• Title/Summary/Keyword: Gene order

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Regulation of Gene Expression in Higher Plant (고등식물의 유전자 발현의 조절)

  • 심웅섭
    • Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1987.07a
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    • pp.241-260
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    • 1987
  • The regulatory mechanisms of gene expression in higher plant were not ascertained in detail because the genome size is very large and complex. However, the above-mentioned study is remarkably progressed in parallel with development of DNA recombinant technology and plant vector system. Some research results connected with the mechanisms could be summarized as follows. 1. Many plant genes including chloroplast genes are cloned. 2. The structures of some regulatory regions of gene expression are determined, and it is confirmed that new regulatory units are made by transposable elements. 3. Plant gene expression is regulated not only at transcriptional level but also at translational level. 4. The factors that regulate plant gene expression could be divided as two categorys. One is endogenous elements including the structural change of chromatin during development stage and tissue differentiation. The other is environmental stimulations such as air, water, heat, salts and light. However, some sufficient research-aid fund is essential in order to study the regulatory mechanisms of gene expression more systematically.

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Construction of a Plant Expression Vector for the Coat Protein Gene of Cucumber Mosaic Virus-As Strain for Plant Transformation (오이 모자이크 바이러스 As계통 외피단백질 유전자의 식물체 형질질환을 위한 발현벡타의 구축)

  • 류기현;박원목
    • Korean Journal Plant Pathology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.66-72
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    • 1995
  • The coat protein (CP) gene of cucumber mosaic virus-As (CMV-As) strain was engineered for expression in the plant by using the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S transcript regulatory sequences. The CP gene was cloned into an Agrobacterium-derived binary vector. A chimeric gene was constructed by the cDNA of CMV-As CP and plant expression vector pBI121. The clone, pCMAS66, was first introduced into the phagemid vector pSPORT1 for situating sense orientation for translation and making restriction sites in order to re-introduce plant expression vector, pHI121. The resulting subclone pCASCP02 and plant expression vector pBI121 were treated with BamHI-SacI for excising the target gene and removing GUS gene, respectively. After Agrobacterium transformation by freeze-thaw technique, the clone, pCMASCP121-123 which contains sense orientation of the target gene, was selected and confirmed by restriction endonuclease analysis. The CMV-As CP gene was introduced into A. tumefaciens. The results on tobacco plant transformation with the vector system revealed that the system could be successfully introduced and showed high frequency of selection to putative transformations.

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Analysis of Molecular Epidemiological Properties of Staphylococcus aureus Isolates from Domestic Animals and Human Patients by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction을 활용한 국내 동물과 사람환자에서 분리한 Staphylococcus aureus 분리주의 분자역학적 특성분석)

  • Woo Yong-Ku;Kim Shin
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.24-37
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to analyze the molecular epidemiological properties and to select the most efficient and reliable PCR method on 116 of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) isolates from Korean cattle, black goat, pig, dog, chicken, mouse and also human clinical cases from hospital. The distribution patterns of SSG [species specific genes; coagulase (coa), protein A (spa), nuclease (nuc) and aroA (RsaI) gene] were analyzed by PCR method. Among the SSGs, the nuc-gene was found in all strains $(100\%)$ tested and followed by coa-gene $(87.9\%)$, spa-gene $(91.4\%)$ and aroA-gene $(26.7\%)$, in order. The genetic subtyping by RFLP method was performed on the coa [AluI] and aroA-gene [RsaI] PCR products. The mecA-gene PCR and PCR-RFLP techniques were chosen to detect and verify of MRSA strains. Only the human strains $(12.1\%)$ were detected the positive mecA-gene products (533 bp), which were divided into two specific bands [201 & 332 bp] by HhaI enzyme digestion. On coa-gene and spa-gene typing, coa-gene was typed with ten kinds of genotype and coa-3 type were determined as the most predominant genotype, while spa-gene was divided into eleven kinds of genotype and also spa-7 type were selected the most prevalent genotype based on their genetic variations. On the aroA and coa-gene subtyping by PCR-RFLP, aroA-gene products were discriminated with only seven types of genotype, while coa-gene products were further divided into an eleven genotype, respectively. In comparison of SID values of five PCR based typing methods, the coa-PCR-RFLP (SID0.894) was evaluated the most efficient and reliable tools and followed by coa-PCR (SID0.883) and aroA-PCR-RFLP (SID0.462), in order. In conclusion, we could determined that the coa-PCR-RFLP method was the most suitable genetic analysis tool for S. aureus and MRSA strains from domestic animals and humans.

Characterization of RAD3 Homologous Gene from Coprinus cinereus (균류 Coprinus cinereus에서 DNA 회복에 관여하는 RAD3 유사유전자의 분리와 특성)

  • Choi In Soon
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.14 no.6 s.67
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    • pp.1023-1027
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    • 2004
  • The RAD3 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is essential for the incision step of UV-induced excision repair. An yeast RAD3 gene has been previously isolated by functional complementation. In order to identify the RAD3 homologous gene from fungus Coprinus cinereus, we have constructed cosmid libraries from electrophoretically separated chromosomes of the C. cinereus. The 13 C. cinereus chromosomes were resolved by pulse-field gel electrophoresis, hybridized with S. cerevisiae RAD3 DNA, and then isolated RAD3 homologous DNA from C. cinereus chromosome. The RAD3 homolog DNA was contained in 3.2 kb DNA fragment. Here, we report the results of characterization of a fungus C. cinereus homolog to the yeast RAD3 gene. Southern blot analysis confirmed that the C. cinereus chromosome contains the RAD3 homolog gene and this gene exists as a single copy in C. cinereus genome. When total RNA isolated from the C. cinereus cells were hybridized with the 3.4 kb PvuII DNA fragment of the S. cerevisiae RAD3 gene, transcripts size of 2.8 kb were detected. In order to investigate whether the increase of the amount of transcripts by DNA damaging agent, transcript levels were examined after treating agents to the cells. The level of transcripts were not increased by untraviolet light (UV). This result indicated that the RAD3 homologous gene is not UV inducible gene. Gene deletion experiments indicate that the HRD3 gene is essential for viability of the cells and DNA repair function. These observations suggest an evolutionary conservation of other protein components with which HRD3 interacts in mediating its DNA repair and viability functions.

Genetic effects of sterol regulatory element binding proteins and fatty acid-binding protein4 on the fatty acid composition of Korean cattle (Hanwoo)

  • Oh, Dong-Yep;Lee, Jea-Young;Jang, Ji-Eun;Lee, Seung-Uk
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.160-166
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    • 2017
  • Objective: This study identifies single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) or gene combinations that affect the flavor and quality of Korean cattle (Hanwoo) by using the SNP Harvester method. Methods: Four economic traits (oleic acid [C18:1], saturated fatty acids), monounsaturated fatty acids, and marbling score) were adjusted for environmental factors in order to focus solely on genetic effects. The SNP Harvester method was used to investigate gene combinations (two-way gene interactions) associated with these economic traits. Further, a multifactor dimensionality reduction method was used to identify superior genotypes in gene combinations. Results: Table 3 to 4 show the analysis results for differences between superior genotypes and others for selected major gene combinations using the multifactor dimensionality reduction method. Environmental factors were adjusted for in order to evaluate only the genetic effect. Table 5 shows the adjustment effect by comparing the accuracy before and after correction in two-way gene interactions. Conclusion: The g.3977-325 T>C and (g.2988 A>G, g.3977-325 T>C) combinations of fatty acid-binding protein4 were the superior gene, and the superior genotype combinations across all economic traits were the CC genotype at g.3977-325 T>C and the AACC, GACC, GGCC genotypes of (g.2988 A>G, g.3977-325 T>C).

Divergence Analysis of 16S rRNA and rpoB Gene Sequences Revealed from the Harmful Cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa (유해 남조세균 Microcystis aeruginosa의 16S rRNA 및 rpoB 유전자 염기서열 변이 분석)

  • Ki, Jang-Seu
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.296-302
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    • 2010
  • Microcystis (Cyanobacteria, Chroococcales) is one of the green tide-causing organisms in freshwaters, and some species produce microcystin that is hepatotoxin. In the aspects of freshwater quality controls and health concerns, therefore it is necessary to manage the harmful organisms. In the present study, RNA polymerase beta subunit (rpoB) gene sequences of Microcystis were determined and characterized in order to use a potential marker for the molecular detections of the species. Microcystis rpoB showed high divergences of DNA similarity and genetic distances when compared with those of 16S rRNA, and the molecular differences were statistically significant (Student t-test, p<0.05). Parsimony analyses showed the rpoB gene evolves more than 2-fold faster than 16S rRNA. In addition, phylogeny of the rpoB gene separated each M. aeruginosa strain more clearly compared with a 16S rRNA tree. This study found that the order Chroococcales, including Microcystis, has approximately two rRNA operons and single copy of the rpoB gene in their chromosomes. These results suggest that the rpoB gene is a useful marker for the molecular phylogenetics and the detection of Microcystis.

Molecular Divergences of 16S rRNA and rpoB Gene in Marine Isolates of the Order Oscillatoriales (Cyanobacteria) (남조세균 흔들말목(Cyanobacteria, Oscillatoriales) 해양 균주의 16S rRNA와 rpoB 유전자 변이)

  • Cheon, Ju-Yong;Lee, Min-Ah;Ki, Jang-Seu
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.319-324
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    • 2012
  • In this study, we investigated molecular divergences and phylogenetic characteristics of the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and RNA polymerase beta subunit (rpoB) gene sequences from the order Oscillatoriales (Cyanobacteria). The rpoB of Oscillatoriales showed higher genetic divergence when compared with those of 16S rRNA (p-distance: rpoB=0.270, 16S=0.109), and these differences were statistically significant (Student t-test, p<0.001). Phylogenetic trees of 16S rRNA and rpoB were generally compatible; however, rpoB tree clearly separated the compared Oscillatoriales taxa, with higher phylogenetic resolution. In addition, parsimony analyses showed that rpoB gene evolved 2.40-fold faster than 16S rRNA. These results suggest that the rpoB is a useful gene for the molecular phylogenetics and species discrimination in the order Oscillatoriales.

Cloning and Analysis of a Type II Polyketide Synthase Gene Cluster from Streptomyces toxytricini NRRL 15,443

  • Yoo An-Na;Demirev Atanas V.;Lee, Ji-Seon;Kim, Sang-Dal;Nam Doo-Hyun
    • Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.649-654
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    • 2006
  • A standard type II polyketide synthase (PKS) gene cluster was isolated while attempting to clone the biosynthetic gene for lipstatin from Streptomyces toxytricini NRRL 15,443. This result was observed using a Southern blot of a PstI-digested S. toxytricini chromosomal DNA library with a 444 bp amplified probe of a ketosynthase (KS) gene fragment. Four open reading frames [thioesterase (TE), $\beta$-ketoacyl systhase (KAS), chain length factor (CLF), and acyl carrier protein (ACP)], were identified through the nucleotide sequence determination and analysis of a 4.5 kb cloned DNA fragment. In order to confirm the involvement of a cloned gene in lipstatin biosynthesis, a gene disruption experiment for the KS gene was performed. However, the resulting gene disruptant did not show any significant difference in lipstatin production when compared to wild-type S. toxytricini. This result suggests that lipstatin may not be synthesized by a type II PKS.

Characterization of Excision Repair Genes Related to Damaged DNA Repair from Eukaryotic Cells

  • Choi, In-Soon;Jin, Yong-Hwan;Park, Sang-Dai
    • Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1997
  • The RAD4 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is essential for the incision step of UV-induced excision repair. A yeast RAD4 gene has been previously isolated by functional complementation. In order to identify the RAD4 homologous gene from fungus Coprinus cinereus, we have constructed cosmid libraries from electrophoretically separated chromosomes of the C. cinereus. The 13 C. cinereus chromosomes were resolved by pulse-field gel electrophoresis, hybridized with S. cerevisiae RAD4 DNA, and then isolated homologous C. cinereus chromosome. The insert DNA of the RAD4 homolog was contained 3.2 kb. Here, we report the partial cloning and characterization of fungus C. cinereus homolog of yeast RAD4 gene. Southern blot analysis confirmed that C. cinereus contains the sequence homologous DNA to RAD4 gene and this gene exists as a single copy in C. cinereus genome. When total RNA isolated from C. cinereus cells was hybridized with the 1.2 kb PvuII DNA fragment of the S. cerevisiae RAD4 gene, a 2.5 kb of transcript was detected. The level of the transcript did not increase upon UV-irradiation, suggesting that the RAD4 homologous gene in C. cinereus is not UV-inducible.

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Expression of the FLP recombinase of the 2 $\mu$m plasmid of yeast in the cultured cells of Bombyx mori using a transient expression vector (Yeast 2 $\mu$m 플라스미드 유래 FLP recombinase 유전자의 곤충 배양세포내 발현)

  • 강석우;윤은영
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.36-43
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    • 1997
  • In order to express the FLP recombinase in B. mori cultured cell line, BmN-4, transient expression system using a heat shock protein gene (hsp70) promoter of Dorosophilla melnogaster was constructed. This vector was designated as pHsSV. Activity strength of the hsp70 promoter was compared with that of immediate early gene (IE-1) and polyhedrin gene of BmNPV employing the E. coli $\beta$-galactosidase gene as a reporter gene. The result showed that the pHs $\beta$-gal plasmid vector expressed the $\beta$-galactosidase at 2nd and 3rd day after the transfer of plasmid DNA into BmN-4 cells, which was similar to that of pIE1 $\beta$-gal vector, but different from that of a recombinant virus, vBm $\beta$-gal. For the construction of FLP recombinase transient expression vector, the FLP recombinase gene was cloned by polymerase chain reaction technique. To express the FLP recombinase, this gene was inserted into pHsSV plasmid vector, under the control of the hsp70 promotor, and tranfected in BmN-4 cells. The expressed FLP recombinase was estimated at 44kDa on a 12.5% SDS-PAGE.

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