pathogen that causes budgerigar fledgling disease in psittacine species. The clinical signs of PBFV infection include ascites, hepatitis, and crop stasis. BFDV is associated with a high mortality rate in nestling birds. In contrast, adult birds only have mild symptoms such as feather dystrophy. Objectives: This study aimed to determine the prevalence, genetic characteristics, and phylogenetic analysis of BFDV in pet parrots in Korea. Methods: Fecal and tissue samples were collected from 217 pet parrots from 10 veterinary hospitals including Chungbuk National University Veterinary Hospital. The molecular screening was performed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of the small t/large T antigen gene segment. Full-length genome sequencing with the Sanger and phylogenetic analysis were performed on BFDV-positive samples. Results: The PCR results based on the small t/large T antigen gene marker indicated that BFDV DNA was present in 10 out of 217 screened samples. A whole-genome sequence was obtained from six strains and phylogenetic analysis revealed no significant relationship existed between the species and geographical locations amongst them. Conclusions: The prevalence of BFDV infection in South Korea is not high when compared to the prevalence of BFDV in other parts of the world, however, it has been reported sporadically in various species and geographic locations. The whole-genome analysis revealed 0.2%-0.3% variation in intragenomic homogeneity among the six strains analyzed. Korean strains are separately on the phylogenetic tree from their counterparts from China and Japan which might reflect the substantial genetic variation.

Building a Web-Based Undesignated Cultural Heritages Management Information System - A Case Study of the Namsan Area in Kyeongju - (웹을 이용한 비지정 문화재 관리 시스템 구축 - 경주 남산 지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Jang, Sung-Hyun;Kim, Hyoung-Sub
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.151-161
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to build a web-server for culture heritages management information system in order to efficiently manage and safely preserve undesignated cultural properties in the Namsan area in Kyeongju, which have been neglected so far. In order to achieve this purpose, data were collected on the basis of undesignated cultural properties in the study area. To acquire the location and range GPS were used and spatial data including geographic coordinates, visual materials and structured interviews were conducted through field survey. In addition, in order to obtained reliable and accurate locations of undesignated cultural properties which are scattered, DGPS(Differential Global Positioning System) were used. The spatial database was constructed based on the standard of cultural properties and attribute data was linked to geo-spatial information(digital map and aerial photographs). This system was built in a web-server environment. The result shows detailed description on the selected output for selected location and property information can be located on the map. In particular, a database to search for the status and modification of cultural properties will provide information to the users.

Optimal Location Allocation of CCTV Using 3D Simulation (3차원 시뮬레이션을 활용한 CCTV 최적입지선정)

  • PARK, Jeong-Woo;LEE, Seong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.92-105
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to establish a simulation method for CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) sight area. The simulation incorporates variables for computing CCTV sight area including CCTV specifications and installation. Currently CCTV is used for traffic, crime prevention and fire prevention by local governments. However, new locations are selected by administrator decision rather than analysis of the optimal location. In order to determine optimum location, a method to CCTV compute range is needed, which incorporates specifications according to CCTV purpose. For this purpose, limitations of previous research methods must be recognized and the simulation method must supplement these limitations. Here in this study, we derived CCTV sight area variables for realistic analysis to complement the limitations of previous studies. A total of eight elements were derived from image device sensors and installation: wide angle, height, angle, setting height, setting angle, and others. This research implemented a 3D simulation technique that can be applied to the derived factors and automate them using ArcObject and Visual C#. This simulation method can calculate sight range in accordance with CCTV specifications. Furthermore, when installing additional CCTVs, it can derive optimal allocation position. The results of this study will provide rational choices for specification selection and CCTV location by interagency collaborative projects.

Spatial and Temporal Analyses of Cervical Cancer Patients in Upper Northern Thailand

  • Thongsak, Natthapat;Chitapanarux, Imjai;Suprasert, Prapaporn;Prasitwattanaseree, Sukon;Bunyatisai, Walaithip;Sripan, Patumrat;Traisathit, Patrinee
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.5011-5017
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    • 2016
  • Background: Cervical cancer is a major public health problem worldwide. There have been several studies indicating that risk is associated with geographic location and that the incidence of cervical cancer has changed over time. In Thailand, incidence rates have also been found to be different in each region. Methods: Participants were women living or having lived in upper Northern Thailand and subjected to cervical screening at Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital between January 2010 and December 2014. Generalized additive models with Loess smooth curve fitting were applied to estimate the risk of cervical cancer. For the spatial analysis, Google Maps were employed to find the geographical locations of the participants' addresses. The Quantum Geographic Information System was used to make a map of cervical cancer risk. Two univariate smooths: x equal to the residency duration was used in the temporal analysis of residency duration, and x equal to the calendar year that participants moved to upper Northern Thailand or birth year for participants already living there, were used in the temporal analysis of the earliest year. The spatial-temporal analysis was conducted in the same way as the spatial analysis except that the data were split into overlapping calendar years. Results: In the spatial analysis, the risk of cervical cancer was shown to be highest in the Eastern sector of upper Northern Thailand (p-value <0.001). In the temporal analysis of residency duration, the risk was shown to be steadily increasing (p-value =0.008), and in the temporal analysis of the earliest year, the risk was observed to be steadily decreasing (p-value=0.016). In the spatial-temporal analysis, the risk was stably higher in Chiang Rai and Nan provinces compared to Chiang Mai province. According to the display movement over time, the odds of developing cervical cancer declined in all provinces. Conclusions: The risk of cervical cancer has decreased over time but, in some areas, there is a higher risk than in the major province of Chiang Mai. Therefore, we should promote cervical cancer screening coverage in all areas, especially where access is difficult and/or to women of lower socioeconomic status.

Analysis of Flood Inundation using GIS (GIS를 이용한 홍수범람 분석)

  • Shim, Soon-Bo;Kim, Joo-Hun;Lim, Gwang-Seop;Oh, Deuk-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.132-142
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    • 2003
  • A significant deficiency of most computer models used for stream floodplain analysis, is that the locations of structures impacted by flood waters, such as roads, buildings, and bridges, cannot be effectively compared to the floodplain location. The purpose of this study is the integration of the HEC River Analysis System(HEC-RAS) with ArcView geographic information system to develop a regional model for floodplain determination and representation. Also this study presents to enable two- and three-dimensional floodplain mapping and analysis in the ArcView. The methodology is applied to a Yeoju of Kyunggi-do, located in South Han River Basin. A digital terrain model is synthesized from HEC-RAS cross-sectional data and a digital elevation model of the study area. The flood plain data developed in ArcView was imported into HEC-RAS where it was combined with the field surveyed channel data in order to construct full floodplain cross sections that reflected accurate channel and overbank data for the HEC-RAS model. The flood plain limits could be expressed more accurately on ArcView by using water level data to be computed in HEC-RAS program. The computed water surface elevations and information of cross-section must be manually plotted in order to delineate floodplains. The resulting of this study provided a good representation of the general landscape and contained additional detail within the stream channel. Overall, the results of the study indicate that GIS combined with HEC-RAS is proven to be very useful and efficient for the automatic generation of flood maps, and an effective environment for floodplain mapping and analysis.

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The Use of Analogy in Teaching and Learning Geography (효과적인 지리 교수.학습을 위한 유추의 이해와 활용)

  • Lee, Jong-Won;Harm, Kyung-Rim
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.534-553
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    • 2011
  • Analogical thinking is a problem-solving strategy to use a familiar problem (or base analog) to solve a novel problem of the same type (the target problem). The purpose of this study is to provide new insight into geography teaching and learning by connecting cognitive science research on analogical thinking with issues of geography education and suggest that teaching with analogies can be a productive instructional strategy for geography. In this study, using the various examples of analogical thinking used in geography we defined analogical thinking, addressed the theoretical models on analogical transfer, and discussed conditions that make an effective analogical transfer. The major research findings include the following: a) the spatial analogy, indicating skills to find places that may be far apart but have similar locations, and therefore have other similar conditions and/or connections, can provide a useful way to design contents for place learning; b) representational transfer, specifying a common representation for two problems, can play a key role in solving geographic problems requiring data visualization and spatialization processes; and c) either asking learners to compare/analyze similar examples sharing common structure or providing them examples bridging the gap between concrete, real-life phenomena and the ideas and models can contribute to learning in geographic concepts and skills. The spatial analogy requiring both geographic content knowledge and visual/spatial thinking has the potential to become a content-specific problem-solving strategy. We ended with recommendations for future research on analogy that is important in geography education.

Study on a Demand Volume Estimation Method using Population Weighted Centroids in Facility Location Problems (시설물 입지에 있어 인구 중심점 개념을 이용한 수요 규모 추정 방법 연구)

  • Joo, Sung-A;Kim, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2007
  • This paper is to discuss analytical techniques to estimate demand sizes and volumes that determine optimal locations for multiple facilities for a given services. While demand size estimation is a core part of location modeling to enhance solution quality and practical applicability, the estimation method has been used in limited and restrict parts such as a single population centroid in a given larger census boundary area or small theoretical application experiments(e.s. census track and enumeration district). Therefore, this paper strives to develop an analytical estimation method of demand size that converts area based demand data to point based population weighted centroids. This method is free to spatial boundary units and more robust to estimate accurate demand volumes regardless of geographic boundaries. To improve the estimation accuracy, this paper uses house weighted value to the population centroid calculation process. Then the population weighted centroids are converted to individual demand points on a grid formated surface area. In turn, the population weighted centroids, demand points and network distance measures are operated into location-allocation models to examine their roles to enhance solution quality and applicability of GIS location models. Finally, this paper demonstrates the robustness of the weighted estimation method with the application of location-allocation models.

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A Study on Building the HD Map Prototype Based on Web GIS for the Generation of the Precise Road Maps (정밀도로지도 제작을 위한 Web GIS 기반 HD Map 프로토타입 구축 연구)

  • KWON, Yong-Ha;CHOUNG, Yun-Jae;CHO, Hyun-Ji;GU, Bon-Yup
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.102-116
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    • 2021
  • For the safe operation of autonomous vehicles, the representative technology of the 4th industrial revolution era, a combination of various technologies such as sensor technology, software technology and car technology is required. An autonomous vehicle is a vehicle that recognizes current location and situation by using the various sensors, and makes its own decisions without depending on the driver. Perfect recognition technology is required for fully autonomous driving. Since the precise road maps provide various road information including lanes, stop lines, traffic lights and crosswalks, it is possible to minimize the cognitive errors that occur in autonomous vehicles by using the precise road maps with location information of the road facilities. In this study, the definition, necessity and technical trends of the precise road map have been analyzed, and the HD(High Definition) map prototype based on the web GIS has been built in the autonomous driving-specialized areas of Daegu Metropolitan City(Suseong Medical District, about 24km), the Happy City of Sejong Special Self-Governing City(about 33km), and the FMTC(Future Mobility Technical Center) PG(Proving Ground) of Seoul National University Siheung Campus using the MMS(Mobile Mapping System) surveying results given by the National Geographic Information Institute. In future research, the built-in precise road map service will be installed in the autonomous vehicles and control systems to verify the real-time locations and its location correction algorithm.

Hemaggulutinin and Hemolysin in Korean Ascidians

  • Park, Gyeong-Suk;Lee, In-Suk;Ro, Bun-Jo;Mok, Je-Won
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.107-111
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    • 1998
  • Two kinds of humoral factors were observed in 2 orders, 7 families, 10 genera, and 15 different species of Korean ascidians. They are the naturally occuring hemagglutinins and/or hemolysins against human erythrocytes A, B, and 0. All but two species showed aggregative activity, although there were considerable variations in titer. The weak agglutinating and lytic activities were increased in the presence of $Ca^{++}$. Much higher activities of agglutination and/or lysis were shown in the hemolymph than extracts from tissues, and a higher response was shown in adults than in juveniles. No distinct differences from collected locations were observed. The hemolymph of Ciona intestinalis showed a strong hemolytic (cytotoxic) and weak agglutinins capacities. In addition, hemolymph of Styela plicata and Styela clava clava also showed hemoagglutining and hemolytic activities. Botryllus tuberatus had hemagglutining and weak lytic activities. Other species showed only hemagglutining activity. These agglutining activities are probably responsible for carbohydrate recognition in solitary or colonial ascidian. The lytic activity is probably responsible for antibacterial defense and nonfusion reactions between allogeneic colonial ascidians, especially the genus of Botryllus. The occurrences of humoral factors in ascidians were independent of their geographic distributions.

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