• Title/Summary/Keyword: Gas Discharge

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A Study on the Treatment of Landfill Leachate using Membrane and Evaporator (Lab Test) (분리막과 증발기를 이용한 매립지 침출수 처리에 관한 연구 (Lab test))

  • Kang, Shin-Gyung;Park, Yung-Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.22 no.12
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    • pp.2125-2134
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    • 2000
  • This research was to develope the economical treatment processes of the landfill leachate to meet the legal discharge standards. To achieve this purpose, experiments were conducted in laboratory to choose the optimum process and to obtain the design factors before a pi!ot-scale test. The concept of the process developing in this research was using the reverse osmosis system. The submerged membrane bio-reactor was used to achieve pre-treatment of reverse osmosis system and the concentrate was treated by evaporator with land fill gas as a fuel. The results of the research showed that SS, $BOD_5$, $COD_{cr}$, $NH_4{^+}-N$ and T-N were removed 99.0%, 43.0%, 12.9%, 48.5% and 18.7% respectively in the submerged membrane bio-reactor. The reverse osmosis system could remove $BOD_5$, $COD_{cr}$, $NH_4{^+}-N$ and T-N as an efficiency of97.5%, 97.6%, 79.7% and 85.4% respectively. The evaporator could remove $COD_{cr}$, $NH_4{^+}-N$ and T-N as an efficiency of 90.5%, 50.6% and 63.3% respectively. However the condensed water of the evaporator was not satisfied the legal standard and should be treated in reverse osmosis with the pre-treated leachate.

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Adhesion Behavior of Chondrocyte and Osteoblast on Surface-Modified Biodegradable PLLA Films and Scaffolds (표면개질된 생분해성 PLLA 필름 및 지지체의 연골세포와 조골세포 점착거동)

  • Choi, Ji-Yeon;Jung, Hyun-Jung;Park, Bang-Ju;Joung, Yoon-Ki;Park, Kwi-Deok;Han, Dong-Keun
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.357-363
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    • 2012
  • Surface-modified poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) films and scaffolds were treated with plasma discharge in oxygen gas and subsequently subjected to $in$ $situ$ grafting of acrylic acid (AA) in order to increase the cell compatibility. The surface of AA-grafted PLLA was converted to hydroxyapatite (HA)-deposited PLLA in stimulated body fluid (SBF). After the samples were immersed in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), fetal bovine serum (FBS), normal saline, or cell medium, the water contact angles were significantly reduced on the surface of HA-deposited PLLA. Chondrocyte and osteoblast showed a higher attachment and cell proliferation on HA-deposited surfaces and in particular, it was confirmed that chondrocyte was considerably influenced by HA. However, osteoblast showed better cell proliferation on the surfaces immersed in FBS, cell medium or HA-deposited surface. In addition, the cell proliferation in 3D scaffolds was much higher than that on film type, irrespective of chondrocyte and osteoblast. Therefore, such surface-modified PLLAs are expected to be useful as organic-inorganic hybrid scaffolds in the regeneration of cartilage and bone.

A Clinical Analysis of Patients Who Visited Emergency Department due to Chemical Incident Occurred at Industrial Place: A Retrospective Study (산업장 화학 사고로 응급실에 내원한 환자의 임상적 고찰: 일개병원의 후향적 연구)

  • Shin, Hee Jun;Oh, Se Kwang;Yoo, Byeong Dai;Jun, Duck Ho;Lee, Dong Ha;Woo, Kuck Hyeun;Yoon, Seong Yong;Choi, Sung Yong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.78-86
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to understand what kinds of chemical substances have been used annually and to investigate incidents that occurred due to chemical hazard release and to analyze statistically clinically chemical injury patients who visited one regional emergency medical center in Gumi city with documented references review. Methods: Annual chemical waste emission quantity (Kg/Year) (Cwep) was reproduced using national web site data governed by the Ministry of Environment and 5 years (from 1 .Jan. 2010 to 31. Dec. 2014) of medical records of chemical injury patients who visited our emergency department were reviewed retrospectively. By applying exclusion criteria, 446 patients of 460 patients were selected. Results: Dichloromethane, Toluene, Trichloroethylene, and Xylene were always included within Top 5 of Cweq. Six cases of chemical incidents were reported and in 3 of 6 cases involving Hydrogen fluoride were included during the study period. Male gender and twenties were the most prevalent group. Injury evoking chemicals were Hydrogen fluoride, unknown, complex chemicals (over 2 substances) in sequence. The most frequent site of wounds and injuries was the respiratory tract. Gas among status, intoxication among diagnosis, and discharge among disposition was most numerous in each group. Conclusion: There have been no uniform clinical protocols for chemical wounds and injuries due to various kinds of chemicophysical properties and ignorance of antidotes. Therefore conduct of a multicenter cohort study and experiments for ruling out chemicals according to chemicophysical priority as well as development of antidotes and clinical protocols for chemical injury patients is needed.

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Electrode Fabrication and Electrochemical Characterization of a Sealed Ni-MH Battery for Industrial Use (산업용 밀폐형 니켈수소전지의 전극 제조 및 전기화학적 특성)

  • An, Yang-Im;Kim, Sae-Hwan;Jo, Jin-Hun;Kim, Ho-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.289-296
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    • 2008
  • Electrochemical studies were performed by a half-cell test for the nickel hydroxide (cathode) and hydrogen storage alloy(anode) electrodes for the sealed Ni-MH batteries applicable to industrial use. The electrodes were fabricated and checked a charge efficiency and an internal pressure of the battery during charge-discharge cycling. In order to reduce the internal pressure of the sealed Ni-MH battery, cyclic voltammetry (CV) were performed on the electrodes of nickel hydroxide(cathode) and hydrogen storage alloy(anode), respectively. The results of the test showed clearly the oxidation/reduction and oxygen evolution reaction in a nickel hydroxide electrode and the hydrogenation behavior of a hydrogen storage electrode. The sealed Ni-MH battery of 130Ah was fabricated by using nickel hydroxide of a high over-voltage for an oxygen gas evolution and hydrogen storage alloy of a good performance for activation The battery showed a good characteristics such as a high charge efficiency of 98% at 1 C charge current, a low level internal pressure of 4 atm on a continuous over-charging and a large preservation capacity of 95% at 400 cycle.

Effects of plasma ion nitriding temperature using DC glow discharge on improvement of corrosion resistance of 304 stainless steel in seawater (천연 해수에서 304 스테인리스강의 내식성에 미치는 DC glow 방전 플라즈마 이온질화처리 온도의 영향)

  • Chong, Sang-Ok;Park, Il-Cho;Kim, Seong-Jong
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.238-244
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    • 2017
  • Plasma ion nitriding has been widely used in various industries to improve the mechanical properties of materials, especially stainless steels by increasing the surface hardness. It has the particular advantages of less distortion compared to that in the case of hardening of steel, gas nitriding, and carburizing; in addition, it allows treatment at low-temperatures, and results in a high surface hardness and improved corrosion resistance. Many researchers have demonstrated that the plasma ion nitriding process should be carried out at temperatures of below $450^{\circ}C$ to improve corrosion resistance via the formation of the expanded austenite phase(S-phase). Most experimentals studied to date have been carried out in chloride solutions like HCl or NaCl. However, the electrochemical characteristics for the chloride solutions and natural seawater differ. Hence, in this work, plasma ion nitriding of 304 stainless steels was performed at various temperatures, and the electrochemical characteristics corresponding to the different process temperatures were analyzed for the samples in natural seawater. Finally the optimum plasma ion nitriding temperature that resulted in the highest corrosion resistance was determined.

Analysis of Air Discharge and Disused Air Filters in Radioisotope Production Facility

  • Kim, Sung Ho;Lee, Bu Hyung;Kwon, Soo Il;Kim, Jae Seok;Kim, Gi-sub;Park, Min Seok;Jung, Haijo
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.156-161
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    • 2016
  • When air discharged from a radioisotope production facility is contaminated with radiation, the public may be exposed to radiation. The objective of this study is to manage such radiation exposure. We measured the airborne radioactivity concentration at a 30 MeV cyclotron radioisotope production facility to assess whether the exhaust gas was contaminated. Additionally, we investigted the radioactive contamination of the air filter for efficient air purification and radiation safety control. To measure the airborne radiation concentration, specimens were collected weekly for 4 h after the beginning of the radioisotope production. Regarding the air purifier, five specimens were collected at different positions of each filter-pre-filter, high-efficiency particulate air filter, and charcoal filter-installed in the cyclotron production room. The concentrations of F-18, I-123, I-131, and Tl-201 generated in the radioiodine production room were $13.5Bq/m^3$, $27.0Bq/m^3$, $0.10Bq/m^3$, and $11.5Bq/m^3$, respectively; the concentrations of F-18, I-123, and I-131 produced in the radioisotope production room were $0.05Bq/m^3$, $16.1Bq/m^3$, and $0.45Bq/m^3$, correspondingly; and those of F-18, I-123, I-131, and Tl-201 generated in the accelerator room were $2.07Bq/m^3$, $53.0Bq/m^3$, $0.37Bq/m^3$, and $0.15Bq/m^3$, respectively. The maximum radiation concentration of I-123 generated in the radioiodine production room was 1,820 Bq/g, which can be disposed after 2 days. The maximum radiation concentration of Tl-202 generated in the radioisotope production room was 205 Bq/g, and this isotope must be stored for 53 days. The I-123 generated in the radioiodine production room had a maximum concentration of 1,530 Bq/g and must be stored for 2 days. The maximum radiation concentration of Na-22 generated in the radioisotope production room was 0.18 Bq/g and this isotope must be disposed after 827 days. To manage the exhaust, the efficiency of air purification must be enhanced by selecting an air purifier with a long life and determining the appropriate replacement time by examining the differential pressure through systematic measurements of the airborne radiation contamination level.

Determination of hazardous semi-volatile organic compounds in industrial wastewater using disk-type solid-phase extraction and GC-MS (디스크형 고상 추출법과 GC/MS를 이용한 공장폐수 중 반휘발성유기화합물질 분석)

  • Lee, In-Jung;Lim, Tae-Hyo;Heo, Seong-Nam;Nam, Su-Gyeong;Lee, Jae-Gwan;Cheon, Se-Uk
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.236-241
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    • 2012
  • There are many industrial factories in the central Nakdong river basin and have been occurred water pollution accidents by hazardous chemicals such as phenol, 1,4-dioxane and perchlorate. In this study, ten compounds of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) (dichlorvos, toluene-2,4-diisocyanate, 4,4'-methylenedianiline, 4,4'-methylenebis (2-chloroaniline), diethyl phthalate, di-n-butyl phthalate, butyl benzyl phthaltate, bis (2-ethylhexyl) adipate, benzophenone, 4,4'-bisphenol A) of hazardous chemicals which may be potentially discharged into the Nakdong river, were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) with disk-type solid-phase extraction. Accuracy and precision were in the range of 75.6~110.5%, and 4.6~12.7%, respectively and recovery was in the range of 72.4~127.9%. Three compounds (bis (2-ethylhexyl)adipate, benzophenone, 4,4'-bisphenol A) were detected in industrial wastewater such as wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and wastewater discharge facilities in the Nakdong River basin.

Development of 80 kW RF Thermal Plasma Torch System for Mass Production and Research of Si Nano-Powder Manufacturing Process (양산용 80 kW급 RF Plasma Torch System 개발 및 Si 나노분말 제조 공정 연구)

  • Song, Seok-Kyun;Son, Byungkoo;Kim, Byunghoon;Lee, Moonwon;Sin, Myungsun;Choi, Sunyong;Lee, Kyu-Hang;Kim, Seong-In
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.66-78
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    • 2013
  • In order to develop of 80 kW RF plasma torch system, we achieved three-dimensional simulations for the extraction of more information as temperature in torch and fluid behavior analysis, etc. The position of powder injection tube, the plasma discharge characteristics with various input current and various length of ceramic tube, and the plasma temperature characteristics with process gas flow rate such those was simulated. RF thermal plasma torch designed by simulation was manufactured that was measured to the maximum of 89.3 kW power. The mass production using developed 80 kW RF thermal plasma torch system were investigated by characteristics manufactured of Si nano powder. The mass-production level of Si nano-powder was average of 539 g/hr and high yield rate of 71.6%, respectively. The particle size distribution $D_{99}/D_{50}$ of manufacturing nano-powder was investigated to 1.98 as a good uniform.

A Novel Approach for Controlling Process Uniformity with a Large Area VHF Source for Solar Applications

  • Tanaka, T.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2011.08a
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    • pp.146-147
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    • 2011
  • Processing a large area substrate for liquid crystal display (LCD) or solar panel applications in a capacitively coupled plasma (CCP) reactor is becoming increasingly challenging because of the size of the substrate size is no longer negligible compared to the wavelength of the applied radio frequency (RF) power. The situation is even worse when the driving frequency is increased to the Very High Frequency (VHF) range. When the substrate size is still smaller than 1/8 of the wavelength, one can obtain reasonably uniform process results by utilizing with methods such as tailoring the precursor gas distribution by adjustingthrough shower head hole distribution or hole size modification, locally adjusting the distance between the substrate and the electrode, and shaping shower head holes to modulate the hollow cathode effect modifying theand plasma density distribution by shaping shower head holes to adjust the follow cathode effect. At higher frequencies, such as 40 MHz for Gen 8.5 (2.2 m${\times}$2.6 m substrate), these methods are not effective, because the substrate is large enough that first node of the standing wave appears within the substrate. In such a case, the plasma discharge cannot be sustained at the node and results in an extremely non-uniform process. At Applied Materials, we have studied several methods of modifying the standing wave pattern to adjusting improve process non-uniformity for a Gen 8.5 size CCP reactor operating in the VHF range. First, we used magnetic materials (ferrite) to modify wave propagation. We placed ferrite blocks along two opposing edges of the powered electrode. This changes the boundary condition for electro-magnetic waves, and as a result, the standing wave pattern is significantly stretched towards the ferrite lined edges. In conjunction with a phase modulation technique, we have seen improvement in process uniformity. Another method involves feeding 40 MHz from four feed points near the four corners of the electrode. The phase between each feed points are dynamically adjusted to modify the resulting interference pattern, which in turn modulate the plasma distribution in time and affect the process uniformity. We achieved process uniformity of <20% with this method. A third method involves using two frequencies. In this case 40 MHz is used in a supplementary manner to improve the performance of 13 MHz process. Even at 13 MHz, the RF electric field falls off around the corners and edges on a Gen 8.5 substrate. Although, the conventional methods mentioned above improve the uniformity, they have limitations, and they cannot compensate especially as the applied power is increased, which causes the wavelength becomes shorter. 40 MHz is used to overcome such limitations. 13 MHz is applied at the center, and 40 MHz at the four corners. By modulating the interference between the signals from the four feed points, we found that 40 MHz power is preferentially channeled towards the edges and corners. We will discuss an innovative method of controlling 40 MHz to achieve this effect.

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Research on the Multi-electrode Plasma Discharge for the Large Area PECVD Processing

  • Lee, Yun-Seong;You, Dae-Ho;Seol, You-Bin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2012.02a
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    • pp.478-478
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    • 2012
  • Recently, there are many researches in order to increase the deposition rate (D/R) and improve film uniformity and quality in the deposition of microcrystalline silicon thin film. These two factors are the most important issues in the fabrication of the thin film solar cell, and for the purpose of that, several process conditions, including the large area electrode (more than 1.1 X 1.3 (m2)), higher pressure (1 ~ 10 (Torr)), and very high frequency regime (VHF, 40 ~ 100 (MHz)), have been needed. But, in the case of large-area capacitively coupled discharges (CCP) driven at frequencies higher than the usual RF (13.56 (MHz)) frequency, the standing wave and skin effects should be the critical problems for obtaining the good plasma uniformity, and the ion damage on the thin film layer due to the high voltage between the substrate and the bulk plasma might cause the defects which degrade the film quality. In this study, we will propose the new concept of the large-area multi-electrode (a new multi-electrode concept for the large-area plasma source), which consists of a series of electrodes and grounds arranged by turns. The experimental results with this new electrode showed the processing performances of high D/R (1 ~ 2 (nm/sec)), controllable crystallinity (~70% and controllable), and good uniformity (less than 10%) at the conditions of the relatively high frequency of 40 MHz in the large-area electrode of 280 X 540 mm2. And, we also observed the SEM images of the deposited thin film at the conditions of peeling, normal microcrystalline, and powder formation, and discussed the mechanisms of the crystal formation and voids generation in the film in order to try the enhancement of the film quality compared to the cases of normal VHF capacitive discharges. Also, we will discuss the relation between the processing parameters (including gap length between electrode and substrate, operating pressure) and the processing results (D/R and crystallinity) with the process condition map for ${\mu}c$-Si:H formation at a fixed input power and gas flow rate. Finally, we will discuss the potential of the multi-electrode of the 3.5G-class large-area plasma processing (650 X 550 (mm2) to the possibility of the expansion of the new electrode concept to 8G class large-area plasma processing and the additional issues in order to improve the process efficiency.

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